The only science liberals care about is evolution, stem cell research, and climate change

In reality, liberals only care about evolution -- that is, natural selection -- when it suits them.
Natural selection culls the weak, slow, stupid, sick and lazy from the gene pool; liberals seek to artificially support these people with taxpayer dollars. This creates an unnatural stress on already limited resources and weakens the species as a whole.
In reality, liberals only care about evolution -- that is, natural selection -- when it suits them.
Natural selection culls the weak, slow, stupid, sick and lazy from the gene pool; liberals seek to artificially support these people with taxpayer dollars. This creates an unnatural stress on already limited resources and weakens the species as a whole.

So then Conservatives are survival of the fittest?
Or is it the richest?
In reality, liberals only care about evolution -- that is, natural selection -- when it suits them.
Natural selection culls the weak, slow, stupid, sick and lazy from the gene pool; liberals seek to artificially support these people with taxpayer dollars. This creates an unnatural stress on already limited resources and weakens the species as a whole.
If that were true white people wouldnt exist. They have one of the weakest genetic pools.
If liberals really cared about science, why do we not have a permanent base on the Moon, and space ship heading for Mars?

It is liberals who always block space travel.

Ask them why.
Ah, yessss. I well remember Bush's call to arms. "Too many astronauts are not able to practice their love with interterrestrials."

The Bush Administration and his Republican Congress were well on their way to building a Moon base and a rocket ship for a trip to Mars.

And then those Democrats dismantled it all!

Oh, wait...
NASA Budget Unveiled for Fiscal Year 2016

Bolden emphasized that the recommended increase of about a half-billion dollars over last year's enacted budget would provide the necessary resources to continue advancing America's bipartisan space exploration plans. The ongoing programs will ensure that the United States remains the world's leader in space exploration and discoveries benefiting all humankind.
So we can add "space exploration" to the list in the OP title.
Obama’s US$4-trillion plan for fiscal year 2016 includes $146 billion for scientific research and development, a healthy 6% increase for a portfolio split roughly evenly between defence and civilian programmes. The proposal, which seeks to turn back years of fiscal austerity, is the opening salvo in what is likely to be a long war with the Republican-controlled Congress over government spending.

Obama's Budget Seeks Big Boost for Science
Why would we want a permanent base on the moon again?

To visit the dinosaurs, and Jesus.

But seriously, we should have a base on the moon BECAUSE WE CAN. Science!

And we need to spread the human race out to make it harder to extinguish it with a single comet.
Don't be too hard on the liberals, 99% of the drones think what they are told to think its like having a pet parrot.
Science is politics now. ...
It's very sad, we can't even trust Science anymore. Because there's usually a political agenda involved. And where do most 'scientific studies' get their funding from? You guessed it... Government. It's a major conflict of interest.

You appear to be irrational beyond ignorant about science!

There is science, then there is politics. Science is not politics, but can & should be used by politicians.
Like using expert testimony in a court of law.

You say there's a conflict of interest with Gov funding scientific research?
What funding should scientists get?
Would there be no conflict of interest if corporations funded science investigations?

Ultimately, good science is independent of funding providers, and stands on its own merit with the objective evidence it produces.
Science is politics now. ...
It's very sad, we can't even trust Science anymore. Because there's usually a political agenda involved. And where do most 'scientific studies' get their funding from? You guessed it... Government. It's a major conflict of interest.

You appear to be irrational beyond ignorant about science!

There is science, then there is politics. Science is not politics, but can & should be used by politicians.
Like using expert testimony in a court of law.

You say there's a conflict of interest with Gov funding scientific research?
What funding should scientists get?
Would there be no conflict of interest if corporations funded science investigations?

Ultimately, good science is independent of funding providers, and stands on its own merit with the objective evidence it produces.

Just follow the money. Independent scientific studies don't exist anymore. There's usually a political or business agenda attached. The studies are compromised. Science isn't science as we used to know it.
If liberals really cared about science, why do we not have a permanent base on the Moon, and space ship heading for Mars?

It is liberals who always block space travel.

Ask them why.

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Your question is as good as asking "If conservatives care about religion, why hasn't Jesus come back yet?"
If liberals really cared about science, why do we not have a permanent base on the Moon, and space ship heading for Mars?

It is liberals who always block space travel.

Ask them why.

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Your question is as good as asking "If conservatives care about religion, why hasn't Jesus come back yet?"
If it weren't for liberal Democrats opposing space travel, we would have a permanent base on the Moon, with frequent travel going back and forth, and we would be sending men and women to Mars.

Liberal Democrats hate progress and science, except for the science they use to use for politics.
If liberals really cared about science, why do we not have a permanent base on the Moon, and space ship heading for Mars?

It is liberals who always block space travel.

Ask them why.

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Your question is as good as asking "If conservatives care about religion, why hasn't Jesus come back yet?"
If it weren't for liberal Democrats opposing space travel, we would have a permanent base on the Moon, with frequent travel going back and forth, and we would be sending men and women to Mars.

Liberal Democrats hate progress and science, except for the science they use to use for politics.
What is the value of a permanent base on the moon?

We have had rovers on Mars for over a decade. What would a manned mission accomplish that couldn't be accomplished by a thousand rovers at the same cost and less risk?
Always remember to follow the money. All scientific studies are funded. You just need to know by whom. In today's world, there's usually a political or business interest attached to studies. Just find out who's funding the study, and then judge the merit.
Always remember to follow the money. All scientific studies are funded. You just need to know by whom. In today's world, there's usually a political or business interest attached to studies. Just find out who's funding the study, and then judge the merit.

"Follow the money" makes more sense when science funding comes from businesses that have motivation to suppress results that would decrease their profits, like the "research" funded by the tobacco industry.

Most Gov research grants, like from NSF, are provided to the academic sector, where there's motivation to conduct good science to advance one's career & reputation among PhD colleagues.
Check out NSF's Merit Review Process, and note their section on conflicts of interest:

"Checking for conflicts of interest:
In addition to checking proposals and selecting reviewers with no apparent potential conflicts, NSF staff members provide reviewers guidance and instruct them how to identify and declare potential conflicts of interest."
If liberals really cared about science, why do we not have a permanent base on the Moon, and space ship heading for Mars?

It is liberals who always block space travel.

Ask them why.

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Your question is as good as asking "If conservatives care about religion, why hasn't Jesus come back yet?"
If it weren't for liberal Democrats opposing space travel, we would have a permanent base on the Moon, with frequent travel going back and forth, and we would be sending men and women to Mars.

Liberal Democrats hate progress and science, except for the science they use to use for politics.

You repeating the same stupid claim doesn't suddenly make it any more real- or factual- than the first time.

As I have pointed out- you clearly don't have a clue when it comes to space exploration and science.

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