The origin of life Enigma!


VIP Member
Sep 30, 2009
in continuation of thread "just a question to atheists", as I have expected, none atheist is able to prove non existence of supreme force!

Anyway, to prove his hypothesis, Darwin was asked to give firstly an explication about the origin of life...his wild imagination inspire him about a new myth "Primordial soup" of salt, electricity and hot that emerge life :lol:

However, Pasteur remarked, after a definitive finding in 1864, "Never will the doctrine of spontaneous generation recover from the mortal blow struck by this simple experiment.".

The enigma hidden by darwinists is that none is able to create life in cell, how life is appeared?

the other mystery, is that an incomplete cell can't work. A cell is needing all his components to function :cuckoo: - so it's quite impossible that a cell evolute by chance!
Probability and the Origin of Life
For roughly fifty years secular scientists who have faith in the power of dumb atoms to do anything have been carrying on scientific research aimed at finding out how the dumb atoms could have initiated life without any outside help. Since they believe that this really happened, they believe that it was inevitable that the properties of atoms, the laws of physics, and the earth's early environment should bring forth life. More sober minds, however, have realized the immense improbability of the spontaneous origin of life (called "abiogenesis"). Some have made careful investigations and mathematical calculations to estimate what the probability is for abiogenesis to occur. Their calculations show that life's probability is extremely small, essentially zero.

Now let's ask what the probability is for flipping the coin twice and getting two heads in a row. It is the product of the two probabilities of getting heads both the first time and the second time. That is, P2H = ½ x ½ = ¼. Now you understand how to calculate the probability that both of two independent events will happen. It is the product of the probabilities of the two events.

Next we will calculate a probability for the chance production of a single small protein molecule. A protein molecule consists of one or more chains made up of amino acid molecules linked together. There are 20 different amino acids molecules which the cells use to construct the protein molecules needed for the life of cells. We will think about a small protein molecule with only 100 amino acid molecules in its chain. Assume we have a reaction pot containing a mixture of the 20 different amino acid molecules, and they are reacting at random to form chains. What is the probability, when a chain with 100 amino acids is formed, that it will by chance have the sequence of amino acids needed to form a particular working protein molecule?

Now let's ask what the probability is for flipping the coin twice and getting two heads in a row. It is the product of the two probabilities of getting heads both the first time and the second time. That is, P2H = ½ x ½ = ¼. Now you understand how to calculate the probability that both of two independent events will happen. It is the product of the probabilities of the two events.

In 1977 Prof. Hubert Yockey, a specialist in applying information theory to biological problems, studied the data for cytochrome a in great detail.1 His calculated value for the probability in a single trial construction of a chain of 100 amino acid molecules of obtaining by chance a working copy of the enzyme molecule is 1/1065 , or the fraction 1 divided by 1 followed by 65 zeros. This is a probability 100,000 times smaller than my very rough estimate published two years earlier.
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As expected, freeman doesn't know anything about the burden of proof and how you can't prove a negative.

As expected, freeman can't disprove that pink flying unicorns don't exist
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in continuation of thread "just a question to atheists", as I have expected, none atheist is able to prove non existence of supreme force!

You've yet to prove I didn't fuck you in the ass last night. Ergo, you get fucked in the ass by me every night.
Anyway, to prove his hypothesis, Darwin was asked to give firstly an explication about the origin of life

a what?
However, Pasteur remarked, after a definitive finding in 1864, "Never will the doctrine of spontaneous generation recover from the mortal blow struck by this simple experiment.".

SP =/= abiogenesis

thanks for playing
the other mystery, is that an incomplete cell can't work. A cell is needing all his components to function :cuckoo: - so it's quite impossible that a cell evolute by chance!

IC was debunked long ago. Go Topeka it.

Is life improbable? Maybe. That's explain why we haven't ran into any aliens yet.
As expected, freeman doesn't know anything about the burden of proof and how you can't prove a negative.

As expected, freeman can't disprove that pink flying unicorns don't exist

typical answer of retarded or failed person :eusa_whistle:
As expected, freeman doesn't know anything about the burden of proof and how you can't prove a negative.

As expected, freeman can't disprove that pink flying unicorns don't exist

typical answer of retarded or failed person :eusa_whistle:

:lol:OK, whatever you want to delude yourself into believing, you are the retarded one that knows nothing about evolution, is too stupid and deluded to understand it, and have no idea what logic is. :cuckoo:
You've yet to prove I didn't fuck you in the ass last night. Ergo, you get fucked in the ass by me every night.
make love with your guru Darwin and don't make lies and war... you have just proven that you are a moron! :clap2:

IC was debunked long ago. Go Topeka it.

Is life improbable? Maybe. That's explain why we haven't ran into any aliens yet.

it's so simple, when the poor z'atheist would be able to create life in a cell, hence we may discuss the next step; evolution.
As expected, freeman doesn't know anything about the burden of proof and how you can't prove a negative.

As expected, freeman can't disprove that pink flying unicorns don't exist

typical answer of retarded or failed person :eusa_whistle:

:lol:OK, whatever you want to delude yourself into believing, you are the retarded one that knows nothing about evolution, is too stupid and deluded to understand it, and have no idea what logic is. :cuckoo:

i can give you tens of studies and publications;
evolution stipulate that ONLY chance and natural selection run the biologic process, it's absurd.

all those complicated species are found by chance and dice game :lol:, it doesn't make sense!!

even some evolutionists now argue that chance and natural selection alone are unable to explain the complexity of life.

I repeat again why those darwinists are unable to create life by chance and finding the missing link?
3000 Darwin Skeptics
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I can cite tens of thousands of peer reviewed articles supporting evolution. You know, actual science, not somebody's unsubstantiated opinion. Go to medline, and type in a search for evolution. THere are thousands and thousands of supporting evidence.

and I'm the retard LOL
The origin of life Enigma!


in continuation of thread "just a question to atheists", as I have expected, none atheist is able to prove non existence of supreme force!

Anyway, to prove his hypothesis, Darwin was asked to give firstly an explication about the origin of life...his wild imagination inspire him about a new myth "Primordial soup" of salt, electricity and hot that emerge life

However, Pasteur remarked, after a definitive finding in 1864, "Never will the doctrine of spontaneous generation recover from the mortal blow struck by this simple experiment.".

The enigma hidden by darwinists is that none is able to create life in cell, how life is appeared?

the other mystery, is that an incomplete cell can't work. A cell is needing all his components to function - so it's quite impossible that a cell evolute by chance!

We all know the true answer....God made us out of mud

And he made women out of a rib

Stupid evolutionists!
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in continuation of thread "just a question to atheists", as I have expected, none atheist is able to prove non existence of supreme force!

Anyway, to prove his hypothesis, Darwin was asked to give firstly an explication about the origin of life...his wild imagination inspire him about a new myth "Primordial soup" of salt, electricity and hot that emerge life :lol:

However, Pasteur remarked, after a definitive finding in 1864, "Never will the doctrine of spontaneous generation recover from the mortal blow struck by this simple experiment.".

The enigma hidden by darwinists is that none is able to create life in cell, how life is appeared?

the other mystery, is that an incomplete cell can't work. A cell is needing all his components to function :cuckoo: - so it's quite impossible that a cell evolute by chance!
Probability and the Origin of Life
For roughly fifty years secular scientists who have faith in the power of dumb atoms to do anything have been carrying on scientific research aimed at finding out how the dumb atoms could have initiated life without any outside help. Since they believe that this really happened, they believe that it was inevitable that the properties of atoms, the laws of physics, and the earth's early environment should bring forth life. More sober minds, however, have realized the immense improbability of the spontaneous origin of life (called "abiogenesis"). Some have made careful investigations and mathematical calculations to estimate what the probability is for abiogenesis to occur. Their calculations show that life's probability is extremely small, essentially zero.

Now let's ask what the probability is for flipping the coin twice and getting two heads in a row. It is the product of the two probabilities of getting heads both the first time and the second time. That is, P2H = ½ x ½ = ¼. Now you understand how to calculate the probability that both of two independent events will happen. It is the product of the probabilities of the two events.

Next we will calculate a probability for the chance production of a single small protein molecule. A protein molecule consists of one or more chains made up of amino acid molecules linked together. There are 20 different amino acids molecules which the cells use to construct the protein molecules needed for the life of cells. We will think about a small protein molecule with only 100 amino acid molecules in its chain. Assume we have a reaction pot containing a mixture of the 20 different amino acid molecules, and they are reacting at random to form chains. What is the probability, when a chain with 100 amino acids is formed, that it will by chance have the sequence of amino acids needed to form a particular working protein molecule?

Now let's ask what the probability is for flipping the coin twice and getting two heads in a row. It is the product of the two probabilities of getting heads both the first time and the second time. That is, P2H = ½ x ½ = ¼. Now you understand how to calculate the probability that both of two independent events will happen. It is the product of the probabilities of the two events.

In 1977 Prof. Hubert Yockey, a specialist in applying information theory to biological problems, studied the data for cytochrome a in great detail.1 His calculated value for the probability in a single trial construction of a chain of 100 amino acid molecules of obtaining by chance a working copy of the enzyme molecule is 1/1065 , or the fraction 1 divided by 1 followed by 65 zeros. This is a probability 100,000 times smaller than my very rough estimate published two years earlier.

Define this supreme force

Is it the Abrahamic god, then there is a problem with you making any claims of it.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. God created me in HIS image. The Bible tells me that and I believe it. However, I can also believe that my wife evolved from monkeys.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. God created me in HIS image. The Bible tells me that and I believe it. However, I can also believe that my wife evolved from monkeys.
God is a purple vampire? This explains a lot.
Obviously the answer to anything we cannot explain is an invisible sky fairy with magical powers. And maybe science, so far, cannot explain everything but saying God did it explains nothing. Seriously, people used to think that it was God, or Gods, that caused rain, earthquakes, etc etc etc.

Plus science really shouldnt be focused on proving the non existence of a God but rather what we can actually learn and understand about our existence (which more than likely reveals the God of Abraham to be bullshit).
in continuation of thread "just a question to atheists", as I have expected, none atheist is able to prove non existence of supreme force!

Anyway, to prove his hypothesis, Darwin was asked to give firstly an explication about the origin of life...his wild imagination inspire him about a new myth "Primordial soup" of salt, electricity and hot that emerge life :lol:

However, Pasteur remarked, after a definitive finding in 1864, "Never will the doctrine of spontaneous generation recover from the mortal blow struck by this simple experiment.".

The enigma hidden by darwinists is that none is able to create life in cell, how life is appeared?


Assuming that God lives, whatever else God is, He is alive.

You are trying mightily to prove that life cannot have sprung forth spontaneously.

Who or what, in your scheme of things, created God?

It would seem that the all knowing, all powerful, omnipotent Master of the Universe is a life form with a greater complexity than a single cell thingy, and yet you have no problem at all accepting that His existance exists.

Why do you doubt the single cell thingy?
in continuation of thread "just a question to atheists", as I have expected, none atheist is able to prove non existence of supreme force!

Anyway, to prove his hypothesis, Darwin was asked to give firstly an explication about the origin of life...his wild imagination inspire him about a new myth "Primordial soup" of salt, electricity and hot that emerge life :lol:

However, Pasteur remarked, after a definitive finding in 1864, "Never will the doctrine of spontaneous generation recover from the mortal blow struck by this simple experiment.".

The enigma hidden by darwinists is that none is able to create life in cell, how life is appeared?


Assuming that God lives, whatever else God is, He is alive.

You are trying mightily to prove that life cannot have sprung forth spontaneously.

Who or what, in your scheme of things, created God?

It would seem that the all knowing, all powerful, omnipotent Master of the Universe is a life form with a greater complexity than a single cell thingy, and yet you have no problem at all accepting that His existance exists.

Why do you doubt the single cell thingy?

Do you think that magic "pripordial soup" of Darwin that created life is a scientific hypothesis? :cuckoo:
Its funny that no ones been able to create life with a big bang, no fish has crawled from the see and became human, no monkey have changed into humans, but gods way of creating life works still yet to this day.
Its funny that no ones been able to create life with a big bang, no fish has crawled from the see and became human, no monkey have changed into humans, but gods way of creating life works still yet to this day.

the most amazing is that those darwinists scientists "decorated" with medals are unable to relive ONE dead fly :eusa_liar:

for example if life is only composed by chemical and organic elements in the vagina
Why those scientists are unable to create life in an industrial vagina??
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As expected, freeman doesn't know anything about the burden of proof and how you can't prove a negative.

As expected, freeman can't disprove that pink flying unicorns don't exist

typical answer of retarded or failed person :eusa_whistle:

Sorry, you are the one who is wrong.

The process of evolution is going on today. We can study it. Gather data about it.

So what if how it actually started isn't yet understood? So what?

But not understanding how it began in no way diminishes what we have learned about it. The process is still there, whether beginning through a process we don't yet understand or being magically shimmered into reality by an invisible supernatural and mystical being.

But from what we know about science, which speculation is more likely? An unknown process that ignites the first life or a magical spirit being who shimmers things into existence with a wave of an invisible hand? Wallah!
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As expected, freeman doesn't know anything about the burden of proof and how you can't prove a negative.

As expected, freeman can't disprove that pink flying unicorns don't exist

typical answer of retarded or failed person :eusa_whistle:

Sorry, you are the one who is wrong.

The process of evolution is going on today. We can study it. Gather data about it.

So what if how it actually started isn't yet understood? So what?

But not understanding how it began in no way diminishes what we have learned about it. The process is still there, whether beginning through a process we don't yet understand or being magically shimmered into reality by an invisible supernatural and mystical being.

But from what we know about science, which speculation is more likely? An unknown process that ignites the first life or a magical spirit being who shimmers things into existence with a wave of an invisible hand? Wallah!

we are talking about the origin of life which is the first step before a supposed evolution.

how life was emerged in begining (DNA before RNA or RNA before DNA), and how life appear in foetus?
Its funny that no ones been able to create life with a big bang, no fish has crawled from the see and became human, no monkey have changed into humans, but gods way of creating life works still yet to this day.

Nothing funny about it, sad actually that you are so misinformed about evolution.

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