The ONLY word for this is tragic


I'm blaming Obamacare for passing a law with so many holes in it that it looked like Swiss Cheese.

They are supposed to understand these things, and pass laws that take these matters into consideration.

Are they JUST THAT INCOMPETENT, or did they do it on purpose? They knew this chit was gonna happen when they passed it, didn't they????????

Which goes back to your Single Payer option...........They purposely passed a law to fail to get something different later. Which is exactly how I see it.

The problem was, the pre-ObamaCare status quo had even more holes in it.

Your whine here is that the IRS union is saying, "Hey, our health care is good enough, we don't need to make changes to it. Our employees are happy with what they have."

Okay. Not seeing a problem here.

In my last job, they changed my insurance three times, each time to something a little shittier. And when I ran up 50K in medical bills, they found an excuse to let me go.

Never did they ask my opinion on any of those decisions.

They found a reason to let you go? Are you sure it wasn't the fact that you actively worked against the best interests of the company? Are you certain it wasn't that fact that you were sabotaging the goal of your employers? Your subversive nature? If you were working to destroy everything I had worked to build all my life, I would fire your ass too and from the way you portray yourself on this site, I would guess that is exactly what happened.


So the new plan is to launch a ship that is already flooding, and sinking at the stern?

Then they try and fix the flooding by counter flooding. A method used is damage control, which adds more water to keep the ship from capsizing. Problem is, until you find a way to stood the uncontrolled flooding, the SHIP IS GOING DOWN.

Eventually, the ship cracks in half, which is a key problem with Liberal Ideology.

The problem with your analogy here is that the ship was already in the water and was already sinking.

ObamaCare blocked up the big holes (46 million without insurance, Insurance companies cheating their employees by 'redaction") but didn't worry so much about the little holes.

So the IRS union gets a waiver. So what? They weren't the problem, were they?
There is no IRS union and there is no request for a waiver. IRS employees are members of the National Treasury Employees Union. The waiver is a creation of right wing media and the Republican House members. David Camp, a House Republican proposed a bill to abolish the group health insurance for all federal employees, the largest employer sponsored health insurance plan in the country. A number of representatives of federal unions protested, not just the IRS. Right wing media framed federal employees objection to the Republican proposal to abolishing their group health insurance as a request for a waiver.

Since millions of people are not losing their insurance under Obamacare, the Right has proposes legislation that would actually do so by abolishing the largest group healthcare insurance plan in the country.
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So the new plan is to launch a ship that is already flooding, and sinking at the stern?

Then they try and fix the flooding by counter flooding. A method used is damage control, which adds more water to keep the ship from capsizing. Problem is, until you find a way to stood the uncontrolled flooding, the SHIP IS GOING DOWN.

Eventually, the ship cracks in half, which is a key problem with Liberal Ideology.

The problem with your analogy here is that the ship was already in the water and was already sinking.

ObamaCare blocked up the big holes (46 million without insurance, Insurance companies cheating their employees by 'redaction") but didn't worry so much about the little holes.

So the IRS union gets a waiver. So what? They weren't the problem, were they?
There is no IRS union and there is no request for a waiver. IRS employees are members of the National Treasury Employees Union. The waiver is a creation of right wing media and the Republican House members. David Camp, a House Republican proposed a bill to abolish the group health insurance for all federal employees, the largest employer sponsored health insurance plan in the country. A number of representatives of federal unions protested, not just the IRS. Right wing media framed federal employees objection to the Republican proposal to abolishing their group health insurance as a request for a waiver.

Since millions of people are not losing their insurance under Obamacare, the Right has proposes legislation that would actually do so by abolishing the larges group healthcare insurance plan in the country.

:bang3: Folks, you simply can't make up this kind of ignorance :bang3:

"There is no IRS Union - IRS employees are members of the 'National Treasury Employees Union', that's all" :cuckoo:

Dude - you can't even call that "semantics". What you just said is so absurd, so inane, it defies logic. Saying the IRS wants a waiver is 100% accurate and much simpler than declaring "IRS employees of the National Treasury Employees Union are demanding a waiver".

God - you people are completely incapable of having an HONEST conversation and accepting REALITY.

By the way ass-wipe, stop blaming libtard wing-nuts running and screaming from Obamacare on a proposed bill. Nobody takes any action on a proposed bill. A proposed bill can be voted down, rejected by the Senate if passed, and veto'd by the president if it gets by the Senate.

You really are a disingenuous fuck'n moron with this absurd rhetoric...
There is no IRS union and there is no request for a waiver. IRS employees are members of the National Treasury Employees Union. The waiver is a creation of right wing media and the Republican House members. David Camp, a House Republican proposed a bill to abolish the group health insurance for all federal employees, the largest employer sponsored health insurance plan in the country. A number of representatives of federal unions protested, not just the IRS. Right wing media framed federal employees objection to the Republican proposal to abolishing their group health insurance as a request for a waiver.

Since millions of people are not losing their insurance under Obamacare, the Right has proposes legislation that would actually do so by abolishing the largest group healthcare insurance plan in the country.

Yeah stupid - it's called "dogfooding" and you're ignorant, uneducated ass should look of up sometime.

The PROPOSAL (and that's all it was ass-wipe, which elliminates your outrageous claim that that is what caused the IRS to demand an exemption from Obamacare) is that if Congress passed Obamacare, they should have to live under Obamacare. After all, if Obamacare is so great, why does the federal government need a "group healthcare plan"? :cuckoo:
There is no IRS union and there is no request for a waiver.

Uh-oh flopper, looks like the FACTS indicate otherwise. Just curious - are you going to deny that the Teamsters are running away from Obamacare also? :eusa_whistle:

First the Teamsters, UFCW, and UNITE-HERE expressed their belated disapproval of the ObamaCare Tax monstrosity, and now the IRS employee union wants to be exempted from Obamacare. The Teamsters, et al., made points that we’ve been making since 2009, points they willfully ignored and openly scoffed at us for making:

"When you and the President sought our support for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), you pledged that if we liked the health plans we have now, we could keep them. Sadly, that promise is under threat. Right now, unless you and the Obama Administration enact an equitable fix, the ACA will shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class. (full text of letter sent to Pelosi and Reid)"

Yes, they are just now realizing that the “new normal” mandated by ObamaCare is a 30-hour work week, something that many of us warned would have massive economic and cultural repercussions, many of which would hurt the middle and lower-middle classes. It’s not rocket science, but for some reason, these unions are only now thinking it through. Ditto the fact that Obama was disingenuous, knowingly so, when he repeatedly told Americans that if we liked our insurance, we could keep our insurance. Even a cursory reading of only the first four-hundred or so pages of the ACA (all that I managed to wade though) proved that to be false. Frankly, common sense said that had to be a lie, just as common sense revealed the ridiculous fabrication that was Obama’s claim that ObamaCare would not raise the federal deficit by even “one dime”–a claim he later acknowledged was patently false.

On the one hand, I’m not unhappy that these unions are finally figuring out what we’ve been saying all along: ObamaCare will do far more harm than good, not only to our country’s health care system and economy but to the majority of Americans who are currently covered by either private or public plans. It never really made sense to destroy a system that was satisfactory to the majority (253.4 million) to accommodate a mere fraction of that (10-30 million, depending on sources); well, it made sense if the goal was ultimately a national health service, but that’s another story.

And on the other hand, these are some of the same unions who, immediately upon the passage of the ACA and ever since, received a flurry of waivers from it. So here they are again, seeking special exemptions from something that they admit they worked hard to push:

We have been strong supporters of the notion that all Americans should have access to quality, affordable health care. We have also been strong supporters of you. In campaign after campaign we have put boots on the ground, gone door-to-door to get out the vote, run phone banks and raised money to secure this vision.

They pushed it, they can live with the results just like the rest of us. Congress should not be permitted to exempt itself and its staff on the same grounds: you think it’s great for everyone, then you need to enjoy the fabulousness along with the rest of us.

The latest union to resist ObamaCare is even more ironic. And outrageous. Not only will the IRS, in whom and with good reason Americans now have very little trust and for whom many of us have even less respect, be the primary enforcers, but they will also have access to still more personal information, personal information with which they’ve demonstrated they cannot be trusted. I find it particularly abhorrent that the same group who will be enforcing the ObamaCare Tax on the rest of us think they, themselves, should be exempted.

IRS Union | Obamacare | Waiver
There is no IRS union and there is no request for a waiver. IRS employees are members of the National Treasury Employees Union. The waiver is a creation of right wing media and the Republican House members. David Camp, a House Republican proposed a bill to abolish the group health insurance for all federal employees, the largest employer sponsored health insurance plan in the country. A number of representatives of federal unions protested, not just the IRS. Right wing media framed federal employees objection to the Republican proposal to abolishing their group health insurance as a request for a waiver.

Since millions of people are not losing their insurance under Obamacare, the Right has proposes legislation that would actually do so by abolishing the largest group healthcare insurance plan in the country.

IRS employee union: We don’t want Obamacare

IRS employees have a prominent role in Obamacare, but their union wants no part of the law.

National Treasury Employees Union officials are urging members to write their congressional representatives in opposition to receiving coverage through President Obama’s health care law.

The union leaders are providing members with a form letter to send to the congressmen that says “I am very concerned about legislation that has been introduced by Congressman Dave Camp to push federal employees out of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program and into the insurance exchanges established under the Affordable Care Act

Wait a second - why are they "concerned"? I thought Obamacare was a "wonderful" thing?!? :lmao:

IRS employee union: We don?t want Obamacare |
The problem with your analogy here is that the ship was already in the water and was already sinking.

ObamaCare blocked up the big holes (46 million without insurance, Insurance companies cheating their employees by 'redaction") but didn't worry so much about the little holes.

So the IRS union gets a waiver. So what? They weren't the problem, were they?
There is no IRS union and there is no request for a waiver. IRS employees are members of the National Treasury Employees Union. The waiver is a creation of right wing media and the Republican House members. David Camp, a House Republican proposed a bill to abolish the group health insurance for all federal employees, the largest employer sponsored health insurance plan in the country. A number of representatives of federal unions protested, not just the IRS. Right wing media framed federal employees objection to the Republican proposal to abolishing their group health insurance as a request for a waiver.

Since millions of people are not losing their insurance under Obamacare, the Right has proposes legislation that would actually do so by abolishing the larges group healthcare insurance plan in the country.

:bang3: Folks, you simply can't make up this kind of ignorance :bang3:

"There is no IRS Union - IRS employees are members of the 'National Treasury Employees Union', that's all" :cuckoo:

Dude - you can't even call that "semantics". What you just said is so absurd, so inane, it defies logic. Saying the IRS wants a waiver is 100% accurate and much simpler than declaring "IRS employees of the National Treasury Employees Union are demanding a waiver".

God - you people are completely incapable of having an HONEST conversation and accepting REALITY.

By the way ass-wipe, stop blaming libtard wing-nuts running and screaming from Obamacare on a proposed bill. Nobody takes any action on a proposed bill. A proposed bill can be voted down, rejected by the Senate if passed, and veto'd by the president if it gets by the Senate.

You really are a disingenuous fuck'n moron with this absurd rhetoric...
Republicans claim Obamacare will cause people to loose their insurance and they propose a bill to abolish the largest group healthcare plan in the country.
There is no IRS union and there is no request for a waiver. IRS employees are members of the National Treasury Employees Union. The waiver is a creation of right wing media and the Republican House members. David Camp, a House Republican proposed a bill to abolish the group health insurance for all federal employees, the largest employer sponsored health insurance plan in the country. A number of representatives of federal unions protested, not just the IRS. Right wing media framed federal employees objection to the Republican proposal to abolishing their group health insurance as a request for a waiver.

Since millions of people are not losing their insurance under Obamacare, the Right has proposes legislation that would actually do so by abolishing the larges group healthcare insurance plan in the country.

:bang3: Folks, you simply can't make up this kind of ignorance :bang3:

"There is no IRS Union - IRS employees are members of the 'National Treasury Employees Union', that's all" :cuckoo:

Dude - you can't even call that "semantics". What you just said is so absurd, so inane, it defies logic. Saying the IRS wants a waiver is 100% accurate and much simpler than declaring "IRS employees of the National Treasury Employees Union are demanding a waiver".

God - you people are completely incapable of having an HONEST conversation and accepting REALITY.

By the way ass-wipe, stop blaming libtard wing-nuts running and screaming from Obamacare on a proposed bill. Nobody takes any action on a proposed bill. A proposed bill can be voted down, rejected by the Senate if passed, and veto'd by the president if it gets by the Senate.

You really are a disingenuous fuck'n moron with this absurd rhetoric...
Republicans claim Obamacare will cause people to loose their insurance and they propose a bill to abolish the largest group healthcare plan in the country.

Isn't that like a liberal, who creates the laws, and then goes..............................

OH SHIT, I just Fucked over the Unions. Finally bending the law to Grant them Amnesty from the law.

Then the same idiots blame others for their Screw Ups. The LAW SHOULD APPLY TO ALL OR NONE.
There is no IRS union and there is no request for a waiver. IRS employees are members of the National Treasury Employees Union. The waiver is a creation of right wing media and the Republican House members. David Camp, a House Republican proposed a bill to abolish the group health insurance for all federal employees, the largest employer sponsored health insurance plan in the country. A number of representatives of federal unions protested, not just the IRS. Right wing media framed federal employees objection to the Republican proposal to abolishing their group health insurance as a request for a waiver.

Since millions of people are not losing their insurance under Obamacare, the Right has proposes legislation that would actually do so by abolishing the larges group healthcare insurance plan in the country.

:bang3: Folks, you simply can't make up this kind of ignorance :bang3:

"There is no IRS Union - IRS employees are members of the 'National Treasury Employees Union', that's all" :cuckoo:

Dude - you can't even call that "semantics". What you just said is so absurd, so inane, it defies logic. Saying the IRS wants a waiver is 100% accurate and much simpler than declaring "IRS employees of the National Treasury Employees Union are demanding a waiver".

God - you people are completely incapable of having an HONEST conversation and accepting REALITY.

By the way ass-wipe, stop blaming libtard wing-nuts running and screaming from Obamacare on a proposed bill. Nobody takes any action on a proposed bill. A proposed bill can be voted down, rejected by the Senate if passed, and veto'd by the president if it gets by the Senate.

You really are a disingenuous fuck'n moron with this absurd rhetoric...
Republicans claim Obamacare will cause people to loose their insurance and they propose a bill to abolish the largest group healthcare plan in the country.

Yes - it's called "dogfooding". Why would YOU not want Congress to be forced to abide by the laws they create? If Obamacare is so good - then why shouldn't Congress be enrolled in it?
The plan was designed to be a complete fuck up.
I can't fucking wait until the whole thing collapses( within 2 years ) and the administration declare a state of Emergency in healthcare and force through a single payer/socialized system.
When they wait 6 weeks to visit their primary care physicisn(PCP).
Several years on an unofficial waiting list before they get on the official waiting list to see a specialist.
The appointment will be for a specific day, not a time slot, the whole day.
Then your treatment plan will be assessed and written( you won't have any input in this) and mailed to you for approval.
If you disapprove of any element your care will be stopped because you refused treatment.
If you approve, onto another unofficial waiting list for a few years( hope it's not a progressive disease) until you make it onto the official waiting list(usually 18 weeks), if you survive the wait.
If you make it to treatment, you report to the hospital, met by admin staff as helpfull as the average RMV/DMV worker.
You will be sent to a ward, filthy place, sharing sleeping space with 31 other patients in one large room. Each bed seperated by a curtain.
Of course the chances are they made a mistake and are short of beds, you have no special political status, nor are you connected politically, so it's back on the waiting list for you matey, the official one of course, it's only another 18 weeks..............
I can't wait to hear the liberal elitists who know better than the rest of us spin that, when its they that suffer!!

I will be ready with a kindly " I fucking told you so" whilst laughing my tits off at their whining.

That is single payer.
That is the goal of obamacare.
Start buying personal private insurance now.
Soon no employer plans will be available.
When your tax burden hits 65% for a median income you won't be able to afford a new policy.
This is the conclusion of obamacare.
It's the only logical end.
Liberals struggle with logic.


Don't kid yourself - this is not one liberal that doesn't know ALL of this is 100% true. They don't care. As long as they get someone else to pay for their healthcare, they are happy.
Just think of what you could do for society and your fellow man - which your PRETEND to care about - if you weren't too lazy to get off of your fat ass and actually create more affordable healthcare instead of begging government to force others who did get off their ass to do it for the price you want (ahem - communism).

sorry, man, not a medical professional.

And frankly, just because someone went to medical school doesn't give him the privilage of raping me on costs when he knows I'm sick and desperate.

We spend more per capita than any other country, and we get the worst overall results. (That means, for those who aren't rich enough to afford consierge doctors.)

So, yeah, I've concluded that For Profit Health care doesn't work if we are spending billions treating the terminally ill who can afford it while those with treatable conditions suffer because no one is making a profit off of them.

You don't have to be a doctor to start a hospital. Are you really this stupid?

I also don't need to start a hospital to fix health care.

We just pass laws. Problem solved.
sorry, man, not a medical professional.

And frankly, just because someone went to medical school doesn't give him the privilage of raping me on costs when he knows I'm sick and desperate.

We spend more per capita than any other country, and we get the worst overall results. (That means, for those who aren't rich enough to afford consierge doctors.)

So, yeah, I've concluded that For Profit Health care doesn't work if we are spending billions treating the terminally ill who can afford it while those with treatable conditions suffer because no one is making a profit off of them.

You don't have to be a doctor to start a hospital. Are you really this stupid?

I also don't need to start a hospital to fix health care.

We just pass laws. Problem solved.

Oh yeah - you really "fixed" the problem with Obamacare... :lmao:
The ONLY word for this is tragic

The only word for the OP is hack.

The lies that make up the ‘test’ are being promulgated by the Heritage Foundation.

CCJ humiliated once again... Here is radical left-wing NBC reporting on Obamacare causing UPS to drop coverage for employees spouses:

UPS has told non-union employees their spouses will no longer be eligible for company-sponsored health insurance if they can get coverage through their own jobs, blaming the decision on President Obama's healthcare reform law.

As health costs rise, some companies blame Obamacare* - NBC

sorry, man, not a medical professional.

And frankly, just because someone went to medical school doesn't give him the privilage of raping me on costs when he knows I'm sick and desperate.

We spend more per capita than any other country, and we get the worst overall results. (That means, for those who aren't rich enough to afford consierge doctors.)

So, yeah, I've concluded that For Profit Health care doesn't work if we are spending billions treating the terminally ill who can afford it while those with treatable conditions suffer because no one is making a profit off of them.

You don't have to be a doctor to start a hospital. Are you really this stupid?

I also don't need to start a hospital to fix health care.

We just pass laws. Problem solved.

So you agree that you're too lazy and would rather FORCE other people to perform their labor for you at the price you want rather than the price they want? In other words, the same communism you professed to in another thread. Got it.
So again, single payer, everyone is covered, and you pay for what it actually costs to treat the person.

Yeah, because a lack of competition always drives down prices... :lmao:

God, it's astounding just how STUPID you really are....

Poodle, EVERY country that has single payer spends LESS per capita than we do.

People drive up to Canada to get prescription drugs because they are affordable up there.

Yes, single payer does bring down costs.

But I want to address a more serious issue. You seem to like to call everyone who disagrees with you stupid.

I won't stoop to your level. I'll even concede that you (and pretty much all USMB Posters) are very bright people who are well informed and understand complex issues better than 95% of the drooling masses.

Your big flaw is your lack of compassion and mercy.

It would be wonderful if you guys on the right came up with an alternative to ObamaCare that accomplished the same thing. The problem is you don't care. They're just poor people. Or illegals. Or "welfare people". Fuck them.

I support attempting to reform the health care system because it is smart (we pay the most of any country and get some of the worst results) and because it is compassionate...

I do honestly hope when you grow up or at least get older, you will understand how foolish your blather sounds.

So you agree that you're too lazy and would rather FORCE other people to perform their labor for you at the price you want rather than the price they want? In other words, the same communism you professed to in another thread. Got it.

Actually, I think doctors who are doctors because they want yatchs or mansions are doctors for the wrong reasons.

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