The Only Problem Obama Really Believes We Have Is Opposition To Him Personally


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

Obama doesn't believe we have any problems but one; Opposition to him personally. For a man that tries to imply that he is Lincoln-est he doesn't seem to have any of the traits that Lincoln was famous for.

He doesn't believe we have a spending problem. House Speaker Boehner said during the last series of useless negotiations with Obama he grew angry when Boehner said that we have a spending problem in Washington. Obama told him to stop saying that. He even went so for to say "We don't have a spending problem in Washington."

To be honest, I think some of his supporters actually believe this nonsense. We have millions of Obamazombies running around the country screaming about guns, subjecting gun owners to untold number of insults. Treating them like drug-dealers. Last night on the Rachal Maddow show she was focusing on numerous tactics to attack law-abiding gun owners. It was a pathetic display of hatred and malice. Obama set the stage for this and he hopes this will be the issue that wins back Congress for him thus giving him a blank check to spend as he wishes. The Democrats don't care if Obama destroys the country because they seem to have the same attitude. Solving problems isn't in their DNA.

We're really in for it folks. If you wanted someone that was going to solve your problems you picked the wrong guy because this guy won't do it. He believes that any crisis can be used against his opposition. He's not in the business of doing what his job requires. He's all about destroying the his enemies. That's it. Nothing else matters to him.

Lincoln was a very wise president. Do you remember some of these quotes:

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.

Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.


Perhaps this last quote is what Obama feels makes him like Lincoln. Obama spends every waking hour trying to destroy anyone who opposes him but he forgets to do his job.

Abraham Lincoln had a thick skin. He never acted out of vengeance or malice. He felt that any leader that did so compromised his leadership role. Perhaps Obama never learned that when he was growing up. His entire world revolves around getting even and I think that this personality flaw will undo him eventually. Problem is we have to deal with the consequences leading up to it.

Yesterday a disillusioned American public saw a president that cannot be pragmatic and has no sense of what the office means. A president that never accepts the blame for anything. A president that essentially went back on what he said before he was president, that it was reckless and "unpatriotic" to raise the debt-ceiling. He lectures us about compromise and meeting the other side half-way, but those are just words he uses against his enemies.

Well, it's pretty clear that Obama is full of shit.


Obama throws down the gauntlet on debt ceiling

Welcome to the new Civil War -
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Obama is paranoid ego manic...the man doesn't know opposition like bush had

scary that is what we have as president
Well of course, if we would just give him a blank check and an eraser for the Constitution all would be well. Really it would, and all for our own good!!
The typical Repubican response to EVERYTHING; Obama blah blah blah ..........blah blah blah........whine
whine Obama, blah blah blah, whine whine, blah,

You all are really to predictable. Carry on with the whining. It seems to be all you have to offer.

However it is funny to watch Obama bitch slap you rethugs. I can't wait for the debt ceiling fight to really get going. But don't worry, you all are gonna win BIG on the debt ceiling. I can tell from the whining. LMAO.
The typical Repubican response to EVERYTHING; Obama blah blah blah ..........blah blah blah........whine
whine Obama, blah blah blah, whine whine, blah,

You all are really to predictable. Carry on with the whining. It seems to be all you have to offer.

However it is funny to watch Obama bitch slap you rethugs. I can't wait for the debt ceiling fight to really get going. But don't worry, you all are gonna win BIG on the debt ceiling. I can tell from the whining. LMAO.

This is the kind of president you like. Somebody who bitch-slaps people rather than conducts himself like a wise leader.

Bet there were plenty of people like you in every country that fell under the thumb of a dictator. Angry pathetic creatures.

Bet you have something enlightening to say about that to.
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The typical Repubican response to EVERYTHING; Obama blah blah blah ..........blah blah blah........whine
whine Obama, blah blah blah, whine whine, blah,

You all are really to predictable. Carry on with the whining. It seems to be all you have to offer.

However it is funny to watch Obama bitch slap you rethugs. I can't wait for the debt ceiling fight to really get going. But don't worry, you all are gonna win BIG on the debt ceiling. I can tell from the whining. LMAO.

Well we didn't know we the people elected a President to be bitch slapped by them..

guess times have changed, especially when like you are part of the Democrat base of today and only care about your Dear Leader winning something and NOT what would be best for the people and our country

very sad
Well of course, if we would just give him a blank check and an eraser for the Constitution all would be well. Really it would, and all for our own good!!

how about if you just stopped sounding deranged?


Obama doesn't believe we have any problems but one; Opposition to him personally. For a man that tries to imply that he is Lincoln-est he doesn't seem to have any of the traits that Lincoln was famous for.

He doesn't believe we have a spending problem. House Speaker Boehner said during the last series of useless negotiation with Obama he grew angry when Boehner said that we have a spending problem in Washington. Obama told him to stop saying that. He even went so for to say "We don't have a spending problem in Washington."

To be honest, I think some of his supporters actually believe this nonsense. We have millions of Obamazombies running around the country screaming about guns, subjecting gun owners to untold number of insults. Treating them like drug-dealers. Last night on the Rachal Maddow show she was focusing on numerous tactics to attack law-abiding gun owners. It was a pathetic display of hatred and malice. Obama set the stage for this and he hopes this will be the issue that wins back Congress for him thus giving him a blank check to spend as he wishes. The Democrats don't care if Obama destroys the country because they seem to have the same attitude. Solving problems isn't in their DNA.

We're really in for it folks. If you wanted someone that was going to solve your problems you picked the wrong guy because this guy won't do it. He believes that any crisis can be used against his opposition. He's not in the business of doing what his job requires. He's all about destroying the his enemies. That's it. Nothing else matters to him.

Lincoln was a very wise president. Do you remember some of these quotes:

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.

Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.


Perhaps this last quote is what Obama feels makes him like Lincoln. Obama spends every waking hour trying to destroy anyone who opposes him but he forgets to do his job.

Abraham Lincoln had a thick skin. He never acted out of vengeance or malice. He felt that any leader that did so compromised his leadership role. Perhaps Obama never learned that when he was growing up. His entire world revolves around getting even and I think that this personality flaw will undo him eventually. Problem is we have to deal with the consequences leading up to it.

Yesterday a disillusioned American public saw a president that cannot be pragmatic and has no sense of what the office means. A president that never accepts the blame for anything. A president that essentially went back on what he said before he was president, that it was reckless and "unpatriotic" to raise the debt-ceiling. He lectures us about compromise and meeting the other side half-way, but those are just words he uses against his enemies.

Well, it's pretty clear that Obama is full of shit.


Obama throws down the gauntlet on debt ceiling

Welcome to the new Civil War -

You right-wingers don't understand economics, so who do you think you are kidding? Your solution to the worse recession since the Great Depression is to cut spending. When was that tried since before the Great Depression? You know how to destroy economies, but don't know how to fix them. You're a bunch of right-wing idiots.
Well of course, if we would just give him a blank check and an eraser for the Constitution all would be well. Really it would, and all for our own good!!

how about if you just stopped sounding deranged?


he sounds no more deranged than you did when Bush was President jilly dear, you forget some of us were around the board back then:lol:
The typical Repubican response to EVERYTHING; Obama blah blah blah ..........blah blah blah........whine
whine Obama, blah blah blah, whine whine, blah,

You all are really to predictable. Carry on with the whining. It seems to be all you have to offer.

However it is funny to watch Obama bitch slap you rethugs. I can't wait for the debt ceiling fight to really get going. But don't worry, you all are gonna win BIG on the debt ceiling. I can tell from the whining. LMAO.

Well we didn't know we the people elected a President to be bitch slapped by them..

guess times have changed, especially when like you are part of the Democrat base of today and only care about your Dear Leader winning something and NOT what would be best for the people and our country

very sad

Only folks who know right from wrong can see Obama for what he is.

Obama: Planting the Seeds of His Own Demise

The Obama Timeline to the Dustbin of History
Conservatives who want to fight back should start with Obama’s Second Inaugural Address and his 2013 State of the Union. These will be grand pronouncements of neo-Marxist principle and strategy. Books should be written unwinding them. They will be monuments to the Obama tactic of Calculated Deception, i.e., taking advantage of what he is sure a majority of Americans do not know, and what he calculates the Democrat party-controlled media won’t tell them.

But in his hubris, and self-deception, Obama will plant the seeds of his own demise in the words of those addresses. Every paean to the middle class should and will be written in stone and compared to subsequent performance. Every promise to the poor and working people will be stored for future reference as the impact of Obamanomics on the poor and working people unfolds.
The typical Repubican response to EVERYTHING; Obama blah blah blah ..........blah blah blah........whine
whine Obama, blah blah blah, whine whine, blah,

You all are really to predictable. Carry on with the whining. It seems to be all you have to offer.

However it is funny to watch Obama bitch slap you rethugs. I can't wait for the debt ceiling fight to really get going. But don't worry, you all are gonna win BIG on the debt ceiling. I can tell from the whining. LMAO.

Well we didn't know we the people elected a President to be bitch slapped by them..

guess times have changed, especially when like you are part of the Democrat base of today and only care about your Dear Leader winning something and NOT what would be best for the people and our country

very sad

That is the BEST funny thing you have ever written steph. Amazing. Especially the " we the people elected a President". LMAO.

We the people who DID VOTE for Obama, like it when he bitch slaps the Rethugs. I mean, after all, it is nothing more than what you rethugs deserve. I hope he does it more and more. What's he got to be afraid of; that the rethugs won't like him and try and block his agenda. ROTFLMAO.

But steph, just to hear your thoughts on a subject; how is it gonna be best for Americans if the Rethugs have us default on our debts?
The typical Repubican response to EVERYTHING; Obama blah blah blah ..........blah blah blah........whine
whine Obama, blah blah blah, whine whine, blah,

You all are really to predictable. Carry on with the whining. It seems to be all you have to offer.

However it is funny to watch Obama bitch slap you rethugs. I can't wait for the debt ceiling fight to really get going. But don't worry, you all are gonna win BIG on the debt ceiling. I can tell from the whining. LMAO.

Well we didn't know we the people elected a President to be bitch slapped by them..

guess times have changed, especially when like you are part of the Democrat base of today and only care about your Dear Leader winning something and NOT what would be best for the people and our country

very sad

That is the BEST funny thing you have ever written steph. Amazing. Especially the " we the people elected a President". LMAO.

We the people who DID VOTE for Obama, like it when he bitch slaps the Rethugs. I mean, after all, it is nothing more than what you rethugs deserve. I hope he does it more and more. What's he got to be afraid of; that the rethugs won't like him and try and block his agenda. ROTFLMAO.

But steph, just to hear your thoughts on a subject; how is it gonna be best for Americans if the Rethugs have us default on our debts?

Just like a parrot.

Zeke want a cracker?
Just take note....

He is using his charisma and ability to parse words without the media questioning him to cast blame on the republican party for everything negative that occurs under his watch.

From the day he started his 2008 campaign, he has been all about making the US a one party political system.

He is successfully destroying the GOP...and the media sits idly by.
The typical Repubican response to EVERYTHING; Obama blah blah blah ..........blah blah blah........whine
whine Obama, blah blah blah, whine whine, blah,

You all are really to predictable. Carry on with the whining. It seems to be all you have to offer.

However it is funny to watch Obama bitch slap you rethugs. I can't wait for the debt ceiling fight to really get going. But don't worry, you all are gonna win BIG on the debt ceiling. I can tell from the whining. LMAO.

Lol, we will see who is whinning when obama crashes our economy, and your welfare check quits coming.
The typical Repubican response to EVERYTHING; Obama blah blah blah ..........blah blah blah........whine
whine Obama, blah blah blah, whine whine, blah,

You all are really to predictable. Carry on with the whining. It seems to be all you have to offer.

However it is funny to watch Obama bitch slap you rethugs. I can't wait for the debt ceiling fight to really get going. But don't worry, you all are gonna win BIG on the debt ceiling. I can tell from the whining. LMAO.

Lol, we will see who is whinning when obama crashes our economy, and your welfare check quits coming.

Zeke doesn't believe in welfare. He won't rent to Section 8 people because he doesn't believe in taking anything from government. This is why he is so confused. He's buying into this revenge factor which will end up causing his renters to stop paying their rent and maybe he may have to resort to renting to folks on the public dole. Maybe his renters hate his guts because he has something and they have nothing. Maybe they just might try to take what he has because we have a president that encourages them to do it.
The typical Repubican response to EVERYTHING; Obama blah blah blah ..........blah blah blah........whine
whine Obama, blah blah blah, whine whine, blah,

You all are really to predictable. Carry on with the whining. It seems to be all you have to offer.

However it is funny to watch Obama bitch slap you rethugs. I can't wait for the debt ceiling fight to really get going. But don't worry, you all are gonna win BIG on the debt ceiling. I can tell from the whining. LMAO.

Well we didn't know we the people elected a President to be bitch slapped by them..

guess times have changed, especially when like you are part of the Democrat base of today and only care about your Dear Leader winning something and NOT what would be best for the people and our country

very sad

That is the BEST funny thing you have ever written steph. Amazing. Especially the " we the people elected a President". LMAO.

We the people who DID VOTE for Obama, like it when he bitch slaps the Rethugs. I mean, after all, it is nothing more than what you rethugs deserve. I hope he does it more and more. What's he got to be afraid of; that the rethugs won't like him and try and block his agenda. ROTFLMAO.

But steph, just to hear your thoughts on a subject; how is it gonna be best for Americans if the Rethugs have us default on our debts?

borrowing money to pay your debts so you can take your actual revenue and spend it on more stuff that got you into debt is the mopst irresponsible move one can make.

We can AND will pay our interest on our debt with the 2.5 trillion in tax revenue we get. But we will need to have entitlement reform so we dont get further into trouble.

You have been duped. We have the money to pay the interest on our debt. Obama knows people like yopu are way too naive to see it.....

and see?

He was right.
Look at iut this way.....

Last time we had this "debt ceiling" debate...Obama said "raise it and we will discuss the spending issue down the road.

Down the road came and nothing.

Then the fiscal cliff debate came and he said "raise taxes on the rich and we will discuss spending down the road"

Down the road came and nothing.

Now he is saying "raise the debt ceiling and we will discuss spending down the road"

And he has the American People believing the GOP is at fault.

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