The only laws that will disarm criminals, is a TOTAL BAN, followed by confiscation

Considering gun companies are in competition with each other it tends to keep the price down to where most people can afford a gun.
Link to the "most people can afford a gun" hogwash.

If most people can afford an XBox with some games they can afford a gun.....just saying.

Makes you wonder why the 56% of the society are not murderous felons as the NRA suggests is the direct result of video games and violent movies. Somehow--only US citizens seem to be susceptible to the effects of violent media though.
We have tough laws on the books for those who use a weapon in commission of a crime, but the judicial system allows to have them plead down and reduced sentences. The problem is with our justice system.
We don't have enough gun deaths to warrant gun bans or all the crap you propose.

The question you ask CANT be answered simple yes or no.

So how many do we need to have before you agree we need to change?

Give us a number.

It would have to be bigger than it is now, and it would require changing the 2nd amendment to do anything about it.

Right now 19k of the 32k are suicides, and I don't give a rats ass about those. covered that already.
Give us a number to where you think we should change the way we do business... 30,000? 50,000? 100,000?
How do we get guns away from criminals?
What's the plan?
Step by step, please.
First we ban them. Then we require that you turn them in. Then we shoot anyone with a gun who isn't in uniform dead if they show up with one.

For those who hole up in their homes with their armory we have a special treat, you and your entire family get to meet Jesus as we bulldoze the place flat.

And that attitude right there, is why a total ban will never, ever be possible, whether the above poster is bull shitting or not, it has happened, and people aren't going to willingly let it happen again... not without a fight...


THIS is what America really needs to solve these senseless shootings...

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Link to the "most people can afford a gun" hogwash.

If most people can afford an XBox with some games they can afford a gun.....just saying.

Makes you wonder why the 56% of the society are not murderous felons as the NRA suggests is the direct result of video games and violent movies. Somehow--only US citizens seem to be susceptible to the effects of violent media though.

What does this have to do with gun affordability?

Most countries that has poverty.....really do live in poverty and don't have access to video games....unlike the US
Link to the "most people can afford a gun" hogwash.

If most people can afford an XBox with some games they can afford a gun.....just saying.

Makes you wonder why the 56% of the society are not murderous felons as the NRA suggests is the direct result of video games and violent movies. Somehow--only US citizens seem to be susceptible to the effects of violent media though.

makes you wonder why only .000024 guns ever commits a murder when gun grabbers tell us the only purpouse of a gun is to kill
So how many do we need to have before you agree we need to change?

Give us a number.

You're making the assumption there's anything we can do to reduce them.

What plan do you have in mind... other than the one that's the subject of this thread?

It will take a very long time:

Raise the price of guns either through taxes, a bond being placed on the weapon by the gun mfg, a form of "liability insurance" attached to gun permits or gun purchases.

Mandatory minimums for those who either brandish or use a firearm in the commission of a crime; 25-30 years

Massive cigarette company-type involvement of the gun companies to promote responsible gun ownership and emphasizing stringent adult supervision

What this will do is address the supply since higher prices equals to less demand. Sentences (and seizures) reduces crime which also reduces the perceived need for weapons thus reducing supply further
Education is always the key to remedying any problem from stopping the spread of AIDS to saving money to picking the right car for you.

We're learning that there is a breaking point to where Marty is willing to consider changing the way we do business. This is educational. Finding out why only US citizens seem susceptible to violent media is educational as well.
If most people can afford an XBox with some games they can afford a gun.....just saying.

Makes you wonder why the 56% of the society are not murderous felons as the NRA suggests is the direct result of video games and violent movies. Somehow--only US citizens seem to be susceptible to the effects of violent media though.

makes you wonder why only .000024 guns ever commits a murder when gun grabbers tell us the only purpouse of a gun is to kill

Guns have another purpose? What is it?
We have tough laws on the books for those who use a weapon in commission of a crime, but the judicial system allows to have them plead down and reduced sentences. The problem is with our justice system.
Quite true. However there is no evidence that tough laws such as you describe prevent crime or even have much effect on recidivism by those so convicted, and those laws certainly have no deterrence of psychotic spree killers.

Laws don't matter to those intent upon breaking the law or those too crazy to care. With hundreds of millions of guns in circulation there seems to be little chance of limiting gun access by criminals or the insane. We are going to have to put up with gun violence rates exponentially higher than the civilized world for generations at least.

Gun ownership by household has been dropping for years. Gun ownership is being concentrated in the hands of a shrinking number of multi-gun owning crooks, collectors and crazies. Eventually, the demographics of gun ownership will reach a tipping point and legal action will become feasible. But not in your lifetime, so keep your head down!
Makes you wonder why the 56% of the society are not murderous felons as the NRA suggests is the direct result of video games and violent movies. Somehow--only US citizens seem to be susceptible to the effects of violent media though.

makes you wonder why only .000024 guns ever commits a murder when gun grabbers tell us the only purpouse of a gun is to kill

Guns have another purpose? What is it?

Ever heard of Trap shooting? Ever heard of target shooting. Ever heard of shooting for fun? Every heard of owning a gun just as a deterrent?

Need more, or is that enough?
Makes you wonder why the 56% of the society are not murderous felons as the NRA suggests is the direct result of video games and violent movies. Somehow--only US citizens seem to be susceptible to the effects of violent media though.

makes you wonder why only .000024 guns ever commits a murder when gun grabbers tell us the only purpouse of a gun is to kill

Guns have another purpose? What is it?

thanks for exposing yourself as totally uniformed. now you know why no one take you gung grabbers seriously
If most people can afford an XBox with some games they can afford a gun.....just saying.

Makes you wonder why the 56% of the society are not murderous felons as the NRA suggests is the direct result of video games and violent movies. Somehow--only US citizens seem to be susceptible to the effects of violent media though.

What does this have to do with gun affordability?

Most countries that has poverty.....really do live in poverty and don't have access to video games....unlike the US

Europe doesn't have access to video games and movies? Canada doesn't? Japan doesn't? China doesn't? Australia doesn't?

As for the affordabilty question, you may as well make the absurd statement that "most houses can afford refrigerators so they can afford guns" or "most people have cars so they can afford guns".

Or perhpas you can insinuate I beat my spouse again--real classy.
Makes you wonder why the 56% of the society are not murderous felons as the NRA suggests is the direct result of video games and violent movies. Somehow--only US citizens seem to be susceptible to the effects of violent media though.

makes you wonder why only .000024 guns ever commits a murder when gun grabbers tell us the only purpouse of a gun is to kill

Guns have another purpose? What is it?

The usual liberals know the answer to this question quite well, of course. They're only hoping there's someone out there who DOESN'T know it, so they can fool him into believing the liberals have any kind of sensible argument to make.

If all law-abiding adults were allowed to carry a gun, most of them still wouldn't bother. But a few would.

And a criminal who's thinking about mugging somebody, raping them, robbing a store etc., knows that. And he knows that, even though most people don't carry, there's still a pretty good chance that someone in the crowd probably has a gun. And he has no idea who.

But he knows a bullet may come from an unexpected direction, at any time, as he does his robbery or rape or whatever. And he has no way to defend against it.

A few truly insane whackos might go ahead and do it anyway. But a great many of them will simply never bother to rob the store or whatever he was planning to do. Some might even eventually find a different line of work.

And all without a shot being fired.

The biggest advantage of universal carry by law-abiding citizens, is that many crimes will simply never happen, that would have happened if not for the universal carry. Even though most people still don't bother carrying.
Guns have another purpose? What is it?

thanks for exposing yourself as totally uniformed. now you know why no one take you gung grabbers seriously

Yet you're still here...debating your "point" that guns have a use other than killing?

so how do you explain that only .000024 ever kill? what are the other ones, the majority doing? what ar the other 366,000,000 doing while a few thousand kill?
So how many do we need to have before you agree we need to change?

Give us a number.

It would have to be bigger than it is now, and it would require changing the 2nd amendment to do anything about it.

Right now 19k of the 32k are suicides, and I don't give a rats ass about those. covered that already.
Give us a number to where you think we should change the way we do business... 30,000? 50,000? 100,000?


What is the point where we change the way we do business? Is it okay at 25,000 deaths but 25,001 is too many????
thanks for exposing yourself as totally uniformed. now you know why no one take you gung grabbers seriously

Yet you're still here...debating your "point" that guns have a use other than killing?

so how do you explain that only .000024 ever kill? what are the other ones, the majority doing? what ar the other 366,000,000 doing while a few thousand kill?

Simply asked you a question that you are dancing around ever so delicately.

I would explain your statement (not sure what you're asking) by stating that most gun owners are responsible I suppose. Not sure where the 366,000,000 comes from or what it includes.
It would have to be bigger than it is now, and it would require changing the 2nd amendment to do anything about it.

Right now 19k of the 32k are suicides, and I don't give a rats ass about those. covered that already.
Give us a number to where you think we should change the way we do business... 30,000? 50,000? 100,000?


What is the point where we change the way we do business? Is it okay at 25,000 deaths but 25,001 is too many????

i think we should deal with the real problem and stop trying to ban guns which aren't the problem
makes you wonder why only .000024 guns ever commits a murder when gun grabbers tell us the only purpouse of a gun is to kill

Guns have another purpose? What is it?

The usual liberals know the answer to this question quite well, of course. They're only hoping there's someone out there who DOESN'T know it, so they can fool him into believing the liberals have any kind of sensible argument to make.

If all law-abiding adults were allowed to carry a gun, most of them still wouldn't bother. But a few would.

And a criminal who's thinking about mugging somebody, raping them, robbing a store etc., knows that. And he knows that, even though most people don't carry, there's still a pretty good chance that someone in the crowd probably has a gun. And he has no idea who.

But he knows a bullet may come from an unexpected direction, at any time, as he does his robbery or rape or whatever. And he has no way to defend against it.

A few truly insane whackos might go ahead and do it anyway. But a great many of them will simply never bother to rob the store or whatever he was planning to do. Some might even eventually find a different line of work.

And all without a shot being fired.

The biggest advantage of universal carry by law-abiding citizens, is that many crimes will simply never happen, that would have happened if not for the universal carry. Even though most people still don't bother carrying.

They have CHLs available in Texas and Arizona, right? Yet you can still compare city murder rates in those states to those of countries. Doesn't seem as though the threat of instant death is much of a deterrent. Maybe it would be greater if it wasn't....

Still if guns were not in the equation; it would be safer still.

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