The Only Solution To The Gaza Problem

Any kind of documenation or explanation is alway helpful.

Why did they leave ?

Zionists were encouraging them or sabotaging them.. plus, there was the Lavon Affair, the Suez Crisis, the 1967 war and other events that upset the Arabs and brought suspicion down on their Jewish neighbors.
Zionists were encouraging them or sabotaging them.. plus, there was the Lavon Affair, the Suez Crisis, the 1967 war and other events that upset the Arabs and brought suspicion down on their Jewish neighbors.

Arab pogroms initiated Zionism.

Because every Islamist degeneracy
was excused with a "Jewish conspiracy".

Exactly like "Free Palestine" suggests today.
'Amalekite lying filth like you is getting finally eradicated.

Arab pogroms initiated Zionism.

Because every Islamist degeneracy
was excused with a "Jewish conspiracy".

Exactly like "Free Palestine" suggests today.
'Amalekite lying filth like you is getting finally eradicated.


I can't see that. So how many years were Jews living in Morocco?
Evidently Moroccan Jews were also slave holders.

Evidently, it's you who need to give up your slaves TODAY...

the only poster on this forum to brag about servants.

Within the region, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait were the countries with the highest prevalence of modern slavery. Saudi Arabia also had the highest estimated number of people in modern slavery, followed by Iraq, and together they accounted for half of all people in modern slavery in the region. Migrant workers face particular risk of labour exploitation in the region as a result of the kafala (sponsorship) system that operates in Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.7 While not a form of modern slavery itself, the system embeds a steep power imbalance between workers and employers, with the result that employers control whether a migrant worker can enter, reside, work, change jobs, and, in some cases, exit the country.8 Female domestic workers residing the GCC and Jordan and Lebanon are particularly at risk of forced labour in private households9 and males vulnerable to debt bondage in construction.10
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Evidently, it's you who need to give up your slaves TODAY...

the only poster on this forum to brag about servants.

You've never had domestic help? They aren't slaves, stupid. You have to pay them. These days they get $40-50 an hour.

BTW, your source is sensational garbage.
Let’s review how Israel had tried to deal with Hamas:
1. Israel tried occupying Gaza. That didn’t work.
2. Israel tried building walls and letting Hamas run Gaza. That didn’t work.

This leads inexorably to the only viable solution for Israel to prevent Hamas attacking and murdering Israeli citizens from Gaza.

Palestinians will no longer be allowed to occupy Gaza.

No Palestinians in Gaza = No terror attacks from Gaza.
You cannot co-exist with those who refuse to co-exist with you. Put them in boats and let the Lefts precious UN deal with them. When violence becomes necessary it becomes the only thing that works.

You cannot negotiate with some one who only wants you dead.

The 2017 charter accepted for the first time the idea of a Palestinian state within the borders that existed before 1967 and rejected recognition of Israel, which it terms as the "Zionist enemy". It advocates such a state as transitional but also advocates the "liberation of all of Palestine".
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
Hamas Charter - Wikipedia
When you have 86% of Palestinians who supported the actions of Hamas on Oct. 7 and in fact were very proud of them, then there is nowhere to go but to let G-d do what he did to Sodom and Gomorra, completely obliterate it. Except He did it in the blink of an eye. Israelis will take longer.
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Concerning the Holy Land, the chairman of the Syrian Delegation at the Paris Peace Conference in February 1919 stated:​

"The only Arab domination since the Conquest in 635 c.e. hardly lasted, as such, 22 years".​
No Gaza, No Israel. You can push people so far and then they will push back. Israel as already destroyed Gaza. Because there is not Gaza without Hamas.
The Arabs wanted to destroy the state of Israel and push the Jews into the sea, and instead Gaza was destroyed and the Arabs got pushed into the sea.

The Lord works in mysterious ways.

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