The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

The police had the word of three men ( two of them professionally trained law enforcement agents) several 911 calls and a video that all proved that this was a perfectly reasonable self-defense shooting on day one

First off, Travis McMichael wasn't a "professionally trained law enforcement agent". He was a snipe in the Coast guard; a machinery tech. His law enforcement training was limited to conducting boardings of civilian vessels at sea, and he wouldn't never have been point (the guy in charge) on any of them given his rank. As someone who has actually been "point", I can assure you, there's almost nothing that a civilian boarding has in common with making a citizen's arrest in Georgia.

Oh, wait, you said they weren't trying to do that.

Second, Gregory McMichael was so "well trained" that he was suspended several times for allowing his training to lapse, so much, in fact, that it was a factor in his decision to retire. That's not "professional" by any measure...

Tabloid TV concocted all the racial and Corruption narratives to enrage Americans into clicking on their ads

"Roddy" heard Travis utter a racial slur after the incident, which could easily suggest that this was, at least in part, a racially motivated killing. No one coaxed those words out of him. No one threatened him with anything if he didn't make such an accusation. He offered that up on his own.

So, if you're panties are in a bunch because you perceive a racial narrative to all of this, blame your hero Roddy, not the media...
they were looking for a black guy BECAUSE of the crime scene videos

Did you know they had an open line to 911 from just before berry charged too when the police arrived?

Nobody recorded any naughty words
he got shot as he charged and reached for the barrel of the gun
You are a liar. No one can see what was going on when the first shot was fired. I choose to take TM words as the best testimony available. He fired before there was an attack. So quit lying.

You don't understand!

Despite what Travis McMichael says, the Guerilla knows more than McMichael!!! Don't you understand??


Despite your interpretation of what Travis McMichael meant the video tells the truth
To help you out I’ll answer the questions. Answer one. No. Under Georgia Law the Citizen effecting the arrest must have knowledge of a crime having been committed in his presence
LOL@ "in his presence"

*you forgot about immediate knollege
he got shot as he charged and reached for the barrel of the gun
You are a liar. No one can see what was going on when the first shot was fired. I choose to take TM words as the best testimony available. He fired before there was an attack. So quit lying.

he fired DURING the attack or was arberry doing his Pilates when he broke left and grabbed the gun??

was the throat punch a yoga technique??
To help you out I’ll answer the questions. Answer one. No. Under Georgia Law the Citizen effecting the arrest must have knowledge of a crime having been committed in his presence
LOL@ "in his presence"

*you forgot about immediate knollege

No I didn’t. And let’s say I did. Does it change anything? Arbury was not committing a crime at the time the McMichaels armed up and set off in pursuit was he?
To help you out I’ll answer the questions. Answer one. No. Under Georgia Law the Citizen effecting the arrest must have knowledge of a crime having been committed in his presence
LOL@ "in his presence"

*you forgot about immediate knollege

No I didn’t. And let’s say I did. Does it change anything? Arbury was not committing a crime at the time the McMichaels armed up and set off in pursuit was he?
did he have permission to be in Larry's house?
Despite your interpretation of what Travis McMichael meant the video tells the truth
The video does not show what TM or AA were doing when the first shot was fired. But It does show both men coming back into view from being in front of the truck after the first shot was fired.

You are a liar when you claim to see AA attack TM before the first shot was fired. There is no way anyone watching the video can see that..

You are seeing AA tryIng, in self defense, to get a shotgun away from a man who just shot him. You are seeing the struggle for the gun before the second shot is fired.

You are not seeing an unprovoked attack by a crazy black criminal against a good citizen who was doing his duty to assist the police by wanting to ask the criminal a few questions before the police arrive.
To help you out I’ll answer the questions. Answer one. No. Under Georgia Law the Citizen effecting the arrest must have knowledge of a crime having been committed in his presence
LOL@ "in his presence"

*you forgot about immediate knollege

No I didn’t. And let’s say I did. Does it change anything? Arbury was not committing a crime at the time the McMichaels armed up and set off in pursuit was he?
did he have permission to be in Larry's house?

Lets say he did not. In that case Larry could arrest him. But the McMichaels had no such authority. Remember the Winn Dixie case from 1992?
To help you out I’ll answer the questions. Answer one. No. Under Georgia Law the Citizen effecting the arrest must have knowledge of a crime having been committed in his presence
LOL@ "in his presence"

*you forgot about immediate knollege

No I didn’t. And let’s say I did. Does it change anything? Arbury was not committing a crime at the time the McMichaels armed up and set off in pursuit was he?
did he have permission to be in Larry's house?

Just for the fuck of it, let's say he didn't.

Travis McMichael still acted unlawfully...
Despite your interpretation of what Travis McMichael meant the video tells the truth
The video does not show what TM or AA were doing when the first shot was fired. But It does show both men coming back into view from being in front of the truck after the first shot was fired.

You are a liar when you claim to see AA attack TM before the first shot was fired. There is no way anyone watching the video can see that..

You are seeing AA tryIng, in self defense, to get a shotgun away from a man who just shot him. You are seeing the struggle for the gun before the second shot is fired.

You are not seeing an unprovoked attack by a crazy black criminal against a good citizen who was doing his duty to assist the police by wanting to ask the criminal a few questions before the police arrive.
Travis was standing his ground with a shotgun and had lots of opportunities to shoot this crook before he was attacked

by rushing Travis McMichael arbery forced him to defend himself

The autopsy report is highly indicative of a man trying to grab another man's gun and that was the escalation of force that created a lethal outcome

These two men had dozens of chances to shoot arbery before he attacked them and chose not to because he didn't pose a threat to them until he tried to grab Travis's gun

You guys might have fooled people when they thought arberry was just jogging down the street but now that everybody knows that they've been chasing him for a while when this encounter occurred it's pretty clear that arberry chose to attack when he could have simply walked away and sued them in court for millions of dollars
To help you out I’ll answer the questions. Answer one. No. Under Georgia Law the Citizen effecting the arrest must have knowledge of a crime having been committed in his presence
LOL@ "in his presence"

*you forgot about immediate knollege

No I didn’t. And let’s say I did. Does it change anything? Arbury was not committing a crime at the time the McMichaels armed up and set off in pursuit was he?
did he have permission to be in Larry's house?

Lets say he did not. In that case Larry could arrest him. But the McMichaels had no such authority. Remember the Winn Dixie case from 1992?
nobody got arrested in this case till Oprah said so and there's something really wrong with that...

Multiple law enforcement officials didn't charge these men because they knew the law better than Oprah and all the social justice Warriors online

A well-orchestrated propaganda campaign about black victimhood outraged everyone when they saw this kid was simply jogging down the road and got ambushed because he was black

Now that everyone's outraged it's easy to change a law because you have a president and a victem

It's all based on propaganda but that will be forgotten and the law will ultimately be changed after the McMichaels are paraded for the world but when this encounter occurred it was perfectly legal for you to chase someone you suspected of committing a crime while holding a gun and if that person violently attacks you it was perfectly reasonable for you to defend yourself unless you literally have someone cornered and are threatening them with a firearm aimed directly at them unlawfully

you are not committing a crime by simply chasing someone while holding a firearm and you're certainly not committing a crime by standing in the middle of the street while holding a firearm aimed at the ground and yelling at someone

arberry is the one that committed the First Act that escalated the situation into an emergency 911 call and then created suspicion when he fled when confronted and then escalated the conflict when he attacked two men standing their ground with guns... at that point Travis McMichael reacted to the three things that the criminal did to instigate, provoke and escalate the situation

arberry instigated it by trespassing/ burglarizing

Provoked suspicion when he fled when confronted

Chose to attack when he had a lot of opportunity to evade and forced the McMichaels to react

Like I said before if the mcmichels wanted to shoot arbery they would have done it long before he forced them to
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Despite your interpretation of what Travis McMichael meant the video tells the truth
The video does not show what TM or AA were doing when the first shot was fired. But It does show both men coming back into view from being in front of the truck after the first shot was fired.

You are a liar when you claim to see AA attack TM before the first shot was fired. There is no way anyone watching the video can see that..

You are seeing AA tryIng, in self defense, to get a shotgun away from a man who just shot him. You are seeing the struggle for the gun before the second shot is fired.

You are not seeing an unprovoked attack by a crazy black criminal against a good citizen who was doing his duty to assist the police by wanting to ask the criminal a few questions before the police arrive.
Travis was standing his ground with a shotgun and had lots of opportunities to shoot this crook before he was attacked

by rushing Travis McMichael arbery forced him to defend himself

The autopsy report is highly indicative of a man trying to grab another man's gun and that was the escalation of force that created a lethal outcome

These two men had dozens of chances to shoot arbery before he attacked them and chose not to because he didn't pose a threat to them until he tried to grab Travis's gun

You guys might have fooled people when they thought arberry was just jogging down the street but now that everybody knows that they've been chasing him for a while when this encounter occurred it's pretty clear that arberry chose to attack when he could have simply walked away and sued them in court for millions of dollars

What a retarded little buffoon you are.

Consider this: Had Travis McMichael not exited his truck with his shotgun, he wouldn't be in jail right now, and he wouldn't be facing a potential death sentence. That's the long and short of it.

Travis and Gregory McMichael easily could've tackled Arbury and held him for police. But that's not what they were interested in doing. They were hunting, and Arbury was their prey.

You know, throughout this entire month-long exchange, you have provided nothing but your own emotional outbursts to back up every single argument, claim and point you've attempted to make. You've lied when you felt it suited your position and you've dismissed inarguable facts when you realized you couldn't refute them.

You want to pretend that you know something about the law in Georgia, when the reality is that you know nothing of the law in Georgia, as evidenced by the fact that you tried to draw comparisons between this case and the Richard Ramirez case (during which you also proved that you have no idea of the concept of someone being "wanted").

Your arguments are based on nothing but emotions and feelings, and neither of those is sufficient to validate your arguments.

We (the smart folks here) know full well that we're never going to change your mind, and I would hope that you possess the requisite level of intelligence to understand that you're not going to change ours.

When all is said and done, everyone will see how wrong you've been on this...
nobody got arrested in this case till Oprah said so and there's something really wrong with that...

What's wrong with a crime being exposed?

Now that everyone's outraged it's easy to change a law because you have a president and a victem


That makes exactly zero sense...

you are not committing a crime by simply chasing someone while holding a firearm and you're certainly not committing a crime by standing in the middle of the street while holding a firearm aimed at the ground and yelling at someone

The shotgun wasn't "aimed at the ground".

Let me ask you something: Had Arbury and McMichael not gotten into a physical altercation, and Arbury had just run past McMichael, standing there with a shotgun, what do you think McMichael would've/should've done?

arberry is the one that committed the First Act that escalated the situation into an emergency 911 call and then created suspicion when he fled when confronted...

More lies.

You continue to ignore the FACT that Pudge #1 and Pudge #2 were unaware of any crime that had just been committed. For that reason alone they weren't justified in chasing him down...

arberry instigated it by trespassing/ burglarizing

Travis McMichael had no idea whether or not Arbury was running from the construction site. So, given that, the law holds that Arbury instigated nothing...

Provoked suspicion when he fled when confronted

More lies.

He ran past the McMichael home. He wasn't "fleeing" because, up until the two rednecks armed themselves and went after him, no one was chasing him...

Like I said before if the mcmichels wanted to shoot arbery they would have done it long before he forced them to

Of course, there's no way to know that.

Travis McMichael was driving a pickup truck. It's not the easiest thing in the world to fire a weapon from a moving vehicle and hit your target. He needed to get ahead of Arbury and get out of the truck to shoot him, because that way he could be more confident of hitting his target...
To help you out I’ll answer the questions. Answer one. No. Under Georgia Law the Citizen effecting the arrest must have knowledge of a crime having been committed in his presence
LOL@ "in his presence"

*you forgot about immediate knollege

No I didn’t. And let’s say I did. Does it change anything? Arbury was not committing a crime at the time the McMichaels armed up and set off in pursuit was he?
did he have permission to be in Larry's house?

Lets say he did not. In that case Larry could arrest him. But the McMichaels had no such authority. Remember the Winn Dixie case from 1992?
nobody got arrested in this case till Oprah said so and there's something really wrong with that...

Multiple law enforcement officials didn't charge these men because they knew the law better than Oprah and all the social justice Warriors online

A well-orchestrated propaganda campaign about black victimhood outraged everyone when they saw this kid was simply jogging down the road and got ambushed because he was black

Now that everyone's outraged it's easy to change a law because you have a president and a victem

It's all based on propaganda but that will be forgotten and the law will ultimately be changed after the McMichaels are paraded for the world but when this encounter occurred it was perfectly legal for you to chase someone you suspected of committing a crime while holding a gun and if that person violently attacks you it was perfectly reasonable for you to defend yourself unless you literally have someone cornered and are threatening them with a firearm aimed directly at them unlawfully

you are not committing a crime by simply chasing someone while holding a firearm and you're certainly not committing a crime by standing in the middle of the street while holding a firearm aimed at the ground and yelling at someone

arberry is the one that committed the First Act that escalated the situation into an emergency 911 call and then created suspicion when he fled when confronted and then escalated the conflict when he attacked two men standing their ground with guns... at that point Travis McMichael reacted to the three things that the criminal did to instigate, provoke and escalate the situation

arberry instigated it by trespassing/ burglarizing

Provoked suspicion when he fled when confronted

Chose to attack when he had a lot of opportunity to evade and forced the McMichaels to react

Like I said before if the mcmichels wanted to shoot arbery they would have done it long before he forced them to

Today we are going to discuss an old English standard. It is called Conflict of Interest.

Now this came about when people would be naturally expected to side with family or friends.

An example. Let’s say we get into a fight. You are arrested because my Uncle is the Sheriff. You go to court and find my Father is the Judge and my Brother is the Prosecutor. The chances are zilch that you will get a fair trial. There is a conflict of interest.

The police wanted to arrest them but were told not to by Jackie Johnson. The former boss of Gregory McMichaels.

Now when Johnson saw the cluster it was she passed it off. She’s supposed to pass it to a disinterested third party. Instead she passed it to the father of a lawyer in her office. This lawyer wrote an opinion you would love. Then he recused himself for conflict of interest. This opinion is almost certainly going to lose him his law license. And potentially end up with him in jail.

The association of Prosecutors which represents a vast majority of Prosecutors in this country denounced his unprofessional behavior.

Finally the Secretary of State, a Republican sent it to a third, and the first actually disinterested Prosecutor. One who did not know anyone Involved. He called in the GBI. The GBI spent a day looking at the statements and evidence and came to the same conclusion as the responding officers. This was a murder.

The GBI went to the third Prosecutor and they went to a Judge. The Judge listened and looked at the evidence and agreed crimes appear to have been committed. He issued arrest warrants.

The Prosecutor went before a Grand Jury and again went over the evidence. He got indictments.

Now the accused went before a different Judge. This preliminary hearing to decide if there was enough evidence to go forward and even if there was if the accused should get bail. This second Judge said yes. Go forward. And no bail.

Prosecutor number three has a small office. He asked the Secretary of State to transfer it to a larger office with more resources. Otherwise the entire prosecutor’s office would be working on this one case and all other crimes would be unpunished.

So what happened really? What is the most likely cause for this? Disinterested folks said no? Or good old boys tried to take care of a friend? Because to the observer it appears as though once they got out of the circle of friends, Justice ground into motion.

But I am certain of one thing. You won’t respond to this information. You’ll ignore it and start another rabbit to running.

Show me in Georgia Law where the McMichaels were justified in the attempt to arrest? It all starts there. So where in Georgia Law does it say they were in the right?
The autopsy report is highly indicative of a man trying to grab another man's gun and that was the escalation of force that created a lethal outcome

But when TM rushed to the front of the truck to cut off AA’s path to escape and positioned the barrel of the shotgun close enough for AA to grab it, that means it was TM who rushed toward and pointed his shotgun in the direction of AA and was yelling at him to stop. That is the classic definition of assault with a deadly weapon. Thats on top of the felony TM openly admitted to when he told police he raised his shotgun and told him to get on the ground. The armed chase itself was a felony.

The command to get on the ground was when AA was approaching about 90 feet from the truck - when AA swerved to his right the camera does not show TM making the final assault. But we know he did because the camera does show TM backing across the double yellow line after the first shot was fired .

These three men murdered a young man in Georgia for jogging while black and it is beyond a shadow of a doubt except for racists.

Your defense for the murderers is weaker than your brain and your morals. As long as you continue posting lies about the shooting and the victim I will refute them.

Not to convince you but to let any one coming across the hate speech you write know what a crock bullshit you are peddling.
Despite your interpretation of what Travis McMichael meant the video tells the truth
The video does not show what TM or AA were doing when the first shot was fired. But It does show both men coming back into view from being in front of the truck after the first shot was fired.

You are a liar when you claim to see AA attack TM before the first shot was fired. There is no way anyone watching the video can see that..

You are seeing AA tryIng, in self defense, to get a shotgun away from a man who just shot him. You are seeing the struggle for the gun before the second shot is fired.

You are not seeing an unprovoked attack by a crazy black criminal against a good citizen who was doing his duty to assist the police by wanting to ask the criminal a few questions before the police arrive.
Travis was standing his ground with a shotgun and had lots of opportunities to shoot this crook before he was attacked

by rushing Travis McMichael arbery forced him to defend himself

The autopsy report is highly indicative of a man trying to grab another man's gun and that was the escalation of force that created a lethal outcome

These two men had dozens of chances to shoot arbery before he attacked them and chose not to because he didn't pose a threat to them until he tried to grab Travis's gun

You guys might have fooled people when they thought arberry was just jogging down the street but now that everybody knows that they've been chasing him for a while when this encounter occurred it's pretty clear that arberry chose to attack when he could have simply walked away and sued them in court for millions of dollars

What a retarded little buffoon you are.

Consider this: Had Travis McMichael not exited his truck with his shotgun, he wouldn't be in jail right now, and he wouldn't be facing a potential death sentence. That's the long and short of it.

Travis and Gregory McMichael easily could've tackled Arbury and held him for police. But that's not what they were interested in doing. They were hunting, and Arbury was their prey.

You know, throughout this entire month-long exchange, you have provided nothing but your own emotional outbursts to back up every single argument, claim and point you've attempted to make. You've lied when you felt it suited your position and you've dismissed inarguable facts when you realized you couldn't refute them.

You want to pretend that you know something about the law in Georgia, when the reality is that you know nothing of the law in Georgia, as evidenced by the fact that you tried to draw comparisons between this case and the Richard Ramirez case (during which you also proved that you have no idea of the concept of someone being "wanted").

Your arguments are based on nothing but emotions and feelings, and neither of those is sufficient to validate your arguments.

We (the smart folks here) know full well that we're never going to change your mind, and I would hope that you possess the requisite level of intelligence to understand that you're not going to change ours.

When all is said and done, everyone will see how wrong you've been on this...
The McMichaels were experienced hunters... why try to talk to a man if you're out for murder?

They were chasing him for over 5 minutes before they lost him and took up the position at the End of the Street and then Arberry comes running directly at them

they had numerous chances to shoot him yet didn't

Travis had a clear shot at a man running directly at him in this photo

why would he wait for Arberry to run up and start punching him in the face if he wanted to murder a black jogger??

Your feeble mind has been unhinged by Propaganda and you're now lost deeply in The Ether that Oprah and lebron created

they wanted you to believe that this was an innocent young black jogger who was ambushed by a couple of white Vigilantes who targeted him for the color of his skin

But now we know through evidence that they recognized him personally as a wanted man and gave Chase identical to the far far more liberal state of California in the scenario with Richard Ramirez

The police were about to stop Arberry as well as they were on their way and he was a wanted man... if he had tried to punch one of them while grabbing at his gun he would have had been shot by them also just like that dumbass Criminal Michael Brown but I suppose you or one of the limp wristed sissy liberal squealing hands up don't shoot and we know how that turned out don't we LOL
The autopsy report is highly indicative of a man trying to grab another man's gun and that was the escalation of force that created a lethal outcome

But when TM rushed to the front of the truck to cut off AA’s path to escape and positioned the barrel of the shotgun close enough for AA to grab it, that means it was TM who rushed toward and pointed his shotgun in the direction of AA and was yelling at him to stop. That is the classic definition of assault with a deadly weapon. Thats on top of the felony TM openly admitted to when he told police he raised his shotgun and told him to get on the ground. The armed chase itself was a felony.

The command to get on the ground was when AA was approaching about 90 feet from the truck - when AA swerved to his right the camera does not show TM making the final assault. But we know he did because the camera does show TM backing across the double yellow line after the first shot was fired .

These three men murdered a young man in Georgia for jogging while black and it is beyond a shadow of a doubt except for racists.

Your defense for the murderers is weaker than your brain and your morals. As long as you continue posting lies about the shooting and the victim I will refute them.

Not to convince you but to let any one coming across the hate speech you write know what a crock bullshit you are peddling.
I think you're just too hateful bigot who can't stand white Southern Culture

Perhaps it made you feel uncomfortable because of your lifestyle or sexual orientation but the fact is not all rednecks are racist murderers

Perhaps you hate the laws of citizens arrest and Americans right to bear arms because you're afraid of guns and that's why you are bigoted against white Southern Culture

Who knows what kind of mental pathology and gymnastics that goes through someone's mind in an attempt to justify criminal behavior in these Peoples Neighborhood from a wanted Thief

I bet if arbery had stolen your purse and it had some photos of you with a cucumber up your rear you would be screaming stop that man stop that man like a Damsel in Distress but when it comes to other people's life liberty and property you don't care about Acts like robbery and assault

It's perfectly legal for you to walk towards somebody while holding a shotgun in the low ready position and order them to stop fleeing

You're probably even allowed to do that in San Francisco and New York City but I know for a fact it's perfectly legal in the hillbilly state of Georgia

You're actually suggesting that a man was standing in the middle of the street and threatening arberry with a shotgun pointed at him yet arbery was stupid enough to run directly at him from a distance of over 90 ft and try to violently disarm a man who could have shot him at any time

Arbery was mentally retarded but he wasn't that stupid, he ran around the truck and try to Ambush Travis McMichael because he didn't believe that Travis was going to shoot him since he would have in the many opportunities he had prior to arberries assault
The kind of insanity you people have on display is pretty impressive

the first person that called the cops on berry noticed him going into the house under construction and recognized him as the man wanted by the police

why don't you guys want this man arrested for racially profiling an innocent young black jogger who just wanted a drink of water?

I'm surprised you people don't think he's the one who provoked and instigated the entire incident because if he would have just left him alone this whole thing would have never happened!!

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