The Only Black GOP Senator senator delivers speech on policing and race

Now we fall back on Fox and friends. Why do libtards see fox and friends as the cause of all their problems? If it was not for fox and friends their world would be just Oakes dokey! Libtards are demented people.
They spoon- feed you your daily dose of rw hate Sugar Tits. That much is obvious

Stopped 7 times in one year? Must be a bad driver

Asked for his ID? Mustve been looking shady

Calls from Supervisors apologizing? Must've been a "pressured" apology

I think that covers most of it

1) Were any of the stops deemed to be illegal stops?

2) Everyone who is stopped is asked for ID, unless they are known to the officer.

3) WTF does him being an elected official have to do with anything? Sounds like maybe he thinks because he is an elected official he shouldn't have gotten pulled over. Sounds a little entitled to me.

4) Supervisors are pussies for apologizing just because the guy is an elected official.
It is way too late for that divisive asshole to call for unity.

For people like you, it was too late for President Obama to call for unity in December of 2007.

The only thing divisive about President Obama is that he is black- and you are not.

This is when he started blaming cops and he hasn't stopped since.

"One of the first examples that's frequently cited came in the first year of Obama's first term. In July 2009, historian Henry Louis Gates, who is black, was arrested while trying to force his way into his own home in Cambridge, Mass. (The door was jammed.) As the incident gained national attention, Obama weighed in, saying that the arresting officer had "acted stupidly" for handcuffing and booking Gates."

The cop was white and stupid and the professor was black and not stupid according the the racist prick Obama.

Hmmmm who commented about the cop being white?

Oh that would be the racist prick- you.

"In July 2009, historian Henry Louis Gates, who is black,............"

The arresting cop was white, but his partner, a black cop, agreed 100% that the arrest was completely justified and so publicly stated.

The only racist in the picture was Obama, who rushed to judgement without knowing the facts based on the race of the cop.

And you call him a 'racist prick' for these damning words

“I don’t know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that,” Obama said after Gates’s arrest. “But I think it’s fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home, and, number three, what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there’s a long history in this country of African Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.”

Good thing he didn't go Full Racist and call Mexicans rapists.

Stopped 7 times in one year? Must be a bad driver

Asked for his ID? Mustve been looking shady

Calls from Supervisors apologizing? Must've been a "pressured" apology

I think that covers most of it

1) Were any of the stops deemed to be illegal stops?

2) Everyone who is stopped is asked for ID, unless they are known to the officer.

3) WTF does him being an elected official have to do with anything? Sounds like maybe he thinks because he is an elected official he shouldn't have gotten pulled over. Sounds a little entitled to me.

4) Supervisors are pussies for apologizing just because the guy is an elected official.

So you are saying that this is just another whiny Republican making these claims?

Stopped 7 times in one year? Must be a bad driver

Asked for his ID? Mustve been looking shady

Calls from Supervisors apologizing? Must've been a "pressured" apology

I think that covers most of it

1) Were any of the stops deemed to be illegal stops?

2) Everyone who is stopped is asked for ID, unless they are known to the officer.

3) WTF does him being an elected official have to do with anything? Sounds like maybe he thinks because he is an elected official he shouldn't have gotten pulled over. Sounds a little entitled to me.

4) Supervisors are pussies for apologizing just because the guy is an elected official.

So you are saying that this is just another whiny Republican making these claims?

Whiney, black republican, yes.
For people like you, it was too late for President Obama to call for unity in December of 2007.

The only thing divisive about President Obama is that he is black- and you are not.

This is when he started blaming cops and he hasn't stopped since.

"One of the first examples that's frequently cited came in the first year of Obama's first term. In July 2009, historian Henry Louis Gates, who is black, was arrested while trying to force his way into his own home in Cambridge, Mass. (The door was jammed.) As the incident gained national attention, Obama weighed in, saying that the arresting officer had "acted stupidly" for handcuffing and booking Gates."

The cop was white and stupid and the professor was black and not stupid according the the racist prick Obama.

Hmmmm who commented about the cop being white?

Oh that would be the racist prick- you.

"In July 2009, historian Henry Louis Gates, who is black,............"

The arresting cop was white, but his partner, a black cop, agreed 100% that the arrest was completely justified and so publicly stated.

The only racist in the picture was Obama, who rushed to judgement without knowing the facts based on the race of the cop.

And you call him a 'racist prick' for these damning words

“I don’t know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that,” Obama said after Gates’s arrest. “But I think it’s fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home, and, number three, what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there’s a long history in this country of African Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.”

Good thing he didn't go Full Racist and call Mexicans rapists.

Here is what went down according to wikipedia.

Gates found the front door to his home jammed shut and, with the help of his driver, tried to force it open. A local witness reported their activity to the police as a potential burglary in progress. Accounts regarding the ensuing confrontation differ, but Gates was arrested by the responding officer, Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley, and charged with disorderly conduct.

According to the police report, Crowley arrived at the scene, went up to the front door, and asked Gates to step outside. Crowley explained he was investigating the report of a break-in in progress; as he did so, Gates opened the front door and said, "Why, because I'm a black man in America

Crowley's report states that he believed Gates was lawfully in the residence, but that he was surprised and confused by Gates' behavior, which included a threat that Crowley did not know who he was "messing with." Crowley then asked Gates for a photo ID so as to verify he was the resident of the house; Gates initially refused, but then did supply his Harvard University identification card. Crowley wrote that Gates repeatedly shouted requests for his identification. Crowley then told Gates that he was leaving his residence and that if Gates wanted to continue discussing the matter, he would speak to him outside. Gates replied, "Yeah, I'll speak with your mama outside." On the 9-1-1 dispatcher audio recordings, a man's loud voice is heard in the background at several points during Sgt. Crowley's transmissions.

Gates stepped onto his front porch and continued to yell at him, accusing him of racial bias and saying he had not heard the last of him. Faced with this tumultuous behavior from Gates, even though he was still standing on his own front porch, Crowley warned Gates that he was becoming disorderly. When Gates ignored this warning and persisted in his behavior, and likewise ignored a second warning from Crowley, Crowley informed him that he was under arrest.

Sgt. James Crowley's supporters noted he was chosen by a black police commissioner to serve as an instructor for a Lowell Police Academy course entitled "Racial Profiling", which Crowley has taught since 2004. While working as a campus police officer at Brandeis University in 1993, Crowley had tried to revive African American Boston Celtics star Reggie Lewis with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation after the latter suffered a fatal heart attack. Crowley received public support from many police officers, including African Americans, who portrayed him as a good and fair officer.

Sgt. Leon Lashley, a black officer who was present at Gates's arrest, said he supported Sgt. Crowley's actions "100 percent." Lashley added that he thought it would have gone differently, with no arrest, if he had been the first officer to arrive on the scene and the initial encounter with Gates had been "black man to black man." Another officer in the Cambridge police department said "racism is not part of it, and that is what is frustrating."

In the aftermath, Obama stated that he regretted his comments and hoped that the situation could become a "teachable moment."

The bottom line is, if a black or a white man gives a police officer a double ration of shit and rags on his mama, they will be and should be arrested.

Stopped 7 times in one year? Must be a bad driver

Asked for his ID? Mustve been looking shady

Calls from Supervisors apologizing? Must've been a "pressured" apology

I think that covers most of it

First off, do you have any idea how many black people are in South Carolina? The only way you mother fuckers are getting pulled over multiple times for no reason if if theres 10 million cops doing it. The math simply doesnt support this theory about black people being pulled over so much.

Secondly, you say theres only 1 republican senator, as if its a mark of shame. Do you know how many black demoract Senators there are? :laugh:

Stopped 7 times in one year? Must be a bad driver

Asked for his ID? Mustve been looking shady

Calls from Supervisors apologizing? Must've been a "pressured" apology

I think that covers most of it

First off, do you have any idea how many black people are in South Carolina? The only way you mother fuckers are getting pulled over multiple times for no reason if if theres 10 million cops doing it. The math simply doesnt support this theory about black people being pulled over so much.

Secondly, you say theres only 1 republican senator, as if its a mark of shame. Do you know how many black demoract Senators there are? :laugh:

Corey Booker(NJ) is the only current black Democrat Senator that I am aware of.
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Odd isn't it- how selective your posts are?

You didn't reply to Willow's posts- where he kept asking why 'blacks are shooting cops'

Apparently 'racism' is only 'racism' to you when someone accuses whites of doing something.

Some blacks apparently are shooting cops egged on by Black Lies Matter.

Show me the white racist group of comparable media coverage that is encouraging whites to kill cops.

Otherwise you have no point, which seems to be your norm.
Odd isn't it- how selective your posts are?

You didn't reply to Willow's posts- where he kept asking why 'blacks are shooting cops'

Apparently 'racism' is only 'racism' to you when someone accuses whites of doing something.

Some blacks apparently are shooting cops egged on by Black Lies Matter..

'some blacks' have shot cops.

I don't know what you imagine 'Black Lies Matter' is- nor what you imagine your imaginary group has to do with the fact that some black gun owners have shot cops- including black cops.

Now if you want to talk about 'Black Lives Matter'- that group has not called on anyone to shoot or kill cops.
Sgt. Leon Lashley, a black officer who was present at Gates's arrest, said he supported Sgt. Crowley's actions "100 percent." Lashley added that he thought it would have gone differently, with no arrest, if he had been the first officer to arrive on the scene and the initial encounter with Gates had been "black man to black man." Another officer in the Cambridge police department said "racism is not part of it, and that is what is frustrating."

In the aftermath, Obama stated that he regretted his comments and hoped that the situation could become a "teachable moment."

The bottom line is, if a black or a white man gives a police officer a double ration of shit and rags on his mama, they will be and should be arrested.

Two things:

A) Again- how does that make President Obama a racist shit?
B) I think everyone should deal respectfully with police. First of all, it is the decent thing to do, and secondly it is the smart thing to do. But that doesn't mean I think police should be arresting someone for 'giving them shit' or even insulting their mother.
Sgt. Leon Lashley, a black officer who was present at Gates's arrest, said he supported Sgt. Crowley's actions "100 percent." Lashley added that he thought it would have gone differently, with no arrest, if he had been the first officer to arrive on the scene and the initial encounter with Gates had been "black man to black man." Another officer in the Cambridge police department said "racism is not part of it, and that is what is frustrating."

In the aftermath, Obama stated that he regretted his comments and hoped that the situation could become a "teachable moment."

The bottom line is, if a black or a white man gives a police officer a double ration of shit and rags on his mama, they will be and should be arrested.

Two things:

A) Again- how does that make President Obama a racist shit?
B) I think everyone should deal respectfully with police. First of all, it is the decent thing to do, and secondly it is the smart thing to do. But that doesn't mean I think police should be arresting someone for 'giving them shit' or even insulting their mother.

Why don't you give a cop a ration and insult his mother and find out?
Sgt. Leon Lashley, a black officer who was present at Gates's arrest, said he supported Sgt. Crowley's actions "100 percent." Lashley added that he thought it would have gone differently, with no arrest, if he had been the first officer to arrive on the scene and the initial encounter with Gates had been "black man to black man." Another officer in the Cambridge police department said "racism is not part of it, and that is what is frustrating."

In the aftermath, Obama stated that he regretted his comments and hoped that the situation could become a "teachable moment."

The bottom line is, if a black or a white man gives a police officer a double ration of shit and rags on his mama, they will be and should be arrested.

Two things:

A) Again- how does that make President Obama a racist shit?
B) I think everyone should deal respectfully with police. First of all, it is the decent thing to do, and secondly it is the smart thing to do. But that doesn't mean I think police should be arresting someone for 'giving them shit' or even insulting their mother.

Why don't you give a cop a ration and insult his mother and find out?

Why don't you learn to read before you post?

B) I think everyone should deal respectfully with police. First of all, it is the decent thing to do, and secondly it is the smart thing to do. But that doesn't mean I think police should be arresting someone for 'giving them shit' or even insulting their mother

Stopped 7 times in one year? Must be a bad driver

Asked for his ID? Mustve been looking shady

Calls from Supervisors apologizing? Must've been a "pressured" apology

I think that covers most of it

First off, do you have any idea how many black people are in South Carolina? The only way you mother fuckers are getting pulled over multiple times for no reason if if theres 10 million cops doing it. The math simply doesnt support this theory about black people being pulled over so much.

Secondly, you say theres only 1 republican senator, as if its a mark of shame. Do you know how many black demoract Senators there are? :laugh:

Corey Booker(NJ) is the only current black Democrat Senator that I am aware of.

Ding ding ding. Winner!

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