The only laws that will disarm criminals, is a TOTAL BAN, followed by confiscation

Nope, just offering a reasonable solution to an unreasonable situation--unless you like weekly massacres which I assume you do.

are you referencing the 74 shooting in 77 weeks bullshit that has been debunked already as "massacres?"

Welcome to JoeBlow Kellerman territory. Eat a neg. a negative rating? Make me laugh harder.

Near-Weekly massacres
brought to you by the NRA and it's members.

Do you admit the numbers you just referenced, i.e. "a massacre a week" are bullshit?

Or, like most progressives, do you refuse to admit when the numbers you state are dead fucking wrong, instead continuing the lie because it suits your agenda?
Considering gun companies are in competition with each other it tends to keep the price down to where most people can afford a gun.
Link to the "most people can afford a gun" hogwash.

So you can't look up gun prices?

You NEVER hear people complain guns are un-affordable, but you hear plenty about government fees being too high.

No, just asking you to back up your statement.

A short google of "guns are too expansive" returns 72,000 hits. If you can back up your statement using data...feel free. If not, we'll just assume you're lying as always.
are you referencing the 74 shooting in 77 weeks bullshit that has been debunked already as "massacres?"

Welcome to JoeBlow Kellerman territory. Eat a neg. a negative rating? Make me laugh harder.

Near-Weekly massacres
brought to you by the NRA and it's members.

Do you admit the numbers you just referenced, i.e. "a massacre a week" are bullshit?

Or, like most progressives, do you refuse to admit when the numbers you state are dead fucking wrong, instead continuing the lie because it suits your agenda?

Your To-Do List:

1. See "near" in above statement by me.
2. Look up "near" in dictionary.
3. Have an adult explain it to you
4. Apologize to the board for your idiocy.

Repeat as necessary.
Link to the "most people can afford a gun" hogwash.

So you can't look up gun prices?

You NEVER hear people complain guns are un-affordable, but you hear plenty about government fees being too high.

No, just asking you to back up your statement.

A short google of "guns are too expansive" returns 72,000 hits. If you can back up your statement using data...feel free. If not, we'll just assume you're lying as always.

lazy fuck. Refute my statement. Oh wait, you can't.
The statement i made isn't the type that requires "backup of data"

However your massacre a week one does, and i have yet to see it.

Pony up asshole.
I agree, the gun companies are unconstitutional since they charge money for what you're guaranteed a right to have. Newspapers should be free too...right?

Considering gun companies are in competition with each other it tends to keep the price down to where most people can afford a gun.
Link to the "most people can afford a gun" hogwash.

If most people can afford an XBox with some games they can afford a gun.....just saying.
Last edited: a negative rating? Make me laugh harder.

Near-Weekly massacres
brought to you by the NRA and it's members.

Do you admit the numbers you just referenced, i.e. "a massacre a week" are bullshit?

Or, like most progressives, do you refuse to admit when the numbers you state are dead fucking wrong, instead continuing the lie because it suits your agenda?

Your To-Do List:

1. See "near" in above statement by me.
2. Look up "near" in dictionary.
3. Have an adult explain it to you
4. Apologize to the board for your idiocy.

Repeat as necessary.

Near weekly massacres is even worse, because it's basically just an ASSUMPTION of an OPINION.

You are a complete joke. FOAD.
So you can't look up gun prices?

You NEVER hear people complain guns are un-affordable, but you hear plenty about government fees being too high.

No, just asking you to back up your statement.

A short google of "guns are too expansive" returns 72,000 hits. If you can back up your statement using data...feel free. If not, we'll just assume you're lying as always.

lazy fuck. Refute my statement. Oh wait, you can't.
The statement i made isn't the type that requires "backup of data"

However your massacre a week one does, and i have yet to see it.

Pony up asshole.

Congratulations, you made me laugh harder. I may need to add that to the sig-line hall of fame. "My statements can't be backed up with data...but I demand that you back yours up (even though it's been qualified by "near").
Yes or no question; do we have too many gun deaths in this nation?

Simple yes or no...

We don't have enough gun deaths to warrant gun bans or all the crap you propose.

The question you ask CANT be answered simple yes or no.
Guns are one of the highest-taxed items in the country. I recall seeing some essay describing taxes on various items, from gasoline to liquor to guns, and guns came out by far the highest.

Basically if you bought a gun for $300, about $75 was the actual cost of the gun (manufacturing, materials, shipping etc.), and the rest was taxes along the way. Income taxes for the workers producing it, duties on the materials, sales taxes, and large excise taxes on firearms for Federal, state, and local government.

I don't have a link, that essay was from 20 years ago. But I doubt it's gotten any lower since then. If anything, higher.
No, just asking you to back up your statement.

A short google of "guns are too expansive" returns 72,000 hits. If you can back up your statement using data...feel free. If not, we'll just assume you're lying as always.

lazy fuck. Refute my statement. Oh wait, you can't.
The statement i made isn't the type that requires "backup of data"

However your massacre a week one does, and i have yet to see it.

Pony up asshole.

Congratulations, you made me laugh harder. I may need to add that to the sig-line hall of fame. "My statements can't be backed up with data...but I demand that you back yours up (even though it's been qualified by "near").

The "near" makes it even more of a bullshit statement.

Guns in the country are affordable, which is the WHOLE PURPOSE for you wanting to price them out with onerous insurance requirements.

'calling for data" for a statement that is obviously correct is the sign of a person who can't hold their argument.

On the other hand, you specifically call out "one near massacre a week" and yet provide no real evidence of this.

Again, pony up.
Yes or no question; do we have too many gun deaths in this nation?

Simple yes or no...

Why don't you ask the people doing the shooting? Mostly gangbangers shooting other gangbangers, criminals, druggies shooting their suppliers, suicides etc.

Take away those, and "gun deaths" are about as common as deaths from plague.
Do you admit the numbers you just referenced, i.e. "a massacre a week" are bullshit?

Or, like most progressives, do you refuse to admit when the numbers you state are dead fucking wrong, instead continuing the lie because it suits your agenda?

Your To-Do List:

1. See "near" in above statement by me.
2. Look up "near" in dictionary.
3. Have an adult explain it to you
4. Apologize to the board for your idiocy.

Repeat as necessary.

Near weekly massacres is even worse, because it's basically just an ASSUMPTION of an OPINION.

You are a complete joke. FOAD.

Yet you can't refute any of it...

We do have near weekly massacres although you should see that decrease since school is out for the Summer and the assassins bread by the NRA are going into their planning phases.

Raising the price through a necessary "mayhem" tax would decrease supply which would eventually result in fewer gun deaths. Why you're against having less blood flooding our streets and elementary school hallways is a mystery.

Tougher sentences for criminals would lead to more gun confiscation and have fewer murderers on the street. Again, why you oppose that is a mystery.

The first step is admitting we have a problem.

Do we have too many gun deaths in this nation.

Yes or no?
Your To-Do List:

1. See "near" in above statement by me.
2. Look up "near" in dictionary.
3. Have an adult explain it to you
4. Apologize to the board for your idiocy.

Repeat as necessary.

Near weekly massacres is even worse, because it's basically just an ASSUMPTION of an OPINION.

You are a complete joke. FOAD.

Yet you can't refute any of it...

We do have near weekly massacres although you should see that decrease since school is out for the Summer and the assassins bread by the NRA are going into their planning phases.

Raising the price through a necessary "mayhem" tax would decrease supply which would eventually result in fewer gun deaths. Why you're against having less blood flooding our streets and elementary school hallways is a mystery.

Tougher sentences for criminals would lead to more gun confiscation and have fewer murderers on the street. Again, why you oppose that is a mystery.

The first step is admitting we have a problem.

Do we have too many gun deaths in this nation.

Yes or no?

Show me where I oppose tougher sentences for criminals, and I mean ACTUAL criminals, not criminals created by assholes like you supporting unconstitutional gun laws.

Your "mayhem tax" is infringement by the government. Nothing more or less. Don't like it, repeal the 2nd amendment.

We do have near weekly massacres although you should see that decrease since school is out for the Summer and the assassins bread by the NRA are going into their planning phases.

And i would LOVE to see you back THAT shit up with some data.

I answered your question. and Meister called you on the loaded question crap, so try again.
Link to the "most people can afford a gun" hogwash.

If most people can afford an XBox with some games they can afford a gun.....just saying.

i'm curious how Candy's plan would have kept a gun from adam lanza

I've been asking a question similar to this with other anti gun posters and they all refuse to address the simple question. Not just with Lanza, but with the school shooters.....all the school shooters that I can recall.
Yes or no question; do we have too many gun deaths in this nation?

Simple yes or no...

We don't have enough gun deaths to warrant gun bans or all the crap you propose.

The question you ask CANT be answered simple yes or no.

So how many do we need to have before you agree we need to change?

Give us a number.

It would have to be bigger than it is now, and it would require changing the 2nd amendment to do anything about it.

Right now 19k of the 32k are suicides, and I don't give a rats ass about those.

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