The Only Solution To The Gaza Problem

Since the 7th Century INVASION.
And as you say, there has ALWAYS been a Jewish presence on THEIR ancient Jewish homeland.

With a Caliph opening Jerusalem to them, knowing the importance it had to Judaism.
That Caliph understood Judaism and had a kind heart and mind towards the Jews.
Most Muslim leaders today do not and teach Mohammad's , the butcher, way of dealing with Jews. To kill them.

Here are some leaders today, with blood in their hands:

Arabs are not indigenous to the area and are NOT being asked to leave. Anymore than Europeans are being asked to leave Australia, the Americas, etc.

Islam needs to find a real path to live in peace with other religions and not insist that it is superior to all others, and that they must destroy all which is not Muslim, or all people who are not Muslim.

When are the leaders going to behave like the first Caliph who invaded the Jewish Homeland?
Right, the Jews were not sovereign, but they are......and Islam must learn how to respect Jews and teach all of Islam to treat them with respect.

In my dreams that will happen.

The Akkadians were from Arabia. They were in Palestine.

Arabs have always had Jews living around them.



16 And the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, you are about to lie down with your fathers. Then this people will rise and whore after the foreign gods among them in the land that they are entering, and they will forsake me and break my covenant that I have made with them.

Lots of Jews moved to Hebron when they were expelled from Spain and Portugal. There was no problem. The problem comes with Zionism forcing people off their land and killing them if they resist.

Be honest.
The Akkadians were from Arabia. They were in Palestine.

Arabs have always had Jews living around them.



16 And the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, you are about to lie down with your fathers. Then this people will rise and whore after the foreign gods among them in the land that they are entering, and they will forsake me and break my covenant that I have made with them.

Lots of Jews moved to Hebron when they were expelled from Spain and Portugal. There was no problem. The problem comes with Zionism forcing people off their land and killing them if they resist.

Be honest.
Akkadians were not Arabs. Yemenites are not Arabs. Many in Arabia are not the same people, the same way people in Europe are not the same and cannot all be called English, or French.

The other Nations in Ancient Canaan had Israelites/Jews living amongst them, trading with them, waring with them, etc.

I do not care about your "Bible"

Quit lying about Zionist killing people for land.
Al Husseini declared war on the Jews in 1920.
Could not accept Jewish sovereignty on the Ancient Jewish homeland which would have brought progress for everyone.

You will never mention all the Jews expelled and killed from 1920 to 1948. To you they do not matter, never will.

You are hopeless Christian who follows in the teachings of "Jews have no rights", which was passed on to Islam.

The Akkadians were from Arabia. They were in Palestine.

Arabs have always had Jews living around them.



16 And the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, you are about to lie down with your fathers. Then this people will rise and whore after the foreign gods among them in the land that they are entering, and they will forsake me and break my covenant that I have made with them.

Lots of Jews moved to Hebron when they were expelled from Spain and Portugal. There was no problem. The problem comes with Zionism forcing people off their land and killing them if they resist.

Be honest.

Akkadian Empire

[WHERE exactly in "Palestine", when Palestine did not exist, only Ancient Canaan, did the Akkadian conquest, dominate and live in?]

The Akkadian Empire (/əˈkeɪdiən/)[4] was the first ancient empire of Mesopotamia, succeeding the long-lived civilization of Sumer. Centered on the city of Akkad (/ˈækæd/)[5] and its surrounding region, the empire would unite Akkadian and Sumerian speakers under one rule and exercised significant influence across Mesopotamia, the Levant, and Anatolia, sending military expeditions as far south as Dilmun and Magan (modern Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman) in the Arabian Peninsula.[6][page needed]

The Akkadian Empire reached its political peak between the 24th and 22nd centuries BC, following the conquests by its founder Sargon of Akkad. Under Sargon and his successors, the Akkadian language was briefly imposed on neighboring conquered states such as Elam and Gutium. Akkad is sometimes regarded as the first empire in history, though the meaning of this term is not precise, and there are earlier Sumerian claimants.

Akkadians were long gone when Judaism came to be and Israel became the Nation on the land.
No sign of them anymore than those of the Philistines.

Their conquests gone, their culture gone, their language gone.

They were NOT Arabs. They were from Mesopotamia, not Arabian Peninsula, no matter how much you try to force them to be Arabs.
Nope. The Akkadians were from the Arabian peninsula. They migrated to Mesopotamia.
View attachment 849447

Akkadian Empire

[WHERE exactly in "Palestine", when Palestine did not exist, only Ancient Canaan, did the Akkadian conquest, dominate and live in?]

The Akkadian Empire (/əˈkeɪdiən/)[4] was the first ancient empire of Mesopotamia, succeeding the long-lived civilization of Sumer. Centered on the city of Akkad (/ˈækæd/)[5] and its surrounding region, the empire would unite Akkadian and Sumerian speakers under one rule and exercised significant influence across Mesopotamia, the Levant, and Anatolia, sending military expeditions as far south as Dilmun and Magan (modern Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman) in the Arabian Peninsula.[6][page needed]

The Akkadian Empire reached its political peak between the 24th and 22nd centuries BC, following the conquests by its founder Sargon of Akkad. Under Sargon and his successors, the Akkadian language was briefly imposed on neighboring conquered states such as Elam and Gutium. Akkad is sometimes regarded as the first empire in history, though the meaning of this term is not precise, and there are earlier Sumerian claimants.

Akkadians were long gone when Judaism came to be and Israel became the Nation on the land.
No sign of them anymore than those of the Philistines.

Their conquests gone, their culture gone, their language gone.

They were NOT Arabs. They were from Mesopotamia, not Arabian Peninsula, no matter how much you try to force them to be Arabs.
Let’s review how Israel had tried to deal with Hamas:
1. Israel tried occupying Gaza. That didn’t work.
2. Israel tried building walls and letting Hamas run Gaza. That didn’t work.

This leads inexorably to the only viable solution for Israel to prevent Hamas attacking and murdering Israeli citizens from Gaza.

Palestinians will no longer be allowed to occupy Gaza.

No Palestinians in Gaza = No terror attacks from Gaza.
You cannot co-exist with those who refuse to co-exist with you. Put them in boats and let the Lefts precious UN deal with them. When violence becomes necessary it becomes the only thing that works.

You cannot negotiate with some one who only wants you dead.

The Jews were once refugees seeking sanctuary. They were turned away, but found refuge in Palestine. They have demonized the Palestinians, taken their property and human rights for 70 years.
Let’s review how Israel had tried to deal with Hamas:
1. Israel tried occupying Gaza. That didn’t work.
2. Israel tried building walls and letting Hamas run Gaza. That didn’t work.

This leads inexorably to the only viable solution for Israel to prevent Hamas attacking and murdering Israeli citizens from Gaza.

Palestinians will no longer be allowed to occupy Gaza.

No Palestinians in Gaza = No terror attacks from Gaza.
You cannot co-exist with those who refuse to co-exist with you. Put them in boats and let the Lefts precious UN deal with them. When violence becomes necessary it becomes the only thing that works.

You cannot negotiate with some one who only wants you dead.
Israel won't go that far, but that is the only real solution
The Jews were once refugees seeking sanctuary. They were turned away, but found refuge in Palestine. They have demonized the Palestinians, taken their property and human rights for 70 years.
All things many Americans have no understanding of.
The Jews were once refugees seeking sanctuary. They were turned away, but found refuge in Palestine. They have demonized the Palestinians, taken their property and human rights for 70 years.

The Jews settled on Ottoman land, not Palestinian land.
You’re both ignorantly advocating for genocide. You both know nothing of Israeli atrocities which are many, but you know about 10/7.
I believe in the death penalty for murder.
God said it was what to do.

You’re free to take them into your home and reason with them to be civilized.

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