The ONLY word for this is tragic


Buttsoiler's advise to rape victims.... Go out and buy yourself a strap-on and do rape more "gently".

Just think of what you could do for society and your fellow man - which your PRETEND to care about - if you weren't too lazy to get off of your fat ass and actually create more affordable healthcare instead of begging government to force others who did get off their ass to do it for the price you want (ahem - communism).

sorry, man, not a medical professional.

And frankly, just because someone went to medical school doesn't give him the privilage of raping me on costs when he knows I'm sick and desperate.

We spend more per capita than any other country, and we get the worst overall results. (That means, for those who aren't rich enough to afford consierge doctors.)

So, yeah, I've concluded that For Profit Health care doesn't work if we are spending billions treating the terminally ill who can afford it while those with treatable conditions suffer because no one is making a profit off of them.
Then YOU pay for them! Oh wait - what am I saying - you're a greedy parasite who mooches off of others. Like a good little Dumbocrat, you don't share anything you have.

No, I pay about 25% of my income in taxes, thanks for asking.

And you are already paying for them.

They show up at Emergency rooms, and doctors HAVE to treat them. Not only is it the law, but there was that little thing called a Hippocratic Oath.

It's just that treating them in an emergency room is 10 times more expensive than treating them at a general practitioner's office.

Which is the whole problem - being forced to treat CRIMINALS for FREE.

Change the law to say the hospital can tell them "go fuck yourself" and turn them away. Problem SOLVED!

(see how simple that was, stupid?)

Yeah, you see, the problem is, I don't see "criminals". I see hard working folks who are just trying to get by in life who are being exploited by rich folks who don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

And the hilarious thing is that those rich people are cheating you, too, in the process, when they have to go to an emergency room for treatment.

It is unacceptable that we don't provide decent health coverage to every American, so that a few people can enjoy wealth and power.

It's completely acceptable. In fact, it's the only thing that's acceptable. It's called FREEDOM you ass-wipe parasite moocher!

I don't look at suffering children and see "Freedom".

I would like to say that I'm surprised you do, but having read your drivel.. I'm not the least surprised.

And that's sort of sad.
Hang on guys.................

I just broke my arm............

I'm going down to Blue Cross and Shield, they will set the arm for me while I fill out the claim forms.........
It's not an intelligent statement. NoTea wasn't even talking about hospitals, she was talking about insurance companies.

Really? Allow me to educate you (as usual):

Quote: Originally Posted by NoTeaPartyPleez
The cost of my spouse to die from cancer in 2009 after 3.5 years of chemotherapy and surgery: $1,300,000.00

Mmmm... did the insurance company charge $1.3 million or did the HOSPITAL?!?

You can't even follow a simple conversation... No wonder you can't understand any solution other than Dumbocrat "force someone because that's how you get what you want" policy...

But her complaint was that the insurance companies fought her tooth and nail on every payment.

Not what the hospitals charged, which was outrageous.

But you see, that's the problem, for all your whining about "Socialized" medicine. They were passing the costs of those who couldn't pay onto those who could.

So again, single payer, everyone is covered, and you pay for what it actually costs to treat the person.

I'm over this idiot..................

He doesn't want to talk about the Fact that the ACA is a POS...............

So he moves on to his Wet Dream, Single Payer.

I'm over this idiot..................

He doesn't want to talk about the Fact that the ACA is a POS...............

So he moves on to his Wet Dream, Single Payer.

Just don't consider it relevent.

The ACA has problems. It is still better than what we had before.

And frankly, blaming the ACA for the shitty behavior of employers doesn't fly with me. They'd engage in shitty behavior no matter what the law is.

Buttsoiler's advise to rape victims.... Go out and buy yourself a strap-on and do rape more "gently".

Just think of what you could do for society and your fellow man - which your PRETEND to care about - if you weren't too lazy to get off of your fat ass and actually create more affordable healthcare instead of begging government to force others who did get off their ass to do it for the price you want (ahem - communism).

sorry, man, not a medical professional.

And frankly, just because someone went to medical school doesn't give him the privilage of raping me on costs when he knows I'm sick and desperate.

We spend more per capita than any other country, and we get the worst overall results. (That means, for those who aren't rich enough to afford consierge doctors.)

So, yeah, I've concluded that For Profit Health care doesn't work if we are spending billions treating the terminally ill who can afford it while those with treatable conditions suffer because no one is making a profit off of them.

You don't have to be a doctor to start a hospital. Are you really this stupid?

Buttsoiler's advise to rape victims.... Go out and buy yourself a strap-on and do rape more "gently".

Just think of what you could do for society and your fellow man - which your PRETEND to care about - if you weren't too lazy to get off of your fat ass and actually create more affordable healthcare instead of begging government to force others who did get off their ass to do it for the price you want (ahem - communism).

sorry, man, not a medical professional.

And frankly, just because someone went to medical school doesn't give him the privilage of raping me on costs when he knows I'm sick and desperate.

We spend more per capita than any other country, and we get the worst overall results. (That means, for those who aren't rich enough to afford consierge doctors.)

So, yeah, I've concluded that For Profit Health care doesn't work if we are spending billions treating the terminally ill who can afford it while those with treatable conditions suffer because no one is making a profit off of them.

Actually, yes it does. And just because you are too lazy to earn a proper living, doesn't give you the right to force his labor at the price you want. Period.
So, yeah, I've concluded that For Profit Health care doesn't work

But here's the thing - guy - nobody gives a fuck what you think. The only "conclusion" (and I use that term lightly) you ever come to is that communism "works" and that's because you start with the premise that you don't want to have to work & provide for yourself, and then you work backwards from there on how you can force others to provide for you (ie the only "conclusion" you can come to is that for profit healthcare "doesn't work").

I'm over this idiot..................

He doesn't want to talk about the Fact that the ACA is a POS...............

So he moves on to his Wet Dream, Single Payer.

Just don't consider it relevent.

The ACA has problems. It is still better than what we had before.

And frankly, blaming the ACA for the shitty behavior of employers doesn't fly with me. They'd engage in shitty behavior no matter what the law is.

So again - you lazy piece of shit - why don't you become an employer and proved people with a better life?!? Why isn't it always someone else's responsibility?!?
No, I pay about 25% of my income in taxes, thanks for asking.

And you are already paying for them.

They show up at Emergency rooms, and doctors HAVE to treat them. Not only is it the law, but there was that little thing called a Hippocratic Oath.

It's just that treating them in an emergency room is 10 times more expensive than treating them at a general practitioner's office.

Which is the whole problem - being forced to treat CRIMINALS for FREE.

Change the law to say the hospital can tell them "go fuck yourself" and turn them away. Problem SOLVED!

(see how simple that was, stupid?)

Yeah, you see, the problem is, I don't see "criminals". I see hard working folks who are just trying to get by in life who are being exploited by rich folks who don't want to pay an American a fair wage.

And the hilarious thing is that those rich people are cheating you, too, in the process, when they have to go to an emergency room for treatment.


It doesn't matter what you think you "see". If you entered this country illegal, you are a CRIMINAL. Period. That is an indisputable FACT.

Stop being such a disingenuous, naive ass wipe that these people are "hard working, innocent children of Jesus who save puppies in their spare time". They are members of MS-13 and you fucking know it.
It is unacceptable that we don't provide decent health coverage to every American, so that a few people can enjoy wealth and power.

It's completely acceptable. In fact, it's the only thing that's acceptable. It's called FREEDOM you ass-wipe parasite moocher!

I don't look at suffering children and see "Freedom".

I would like to say that I'm surprised you do, but having read your drivel.. I'm not the least surprised.

And that's sort of sad.

It's not the doctors who are causing the children to "suffer" (that was caused by their disease, their accident, etc.).

I know you Dumbocrats are the party of slavery and love slavery - but you do not have the right to force someone else to labor for you at the price you want. Selfish, lazy, prick. Go be a doctor and charge less for your services if that's what you want....
It's not an intelligent statement. NoTea wasn't even talking about hospitals, she was talking about insurance companies.

Really? Allow me to educate you (as usual):

Quote: Originally Posted by NoTeaPartyPleez
The cost of my spouse to die from cancer in 2009 after 3.5 years of chemotherapy and surgery: $1,300,000.00

Mmmm... did the insurance company charge $1.3 million or did the HOSPITAL?!?

You can't even follow a simple conversation... No wonder you can't understand any solution other than Dumbocrat "force someone because that's how you get what you want" policy...

But her complaint was that the insurance companies fought her tooth and nail on every payment.

Not what the hospitals charged, which was outrageous.

But you see, that's the problem, for all your whining about "Socialized" medicine. They were passing the costs of those who couldn't pay onto those who could.

So again, single payer, everyone is covered, and you pay for what it actually costs to treat the person.

Yeah, because a lack of competition always drives down prices... :lmao:

God, it's astounding just how STUPID you really are....
But you see, that's the problem, for all your whining about "Socialized" medicine. They were passing the costs of those who couldn't pay onto those who could.

So again, single payer, everyone is covered, and you pay for what it actually costs to treat the person.

Lets break down your "logic" here:

  • You claim we already pay for everybody under the current system

  • You claim that drives up cost

  • You propose a single payer system as a "solution"
So your solution to a system of covering everybody regardless of their ability to pay is to create a government run monopoly which covers everybody regardless of their ability to pay.... :lmao:

Hey dumb ass, the people who can't afford insurance now will NOT be paying into the system (just like now). Yet, they will be covered MORE than now (people without insurance only get emergency coverage now - under your "solution" they will have coverage for a hang-nail).

Leave it to a libtard to propose solving a problem of people getting free healthcare and burdening others by creating a system where people get free healthcare and burden others.... :lmao:

I'm over this idiot..................

He doesn't want to talk about the Fact that the ACA is a POS...............

So he moves on to his Wet Dream, Single Payer.

Just don't consider it relevent.

The ACA has problems. It is still better than what we had before.

And frankly, blaming the ACA for the shitty behavior of employers doesn't fly with me. They'd engage in shitty behavior no matter what the law is.

What we had before obamacare was choice.
It was the best healthcare on earth.
Despite the idiotic claims from the anti American UN.

If it was so bad, why did the families of British kids with their "Envy of the world" NHS system always send their sick kids to the USA to be cured from conditions the far superior NHS declared untreatable, incurable and terminal.
Many were cured in the USA!!!
Care to explain?

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Uh-oh!!! Looks more proof that JoeB., Barack Obama, and the rest are full of shit.. :eusa_whistle:

Republicans have long blamed President Obama's signature health care initiative for increasing insurance costs, dubbing it the "Unaffordable Care Act."

Turns out, they might be right.

For the vast majority of Americans, premium prices will be higher in the individual exchange than what they're currently paying for employer-sponsored benefits, according to a National Journal analysis of new coverage and cost data. Adding even more out-of-pocket expenses to consumers' monthly insurance bills is a swell in deductibles under the Affordable Care Act.

Obama's Affordable Care Act Looking a Bit Unaffordable -
We spend more per capita than any other country, and we get the worst overall results.

The facts show otherwise. The facts show you're a blithering idiot who can't stop lying because you're too lazy to work.

Here is a child of the "wonderful" single payer system of England whose community raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to get her out of England's single payer system and into the U.S.'s for profit system to drastically improve her chances of surviving:

A total of of nearly £300,000 was raised in two appeals to take her to the US for treatment.

BBC News - Hundreds attend Ruby Owen's funeral
I guess we will have to go with the man who most of this country thought was the right man for the job. Obama. ObamaCare it is then.

Deal with it. :)

Power is temporary. Eventually the BS is outweighed by the Truth, and Power shifts.

When it does, and it will, it is quite possible that Obamacare will become dust in the wind.

[ame=]Kansas - Dust in the wind (Lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]

My fear, however, is that by the time the temporary power has morphed into something more rational and less authoritarian and oppressive, the damage will have been done for the foreseeable future. We have been seeing fewer and fewer, proportionately, Americans entering medical school as the federal government has become more and more intrusive into the process via Medicare, Medicaid, mandates, and regulation. And it is THAT which has been the single larger factor driving up costs beyond the reach of the uninsured. Yet the truly committed seem to have faith that total government control would fix that.

It is almost impossible to find a general practitioner who treats the whole body any more. I have been spending most of my time at the hospital with a sick relative this past week. During the week she has seen I believe eleven different doctors for this or that. And not one of them was American born. Several of her nurses have been foreign born. They come here because the reduced government pay here looks good to them compared to where they came from. But more American doctors are leaving or contemplating leaving the profession than are choosing it these days.

Hospital staffs continue to cut back. The understaffing was apparent and appalling to me during this entire past week. (I say this as somebody who has worked a lot of years in America's hospitals.)

And then you look at the effects on the population as a whole. The big corporations have always provided benefit packages because they cannot compete for the best people otherwise. So of course most were behind Obamacare 100% as they knew it would disadvantage their smaller competition.

But as the time for full implementation approaches, their smaller competition are cutting work forces, cancelling expansions, and utilizing more and more part time workers to avoid the more onerous provisions of Obamacare.

Further, costs cannot help but increase as millions more Americans are covered under government insurance. And. . . .

WASHINGTON (AP) — Insurance companies will have to pay out an average of 32 percent more for medical claims on individual health policies under President Barack Obama's overhaul, the nation's leading group of financial risk analysts has estimated.

That's likely to increase premiums for at least some Americans buying individual plans.

The report by the Society of Actuaries could turn into a big headache for the Obama administration at a time when many parts of the country remain skeptical about the Affordable Care Act.

While some states will see medical claims costs per person decline, the report concluded the overwhelming majority will see double-digit increases in their individual health insurance markets, where people purchase coverage directly from insurers. . . .
Obamacare Will Cause Medical Claims Costs To Jump 32 Percent: Study

And we haven't gotten into all the exemptions for Obama, members of Congress, federal employees, unions, and some big donors to Democratic campaigns--so many of these that it cannot help but affect the whole.

If our elected legislators had any common sense or compassion they would repeal this boondoggle immediately before the U.S. health system has been destroyed beyond repair.

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