The ONLY word for this is tragic


I'm blaming Obamacare for passing a law with so many holes in it that it looked like Swiss Cheese.

They are supposed to understand these things, and pass laws that take these matters into consideration.

Are they JUST THAT INCOMPETENT, or did they do it on purpose? They knew this chit was gonna happen when they passed it, didn't they????????

Which goes back to your Single Payer option...........They purposely passed a law to fail to get something different later. Which is exactly how I see it.

The problem was, the pre-ObamaCare status quo had even more holes in it.

Your whine here is that the IRS union is saying, "Hey, our health care is good enough, we don't need to make changes to it. Our employees are happy with what they have."

Okay. Not seeing a problem here.

In my last job, they changed my insurance three times, each time to something a little shittier. And when I ran up 50K in medical bills, they found an excuse to let me go.

Never did they ask my opinion on any of those decisions.

So the new plan is to launch a ship that is already flooding, and sinking at the stern?

Then they try and fix the flooding by counter flooding. A method used is damage control, which adds more water to keep the ship from capsizing. Problem is, until you find a way to stood the uncontrolled flooding, the SHIP IS GOING DOWN.

Eventually, the ship cracks in half, which is a key problem with Liberal Ideology.

So the new plan is to launch a ship that is already flooding, and sinking at the stern?

Then they try and fix the flooding by counter flooding. A method used is damage control, which adds more water to keep the ship from capsizing. Problem is, until you find a way to stood the uncontrolled flooding, the SHIP IS GOING DOWN.

Eventually, the ship cracks in half, which is a key problem with Liberal Ideology.

The problem with your analogy here is that the ship was already in the water and was already sinking.

ObamaCare blocked up the big holes (46 million without insurance, Insurance companies cheating their employees by 'redaction") but didn't worry so much about the little holes.

So the IRS union gets a waiver. So what? They weren't the problem, were they?

So the new plan is to launch a ship that is already flooding, and sinking at the stern?

Then they try and fix the flooding by counter flooding. A method used is damage control, which adds more water to keep the ship from capsizing. Problem is, until you find a way to stood the uncontrolled flooding, the SHIP IS GOING DOWN.

Eventually, the ship cracks in half, which is a key problem with Liberal Ideology.

The problem with your analogy here is that the ship was already in the water and was already sinking.

ObamaCare blocked up the big holes (46 million without insurance, Insurance companies cheating their employees by 'redaction") but didn't worry so much about the little holes.

So the IRS union gets a waiver. So what? They weren't the problem, were they?

46 Million.........Umm how many of those were illegals again. How many times did these numbers change as they passed these laws?

Obamacare fixed a giant hole..........Excuse me, people are currently losing coverage, the prices are going up, and business is cutting to part time.

You call that blocking up a Giant hole............................

Seven million will lose insurance under Obama health law - Washington Times

Obama’s health care law will push 7 million people out of their job-based insurance coverage — nearly twice the previous estimate, according to the latest estimates from the Congressional Budget Office released Tuesday.
CBO said that this year’s tax cuts have changed the incentives for businesses and made it less attractive to pay for insurance, meaning fewer will decide to do so. Instead, they’ll choose to pay a penalty to the government, totaling $13 billion in higher fees over the next decade.
But the non-partisan agency also expects fewer people to have to pay individual penalties to the IRS than it earlier projects, because of a better method for calculating incomes that found more people will be exempt.
Overall, the new health provisions are expected to cost the government $1.165 trillion over the next decade — the same as last year’s projection.
With other spending cuts and tax increases called for in the health law, though, CBO still says Mr. Obama’s signature achievement will reduce budget deficits in the short term.
During the health care debate Mr. Obama had said individuals would be able to keep their plans.

Read more: Seven million will lose insurance under Obama health law - Washington Times
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Single Payer, that's the ticket. When the rich are in the same hospital wards as the poor, that's when we fix things.

So you admit that single payer will result in the "rich" getting worse healthcare? :lmao:

Yep, leave it to a libtard Dumbocrat to work to lower the standard of living in America!

Dumbocrats: Creating 3rd-world conditions since 1890!

Forget about those 7 Million people......................

Keep it quiet...............................

So the new plan is to launch a ship that is already flooding, and sinking at the stern?

Then they try and fix the flooding by counter flooding. A method used is damage control, which adds more water to keep the ship from capsizing. Problem is, until you find a way to stood the uncontrolled flooding, the SHIP IS GOING DOWN.

Eventually, the ship cracks in half, which is a key problem with Liberal Ideology.

The problem with your analogy here is that the ship was already in the water and was already sinking.

ObamaCare blocked up the big holes (46 million without insurance, Insurance companies cheating their employees by 'redaction") but didn't worry so much about the little holes.

So the IRS union gets a waiver. So what? They weren't the problem, were they?

I DEMAND EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW. Not favors for one over the other.


So the new plan is to launch a ship that is already flooding, and sinking at the stern?

Then they try and fix the flooding by counter flooding. A method used is damage control, which adds more water to keep the ship from capsizing. Problem is, until you find a way to stood the uncontrolled flooding, the SHIP IS GOING DOWN.

Eventually, the ship cracks in half, which is a key problem with Liberal Ideology.

The problem with your analogy here is that the ship was already in the water and was already sinking.

ObamaCare blocked up the big holes (46 million without insurance, Insurance companies cheating their employees by 'redaction") but didn't worry so much about the little holes.

So the IRS union gets a waiver. So what? They weren't the problem, were they?

46 Million.........Umm how many of those were illegals again. How many times did these numbers change as they passed these laws?

Obamacare fixed a giant hole..........Excuse me, people are currently losing coverage, the prices are going up, and business is cutting to part time.

You call that blocking up a Giant hole............................


Illegals still get sick, they still show up at emergency rooms, they still affect the overall health picture.

It's not okay if they suffer because they came here "illegally".

And, yes, expanding coverage is a big deal.

Now, really, if employers want to shoot themselves in the foot by going "part time", and shifting more people to MedicAid, that just gets us to single payer that much quicker. They are kind of dealing away the only card they have pretty quickly.
The cost of my spouse to die from cancer in 2009 after 3.5 years of chemotherapy and surgery: $1,300,000.00

That's right. And Empire Blue of New York fought it fucking tooth and nail down to the last drop of blood.

So why didn't you start your own hospital, charge exponentially less - causing everyone in America to come running to your hospital - and retire a billionaire who helped society greatly?

Folks, nothing sums up the Dumbocrat like this ignorant post above. If they don't like the cost of something, they don't work to become wealthier OR enter that particular market themselves and lower the cost through competition - nope! Instead, they go crying to daddy (or in this case, Uncle Sam) and like spoiled children, scream "make them give me what I want"!
The cost of my spouse to die from cancer in 2009 after 3.5 years of chemotherapy and surgery: $1,300,000.00

That's right. And Empire Blue of New York fought it fucking tooth and nail down to the last drop of blood.

So why didn't you start your own hospital, charge exponentially less - causing everyone in America to come running to your hospital - and retire a billionaire who helped society greatly?

Folks, nothing sums up the Dumbocrat like this ignorant post above. If they don't like the cost of something, they don't work to become wealthier OR enter that particular market themselves and lower the cost through competition - nope! Instead, they go crying to daddy (or in this case, Uncle Sam) and like spoiled children, scream "make them give me what I want"!

Buttsoiler's advise to rape victims.... Go out and buy yourself a strap-on and do rape more "gently".
It's not okay if they suffer because they came here "illegally".

Then YOU pay for them! Oh wait - what am I saying - you're a greedy parasite who mooches off of others. Like a good little Dumbocrat, you don't share anything you have.

So the new plan is to launch a ship that is already flooding, and sinking at the stern?

Then they try and fix the flooding by counter flooding. A method used is damage control, which adds more water to keep the ship from capsizing. Problem is, until you find a way to stood the uncontrolled flooding, the SHIP IS GOING DOWN.

Eventually, the ship cracks in half, which is a key problem with Liberal Ideology.

The problem with your analogy here is that the ship was already in the water and was already sinking.

ObamaCare blocked up the big holes (46 million without insurance, Insurance companies cheating their employees by 'redaction") but didn't worry so much about the little holes.

So the IRS union gets a waiver. So what? They weren't the problem, were they?

I DEMAND EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW. Not favors for one over the other.


Oh, you are for equality?

Okay. Single Payer. Everyone gets the SAME treatment, even the rich.
The cost of my spouse to die from cancer in 2009 after 3.5 years of chemotherapy and surgery: $1,300,000.00

That's right. And Empire Blue of New York fought it fucking tooth and nail down to the last drop of blood.

So why didn't you start your own hospital, charge exponentially less - causing everyone in America to come running to your hospital - and retire a billionaire who helped society greatly?

Folks, nothing sums up the Dumbocrat like this ignorant post above. If they don't like the cost of something, they don't work to become wealthier OR enter that particular market themselves and lower the cost through competition - nope! Instead, they go crying to daddy (or in this case, Uncle Sam) and like spoiled children, scream "make them give me what I want"!

Buttsoiler's advise to rape victims.... Go out and buy yourself a strap-on and do rape more "gently".

AhAhAhAhAhAhAh!!! Watching you fall apart because you can't respond to an intelligent post is hilarious!!! :lmao:
It's not okay if they suffer because they came here "illegally".

Then YOU pay for them! Oh wait - what am I saying - you're a greedy parasite who mooches off of others. Like a good little Dumbocrat, you don't share anything you have.

No, I pay about 25% of my income in taxes, thanks for asking.

And you are already paying for them.

They show up at Emergency rooms, and doctors HAVE to treat them. Not only is it the law, but there was that little thing called a Hippocratic Oath.

It's just that treating them in an emergency room is 10 times more expensive than treating them at a general practitioner's office.
So why didn't you start your own hospital, charge exponentially less - causing everyone in America to come running to your hospital - and retire a billionaire who helped society greatly?

Folks, nothing sums up the Dumbocrat like this ignorant post above. If they don't like the cost of something, they don't work to become wealthier OR enter that particular market themselves and lower the cost through competition - nope! Instead, they go crying to daddy (or in this case, Uncle Sam) and like spoiled children, scream "make them give me what I want"!

Buttsoiler's advise to rape victims.... Go out and buy yourself a strap-on and do rape more "gently".

AhAhAhAhAhAhAh!!! Watching you fall apart because you can't respond to an intelligent post is hilarious!!! :lmao:

It's not an intelligent statement. NoTea wasn't even talking about hospitals, she was talking about insurance companies.

It is unacceptable that we don't provide decent health coverage to every American, so that a few people can enjoy wealth and power.
The cost of my spouse to die from cancer in 2009 after 3.5 years of chemotherapy and surgery: $1,300,000.00

That's right. And Empire Blue of New York fought it fucking tooth and nail down to the last drop of blood.

So why didn't you start your own hospital, charge exponentially less - causing everyone in America to come running to your hospital - and retire a billionaire who helped society greatly?

Folks, nothing sums up the Dumbocrat like this ignorant post above. If they don't like the cost of something, they don't work to become wealthier OR enter that particular market themselves and lower the cost through competition - nope! Instead, they go crying to daddy (or in this case, Uncle Sam) and like spoiled children, scream "make them give me what I want"!

Buttsoiler's advise to rape victims.... Go out and buy yourself a strap-on and do rape more "gently".

Just think of what you could do for society and your fellow man - which your PRETEND to care about - if you weren't too lazy to get off of your fat ass and actually create more affordable healthcare instead of begging government to force others who did get off their ass to do it for the price you want (ahem - communism).
It's not okay if they suffer because they came here "illegally".

Then YOU pay for them! Oh wait - what am I saying - you're a greedy parasite who mooches off of others. Like a good little Dumbocrat, you don't share anything you have.

No, I pay about 25% of my income in taxes, thanks for asking.

And you are already paying for them.

They show up at Emergency rooms, and doctors HAVE to treat them. Not only is it the law, but there was that little thing called a Hippocratic Oath.

It's just that treating them in an emergency room is 10 times more expensive than treating them at a general practitioner's office.

Which is the whole problem - being forced to treat CRIMINALS for FREE.

Change the law to say the hospital can tell them "go fuck yourself" and turn them away. Problem SOLVED!

(see how simple that was, stupid?)
Riddle me this....................

Obama and the Dems said that the ACA would bring down costs......................

Obama and the Dems said that the ACA would provide insurance to the needy via Credits...........

Obama and the Dems said that the ACA would lower Insurance Premiums............

and etc.................................

Here's the problem. Economics. You can't give away Tax Dollars to the needy and subsidize Insurance Costs without someone PAYING FOR IT. Part of this TAXING STRATEGY was to Tax POLICIES directly, something that has never been done before..................

It is unacceptable that we don't provide decent health coverage to every American, so that a few people can enjoy wealth and power.

It's completely acceptable. In fact, it's the only thing that's acceptable. It's called FREEDOM you ass-wipe parasite moocher!
It's not an intelligent statement. NoTea wasn't even talking about hospitals, she was talking about insurance companies.

Really? Allow me to educate you (as usual):

Quote: Originally Posted by NoTeaPartyPleez
The cost of my spouse to die from cancer in 2009 after 3.5 years of chemotherapy and surgery: $1,300,000.00

Mmmm... did the insurance company charge $1.3 million or did the HOSPITAL?!?

You can't even follow a simple conversation... No wonder you can't understand any solution other than Dumbocrat "force someone because that's how you get what you want" policy...

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