The ONLY reason MOST Obama voters voted for Obama...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Those of us who had obviously more information about Obama had SEVERAL reasons for not voting for him.
So millions of apparently "intelligent" voters should have had the same information we had so why did they still vote for Obama?

For example those of us that voted against Obama AND NOT for McCain by the way did so because we knew this about Obama:
A) He told us he was going to use "Tricks" and "tactics" to fool people that might have a fear he was an angry black man.
B) He told us he wanted to raise gas prices... not just so fast!
C) He told us he would make it so financially hard that utilities would be bankrupt.
D) He told us that by doing that our utilities costs would "skyrocket".
E) He told us he preferred to put out of business 1,400 companies, lay off 400,000 people and decrease $100 billion in Fed/state/local income taxes.
F) He told us that his friends included terrorists that were on the FBI terrorists list.
G) He told us he thought all the military planners on purpose with malice "air-raided villages and killed civilians".

And his actions also showed those of us that didn't vote that Obama was totally inexperienced in the Senate.
These are the 5 bills of 137 that he sponsored that became law. Those of us that opposed took these 5 bills and examples of his competency.
1)Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act of 2005
2)To congratulate the Chicago White Sox on winning the 2005 World Series Championship.
3)Recognizing the historical significance of Juneteenth Independence Day and expressing the sense of the Senate that history
4)Designating July 13, 2006, as `National Summer Learning Day'.
5)A resolution commemorating the 44th anniversary of the deaths of civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney,
These are the Obama's sole Congressional contributions before he became President.
List of bills sponsored by Barack Obama in the United States Senate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So given ALL these actions and activities that intelligent people would say.."WOA!!" Let's think a minute about him!
Why would these supposedly intelligent voters KNOWING all of the above STILL vote for Obama?

The majority of them that did vote for him in spite of the lack of experience, knowledge and in spite of what he said and his actions.
WHY? If they knew the above about Obama but they still KNOWING he favored higher gas,utility,putting people out of work they voted?

Because the only reason they had was they didn't want to have people think the ONLY reason they voted against was because he was black!
That is these people that knew Obama was a trickster, was inexperienced, voted because they just didn't want to be considered "racist"!

That's it! There is no conceivable reason for voting for Obama as everything he told us he wanted to happen is happening!
We have utilities closing, gas prices highest ever, skyrocketing utilities and now the highest number of people on food stamps, highest unemployment, and highest number of people on SS disability! Everything Obama told us has happened.

So why if all those destructive events have occurred... why did these people vote other then they didn't want to think themselves as "RACIST"!

Oops! I guessed wrong!

Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy
3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Combination of the above
Those of us who had obviously more information about Obama had SEVERAL reasons for not voting for him.
So millions of apparently "intelligent" voters should have had the same information we had so why did they still vote for Obama?

For example those of us that voted against Obama AND NOT for McCain by the way did so because we knew this about Obama:
A) He told us he was going to use "Tricks" and "tactics" to fool people that might have a fear he was an angry black man.
B) He told us he wanted to raise gas prices... not just so fast!
C) He told us he would make it so financially hard that utilities would be bankrupt.
D) He told us that by doing that our utilities costs would "skyrocket".
E) He told us he preferred to put out of business 1,400 companies, lay off 400,000 people and decrease $100 billion in Fed/state/local income taxes.
F) He told us that his friends included terrorists that were on the FBI terrorists list.
G) He told us he thought all the military planners on purpose with malice "air-raided villages and killed civilians".

And his actions also showed those of us that didn't vote that Obama was totally inexperienced in the Senate.
These are the 5 bills of 137 that he sponsored that became law. Those of us that opposed took these 5 bills and examples of his competency.
1)Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act of 2005
2)To congratulate the Chicago White Sox on winning the 2005 World Series Championship.
3)Recognizing the historical significance of Juneteenth Independence Day and expressing the sense of the Senate that history
4)Designating July 13, 2006, as `National Summer Learning Day'.
5)A resolution commemorating the 44th anniversary of the deaths of civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney,
These are the Obama's sole Congressional contributions before he became President.
List of bills sponsored by Barack Obama in the United States Senate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So given ALL these actions and activities that intelligent people would say.."WOA!!" Let's think a minute about him!
Why would these supposedly intelligent voters KNOWING all of the above STILL vote for Obama?

The majority of them that did vote for him in spite of the lack of experience, knowledge and in spite of what he said and his actions.
WHY? If they knew the above about Obama but they still KNOWING he favored higher gas,utility,putting people out of work they voted?

Because the only reason they had was they didn't want to have people think the ONLY reason they voted against was because he was black!
That is these people that knew Obama was a trickster, was inexperienced, voted because they just didn't want to be considered "racist"!

That's it! There is no conceivable reason for voting for Obama as everything he told us he wanted to happen is happening!
We have utilities closing, gas prices highest ever, skyrocketing utilities and now the highest number of people on food stamps, highest unemployment, and highest number of people on SS disability! Everything Obama told us has happened.

So why if all those destructive events have occurred... why did these people vote other then they didn't want to think themselves as "RACIST"!

^^^^^ Stuck on stupid.
SO it was more important to
1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
Obviously you never cared for the Iraq people especially the little kids that were starving because Saddam wanted his 75 palaces!
2) Collapsing economy
Were you aware that Obama contributed to the housing collapse when he represented ACORN in 1995 lawsuit that forced lenders to make loans
to unqualified borrowers who then flipped these houses which in turn went into foreclosure.. ALL because unqualified borrowers from ACORN!

3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
A future where:
A) He told us he was going to use "Tricks" and "tactics" to fool people that might have a fear he was an angry black man.
B) He told us he wanted to raise gas prices... not just so fast!
C) He told us he would make it so financially hard that utilities would be bankrupt.
D) He told us that by doing that our utilities costs would "skyrocket".
E) He told us he preferred to put out of business 1,400 companies, lay off 400,000 people and decrease $100 billion in Fed/state/local income taxes.
F) He told us that his friends included terrorists that were on the FBI terrorists list.
G) He told us he thought all the military planners on purpose with malice "air-raided villages and killed civilians".

Like that future.. higher gas, bankrupt companies, doubling of health care costs...
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
See you USED RACE!!! black! MY point entirely in that NO other reason seem to make sense as he had no experiences and told you what you ignore!

5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket
I voted against Obama and not for McCain.... because HE THOUGHT the MSM were his buddies!
Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy
3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Combination of the above

And when none of those panned out, why did people double down and vote for him again in 2012?
Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy
3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Combination of the above bad it backfired. glad I didnt vote for him.
Why did Obama win in 2012? Easy.

Imagine a boxing match. One opponent shows up out of shape. Damn. He shouldnt be out of shape, this is a freakin fight, and he's not prepared. But then, his opponent show up to the ring also out of shape....and drunk, and with a sprained ankle, and with a staff of coaches and trainers who have never coached boxing but instead have been training race horses.

So thats why Obama won.
you know, some of us just weren't happy with the idea of turning the country back over to republicans.

we've seen what they can do, and we didn't like it.

and when you start from the position that the only reason a person could disagree with you is ignorance or to avoid looking racist you come across as an idiot and likely 'informed' solely by am radio.
Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy
3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Combination of the above

And when none of those panned out, why did people double down and vote for him again in 2012?

What are you talking about?

1. Out of Iraq.
2. Economy is in recovery.
3. Still a refreshing and optimistic look toward the future.
4. Still looks promising.
5. Romney/Ryan was a scarier ticket.

6. He likes beer and loves dogs.

What's not to like?
Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy
3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future
4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising
5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Combination of the above

And when none of those panned out, why did people double down and vote for him again in 2012?

Several reasons..
1) 3 million conservatives stayed home! And they were idiots because they disliked Romney or because he was a mormon or whatever.
2) And these idiot conservatives like the rest of Obama voters depended on the MSM to inform.
The MSM did inform.. in this fashion:
In the case of Romney, 29% of the narrative was positive compared with a higher percentage -71% that was negative.
A More Negative Campaign | Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ)
And the reason the MSM supported Obama by putting MORE Positive stories about Obama and 71% negatives stories about Romney was
because the 85% of the MSM donated to Obama/Democrats!

Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.

The Democratic total of $1,020,816 was given by 1,160 employees of the three major broadcast television networks, with an average contribution of $880.

By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863. The average Republican contribution was $744.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

Now If 1,160 (85%) of 1,353 employees of ABC,CBS & NBC NOT FOX ok.. gave $1.02 million (88%) to Democrats do you think
they are stupid? If you don't think they are stupid, then do you think they want the Democrats to win? If they want them to win
would they put news favorable or unfavorable to democrats i.e. Obama?
All the blacks voted for him because he was black. Also, everybody voted for him so they could keep getting all the free shit the governments been handing out.
Why America voted for Obama in 2008

1) Opposition to US involvement in Iraq
2) Collapsing economy

Mostly #2 - but fair enough.

3) Obama offered a refreshing vision of the future

The same vision that Vlad Lenin offered in 1917 - hardly "new" or "refreshing."

4) A young dyanamic black president looked promising

Only to those enamored by race and oblivious to policy.

5) McCain/Palin was a scary ticket

Once the demagogues and shameless liars of the MSM got through with them....
Those of us who had obviously more information about Obama had SEVERAL reasons for not voting for him.
So millions of apparently "intelligent" voters should have had the same information we had so why did they still vote for Obama?

For example those of us that voted against Obama AND NOT for McCain by the way did so because we knew this about Obama:
A) He told us he was going to use "Tricks" and "tactics" to fool people that might have a fear he was an angry black man.
B) He told us he wanted to raise gas prices... not just so fast!
C) He told us he would make it so financially hard that utilities would be bankrupt.
D) He told us that by doing that our utilities costs would "skyrocket".
E) He told us he preferred to put out of business 1,400 companies, lay off 400,000 people and decrease $100 billion in Fed/state/local income taxes.
F) He told us that his friends included terrorists that were on the FBI terrorists list.
G) He told us he thought all the military planners on purpose with malice "air-raided villages and killed civilians".

And his actions also showed those of us that didn't vote that Obama was totally inexperienced in the Senate.
These are the 5 bills of 137 that he sponsored that became law. Those of us that opposed took these 5 bills and examples of his competency.
1)Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act of 2005
2)To congratulate the Chicago White Sox on winning the 2005 World Series Championship.
3)Recognizing the historical significance of Juneteenth Independence Day and expressing the sense of the Senate that history
4)Designating July 13, 2006, as `National Summer Learning Day'.
5)A resolution commemorating the 44th anniversary of the deaths of civil rights workers Andrew Goodman, James Chaney,
These are the Obama's sole Congressional contributions before he became President.
List of bills sponsored by Barack Obama in the United States Senate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So given ALL these actions and activities that intelligent people would say.."WOA!!" Let's think a minute about him!
Why would these supposedly intelligent voters KNOWING all of the above STILL vote for Obama?

The majority of them that did vote for him in spite of the lack of experience, knowledge and in spite of what he said and his actions.
WHY? If they knew the above about Obama but they still KNOWING he favored higher gas,utility,putting people out of work they voted?

Because the only reason they had was they didn't want to have people think the ONLY reason they voted against was because he was black!
That is these people that knew Obama was a trickster, was inexperienced, voted because they just didn't want to be considered "racist"!

That's it! There is no conceivable reason for voting for Obama as everything he told us he wanted to happen is happening!
We have utilities closing, gas prices highest ever, skyrocketing utilities and now the highest number of people on food stamps, highest unemployment, and highest number of people on SS disability! Everything Obama told us has happened.

So why if all those destructive events have occurred... why did these people vote other then they didn't want to think themselves as "RACIST"!

Then, why did we not vote for Jesse Jackson.....or support Cain or Keyes? They too black? ( bet you loved that BigDerp!)


I voted for President Obama because he is smarter than McCain and McCain is a slimeball who chose an imbecile as his running mate.

You suck.
Hello David Selig here – former Marine, Conservative Commentator and Federal Tax Practitioner. I think that slapping a special tax on cigarette smokers and fatties smacks of something the German’s may have done in 1938. Whenever the government vilifies a particular class of law abiding citizens, trouble is sure to follow. Besides, cigarette smokers already pay a disproportionate amount of taxes. That’s how the Government justified the sin tax, which has exceeded 35 billion dollars to date. And we don’t know where that money actually went. In reality, illegal aliens have broken Arizona’s bank. They’ve burdened and broken the healthcare system, the school system and predictably, the prison system. And yet, according to Eric Holder’s Justice Department, that’s Honky Dory. But light up a cigarette or wolf down a corndog and brother, you’re going to pay. :clap2:
As a skeptical New Yorker, I realize that at first blush “Taxpayer Anxiety Disorder” may sound like a gambit – a clever way for a person to get out paying penalties that they probably owe – but after reviewing the data, and reflecting upon my own empirical observations, I’m a believer – TAD is a real condition that deserves our compassion, says David Selig of Selig & Associates. Moreover, this and similar anxiety disorders have recently been legitimized by academia’s leading professors, psychologists and psychiatrists. In fact, this afternoon, my friend and occasional antagonist Thom Hartmann had me on his radio program to discuss this same issue.
I remember when one of Governor Patterson’s top aides claimed to have “late filing syndrome” and I wondered if counsel moved to have his penalties abated. In my estimation, TAD sufferers should be able to have their tax penalties reduced or entirely discharged when they show contrition; demonstrate that they won’t be recidivists, and really want to come clean. I believe in second chances – and I don’t think that as a society, we’re being well served when we kick our countrymen when they’re down – you know, a rising tide lifts all boats – and by welcoming these people back into the fold, they would help close the tax gap. In the end, it all depends on our concept of equity and justice.
Hello David Selig here – former Marine, Conservative Commentator and Federal Tax Practitioner. I think that slapping a special tax on cigarette smokers and fatties smacks of something the German’s may have done in 1938. Whenever the government vilifies a particular class of law abiding citizens, trouble is sure to follow. Besides, cigarette smokers already pay a disproportionate amount of taxes. That’s how the Government justified the sin tax, which has exceeded 35 billion dollars to date. And we don’t know where that money actually went. In reality, illegal aliens have broken Arizona’s bank. They’ve burdened and broken the healthcare system, the school system and predictably, the prison system. And yet, according to Eric Holder’s Justice Department, that’s Honky Dory. But light up a cigarette or wolf down a corndog and brother, you’re going to pay. :clap2:

"honky dory"

The President has a fiduciary responsibility to the American taxpayer to prosecute the war as effectively and as cost efficiently as possible. To this end, he has failed. In many cases, we’re actually paying our undeclared enemies hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars a year – and in return we receive precious little. Simply put, the President and his ideological allies are raking the American taxpayer over the coals. Moreover, this administration is extraordinarily hostile towards our military. Specifically, we’re prosecuting more members of our armed services than ever before. Often for crimes they did not commit. And no one seems to care. Additionally, there is no doubt in my mind that Osama Bin Laden died the way he lived. That is to say, in the heat of battle with a gun in his hand. Truly told, he lived and died by the sword. But now, the White house is leaking contradictory information. They say he was unarmed and frightened and that he was surrounded by women and children. The Whitehouse, through back channels, makes it sound like OBL was murdered in cold blood. And if we, as Americans, don’t take a stand against this sort of nonsense, the taxpayer could wind up paying “restitution” to the sponsors of terrorism. But this is par for the course. Astonishingly, there are people in this administration who want the Attorney General to bring charges against these heroic SEALS for war crimes.

The President has refused to release Osama Bin Laden’s photo for all the wrong reasons. I would remind you that it was the American taxpayer who funded and financed this operation, and in this capacity, we have an absolute right to see the proof. In other words, the American taxpayer needs to see that he got his money’s worth. After all, the IRS requires that we prove our deductions. And to this end, taxpayer’s are regularly required to release their bank records and documents. Shouldn’t the government be held to a similar standard. Or is the President really saying, “do as I say and not as I do”.

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