The only science liberals care about is evolution, stem cell research, and climate change

Liberals are told about those things by their Black Messiah. Liberals cannot master third grade science on their own.

The moonbat messiah was brainwashed way before the bed wetters who follow him, and obozo's brainwashers were programmed decades before the genetic garbage manifested in obozo was allowed to gestate.

Most so called "academics" in this country are bed wetters. Some know better than to believe in marxist dogma but they're too dedicated to their social lives to become pariah's in their social circles. Some have however and they've been shunned to obscurity, but thanks to media they're still heard.

Libtards believe in science, so long as it reinforces their programming. The parts of science that challenge their programming is regarded as "shills of corporate power". Of course it's always the corporate power they hate like the petroleum industry. Corporations like GE who are horning in on windmills and solar bullshit that all costs more to establish and maintain than can be recouped through energy harvest have to be subsidized by government. That's OK for these corporations to take corporate welfare though because they're bowing to the leftist agenda. The oil companies are the shills, companies like GE can't be shills because they're promoting leftist zealotry.

Liberals are told about those things by their Black Messiah. Liberals cannot master third grade science on their own.

The moonbat messiah was brainwashed way before the bed wetters who follow him, and obozo's brainwashers were programmed decades before the genetic garbage manifested in obozo was allowed to gestate.

Most so called "academics" in this country are bed wetters. Some know better than to believe in marxist dogma but they're too dedicated to their social lives to become pariah's in their social circles. Some have however and they've been shunned to obscurity, but thanks to media they're still heard.

Libtards believe in science, so long as it reinforces their programming. The parts of science that challenge their programming is regarded as "shills of corporate power". Of course it's always the corporate power they hate like the petroleum industry. Corporations like GE who are horning in on windmills and solar bullshit that all costs more to establish and maintain than can be recouped through energy harvest have to be subsidized by government. That's OK for these corporations to take corporate welfare though because they're bowing to the leftist agenda. The oil companies are the shills, companies like GE can't be shills because they're promoting leftist zealotry.

Well we asked for a scientist who is a deiner...

Another global warming contrarian paper found to be unrealistic and inaccurate | John Abraham

But lets look a little deeper:
Spencer is a signatory to An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming, which states that "Earth and its ecosystems – created by God's intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence – are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting".He believes that most climate change is natural in origin, the result of long-term changes in the Earth's albedo and that anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have caused some warming, but that its warming influence is small compared to natural, internal, chaotic fluctuations in global average cloud cover. This view contradicts the scientific consensus that "most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities".

Roy Spencer is a joke in the scientific community with many of papers debunked... His data & arguments have been shown to be false. He has failed per review after peer review with his papers.


Is this the best guy you got?
Liberals are told about those things by their Black Messiah. Liberals cannot master third grade science on their own.

The moonbat messiah was brainwashed way before the bed wetters who follow him, and obozo's brainwashers were programmed decades before the genetic garbage manifested in obozo was allowed to gestate.

Most so called "academics" in this country are bed wetters. Some know better than to believe in marxist dogma but they're too dedicated to their social lives to become pariah's in their social circles. Some have however and they've been shunned to obscurity, but thanks to media they're still heard.

Libtards believe in science, so long as it reinforces their programming. The parts of science that challenge their programming is regarded as "shills of corporate power". Of course it's always the corporate power they hate like the petroleum industry. Corporations like GE who are horning in on windmills and solar bullshit that all costs more to establish and maintain than can be recouped through energy harvest have to be subsidized by government. That's OK for these corporations to take corporate welfare though because they're bowing to the leftist agenda. The oil companies are the shills, companies like GE can't be shills because they're promoting leftist zealotry.

You must work for an oil company.
Liberals are told about those things by their Black Messiah. Liberals cannot master third grade science on their own.

The moonbat messiah was brainwashed way before the bed wetters who follow him, and obozo's brainwashers were programmed decades before the genetic garbage manifested in obozo was allowed to gestate.

Most so called "academics" in this country are bed wetters. Some know better than to believe in marxist dogma but they're too dedicated to their social lives to become pariah's in their social circles. Some have however and they've been shunned to obscurity, but thanks to media they're still heard.

Libtards believe in science, so long as it reinforces their programming. The parts of science that challenge their programming is regarded as "shills of corporate power". Of course it's always the corporate power they hate like the petroleum industry. Corporations like GE who are horning in on windmills and solar bullshit that all costs more to establish and maintain than can be recouped through energy harvest have to be subsidized by government. That's OK for these corporations to take corporate welfare though because they're bowing to the leftist agenda. The oil companies are the shills, companies like GE can't be shills because they're promoting leftist zealotry.

Well we asked for a scientist who is a deiner...

Another global warming contrarian paper found to be unrealistic and inaccurate | John Abraham

But lets look a little deeper:
Spencer is a signatory to An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming, which states that "Earth and its ecosystems – created by God's intelligent design and infinite power and sustained by His faithful providence – are robust, resilient, self-regulating, and self-correcting".He believes that most climate change is natural in origin, the result of long-term changes in the Earth's albedo and that anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have caused some warming, but that its warming influence is small compared to natural, internal, chaotic fluctuations in global average cloud cover. This view contradicts the scientific consensus that "most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities".

Roy Spencer is a joke in the scientific community with many of papers debunked... His data & arguments have been shown to be false. He has failed per review after peer review with his papers.


Is this the best guy you got?

I am not surprised to learn that Spencer's opposition to global warming is likely based on his religious beliefs.

I've found that every scientist I've personally met who opposes global warming theory is a right wing fundamentalist Christian, without exception.
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If liberals really cared about science, why do we not have a permanent base on the Moon, and space ship heading for Mars?

It is liberals who always block space travel.

Ask them why.

Which liberals are those?

We have space travel all the time- just not humans.

And while I love the concept of humans in space- and absolutely endorse it- for the sheer excitement value- as has been pointed out often- for sheer science- it makes little sense to send humans to the Moon or Mars.

Sending humans anywhere is tremendously expensive. We haven't even figured out how to keep people alive to Mars and back again. Most good science can be done remotely at a fraction of the cost.

But I am glad to hear that Conservatives are willlng to spend boat loads of money for space research.

Liberals did such a great job of getting the United States to the moon- time to go again- glad to know that Conservatives are willing to fund space adventure travel.
If liberals really cared about science, why do we not have a permanent base on the Moon, and space ship heading for Mars?

It is liberals who always block space travel.

Ask them why.

they don't care about real science......if they did they would know they are wrong on all three...
If liberals really cared about science, why do we not have a permanent base on the Moon, and space ship heading for Mars?

It is liberals who always block space travel.

Ask them why.

they don't care about real science......if they did they would know they are wrong on all three...
LOL. Answers in Genesis is NOT science.
I thought we were in the process of privatizing the space sector. When the private sector find a way to make a profit from a permanent moon base, you will see the beginnings of construction for one.

Evolution, stem cell research, climate change--those are topical issues that pop up in politics and ethics. In other words, those are issues that rw evangelicals only seem to care about. Ask about raising mpg or the plus and minus of nuclear energy and the fundies eyes gloss over!(I tried this and received a "I don't give a damn!")

Hydraulic Fracking is applied science, hence the science is already known, now its use is a question of policy(It is not blocked everywhere)

Hmmph. It seems like this whole thread is a confused attempt by someone to reason out why they hate liberals.

Simple. You hate liberals because you associate with people that hate liberals You are being programmed though casual association and media brainwashing.

From this thread, anyone can tell that the op do not know what a liberal is. Let alone who is really liberal and in what sense of the word. Is he a liberal in the old European sense, or in our Modern/Neo-Modern sense?
If liberals really cared about science, why do we not have a permanent base on the Moon, and space ship heading for Mars?

It is liberals who always block space travel.

Ask them why.

If cons really cared about science, why are there not more of them?

A Pew Research Center Poll from July 2009 showed that only 6% of U.S. scientists are Republicans; 55% are Democrats, and 32% are independent.

If you can do simple math, that means there are NINE TIMES more Demo scientists than Repub scientists.
"The only science liberals care about is evolution, stem cell research, and climate change"

At least liberals care about science, unlike most on the right.
"The only science liberals care about is evolution, stem cell research, and climate change"

At least liberals care about science, unlike most on the right.

The OP is so ridiculous- he blames 'liberals' for the United States not having sent humans to Mars- when he clearly is completely unaware of both the challenges to getting to Mars- and the very real argument between those scientist who really are more interested in 'hard science' who argue that money is better spent on unmanned probes- and space enthusiast scientist- who argue that manned missions will inspire Americans towards more science.

There is an argument to be made on both sides- but the OP- and most of the Conservatives posting here seem completely unaware that there is an argument.

The issue has been raised in National Geographic, in newspapers, online- its pretty well known by anyone who cares about science and space exploration.
If liberals really cared about science, why do we not have a permanent base on the Moon, and space ship heading for Mars?

It is liberals who always block space travel.

Ask them why.

If cons really cared about science, why are there not more of them?

A Pew Research Center Poll from July 2009 showed that only 6% of U.S. scientists are Republicans; 55% are Democrats, and 32% are independent.

If you can do simple math, that means there are NINE TIMES more Demo scientists than Repub scientists.
"The only science liberals care about is evolution, stem cell research, and climate change"

At least liberals care about science, unlike most on the right.

It seems nearly all science in the world is done by either Democrats or Independents.. So to say they are only interested in narrow subject is crap.

Truth is there is plenty interesting them but the RW crazies aren't interested in that...

On this reconing the cure for cancer, heart diease and Alzheimer's is going to come from a Democrat or Independent...
Think about that...
I do agree with one think. We could have gone to Mars a lot earlier...

We just need to tell Republicans there is Oil and Terrorists there...
If liberals really cared about science, why do we not have a permanent base on the Moon, and space ship heading for Mars?

It is liberals who always block space travel.

Ask them why.

JFK and LBJ sent us to the moon
If liberals really cared about science, why do we not have a permanent base on the Moon, and space ship heading for Mars?

It is liberals who always block space travel.

Ask them why.

Which liberals are those?

We have space travel all the time- just not humans.

And while I love the concept of humans in space- and absolutely endorse it- for the sheer excitement value- as has been pointed out often- for sheer science- it makes little sense to send humans to the Moon or Mars.

Sending humans anywhere is tremendously expensive. We haven't even figured out how to keep people alive to Mars and back again. Most good science can be done remotely at a fraction of the cost.

But I am glad to hear that Conservatives are willlng to spend boat loads of money for space research.

Liberals did such a great job of getting the United States to the moon- time to go again- glad to know that Conservatives are willing to fund space adventure travel.

I agree

Our space program has to concentrate more on R2D2 and less on Buck Rogers
Science is politics now. You can thank that dunce Al Gore for that. The 'Global Warming' scam has been used to push a one Global Government agenda. It's all about control and money. It always is when it comes to Government.

It's very sad, we can't even trust Science anymore. Because there's usually a political agenda involved. And where do most 'scientific studies' get their funding from? You guessed it... Government. It's a major conflict of interest.
Science is politics now. You can thank that dunce Al Gore for that. The 'Global Warming' scam has been used to push a one Global Government agenda. It's all about control and money. It always is when it comes to Government.

It's very sad, we can't even trust Science anymore. Because there's usually a political agenda involved. And where do most 'scientific studies' get their funding from? You guessed it... Government. It's a major conflict of interest.

And this is just another example of how stupid the OP was.

It is Conservatives who don't trust science.

Especially when it threatens to hurt big corporations.
Science is politics now. You can thank that dunce Al Gore for that. The 'Global Warming' scam has been used to push a one Global Government agenda. It's all about control and money. It always is when it comes to Government.

It's very sad, we can't even trust Science anymore. Because there's usually a political agenda involved. And where do most 'scientific studies' get their funding from? You guessed it... Government. It's a major conflict of interest.

And this is just another example of how stupid the OP was.

It is Conservatives who don't trust science.

Especially when it threatens to hurt big corporations.

Just take a closer look at where most 'scientific studies' get their funding from. A big conflict of interest there. Sadly, there's always a political agenda attached to the studies. Not sure you can even call it 'Science' anymore.

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