The original anti-Semites...

Only in your feverish delirium tremens.
Trump has normalized racism in America
A year ago, it seemed unfathomable: an American president defiantly defending “very fine people on both sides” of neo-Nazism

You're a loon.
The "jews will not replace us" folks are fine people?
Insulting Lebron James and Don Lemon doesnt help the situation. False claimes like democrats want open borders, or wanting MS-13 to rule the country just inflames racial tensions. ---> Trump normalizes and emboldens white supremacists <----

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy....zzzzz

Sll you have is twisting words out of context...and that sure ain't much.

Here: read this and get back to us about your Excessive Moral Outrage:

Moral Outrage Is Self-Serving, Say Psychologists

Cliff note version: Moral Outrage is usually virtue signally projection.
everything we do is self serving in some aspect, otherwise we wouldnt do it. This sort of "outrage" is an expected result of Trump's ambiguous statements and his racist past.


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