The ONLY word for this is tragic

The Unions are going Bat Chit crazy over the deal. They helped get it passed and NOW FINALLY UNDERSTAND THAT THE BILL IS BS.

So they want special favors so they DON'T HAVE TO GET HIT LIKE THE REST OF THE PEASANTS. Aka the average American.


YOU REAP WHAT YOU SEW..............................Time to join the masses and get fucked over by the Fed like everyone else.

Or not.

Incidently, I'm not sure who is getting "fucked over". My plan is the same today as it was before ObamaCare. So are most people I know.

aka You don't give a rats arse if some groups get special favors and the laws are interpreted unequally.

Nope, I really don't. I want the cops out catching real criminals, not the guy talking on his cell phone at a stop light. I'm funny like that.


Glad you show your true Bias towards enforcement of Obamacare. So in your view the Unions including the IRS Union should get a pass on ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW?

Proves your a commie.
The Unions are going Bat Chit crazy over the deal. They helped get it passed and NOW FINALLY UNDERSTAND THAT THE BILL IS BS.

So they want special favors so they DON'T HAVE TO GET HIT LIKE THE REST OF THE PEASANTS. Aka the average American.


YOU REAP WHAT YOU SEW..............................Time to join the masses and get fucked over by the Fed like everyone else.

Or not.

Incidently, I'm not sure who is getting "fucked over". My plan is the same today as it was before ObamaCare. So are most people I know.

So let's ignore the data of those getting Fucked over............................

Reminds me of a saying............................

A Recession is when someone else loses their job. A Depression is when I lose mine.

So you are happy so screw everyone else........................................

The writing is on the wall. But you refuse to see, because you want ACA to implode.........

Because the ultimate goal is single payer. The ends justify the means, and never let a GOOD CRISIS GO TO WASTE. This Crisis will be WHOLLY the fault of the ACA and Gov't. And their solution will be your WET DREAM LIB.

Do you know what HONOR IS? I don't think so.

aka You don't give a rats arse if some groups get special favors and the laws are interpreted unequally.

Nope, I really don't. I want the cops out catching real criminals, not the guy talking on his cell phone at a stop light. I'm funny like that.


Glad you show your true Bias towards enforcement of Obamacare. So in your view the Unions including the IRS Union should get a pass on ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW?

Proves your a commie.

Unions take good care of their people. It shows why they are hated by the Right Wing so much.

So, no, I Don't worry about them, because anything they come up with is going to be as good a deal as they'd have gotten under ObamaCare.

A big corporation doesn't deserve a fucking inch of slack, because they screw their employees over at every oppurtunity.
So let's ignore the data of those getting Fucked over............................

Reminds me of a saying............................

A Recession is when someone else loses their job. A Depression is when I lose mine.

So you are happy so screw everyone else........................................

The writing is on the wall. But you refuse to see, because you want ACA to implode.........

Because the ultimate goal is single payer. The ends justify the means, and never let a GOOD CRISIS GO TO WASTE. This Crisis will be WHOLLY the fault of the ACA and Gov't. And their solution will be your WET DREAM LIB.

Do you know what HONOR IS? I don't think so.

Guy, the system was in crisis before ACA hit.

46 million without insurance and 25 million with inadequate insurance.

62% of bankruptcies linked to medical crisis.

Lowest life expectency in the industrialized world.

Highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world.

Highest spend per capita in the entire world despite these awful results- and medical inflation being three times regular inflation.

Yes, it would have been nice if we went to single payer when the rest of the world did so, but there are too many people making obscene amounts of money in the current system. That's why we have a crisis.
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Jobs Reports: U.S. Turning Into a Part-time Worker Economy

When the two-part employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) was issued on Friday, the news was modestly positive: From its business “establishment” data it noted that employment increased by 162,000, a little less than expected but not far from the average of 175,000 new jobs a month that the economy has been generating for the last three months. The estimates for May and June were revised downward slightly, but July’s numbers were enough to push down the unemployment rate from 7.6 percent to 7.4 percent. The BLS reported also that the number of unemployed persons has dropped by 1.2 million over the last 12 months while the unemployment rate has come down from 8.2 percent to 7.4 percent in that same time period.

There was further good news: Unemployment rates for adult women (at 6.5 percent) and blacks (at 12.6 percent) declined in July while the number of “long-term” unemployed (jobless for 27 weeks or more) has declined by almost one million since July 2012.

Reuters was guardedly optimistic, noting that the labor force shrank during the month, “robbing some of the luster from the decline in the unemployment rate [but the report] reinforces the view that the job market is inching [its way] toward recovery.”

This optimism was not shared by Peter Morici, professor at the University of Maryland, who observed:

The economy is firing on three cylinders instead of six….

Many of those [being hired] are part-timers. Increasingly Americans are [being] relegated to a contingent work force where they work temp jobs, part-time jobs….

[Businesses] are finding health insurance too expensive to provide [full-time] employees and if they cut down to part-time workers, turning three jobs into four, they avoid all that….

That’s what’s happening. Some folks will have to work two jobs to make ends meet, and they still don’t get healthcare.

This showed up in the other part of the BLS report, the “household” survey, which showed that in July 103,000 more Americans reported working part-time. Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge has been predicting the slow conversion of the American workforce into part-timers for years. Back in December 2010 he wrote: "It is surprising that over the past several years very little has been said in the popular media about the fact that America is slowly but surely transforming from a full-time to part-time employed society."

The trend that he noted at the time was clear: In December 2007, at the start of the start of the Great Recession, there were 121.7 million full-time jobs and 24.8 million part-time jobs. In November 2010 (at the time he was writing) there were just 111.1 million full-time jobs but part-timers increased to 27.6 million.

Today, there are 117.7 million full-time jobs (a decline since the start of the recession of four million) while part-time jobs have grown by 2.6 million, to 27.4 million. Simply put, full-time jobs are being replaced by part-time ones.

Durden looked at last week’s BLS report and found something the media totally ignored: Of the nearly one million jobs the economy has created since the first of the year, only 222,000 of them were full-time. Put another way, three out of four jobs created since January 1 have been part-time.

Whenever a government policy intrudes into the working of the marketplace, the marketplace adjusts as best it can. With the advent of ObamaCare and the requirement that employers with more than 50 full-time employees must provide health coverage for them, business owners and managers are responding appropriately: Where providing a full-time employee with health coverage doesn't make economic sense, they split the work load into two or three pieces, getting the same job done but with two or three people working fewer than 30 hours a week (ObamaCare’s threshold for coverage).

Of course this is exactly the opposite of what the American people were told that ObamaCare would do: provide healthcare coverage for millions who aren't already covered. Instead of expanding coverage, the onerous law is now reducing it.

There is at least one irony here: Unions find it vastly more difficult to recruit part-timers into their unions, and so one of the strongest supporters of the Obama administration is suffering along with American workers.
Jobs Reports: U.S. Turning Into a Part-time Worker Economy

When the two-part employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) was issued on Friday, the news was modestly positive: From its business “establishment” data it noted that employment increased by 162,000, a little less than expected but not far from the average of 175,000 new jobs a month that the economy has been generating for the last three months. The estimates for May and June were revised downward slightly, but July’s numbers were enough to push down the unemployment rate from 7.6 percent to 7.4 percent. The BLS reported also that the number of unemployed persons has dropped by 1.2 million over the last 12 months while the unemployment rate has come down from 8.2 percent to 7.4 percent in that same time period.

I'll bet you blame rape victims for how they dress.

Simple enough solution.

You are now required to provide health coverage to your part time employees as well.

Problem solved.

Guy, the insanity here is making people get health care through their employers and then having the well-being of their families contingent on the whims of their managers.

Having worked for enough douchebags who've managed to climb to the corner office, this is the definition of insanity.

Their first response to ObamaCare is not, "how do we take care of our own", but "How do we screw people over!"

Making the case for single payer better than I ever could.
Riddle me this............................................

A group of people, aka Libs, tell everyone they are for the poor and middle class................

They propose a bill that actually hurts them more than it helps....................

And then say it's for their own good...........................

And that the bad consequences of the law are simply a product of change for the better................

As they screw the people of the United States and the Unions that helped get it passed..............

Are they really for the average American, or are their purposes Self Serving to their agenda...........

Those against Obamacare, who warned them of the problems with it are proving to be DEAD ON THE MONEY about the problems with the ACA.....................

And losers like the one posting on this thread don't care at all.

They have a different purpose. To get their foot in the door. Pass a law that GUARANTEE'S CRISIS, and then use that Crisis to get a Single Payer system in place.

That has ALWAYS BEEN THEIR GOAL. And that hasn't changed.

They are really bottom feeding animals in my opinion.
Jobs Reports: U.S. Turning Into a Part-time Worker Economy

When the two-part employment report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) was issued on Friday, the news was modestly positive: From its business “establishment” data it noted that employment increased by 162,000, a little less than expected but not far from the average of 175,000 new jobs a month that the economy has been generating for the last three months. The estimates for May and June were revised downward slightly, but July’s numbers were enough to push down the unemployment rate from 7.6 percent to 7.4 percent. The BLS reported also that the number of unemployed persons has dropped by 1.2 million over the last 12 months while the unemployment rate has come down from 8.2 percent to 7.4 percent in that same time period.

I'll bet you blame rape victims for how they dress.

Simple enough solution.

You are now required to provide health coverage to your part time employees as well.

Problem solved.

Guy, the insanity here is making people get health care through their employers and then having the well-being of their families contingent on the whims of their managers.

Having worked for enough douchebags who've managed to climb to the corner office, this is the definition of insanity.

Their first response to ObamaCare is not, "how do we take care of our own", but "How do we screw people over!"

Making the case for single payer better than I ever could.

So someone working 20 hours should be elligble. How about 10 hours..................

"Making the case for single payer better than I ever could."

Which is your goal, even as the ACA is IMPLODING.
Riddle me this............................................

A group of people, aka Libs, tell everyone they are for the poor and middle class................

They propose a bill that actually hurts them more than it helps....................

And then say it's for their own good...........................


Dumbfuck, it is a good law.

Only the attempts by wealthy business owners to evade doing the right thing are causing bad consequence.

It's kind of like if you put speed bumps on a street, and the hot-rodders go run over kids on another street to avoid it.

Do you really, really think that an insurance company should be allowed to deny someone coverage after they paid insurance because of a "pre-existing" condition?

Do you really think that companies should fire employees because they get sick because they are a "liability".

So someone working 20 hours should be elligble. How about 10 hours..................

"Making the case for single payer better than I ever could."

Which is your goal, even as the ACA is IMPLODING.

Not really. The only thing that is becoming a problem is the employer mandate, which wasn't even the most key section to the law.

Now, there's a simple enough solution. Create a public option. You don't want to provide insurance that is real insurance, then pay into the public option and let your employees get their coverage there.

And this is the real problem. Employer based coverage probably was fine in the 1950's when treatments were limited and inexpensive and you really needed a lot of people to run a factory.

Now they aren't, so much.

Does ObamaCare speed up or slow down the INEVITABLE collapse of employer based health insurance... Probably slows it down. But inevitably, it's going to collapse.
Riddle me this............................................

A group of people, aka Libs, tell everyone they are for the poor and middle class................

They propose a bill that actually hurts them more than it helps....................

And then say it's for their own good...........................


Dumbfuck, it is a good law.

Only the attempts by wealthy business owners to evade doing the right thing are causing bad consequence.

It's kind of like if you put speed bumps on a street, and the hot-rodders go run over kids on another street to avoid it.

Do you really, really think that an insurance company should be allowed to deny someone coverage after they paid insurance because of a "pre-existing" condition?

Do you really think that companies should fire employees because they get sick because they are a "liability".

Your precious law doesn't fix jack squat. It is causing massive problems. Problems brought up and ignored during the debates. Ignored at the debates.

The problems of COST at the debates. Solutions were offered and not taken, especially in the area of HIGH COST MEDICAL TREATMENTS AND CONDITIONS. Like Hurricane Insurance pools, yet the COUNTER OFFER WAS GOV'T SUBSIDIZING THESE POOLS.

Completely ignored.

Your side WASTED A COMPROMISE POSITION. The GOP was offering Compromise that might have actually made a difference, but your side was so arrogant on MINE MINE MINE, that you were TOO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND that problems could have been fixed before passage.

But the UTTER ARROGANCE OF THE LEFT was unmoving and so no we are stuck with this incredibly FUCKED UP LAW.

I must be getting under your skin DUMBFUCK. You are a liberal Stooge and Marx would be proud of you, as we pave or way to HELL because of idiots like you.

Your precious law doesn't fix jack squat. It is causing massive problems. Problems brought up and ignored during the debates. Ignored at the debates.

The problems of COST at the debates. Solutions were offered and not taken, especially in the area of HIGH COST MEDICAL TREATMENTS AND CONDITIONS. Like Hurricane Insurance pools, yet the COUNTER OFFER WAS GOV'T SUBSIDIZING THESE POOLS.

Completely ignored.

Your side WASTED A COMPROMISE POSITION. The GOP was offering Compromise that might have actually made a difference, but your side was so arrogant on MINE MINE MINE, that you were TOO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND that problems could have been fixed before passage.

But the UTTER ARROGANCE OF THE LEFT was unmoving and so no we are stuck with this incredibly FUCKED UP LAW.

I must be getting under your skin DUMBFUCK. You are a liberal Stooge and Marx would be proud of you, as we pave or way to HELL because of idiots like you.

Actually, the GOP offerend nothing but obstructionism and racism.

Here's the ugly little secret. Do you know WHY ObamaCare wasn't a bigger issue in the 2012 election?

Because it was THE EXACT SAME THING as RomneyCare.

Except RomneyCare has worked just fine in MA. So well that Romney could boast about it in 2008, but wouldn't be caught having a drink with it in 2012.

But dumbfuck racists just can't stand that a black guy solved the problem, even if he used a Republican's idea.

Now, where I fault Obama was that he tried way too hard to work with the Republicans. He should have just went with a public option and a tax on employers who don't provide coverage and called it a day. But he was too busy accommedating Republicans and Democratic Senators who like the Coffee over at Faux News like Evan Bayh.

Your precious law doesn't fix jack squat. It is causing massive problems. Problems brought up and ignored during the debates. Ignored at the debates.

The problems of COST at the debates. Solutions were offered and not taken, especially in the area of HIGH COST MEDICAL TREATMENTS AND CONDITIONS. Like Hurricane Insurance pools, yet the COUNTER OFFER WAS GOV'T SUBSIDIZING THESE POOLS.

Completely ignored.

Your side WASTED A COMPROMISE POSITION. The GOP was offering Compromise that might have actually made a difference, but your side was so arrogant on MINE MINE MINE, that you were TOO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND that problems could have been fixed before passage.

But the UTTER ARROGANCE OF THE LEFT was unmoving and so no we are stuck with this incredibly FUCKED UP LAW.

I must be getting under your skin DUMBFUCK. You are a liberal Stooge and Marx would be proud of you, as we pave or way to HELL because of idiots like you.

Actually, the GOP offerend nothing but obstructionism and racism.

Here's the ugly little secret. Do you know WHY ObamaCare wasn't a bigger issue in the 2012 election?

Because it was THE EXACT SAME THING as RomneyCare.

Except RomneyCare has worked just fine in MA. So well that Romney could boast about it in 2008, but wouldn't be caught having a drink with it in 2012.

But dumbfuck racists just can't stand that a black guy solved the problem, even if he used a Republican's idea.

Now, where I fault Obama was that he tried way too hard to work with the Republicans. He should have just went with a public option and a tax on employers who don't provide coverage and called it a day. But he was too busy accommedating Republicans and Democratic Senators who like the Coffee over at Faux News like Evan Bayh.

aka They should have bent over and taken it up the arse..............

They did offer compromise, and they did offer OBSTRUCTION. Because they didn't want a take over by the Federal Gov't of 1/3rd of the GDP of the entire economy.

Secondly, you refuse to remember when they OFFERED SOLUTIONS because the solutions interfered with your LIBERAL MANTRA.

So your side passed a pile of shit that HIT'S THE FAN NEXT YEAR.

Personally on the Unions problems. You helped make the shit sandwich, too bad that you now have to take a bite.

aka They should have bent over and taken it up the arse..............

They did offer compromise, and they did offer OBSTRUCTION. Because they didn't want a take over by the Federal Gov't of 1/3rd of the GDP of the entire economy.

Secondly, you refuse to remember when they OFFERED SOLUTIONS because the solutions interfered with your LIBERAL MANTRA.

So your side passed a pile of shit that HIT'S THE FAN NEXT YEAR.

Personally on the Unions problems. You helped make the shit sandwich, too bad that you now have to take a bite.

Yeah, blah, blah, blah... you guys have been predicting this for years now, and it hasn't happened yet.

You know what will happen. People will find they like it. that's what really scares the shit out of you.

aka They should have bent over and taken it up the arse..............

They did offer compromise, and they did offer OBSTRUCTION. Because they didn't want a take over by the Federal Gov't of 1/3rd of the GDP of the entire economy.

Secondly, you refuse to remember when they OFFERED SOLUTIONS because the solutions interfered with your LIBERAL MANTRA.

So your side passed a pile of shit that HIT'S THE FAN NEXT YEAR.

Personally on the Unions problems. You helped make the shit sandwich, too bad that you now have to take a bite.

Yeah, blah, blah, blah... you guys have been predicting this for years now, and it hasn't happened yet.

You know what will happen. People will find they like it. that's what really scares the shit out of you.

BS As you ignore the current situation and the effect it is having on the economy. But as long as Gov't get's bigger your happy right.

POP Quiz


[ame=]Speed (1994) Theatrical Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

BS As you ignore the current situation and the effect it is having on the economy. But as long as Gov't get's bigger your happy right.

POP Quiz


Speed (1994) Theatrical Trailer - YouTube

Again, blaming ObamaCare for the greed of big corporations is like blaming a rape victim for her short skirt.

Do you really think these big corporations wouldn't be finding ways to screw their employees without ObamaCare? Really?

BS As you ignore the current situation and the effect it is having on the economy. But as long as Gov't get's bigger your happy right.

POP Quiz


Speed (1994) Theatrical Trailer - YouTube

Again, blaming ObamaCare for the greed of big corporations is like blaming a rape victim for her short skirt.

Do you really think these big corporations wouldn't be finding ways to screw their employees without ObamaCare? Really?

I'm blaming Obamacare for passing a law with so many holes in it that it looked like Swiss Cheese.

They are supposed to understand these things, and pass laws that take these matters into consideration.

Are they JUST THAT INCOMPETENT, or did they do it on purpose? They knew this chit was gonna happen when they passed it, didn't they????????

Which goes back to your Single Payer option...........They purposely passed a law to fail to get something different later. Which is exactly how I see it.

I'm blaming Obamacare for passing a law with so many holes in it that it looked like Swiss Cheese.

They are supposed to understand these things, and pass laws that take these matters into consideration.

Are they JUST THAT INCOMPETENT, or did they do it on purpose? They knew this chit was gonna happen when they passed it, didn't they????????

Which goes back to your Single Payer option...........They purposely passed a law to fail to get something different later. Which is exactly how I see it.

The problem was, the pre-ObamaCare status quo had even more holes in it.

Your whine here is that the IRS union is saying, "Hey, our health care is good enough, we don't need to make changes to it. Our employees are happy with what they have."

Okay. Not seeing a problem here.

In my last job, they changed my insurance three times, each time to something a little shittier. And when I ran up 50K in medical bills, they found an excuse to let me go.

Never did they ask my opinion on any of those decisions.
Riddle me this................................

Currently Snowden and the NSA scandal. America including the Dems are yelling out about how the Gov't is spying on us all. It has caused a public outrage including the Libs.

Yet Obamacare forces all of us to put our Medical Records into a Federal Database. Something that has ALWAYS BEEN PRIVATE INFORMATION.

Nothing is said, and IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD.

Reminds me of the saying," 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

not only that

then the IRS enforcement division will insure that you do

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