The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

The autopsy report is highly indicative of a man trying to grab another man's gun and that was the escalation of force that created a lethal outcome

But when TM rushed to the front of the truck to cut off AA’s path to escape and positioned the barrel of the shotgun close enough for AA to grab it, that means it was TM who rushed toward and pointed his shotgun in the direction of AA and was yelling at him to stop. That is the classic definition of assault with a deadly weapon. Thats on top of the felony TM openly admitted to when he told police he raised his shotgun and told him to get on the ground. The armed chase itself was a felony.

The command to get on the ground was when AA was approaching about 90 feet from the truck - when AA swerved to his right the camera does not show TM making the final assault. But we know he did because the camera does show TM backing across the double yellow line after the first shot was fired .

These three men murdered a young man in Georgia for jogging while black and it is beyond a shadow of a doubt except for racists.

Your defense for the murderers is weaker than your brain and your morals. As long as you continue posting lies about the shooting and the victim I will refute them.

Not to convince you but to let any one coming across the hate speech you write know what a crock bullshit you are peddling.
I think you're just too hateful bigot who can't stand white Southern Culture

Perhaps it made you feel uncomfortable because of your lifestyle or sexual orientation but the fact is not all rednecks are racist murderers

Perhaps you hate the laws of citizens arrest and Americans right to bear arms because you're afraid of guns and that's why you are bigoted against white Southern Culture

Who knows what kind of mental pathology and gymnastics that goes through someone's mind in an attempt to justify criminal behavior in these Peoples Neighborhood from a wanted Thief

I bet if arbery had stolen your purse and it had some photos of you with a cucumber up your rear you would be screaming stop that man stop that man like a Damsel in Distress but when it comes to other people's life liberty and property you don't care about Acts like robbery and assault

It's perfectly legal for you to walk towards somebody while holding a shotgun in the low ready position and order them to stop fleeing

You're probably even allowed to do that in San Francisco and New York City but I know for a fact it's perfectly legal in the hillbilly state of Georgia

You're actually suggesting that a man was standing in the middle of the street and threatening arberry with a shotgun pointed at him yet arbery was stupid enough to run directly at him from a distance of over 90 ft and try to violently disarm a man who could have shot him at any time

Arbery was mentally retarded but he wasn't that stupid, he ran around the truck and try to Ambush Travis McMichael because he didn't believe that Travis was going to shoot him since he would have in the many opportunities he had prior to arberries assault

You seem to know a lot of things for a fact. So post the links. You see, I have posted links saying that the McMichaels were not justified in their pursuit. That it was a felony. I have posted links that said that they had no right to attempt a Citizens Arrest. I have posted the precedents. I have posted a lot of things.

You have not read them, or have not understood them, or have decided it is all bullshit.

Ok. Let’s get serious. Earlier you said they would change the law after the McMichaels. The Law that has been on the books for decades. The Winn Dixie decision that showed that nobody has a right or responsibility to perform a citizens arrest if they do not see a crime committed. That decision from the appeals court was in 1992.

Now, you contend they changed the law. Just for the McMichaels. So here is what it would take. First, someone had to travel back in time and tell the appeals court to decide it this way, and a lot of other cases that would apply to this particular case. Then travel back in time and use these newly created by time travel precedents to screw the McMichaels. Now, I don’t know about you. But if I had access to a Time Machine, I think I’d go back and give myself the winning lottery numbers. Not screw with legal precedents. But that’s me.

I demolished your arguments. Others have too. So now you’re recycling it with insults and the like.

So fine. If that is what we are going to devolve to. Let’s get started. You Blithering Idiot. You wouldn’t know legal if it humped your leg. The only way you could be entrusted with any aspect of public safety is if you were foolishly hired to be a school crossing guard. You would look dumb standing there wearing your retard helmet to make sure when you fell you didn’t damage that enormous misshapen empty mass on your neck. What I can’t figure out. And seriously I don’t understand this. There were probably Half a Billion Sperm in the shot that created you. What boggles the imagination is that the one that created you was the best? Talk about the shallow end of the gene pool. What happened? How far back do we have to go before your family tree sprouts a branch? Some fresh blood in the mix?

I’ve seen bra‘s with bigger numbers than your IQ. As for your idea of leading? You couldn’t lead Nun’s in Silent Prayer without screwing it up. And as far as your idea of Legal and the Law, I’m not sure you would be right in any state of the union, much less Georgia.

It is rare to find someone who is wrong about everything. Hell I wouldn’t trust you if you said Night was Dark and Day was Light. I can only assume your Nurse has to remind you to bathe to keep flies from leaving fresh shit to chase your nasty ass down. And I have it on good authority that you’re not much of a Man, but you have a hell of a Strap On.

I know why you keep accusing us who disagree with you of being gay. It’s that you’re really treating this like the Gay Tinder. Hoping to find a date. How long before you post a Gif of yourself in your signature box suck starting a Harley? Oh I forgot, you’re too dumb to add to your signature line. My Bad.

Like Tone Loc, I am not interested in the Oscar Meyer Wiener. Or in your case, the Armor Vienna Sausage. I can understand why you are so hostile. Since you’re not likely to marry, and I mean who could blame a woman for rejecting a bridge troll like you? The Good news is that we will be spared any more generations of your particular line. That good news means the collective IQ of humanity probably jumped Ten points right there.

Now, you should get off the internet and go back to licking windows. Something you are qualified to do.
To help you out I’ll answer the questions. Answer one. No. Under Georgia Law the Citizen effecting the arrest must have knowledge of a crime having been committed in his presence
LOL@ "in his presence"

*you forgot about immediate knollege

No I didn’t. And let’s say I did. Does it change anything? Arbury was not committing a crime at the time the McMichaels armed up and set off in pursuit was he?
did he have permission to be in Larry's house?

Lets say he did not. In that case Larry could arrest him. But the McMichaels had no such authority. Remember the Winn Dixie case from 1992?
nobody got arrested in this case till Oprah said so and there's something really wrong with that...

Multiple law enforcement officials didn't charge these men because they knew the law better than Oprah and all the social justice Warriors online

A well-orchestrated propaganda campaign about black victimhood outraged everyone when they saw this kid was simply jogging down the road and got ambushed because he was black

Now that everyone's outraged it's easy to change a law because you have a president and a victem

It's all based on propaganda but that will be forgotten and the law will ultimately be changed after the McMichaels are paraded for the world but when this encounter occurred it was perfectly legal for you to chase someone you suspected of committing a crime while holding a gun and if that person violently attacks you it was perfectly reasonable for you to defend yourself unless you literally have someone cornered and are threatening them with a firearm aimed directly at them unlawfully

you are not committing a crime by simply chasing someone while holding a firearm and you're certainly not committing a crime by standing in the middle of the street while holding a firearm aimed at the ground and yelling at someone

arberry is the one that committed the First Act that escalated the situation into an emergency 911 call and then created suspicion when he fled when confronted and then escalated the conflict when he attacked two men standing their ground with guns... at that point Travis McMichael reacted to the three things that the criminal did to instigate, provoke and escalate the situation

arberry instigated it by trespassing/ burglarizing

Provoked suspicion when he fled when confronted

Chose to attack when he had a lot of opportunity to evade and forced the McMichaels to react

Like I said before if the mcmichels wanted to shoot arbery they would have done it long before he forced them to

Today we are going to discuss an old English standard. It is called Conflict of Interest.

Now this came about when people would be naturally expected to side with family or friends.

An example. Let’s say we get into a fight. You are arrested because my Uncle is the Sheriff. You go to court and find my Father is the Judge and my Brother is the Prosecutor. The chances are zilch that you will get a fair trial. There is a conflict of interest.

The police wanted to arrest them but were told not to by Jackie Johnson. The former boss of Gregory McMichaels.

Now when Johnson saw the cluster it was she passed it off. She’s supposed to pass it to a disinterested third party. Instead she passed it to the father of a lawyer in her office. This lawyer wrote an opinion you would love. Then he recused himself for conflict of interest. This opinion is almost certainly going to lose him his law license. And potentially end up with him in jail.

The association of Prosecutors which represents a vast majority of Prosecutors in this country denounced his unprofessional behavior.

Finally the Secretary of State, a Republican sent it to a third, and the first actually disinterested Prosecutor. One who did not know anyone Involved. He called in the GBI. The GBI spent a day looking at the statements and evidence and came to the same conclusion as the responding officers. This was a murder.

The GBI went to the third Prosecutor and they went to a Judge. The Judge listened and looked at the evidence and agreed crimes appear to have been committed. He issued arrest warrants.

The Prosecutor went before a Grand Jury and again went over the evidence. He got indictments.

Now the accused went before a different Judge. This preliminary hearing to decide if there was enough evidence to go forward and even if there was if the accused should get bail. This second Judge said yes. Go forward. And no bail.

Prosecutor number three has a small office. He asked the Secretary of State to transfer it to a larger office with more resources. Otherwise the entire prosecutor’s office would be working on this one case and all other crimes would be unpunished.

So what happened really? What is the most likely cause for this? Disinterested folks said no? Or good old boys tried to take care of a friend? Because to the observer it appears as though once they got out of the circle of friends, Justice ground into motion.

But I am certain of one thing. You won’t respond to this information. You’ll ignore it and start another rabbit to running.

Show me in Georgia Law where the McMichaels were justified in the attempt to arrest? It all starts there. So where in Georgia Law does it say they were in the right?
You've whipped yourself up a good conspiracy befitting a tinfoil helmet but the cops who responded to the scene we're also in agreement that it was a perfectly reasonable shooting and they hadn't received orders from the boss to stand down just yet

The First Responders are often times the most legitimate opinion of all
The autopsy report is highly indicative of a man trying to grab another man's gun and that was the escalation of force that created a lethal outcome

But when TM rushed to the front of the truck to cut off AA’s path to escape and positioned the barrel of the shotgun close enough for AA to grab it, that means it was TM who rushed toward and pointed his shotgun in the direction of AA and was yelling at him to stop. That is the classic definition of assault with a deadly weapon. Thats on top of the felony TM openly admitted to when he told police he raised his shotgun and told him to get on the ground. The armed chase itself was a felony.

The command to get on the ground was when AA was approaching about 90 feet from the truck - when AA swerved to his right the camera does not show TM making the final assault. But we know he did because the camera does show TM backing across the double yellow line after the first shot was fired .

These three men murdered a young man in Georgia for jogging while black and it is beyond a shadow of a doubt except for racists.

Your defense for the murderers is weaker than your brain and your morals. As long as you continue posting lies about the shooting and the victim I will refute them.

Not to convince you but to let any one coming across the hate speech you write know what a crock bullshit you are peddling.
I think you're just too hateful bigot who can't stand white Southern Culture

Perhaps it made you feel uncomfortable because of your lifestyle or sexual orientation but the fact is not all rednecks are racist murderers

Perhaps you hate the laws of citizens arrest and Americans right to bear arms because you're afraid of guns and that's why you are bigoted against white Southern Culture

Who knows what kind of mental pathology and gymnastics that goes through someone's mind in an attempt to justify criminal behavior in these Peoples Neighborhood from a wanted Thief

I bet if arbery had stolen your purse and it had some photos of you with a cucumber up your rear you would be screaming stop that man stop that man like a Damsel in Distress but when it comes to other people's life liberty and property you don't care about Acts like robbery and assault

It's perfectly legal for you to walk towards somebody while holding a shotgun in the low ready position and order them to stop fleeing

You're probably even allowed to do that in San Francisco and New York City but I know for a fact it's perfectly legal in the hillbilly state of Georgia

You're actually suggesting that a man was standing in the middle of the street and threatening arberry with a shotgun pointed at him yet arbery was stupid enough to run directly at him from a distance of over 90 ft and try to violently disarm a man who could have shot him at any time

Arbery was mentally retarded but he wasn't that stupid, he ran around the truck and try to Ambush Travis McMichael because he didn't believe that Travis was going to shoot him since he would have in the many opportunities he had prior to arberries assault

You seem to know a lot of things for a fact. So post the links. You see, I have posted links saying that the McMichaels were not justified in their pursuit. That it was a felony. I have posted links that said that they had no right to attempt a Citizens Arrest. I have posted the precedents. I have posted a lot of things.

You have not read them, or have not understood them, or have decided it is all bullshit.

Ok. Let’s get serious. Earlier you said they would change the law after the McMichaels. The Law that has been on the books for decades. The Winn Dixie decision that showed that nobody has a right or responsibility to perform a citizens arrest if they do not see a crime committed. That decision from the appeals court was in 1992.

Now, you contend they changed the law. Just for the McMichaels. So here is what it would take. First, someone had to travel back in time and tell the appeals court to decide it this way, and a lot of other cases that would apply to this particular case. Then travel back in time and use these newly created by time travel precedents to screw the McMichaels. Now, I don’t know about you. But if I had access to a Time Machine, I think I’d go back and give myself the winning lottery numbers. Not screw with legal precedents. But that’s me.

I demolished your arguments. Others have too. So now you’re recycling it with insults and the like.

So fine. If that is what we are going to devolve to. Let’s get started. You Blithering Idiot. You wouldn’t know legal if it humped your leg. The only way you could be entrusted with any aspect of public safety is if you were foolishly hired to be a school crossing guard. You would look dumb standing there wearing your retard helmet to make sure when you fell you didn’t damage that enormous misshapen empty mass on your neck. What I can’t figure out. And seriously I don’t understand this. There were probably Half a Billion Sperm in the shot that created you. What boggles the imagination is that the one that created you was the best? Talk about the shallow end of the gene pool. What happened? How far back do we have to go before your family tree sprouts a branch? Some fresh blood in the mix?

I’ve seen bra‘s with bigger numbers than your IQ. As for your idea of leading? You couldn’t lead Nun’s in Silent Prayer without screwing it up. And as far as your idea of Legal and the Law, I’m not sure you would be right in any state of the union, much less Georgia.

It is rare to find someone who is wrong about everything. Hell I wouldn’t trust you if you said Night was Dark and Day was Light. I can only assume your Nurse has to remind you to bathe to keep flies from leaving fresh shit to chase your nasty ass down. And I have it on good authority that you’re not much of a Man, but you have a hell of a Strap On.

I know why you keep accusing us who disagree with you of being gay. It’s that you’re really treating this like the Gay Tinder. Hoping to find a date. How long before you post a Gif of yourself in your signature box suck starting a Harley? Oh I forgot, you’re too dumb to add to your signature line. My Bad.

Like Tone Loc, I am not interested in the Oscar Meyer Wiener. Or in your case, the Armor Vienna Sausage. I can understand why you are so hostile. Since you’re not likely to marry, and I mean who could blame a woman for rejecting a bridge troll like you? The Good news is that we will be spared any more generations of your particular line. That good news means the collective IQ of humanity probably jumped Ten points right there.

Now, you should get off the internet and go back to licking windows. Something you are qualified to do.
i only read a couple words out of each paragraph of your tirade but it was plenty to get the gist of that response

your fixation on citizen's arrest could have come to fruition had your criminal hero not violently attacked the McMichaels

don't you remember the Starbucks case?

Just don't punch anybody and any young black person can get paid millions of dollars for resisting arrest

And now you want to make it not only a lottery win but a permission slip to commit an act of violence as well

I assume you're just a privileged white person who feels terribly guilty about their privileged lifestyle
To help you out I’ll answer the questions. Answer one. No. Under Georgia Law the Citizen effecting the arrest must have knowledge of a crime having been committed in his presence
LOL@ "in his presence"

*you forgot about immediate knollege

No I didn’t. And let’s say I did. Does it change anything? Arbury was not committing a crime at the time the McMichaels armed up and set off in pursuit was he?
did he have permission to be in Larry's house?

Lets say he did not. In that case Larry could arrest him. But the McMichaels had no such authority. Remember the Winn Dixie case from 1992?
nobody got arrested in this case till Oprah said so and there's something really wrong with that...

Multiple law enforcement officials didn't charge these men because they knew the law better than Oprah and all the social justice Warriors online

A well-orchestrated propaganda campaign about black victimhood outraged everyone when they saw this kid was simply jogging down the road and got ambushed because he was black

Now that everyone's outraged it's easy to change a law because you have a president and a victem

It's all based on propaganda but that will be forgotten and the law will ultimately be changed after the McMichaels are paraded for the world but when this encounter occurred it was perfectly legal for you to chase someone you suspected of committing a crime while holding a gun and if that person violently attacks you it was perfectly reasonable for you to defend yourself unless you literally have someone cornered and are threatening them with a firearm aimed directly at them unlawfully

you are not committing a crime by simply chasing someone while holding a firearm and you're certainly not committing a crime by standing in the middle of the street while holding a firearm aimed at the ground and yelling at someone

arberry is the one that committed the First Act that escalated the situation into an emergency 911 call and then created suspicion when he fled when confronted and then escalated the conflict when he attacked two men standing their ground with guns... at that point Travis McMichael reacted to the three things that the criminal did to instigate, provoke and escalate the situation

arberry instigated it by trespassing/ burglarizing

Provoked suspicion when he fled when confronted

Chose to attack when he had a lot of opportunity to evade and forced the McMichaels to react

Like I said before if the mcmichels wanted to shoot arbery they would have done it long before he forced them to

Today we are going to discuss an old English standard. It is called Conflict of Interest.

Now this came about when people would be naturally expected to side with family or friends.

An example. Let’s say we get into a fight. You are arrested because my Uncle is the Sheriff. You go to court and find my Father is the Judge and my Brother is the Prosecutor. The chances are zilch that you will get a fair trial. There is a conflict of interest.

The police wanted to arrest them but were told not to by Jackie Johnson. The former boss of Gregory McMichaels.

Now when Johnson saw the cluster it was she passed it off. She’s supposed to pass it to a disinterested third party. Instead she passed it to the father of a lawyer in her office. This lawyer wrote an opinion you would love. Then he recused himself for conflict of interest. This opinion is almost certainly going to lose him his law license. And potentially end up with him in jail.

The association of Prosecutors which represents a vast majority of Prosecutors in this country denounced his unprofessional behavior.

Finally the Secretary of State, a Republican sent it to a third, and the first actually disinterested Prosecutor. One who did not know anyone Involved. He called in the GBI. The GBI spent a day looking at the statements and evidence and came to the same conclusion as the responding officers. This was a murder.

The GBI went to the third Prosecutor and they went to a Judge. The Judge listened and looked at the evidence and agreed crimes appear to have been committed. He issued arrest warrants.

The Prosecutor went before a Grand Jury and again went over the evidence. He got indictments.

Now the accused went before a different Judge. This preliminary hearing to decide if there was enough evidence to go forward and even if there was if the accused should get bail. This second Judge said yes. Go forward. And no bail.

Prosecutor number three has a small office. He asked the Secretary of State to transfer it to a larger office with more resources. Otherwise the entire prosecutor’s office would be working on this one case and all other crimes would be unpunished.

So what happened really? What is the most likely cause for this? Disinterested folks said no? Or good old boys tried to take care of a friend? Because to the observer it appears as though once they got out of the circle of friends, Justice ground into motion.

But I am certain of one thing. You won’t respond to this information. You’ll ignore it and start another rabbit to running.

Show me in Georgia Law where the McMichaels were justified in the attempt to arrest? It all starts there. So where in Georgia Law does it say they were in the right?
You've whipped yourself up a good conspiracy befitting a tinfoil helmet but the cops who responded to the scene we're also in agreement that it was a perfectly reasonable shooting and they hadn't received orders from the boss to stand down just yet

The First Responders are often times the most legitimate opinion of all

And the First Responders were using an interrogation technique. Gone are the days when they beat the confession out of people. You see, it works much better if you are sympathetic, understanding. The interviewee wants to help you understand, and they confess. The McMichaels confessed. That is why the First Responders wanted to arrest them.

I posted this link before. But you didn’t read it. Let me post it again.

Jackie Johnson says that is not true. But there were confirmed phone calls between the police and the DA. What is debated is what they said. We may never know unless one of the calls was on a recorded line. Perhaps it is, and right now the FBI is building a case for Abuse of Office.

So your First Responder argument falls flat. Mainly because despite your “twenty years in Public Safety” your knowledge of interrogation techniques is about thirty years out of date.

It has better results than the old scare or intimidate the baddie. And it works infinitely better than torture or beating the confession out of them. It provides factual confirmable information.

Of course it takes time, and time is precious in Hollywood productions. A good example of this technique is the end of Citizen X. The Psychiatrist sits down after days of people shouting at the suspect. He sits down and doesn’t ask any questions. He starts to describe the individual who committed the crimes. A serial killer. The Killer breaks down and finally admits the crimes, and discusses them with the first person who would understand.

The book is longer, and more detailed, and I would suggest you read it, but you wouldn’t. Here is the Wiki page, it’s still probably too long for your limited attention span.

Oh, and if you wonder how good the cop was in Russia? During the Cold War, when they were still the Soviets, the FBI got information on the crimes, and the police work. By the time they had caught the baddie, the FBI was using it as a textbook case of solid science based police work. And the head of the Behavior Sciences Unit said that if he was ever running from the cops, the last cop on earth he wanted to be chasing him was Burakov. The cop leading the hunt. He was relentless, patient, methodical, and worked every crime scene personally.

Days of people shouting and threatening him got nowhere. A few hours of someone sympathetic, got the confession. Chikatilo was executed after his conviction.

But there are other examples. Patient understanding, and sympathy. Sitting down across the worst criminal and just explaining how you understand what they did, works more often than torture or threats. It is why many of us opposed the “enhanced” interrogation the Military embraced after 9-11. It does not lead to accurate information. And it really never has. Mostly it gets what you dictate to the baddie. They’ll confess to anything, and name anyone, to make it stop.

You would know this if you were even a Street Cop. You would know this if you were involved in arrests in any way, shape, or form. I know this because I read, and learn, which you are incapable of.

So the First Responders have been managed.
The autopsy report is highly indicative of a man trying to grab another man's gun and that was the escalation of force that created a lethal outcome

But when TM rushed to the front of the truck to cut off AA’s path to escape and positioned the barrel of the shotgun close enough for AA to grab it, that means it was TM who rushed toward and pointed his shotgun in the direction of AA and was yelling at him to stop. That is the classic definition of assault with a deadly weapon. Thats on top of the felony TM openly admitted to when he told police he raised his shotgun and told him to get on the ground. The armed chase itself was a felony.

The command to get on the ground was when AA was approaching about 90 feet from the truck - when AA swerved to his right the camera does not show TM making the final assault. But we know he did because the camera does show TM backing across the double yellow line after the first shot was fired .

These three men murdered a young man in Georgia for jogging while black and it is beyond a shadow of a doubt except for racists.

Your defense for the murderers is weaker than your brain and your morals. As long as you continue posting lies about the shooting and the victim I will refute them.

Not to convince you but to let any one coming across the hate speech you write know what a crock bullshit you are peddling.
I think you're just too hateful bigot who can't stand white Southern Culture

Perhaps it made you feel uncomfortable because of your lifestyle or sexual orientation but the fact is not all rednecks are racist murderers

Perhaps you hate the laws of citizens arrest and Americans right to bear arms because you're afraid of guns and that's why you are bigoted against white Southern Culture

Who knows what kind of mental pathology and gymnastics that goes through someone's mind in an attempt to justify criminal behavior in these Peoples Neighborhood from a wanted Thief

I bet if arbery had stolen your purse and it had some photos of you with a cucumber up your rear you would be screaming stop that man stop that man like a Damsel in Distress but when it comes to other people's life liberty and property you don't care about Acts like robbery and assault

It's perfectly legal for you to walk towards somebody while holding a shotgun in the low ready position and order them to stop fleeing

You're probably even allowed to do that in San Francisco and New York City but I know for a fact it's perfectly legal in the hillbilly state of Georgia

You're actually suggesting that a man was standing in the middle of the street and threatening arberry with a shotgun pointed at him yet arbery was stupid enough to run directly at him from a distance of over 90 ft and try to violently disarm a man who could have shot him at any time

Arbery was mentally retarded but he wasn't that stupid, he ran around the truck and try to Ambush Travis McMichael because he didn't believe that Travis was going to shoot him since he would have in the many opportunities he had prior to arberries assault

You seem to know a lot of things for a fact. So post the links. You see, I have posted links saying that the McMichaels were not justified in their pursuit. That it was a felony. I have posted links that said that they had no right to attempt a Citizens Arrest. I have posted the precedents. I have posted a lot of things.

You have not read them, or have not understood them, or have decided it is all bullshit.

Ok. Let’s get serious. Earlier you said they would change the law after the McMichaels. The Law that has been on the books for decades. The Winn Dixie decision that showed that nobody has a right or responsibility to perform a citizens arrest if they do not see a crime committed. That decision from the appeals court was in 1992.

Now, you contend they changed the law. Just for the McMichaels. So here is what it would take. First, someone had to travel back in time and tell the appeals court to decide it this way, and a lot of other cases that would apply to this particular case. Then travel back in time and use these newly created by time travel precedents to screw the McMichaels. Now, I don’t know about you. But if I had access to a Time Machine, I think I’d go back and give myself the winning lottery numbers. Not screw with legal precedents. But that’s me.

I demolished your arguments. Others have too. So now you’re recycling it with insults and the like.

So fine. If that is what we are going to devolve to. Let’s get started. You Blithering Idiot. You wouldn’t know legal if it humped your leg. The only way you could be entrusted with any aspect of public safety is if you were foolishly hired to be a school crossing guard. You would look dumb standing there wearing your retard helmet to make sure when you fell you didn’t damage that enormous misshapen empty mass on your neck. What I can’t figure out. And seriously I don’t understand this. There were probably Half a Billion Sperm in the shot that created you. What boggles the imagination is that the one that created you was the best? Talk about the shallow end of the gene pool. What happened? How far back do we have to go before your family tree sprouts a branch? Some fresh blood in the mix?

I’ve seen bra‘s with bigger numbers than your IQ. As for your idea of leading? You couldn’t lead Nun’s in Silent Prayer without screwing it up. And as far as your idea of Legal and the Law, I’m not sure you would be right in any state of the union, much less Georgia.

It is rare to find someone who is wrong about everything. Hell I wouldn’t trust you if you said Night was Dark and Day was Light. I can only assume your Nurse has to remind you to bathe to keep flies from leaving fresh shit to chase your nasty ass down. And I have it on good authority that you’re not much of a Man, but you have a hell of a Strap On.

I know why you keep accusing us who disagree with you of being gay. It’s that you’re really treating this like the Gay Tinder. Hoping to find a date. How long before you post a Gif of yourself in your signature box suck starting a Harley? Oh I forgot, you’re too dumb to add to your signature line. My Bad.

Like Tone Loc, I am not interested in the Oscar Meyer Wiener. Or in your case, the Armor Vienna Sausage. I can understand why you are so hostile. Since you’re not likely to marry, and I mean who could blame a woman for rejecting a bridge troll like you? The Good news is that we will be spared any more generations of your particular line. That good news means the collective IQ of humanity probably jumped Ten points right there.

Now, you should get off the internet and go back to licking windows. Something you are qualified to do.
i only read a couple words out of each paragraph of your tirade but it was plenty to get the gist of that response

your fixation on citizen's arrest could have come to fruition had your criminal hero not violently attacked the McMichaels

don't you remember the Starbucks case?

Just don't punch anybody and any young black person can get paid millions of dollars for resisting arrest

And now you want to make it not only a lottery win but a permission slip to commit an act of violence as well

I assume you're just a privileged white person who feels terribly guilty about their privileged lifestyle

Yes I remember the Starbucks case. Only it was radically different wasn’t it? In that case the Manager called the police, and had the people arrested for not leaving. They did not place the men under Citizens Arrest, and as I recall it happened in Philadelphia, which is still not in Georgia. Once again proving you have no clue that every state has different laws. Idiot.

When someone is committing a crime against you, you have every right to defend yourself according to you is that not correct? Including using Lethal force?
Travis had a clear shot at a man running directly at him in this photo

why would he wait for Arberry to run up and start punching him in the face if he wanted to murder a black jogger??

They didn’t set out to murder a black jogger. That’s not how white privilege and white supremacy works. You see to them all blacks are inferior and therefore susceptible to criminal behaviors. A running black male has obviously committed a crime and is trying to escape from being captured by the superior white authorities and superior white property owners.

They took their guns for two reasons: (1) they assume at the start that all black running criminal males are armed even while wearing shorts and TShirt. There’s got to be an illegal gun concealed under that light clothing somehow along with the circular saw and drill press and hammer that he just stole from a construction site. (2) Surely the inferior black criminal male suspect more likely would stop and be detained by three white superior men in two separate vehicles if they brandished their weapons.

The screenshot from the video shows more evidence that will add up to convict your white superior heroes of murder as charged. They did not have to have “intent to murder” to be convicted in Georgia. Your photo taken by one of the three conspirators who was pursuing and recording from behind shows that by the four minute mark of the illegal pursuit all three assailants had accepted the fact that AA did not have a firearm. In the photo you can see GM standing in full view of AA as he approached and it is also on record that GM put his handgun down and and had his cell phone in his hand instead.

It’s right at this point that the three white males shouid have recognized the folly of their armed attempt to detain AA for three reasons: (1) AA ignored TM’s ‘at gunpoint’ command to get on the ground and kept jogging ahead but swerved to evade TM as much as possible. (2) It was plain to see that AA was not an immediate threat to the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood because he was not armed or dangerous and they had not witnessed him committing a violent crime in the moments preceding their pursuit and blockade. (3)They had means to take photos of their ‘suspect’ from which they could hand over to police so if he had just committed a crime they could identify him for the police and white property owner

The screen shot you posted I believe is the exact moment right before AA swerved to his right to run past the passenger side.

That swerve cause TM to react badly and wrongly and that reaction is what leads to AA death and ultimately to the conviction of all three men to conviction of murder.

TM should have stayed where he was put his weapon down and allowed AA pass unharmed.

TM escalated the aggravated assault that all three were committing when he ran to the front of the truck and trued to block AA path and the first shot was fired.

two shots later the aggravated assault had a murder charge tacked on.

The video shows exactly how guilty they are.

But it was TM!s stupid reaction to put the shotgun directly in the path of a black man who was jogging on a public street that will send his father and a neighbor to prison for a very long time.
Last edited:
It's perfectly legal for you to walk towards somebody while holding a shotgun in the low ready position and order them to stop fleeing

I am all for the private ownership of guns for hunting, sports and self protection in the hands of mentally competent people.. Your statement above is one of many that disqualifies you from owning a gun because you are not intelligent enough to understand the law and you shouldn’t have one.
The McMichaels were experienced hunters... why try to talk to a man if you're out for murder?

So you admit that they were hunting him.

Why go hunting if you don't intend to kill what you're hunting?

They were chasing him for over 5 minutes before they lost him and took up the position at the End of the Street and then Arberry comes running directly at them

How did they know where to stop their truck?

Oh, and that's another thing: Earlier you said you were looking at some overhead views of the area where he was killed, and you said it wasn't very developed. I asked you to post the image you were lookoing at, and you've not done so. Why not? Is it because you're afraid to paint yourself into a corner with someone who's actually been there and knows exactly how built up it is?

they had numerous chances to shoot him yet didn't

Yeah,. that'll be a perfect defense. I hope his lawyers use that...

Travis had a clear shot at a man running directly at him in this photo
why would he wait for Arberry to run up and start punching him in the face if he wanted to murder a black jogger??

That would be a question for the pudgy redneck, not me.

You seem to think that asking these questions magically proves you right, and they don't...

Your feeble mind has been unhinged by Propaganda and you're now lost deeply in The Ether that Oprah and lebron created

That's hardly an insult when it comes from the dipshit who can't answer simple questions and changes his argument from day to day...

they wanted you to believe that this was an innocent young black jogger who was ambushed by a couple of white Vigilantes who targeted him for the color of his skin

First, I didn't know Oprah had opined on the issue until I read that in this thread. Second, I couldn't give a flying fuck what Lebron James says about anything.

Third, Roddy heard Travis McMichael use a racial slur after McMichael murdered Arbury. That, alone, is probably more than sufficient to make this a hate crime. If that's the case, I've got $20 bucks that says Travis gets the death penalty and Gregory spends the rest of his pathetic little life in prison.

But now we know through evidence that they recognized him personally as a wanted man and gave Chase identical to the far far more liberal state of California in the scenario with Richard Ramirez

This has been explained to you countless times, and you choose to remain ignorant (or is it stupid?) regarding it.

Richard Ramirez had been identified by the police and, as such, was a wanted man. The police in the Arbury case never identified Arbury, nor did they ever announce his status as a wanted man.

The police were about to stop Arberry as well as they were on their way and he was a wanted man...

No, he was not a wanted man.

Are you autistic? Seriously. You keep saying the same old, tired things despite the fact that reality is very, very different.

You have a right to your own opinion in this case. You do not, however, have a right to your own facts...

if he had tried to punch one of them while grabbing at his gun he would have had been shot by them also just like that dumbass Criminal Michael Brown

Well, see, that wouldn't have happened. As Arbury wasn't armed, the police would've used non-lethal means to subdue him. They would do that because they're law enforcement professionals. The McMichael twins were not. If they were, they would've used non-lethal means...

but I suppose you or one of the limp wristed sissy liberal squealing hands up don't shoot and we know how that turned out don't we LOL

Here's the difference between you and me, little boy. I carry a gun every single day; sometimes two. In the last 30 years I have drawn my gun twice to defend myself and my loved ones. I was forced to fire it in one of those instances. But here's the thing, dipshit: As soon as I drew my weapon, I knew there was a fair chance that I would be arrested, even though there was no question that it was a righteous shoot. I was questioned for a couple of hours at the sheriff's office before the lead detective informed my attorney that I wouldn't be charged.

I was thanked for my cooperation, my gun was returned to me, and I left.

So do yourself a favor and check your adolescent attitude. You're nothing but a little punk bitch whose balls haven't dropped yet, probably still living with and sponging off mom and dad, and who has exactly zero experience with anything of importance in the real world.

I love watching the expressions on faces of ignorant pieces of shit like you when you finally realize that you were wrong all along...
the first person that called the cops on berry noticed him going into the house under construction and recognized him as the man wanted by the police

Time to put up or shut up, dickweed.

If he was wanted by the police, then there's a record of it, and that record would be public. I challenge you; no, I defy you, to link to anything that indicates that Arbury was wanted by the police.

You can't do it, because he never was...
It's unlikely any other case in recent history has inspired more misinformation as media Outlets clearly have an incentive to racialize and dramatized every incident that comes their way

the simple fact is arberry was a well-known local Petty Criminal who was caught casing out a house that had suffered a string of recent burglaries and fled like a thief when he was confronted by the neighbor

The McMichaels weren't a couple of hillbillies sitting on their front porch downing canned beer when an innocent black jogger happened by

they are BOTH former professional law enforcement agents who recognized the local Petty Criminal hauling ass up the street from the video Larry English had captured after installing a security system and no trespassing sign due to the burglaries and may have been alerted by the first neighbor who had called 911 when he saw arberry illegally enter the crime scene and subsequently bolt when he realized he'd been caught

Per Georgia law they armed themselves and engaged in a Pursuit while on the phone with 911 and continued to relay the criminals position to the responding officers

At one point Arberry decided he was going to attack the McMichaels and ran towards Travis grabbing his shotgun and punching him in the face numerous times committing a felony assault

In fact it was so obvious a simple self-defense shooting that they couldn't even determine whether or not Travis had pulled the trigger intentionally or not as when an attacking person is pulling on a long gun it is perfectly plausible that they themselves set the fire arm off

The notion that a couple of vigilante Hillbillies set upon an innocent black jogger and gunned him down in the street is a complete joke

The fact is Arberry committed a crime by entering a residence with a no trespassing sign and then bolted when confronted thus providing reasonable suspicion that he was in fact the person they recognized from the videos and a prior encounter Travis had with him. In fact Gregory McMichael knew arberry because he had worked on one of his previous crimes

It's absolutely hilarious that mainstream media Outlets can get away with a false narrative and an edited video designed to convince people that these two men are bloodthirsty murderers who decided to hunt down an innocent black jogger, if they had planned to murder a jogger they certainly wouldn't have used a shotgun with a less-lethal round then is a available at Walmart to do so.

It certainly is a shame that businesses who have suffered damage due to riots can't sue these media outlets for false information leading to the violence and destruction that has crippled their
You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. I am a resident of Brunswick. The incident happened about 4 miles from my house. I have followed it since February, having an interest in self defense cases.
The McMichaels thought Arbery had stolen a pistol out of Travis' truck some months earlier. They knew him, the senior McMichaels having arrest Arbery previously. When they saw him jog by they thought to detain him and turn him over to LE. So far, so good. If that's what they had done, no problem.
Instead they confronted him with a shotgun and other weapons. Arbery lunged towards the gun and Travis fired multiple times, killing him. There is no self defense law that would cover assaulting someone first. The McMichaels are idiots who thought they could get away with it because the senior McMichaels had worked for the corrupt Jackie Johnson, the DA here. And they were right until the story hit the papers. DA Johnson lost her re-election bid btw precisely on this case.
The fact the McMichaels are out and out racists is irrelevant here. I believe the same scenario would have played out if Arbery had been white. It is part of the deep corruption in this county.
It's unlikely any other case in recent history has inspired more misinformation as media Outlets clearly have an incentive to racialize and dramatized every incident that comes their way

the simple fact is arberry was a well-known local Petty Criminal who was caught casing out a house that had suffered a string of recent burglaries and fled like a thief when he was confronted by the neighbor

The McMichaels weren't a couple of hillbillies sitting on their front porch downing canned beer when an innocent black jogger happened by

they are BOTH former professional law enforcement agents who recognized the local Petty Criminal hauling ass up the street from the video Larry English had captured after installing a security system and no trespassing sign due to the burglaries and may have been alerted by the first neighbor who had called 911 when he saw arberry illegally enter the crime scene and subsequently bolt when he realized he'd been caught

Per Georgia law they armed themselves and engaged in a Pursuit while on the phone with 911 and continued to relay the criminals position to the responding officers

At one point Arberry decided he was going to attack the McMichaels and ran towards Travis grabbing his shotgun and punching him in the face numerous times committing a felony assault

In fact it was so obvious a simple self-defense shooting that they couldn't even determine whether or not Travis had pulled the trigger intentionally or not as when an attacking person is pulling on a long gun it is perfectly plausible that they themselves set the fire arm off

The notion that a couple of vigilante Hillbillies set upon an innocent black jogger and gunned him down in the street is a complete joke

The fact is Arberry committed a crime by entering a residence with a no trespassing sign and then bolted when confronted thus providing reasonable suspicion that he was in fact the person they recognized from the videos and a prior encounter Travis had with him. In fact Gregory McMichael knew arberry because he had worked on one of his previous crimes

It's absolutely hilarious that mainstream media Outlets can get away with a false narrative and an edited video designed to convince people that these two men are bloodthirsty murderers who decided to hunt down an innocent black jogger, if they had planned to murder a jogger they certainly wouldn't have used a shotgun with a less-lethal round then is a available at Walmart to do so.

It certainly is a shame that businesses who have suffered damage due to riots can't sue these media outlets for false information leading to the violence and destruction that has crippled their
You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. I am a resident of Brunswick. The incident happened about 4 miles from my house. I have followed it since February, having an interest in self defense cases.
The McMichaels thought Arbery had stolen a pistol out of Travis' truck some months earlier. They knew him, the senior McMichaels having arrest Arbery previously. When they saw him jog by they thought to detain him and turn him over to LE. So far, so good. If that's what they had done, no problem.
Instead they confronted him with a shotgun and other weapons. Arbery lunged towards the gun and Travis fired multiple times, killing him. There is no self defense law that would cover assaulting someone first. The McMichaels are idiots who thought they could get away with it because the senior McMichaels had worked for the corrupt Jackie Johnson, the DA here. And they were right until the story hit the papers. DA Johnson lost her re-election bid btw precisely on this case.
The fact the McMichaels are out and out racists is irrelevant here. I believe the same scenario would have played out if Arbery had been white. It is part of the deep corruption in this county.

I am up around Savannah. And the Old Boy Network in Brunswick is legendary even here. Now that the State is involved the Old Boys are running for the shadows as fast as they can while denying it ever existed. I’ve live in Georgia for more than 25 years and I honestly do not see a way out for the Trio. And I am a staunch defender of the Rights of the Accused and a long time advocate for a good defense in court.

I hope they get better attorneys than I’ve seen so far. Because they are going to need it.
It's unlikely any other case in recent history has inspired more misinformation as media Outlets clearly have an incentive to racialize and dramatized every incident that comes their way

the simple fact is arberry was a well-known local Petty Criminal who was caught casing out a house that had suffered a string of recent burglaries and fled like a thief when he was confronted by the neighbor

The McMichaels weren't a couple of hillbillies sitting on their front porch downing canned beer when an innocent black jogger happened by

they are BOTH former professional law enforcement agents who recognized the local Petty Criminal hauling ass up the street from the video Larry English had captured after installing a security system and no trespassing sign due to the burglaries and may have been alerted by the first neighbor who had called 911 when he saw arberry illegally enter the crime scene and subsequently bolt when he realized he'd been caught

Per Georgia law they armed themselves and engaged in a Pursuit while on the phone with 911 and continued to relay the criminals position to the responding officers

At one point Arberry decided he was going to attack the McMichaels and ran towards Travis grabbing his shotgun and punching him in the face numerous times committing a felony assault

In fact it was so obvious a simple self-defense shooting that they couldn't even determine whether or not Travis had pulled the trigger intentionally or not as when an attacking person is pulling on a long gun it is perfectly plausible that they themselves set the fire arm off

The notion that a couple of vigilante Hillbillies set upon an innocent black jogger and gunned him down in the street is a complete joke

The fact is Arberry committed a crime by entering a residence with a no trespassing sign and then bolted when confronted thus providing reasonable suspicion that he was in fact the person they recognized from the videos and a prior encounter Travis had with him. In fact Gregory McMichael knew arberry because he had worked on one of his previous crimes

It's absolutely hilarious that mainstream media Outlets can get away with a false narrative and an edited video designed to convince people that these two men are bloodthirsty murderers who decided to hunt down an innocent black jogger, if they had planned to murder a jogger they certainly wouldn't have used a shotgun with a less-lethal round then is a available at Walmart to do so.

It certainly is a shame that businesses who have suffered damage due to riots can't sue these media outlets for false information leading to the violence and destruction that has crippled their
You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. I am a resident of Brunswick. The incident happened about 4 miles from my house. I have followed it since February, having an interest in self defense cases.
The McMichaels thought Arbery had stolen a pistol out of Travis' truck some months earlier. They knew him, the senior McMichaels having arrest Arbery previously. When they saw him jog by they thought to detain him and turn him over to LE. So far, so good. If that's what they had done, no problem.
Instead they confronted him with a shotgun and other weapons. Arbery lunged towards the gun and Travis fired multiple times, killing him. There is no self defense law that would cover assaulting someone first. The McMichaels are idiots who thought they could get away with it because the senior McMichaels had worked for the corrupt Jackie Johnson, the DA here. And they were right until the story hit the papers. DA Johnson lost her re-election bid btw precisely on this case.
The fact the McMichaels are out and out racists is irrelevant here. I believe the same scenario would have played out if Arbery had been white. It is part of the deep corruption in this county.

I am up around Savannah. And the Old Boy Network in Brunswick is legendary even here. Now that the State is involved the Old Boys are running for the shadows as fast as they can while denying it ever existed. I’ve live in Georgia for more than 25 years and I honestly do not see a way out for the Trio. And I am a staunch defender of the Rights of the Accused and a long time advocate for a good defense in court.

I hope they get better attorneys than I’ve seen so far. Because they are going to need it.
My family came to Savannah in the 1880s and I spent lots of time there in the '70s.
Anyway, yeah you're right. The prosecutor seems like a very smart person and I think she'll do a good job. I think Roddy Bryant might get off only because there is no law against being stupid. But I haven't seen the full video, only the clip that was played.
It's unlikely any other case in recent history has inspired more misinformation as media Outlets clearly have an incentive to racialize and dramatized every incident that comes their way

the simple fact is arberry was a well-known local Petty Criminal who was caught casing out a house that had suffered a string of recent burglaries and fled like a thief when he was confronted by the neighbor

The McMichaels weren't a couple of hillbillies sitting on their front porch downing canned beer when an innocent black jogger happened by

they are BOTH former professional law enforcement agents who recognized the local Petty Criminal hauling ass up the street from the video Larry English had captured after installing a security system and no trespassing sign due to the burglaries and may have been alerted by the first neighbor who had called 911 when he saw arberry illegally enter the crime scene and subsequently bolt when he realized he'd been caught

Per Georgia law they armed themselves and engaged in a Pursuit while on the phone with 911 and continued to relay the criminals position to the responding officers

At one point Arberry decided he was going to attack the McMichaels and ran towards Travis grabbing his shotgun and punching him in the face numerous times committing a felony assault

In fact it was so obvious a simple self-defense shooting that they couldn't even determine whether or not Travis had pulled the trigger intentionally or not as when an attacking person is pulling on a long gun it is perfectly plausible that they themselves set the fire arm off

The notion that a couple of vigilante Hillbillies set upon an innocent black jogger and gunned him down in the street is a complete joke

The fact is Arberry committed a crime by entering a residence with a no trespassing sign and then bolted when confronted thus providing reasonable suspicion that he was in fact the person they recognized from the videos and a prior encounter Travis had with him. In fact Gregory McMichael knew arberry because he had worked on one of his previous crimes

It's absolutely hilarious that mainstream media Outlets can get away with a false narrative and an edited video designed to convince people that these two men are bloodthirsty murderers who decided to hunt down an innocent black jogger, if they had planned to murder a jogger they certainly wouldn't have used a shotgun with a less-lethal round then is a available at Walmart to do so.

It certainly is a shame that businesses who have suffered damage due to riots can't sue these media outlets for false information leading to the violence and destruction that has crippled their
You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. I am a resident of Brunswick. The incident happened about 4 miles from my house. I have followed it since February, having an interest in self defense cases.
The McMichaels thought Arbery had stolen a pistol out of Travis' truck some months earlier. They knew him, the senior McMichaels having arrest Arbery previously. When they saw him jog by they thought to detain him and turn him over to LE. So far, so good. If that's what they had done, no problem.
Instead they confronted him with a shotgun and other weapons. Arbery lunged towards the gun and Travis fired multiple times, killing him. There is no self defense law that would cover assaulting someone first. The McMichaels are idiots who thought they could get away with it because the senior McMichaels had worked for the corrupt Jackie Johnson, the DA here. And they were right until the story hit the papers. DA Johnson lost her re-election bid btw precisely on this case.
The fact the McMichaels are out and out racists is irrelevant here. I believe the same scenario would have played out if Arbery had been white. It is part of the deep corruption in this county.

King Guerilla (aka F. Lee Bailey) will be along shortly to explain to you why your opinion as a nearby resident who studies self defense cases is meaningless.

Carry on...
I am up around Savannah. And the Old Boy Network in Brunswick is legendary even here.

I get up to Savannah every so often. It's only about a three hour drive from St. Augustine...

I hope they get better attorneys than I’ve seen so far. Because they are going to need it.

Shit, Johnny Cochran wouldn't be able to get an acquittal in this case...
I am up around Savannah. And the Old Boy Network in Brunswick is legendary even here.

I get up to Savannah every so often. It's only about a three hour drive from St. Augustine...

I hope they get better attorneys than I’ve seen so far. Because they are going to need it.

Shit, Johnny Cochran wouldn't be able to get an acquittal in this case...

I think an acquittal is possible if very unlikely. First. You need one legal team speaking for all the defendants. They have three right now all contributing to the guilt of the others but not their own client. That will nearly guarantee a guilty verdict.

If they play it smart. There is a ten or even fifteen percent chance of an acquittal. I doubt they will though. If they start to then the Prosecution will offer a plea bargain deal with Roddy to get the two most directly responsible.
To help you out I’ll answer the questions. Answer one. No. Under Georgia Law the Citizen effecting the arrest must have knowledge of a crime having been committed in his presence
LOL@ "in his presence"

*you forgot about immediate knollege

No I didn’t. And let’s say I did. Does it change anything? Arbury was not committing a crime at the time the McMichaels armed up and set off in pursuit was he?
did he have permission to be in Larry's house?

Lets say he did not. In that case Larry could arrest him. But the McMichaels had no such authority. Remember the Winn Dixie case from 1992?
nobody got arrested in this case till Oprah said so and there's something really wrong with that...

Multiple law enforcement officials didn't charge these men because they knew the law better than Oprah and all the social justice Warriors online

A well-orchestrated propaganda campaign about black victimhood outraged everyone when they saw this kid was simply jogging down the road and got ambushed because he was black

Now that everyone's outraged it's easy to change a law because you have a president and a victem

It's all based on propaganda but that will be forgotten and the law will ultimately be changed after the McMichaels are paraded for the world but when this encounter occurred it was perfectly legal for you to chase someone you suspected of committing a crime while holding a gun and if that person violently attacks you it was perfectly reasonable for you to defend yourself unless you literally have someone cornered and are threatening them with a firearm aimed directly at them unlawfully

you are not committing a crime by simply chasing someone while holding a firearm and you're certainly not committing a crime by standing in the middle of the street while holding a firearm aimed at the ground and yelling at someone

arberry is the one that committed the First Act that escalated the situation into an emergency 911 call and then created suspicion when he fled when confronted and then escalated the conflict when he attacked two men standing their ground with guns... at that point Travis McMichael reacted to the three things that the criminal did to instigate, provoke and escalate the situation

arberry instigated it by trespassing/ burglarizing

Provoked suspicion when he fled when confronted

Chose to attack when he had a lot of opportunity to evade and forced the McMichaels to react

Like I said before if the mcmichels wanted to shoot arbery they would have done it long before he forced them to

Today we are going to discuss an old English standard. It is called Conflict of Interest.

Now this came about when people would be naturally expected to side with family or friends.

An example. Let’s say we get into a fight. You are arrested because my Uncle is the Sheriff. You go to court and find my Father is the Judge and my Brother is the Prosecutor. The chances are zilch that you will get a fair trial. There is a conflict of interest.

The police wanted to arrest them but were told not to by Jackie Johnson. The former boss of Gregory McMichaels.

Now when Johnson saw the cluster it was she passed it off. She’s supposed to pass it to a disinterested third party. Instead she passed it to the father of a lawyer in her office. This lawyer wrote an opinion you would love. Then he recused himself for conflict of interest. This opinion is almost certainly going to lose him his law license. And potentially end up with him in jail.

The association of Prosecutors which represents a vast majority of Prosecutors in this country denounced his unprofessional behavior.

Finally the Secretary of State, a Republican sent it to a third, and the first actually disinterested Prosecutor. One who did not know anyone Involved. He called in the GBI. The GBI spent a day looking at the statements and evidence and came to the same conclusion as the responding officers. This was a murder.

The GBI went to the third Prosecutor and they went to a Judge. The Judge listened and looked at the evidence and agreed crimes appear to have been committed. He issued arrest warrants.

The Prosecutor went before a Grand Jury and again went over the evidence. He got indictments.

Now the accused went before a different Judge. This preliminary hearing to decide if there was enough evidence to go forward and even if there was if the accused should get bail. This second Judge said yes. Go forward. And no bail.

Prosecutor number three has a small office. He asked the Secretary of State to transfer it to a larger office with more resources. Otherwise the entire prosecutor’s office would be working on this one case and all other crimes would be unpunished.

So what happened really? What is the most likely cause for this? Disinterested folks said no? Or good old boys tried to take care of a friend? Because to the observer it appears as though once they got out of the circle of friends, Justice ground into motion.

But I am certain of one thing. You won’t respond to this information. You’ll ignore it and start another rabbit to running.

Show me in Georgia Law where the McMichaels were justified in the attempt to arrest? It all starts there. So where in Georgia Law does it say they were in the right?
You've whipped yourself up a good conspiracy befitting a tinfoil helmet but the cops who responded to the scene we're also in agreement that it was a perfectly reasonable shooting and they hadn't received orders from the boss to stand down just yet

The First Responders are often times the most legitimate opinion of all

And the First Responders were using an interrogation technique. Gone are the days when they beat the confession out of people. You see, it works much better if you are sympathetic, understanding. The interviewee wants to help you understand, and they confess. The McMichaels confessed. That is why the First Responders wanted to arrest them.

I posted this link before. But you didn’t read it. Let me post it again.

Jackie Johnson says that is not true. But there were confirmed phone calls between the police and the DA. What is debated is what they said. We may never know unless one of the calls was on a recorded line. Perhaps it is, and right now the FBI is building a case for Abuse of Office.

So your First Responder argument falls flat. Mainly because despite your “twenty years in Public Safety” your knowledge of interrogation techniques is about thirty years out of date.

It has better results than the old scare or intimidate the baddie. And it works infinitely better than torture or beating the confession out of them. It provides factual confirmable information.

Of course it takes time, and time is precious in Hollywood productions. A good example of this technique is the end of Citizen X. The Psychiatrist sits down after days of people shouting at the suspect. He sits down and doesn’t ask any questions. He starts to describe the individual who committed the crimes. A serial killer. The Killer breaks down and finally admits the crimes, and discusses them with the first person who would understand.

The book is longer, and more detailed, and I would suggest you read it, but you wouldn’t. Here is the Wiki page, it’s still probably too long for your limited attention span.

Oh, and if you wonder how good the cop was in Russia? During the Cold War, when they were still the Soviets, the FBI got information on the crimes, and the police work. By the time they had caught the baddie, the FBI was using it as a textbook case of solid science based police work. And the head of the Behavior Sciences Unit said that if he was ever running from the cops, the last cop on earth he wanted to be chasing him was Burakov. The cop leading the hunt. He was relentless, patient, methodical, and worked every crime scene personally.

Days of people shouting and threatening him got nowhere. A few hours of someone sympathetic, got the confession. Chikatilo was executed after his conviction.

But there are other examples. Patient understanding, and sympathy. Sitting down across the worst criminal and just explaining how you understand what they did, works more often than torture or threats. It is why many of us opposed the “enhanced” interrogation the Military embraced after 9-11. It does not lead to accurate information. And it really never has. Mostly it gets what you dictate to the baddie. They’ll confess to anything, and name anyone, to make it stop.

You would know this if you were even a Street Cop. You would know this if you were involved in arrests in any way, shape, or form. I know this because I read, and learn, which you are incapable of.

So the First Responders have been managed.
here we go with another tinfoil conspiracy theory
The autopsy report is highly indicative of a man trying to grab another man's gun and that was the escalation of force that created a lethal outcome

But when TM rushed to the front of the truck to cut off AA’s path to escape and positioned the barrel of the shotgun close enough for AA to grab it, that means it was TM who rushed toward and pointed his shotgun in the direction of AA and was yelling at him to stop. That is the classic definition of assault with a deadly weapon. Thats on top of the felony TM openly admitted to when he told police he raised his shotgun and told him to get on the ground. The armed chase itself was a felony.

The command to get on the ground was when AA was approaching about 90 feet from the truck - when AA swerved to his right the camera does not show TM making the final assault. But we know he did because the camera does show TM backing across the double yellow line after the first shot was fired .

These three men murdered a young man in Georgia for jogging while black and it is beyond a shadow of a doubt except for racists.

Your defense for the murderers is weaker than your brain and your morals. As long as you continue posting lies about the shooting and the victim I will refute them.

Not to convince you but to let any one coming across the hate speech you write know what a crock bullshit you are peddling.
I think you're just too hateful bigot who can't stand white Southern Culture

Perhaps it made you feel uncomfortable because of your lifestyle or sexual orientation but the fact is not all rednecks are racist murderers

Perhaps you hate the laws of citizens arrest and Americans right to bear arms because you're afraid of guns and that's why you are bigoted against white Southern Culture

Who knows what kind of mental pathology and gymnastics that goes through someone's mind in an attempt to justify criminal behavior in these Peoples Neighborhood from a wanted Thief

I bet if arbery had stolen your purse and it had some photos of you with a cucumber up your rear you would be screaming stop that man stop that man like a Damsel in Distress but when it comes to other people's life liberty and property you don't care about Acts like robbery and assault

It's perfectly legal for you to walk towards somebody while holding a shotgun in the low ready position and order them to stop fleeing

You're probably even allowed to do that in San Francisco and New York City but I know for a fact it's perfectly legal in the hillbilly state of Georgia

You're actually suggesting that a man was standing in the middle of the street and threatening arberry with a shotgun pointed at him yet arbery was stupid enough to run directly at him from a distance of over 90 ft and try to violently disarm a man who could have shot him at any time

Arbery was mentally retarded but he wasn't that stupid, he ran around the truck and try to Ambush Travis McMichael because he didn't believe that Travis was going to shoot him since he would have in the many opportunities he had prior to arberries assault

You seem to know a lot of things for a fact. So post the links. You see, I have posted links saying that the McMichaels were not justified in their pursuit. That it was a felony. I have posted links that said that they had no right to attempt a Citizens Arrest. I have posted the precedents. I have posted a lot of things.

You have not read them, or have not understood them, or have decided it is all bullshit.

Ok. Let’s get serious. Earlier you said they would change the law after the McMichaels. The Law that has been on the books for decades. The Winn Dixie decision that showed that nobody has a right or responsibility to perform a citizens arrest if they do not see a crime committed. That decision from the appeals court was in 1992.

Now, you contend they changed the law. Just for the McMichaels. So here is what it would take. First, someone had to travel back in time and tell the appeals court to decide it this way, and a lot of other cases that would apply to this particular case. Then travel back in time and use these newly created by time travel precedents to screw the McMichaels. Now, I don’t know about you. But if I had access to a Time Machine, I think I’d go back and give myself the winning lottery numbers. Not screw with legal precedents. But that’s me.

I demolished your arguments. Others have too. So now you’re recycling it with insults and the like.

So fine. If that is what we are going to devolve to. Let’s get started. You Blithering Idiot. You wouldn’t know legal if it humped your leg. The only way you could be entrusted with any aspect of public safety is if you were foolishly hired to be a school crossing guard. You would look dumb standing there wearing your retard helmet to make sure when you fell you didn’t damage that enormous misshapen empty mass on your neck. What I can’t figure out. And seriously I don’t understand this. There were probably Half a Billion Sperm in the shot that created you. What boggles the imagination is that the one that created you was the best? Talk about the shallow end of the gene pool. What happened? How far back do we have to go before your family tree sprouts a branch? Some fresh blood in the mix?

I’ve seen bra‘s with bigger numbers than your IQ. As for your idea of leading? You couldn’t lead Nun’s in Silent Prayer without screwing it up. And as far as your idea of Legal and the Law, I’m not sure you would be right in any state of the union, much less Georgia.

It is rare to find someone who is wrong about everything. Hell I wouldn’t trust you if you said Night was Dark and Day was Light. I can only assume your Nurse has to remind you to bathe to keep flies from leaving fresh shit to chase your nasty ass down. And I have it on good authority that you’re not much of a Man, but you have a hell of a Strap On.

I know why you keep accusing us who disagree with you of being gay. It’s that you’re really treating this like the Gay Tinder. Hoping to find a date. How long before you post a Gif of yourself in your signature box suck starting a Harley? Oh I forgot, you’re too dumb to add to your signature line. My Bad.

Like Tone Loc, I am not interested in the Oscar Meyer Wiener. Or in your case, the Armor Vienna Sausage. I can understand why you are so hostile. Since you’re not likely to marry, and I mean who could blame a woman for rejecting a bridge troll like you? The Good news is that we will be spared any more generations of your particular line. That good news means the collective IQ of humanity probably jumped Ten points right there.

Now, you should get off the internet and go back to licking windows. Something you are qualified to do.
i only read a couple words out of each paragraph of your tirade but it was plenty to get the gist of that response

your fixation on citizen's arrest could have come to fruition had your criminal hero not violently attacked the McMichaels

don't you remember the Starbucks case?

Just don't punch anybody and any young black person can get paid millions of dollars for resisting arrest

And now you want to make it not only a lottery win but a permission slip to commit an act of violence as well

I assume you're just a privileged white person who feels terribly guilty about their privileged lifestyle

Yes I remember the Starbucks case. Only it was radically different wasn’t it? In that case the Manager called the police, and had the people arrested for not leaving. They did not place the men under Citizens Arrest, and as I recall it happened in Philadelphia, which is still not in Georgia. Once again proving you have no clue that every state has different laws. Idiot.

When someone is committing a crime against you, you have every right to defend yourself according to you is that not correct? Including using Lethal force?
So if I see someone that scares me I'm allowed to use lethal Force against them?
Travis had a clear shot at a man running directly at him in this photo

why would he wait for Arberry to run up and start punching him in the face if he wanted to murder a black jogger??

They didn’t set out to murder a black jogger. That’s not how white privilege and white supremacy works. You see to them all blacks are inferior and therefore susceptible to criminal behaviors. A running black male has obviously committed a crime and is trying to escape from being captured by the superior white authorities and superior white property owners.

They took their guns for two reasons: (1) they assume at the start that all black running criminal males are armed even while wearing shorts and TShirt. There’s got to be an illegal gun concealed under that light clothing somehow along with the circular saw and drill press and hammer that he just stole from a construction site. (2) Surely the inferior black criminal male suspect more likely would stop and be detained by three white superior men in two separate vehicles if they brandished their weapons.

The screenshot from the video shows more evidence that will add up to convict your white superior heroes of murder as charged. They did not have to have “intent to murder” to be convicted in Georgia. Your photo taken by one of the three conspirators who was pursuing and recording from behind shows that by the four minute mark of the illegal pursuit all three assailants had accepted the fact that AA did not have a firearm. In the photo you can see GM standing in full view of AA as he approached and it is also on record that GM put his handgun down and and had his cell phone in his hand instead.

It’s right at this point that the three white males shouid have recognized the folly of their armed attempt to detain AA for three reasons: (1) AA ignored TM’s ‘at gunpoint’ command to get on the ground and kept jogging ahead but swerved to evade TM as much as possible. (2) It was plain to see that AA was not an immediate threat to the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood because he was not armed or dangerous and they had not witnessed him committing a violent crime in the moments preceding their pursuit and blockade. (3)They had means to take photos of their ‘suspect’ from which they could hand over to police so if he had just committed a crime they could identify him for the police and white property owner

The screen shot you posted I believe is the exact moment right before AA swerved to his right to run past the passenger side.

That swerve cause TM to react badly and wrongly and that reaction is what leads to AA death and ultimately to the conviction of all three men to conviction of murder.

TM should have stayed where he was put his weapon down and allowed AA pass unharmed.

TM escalated the aggravated assault that all three were committing when he ran to the front of the truck and trued to block AA path and the first shot was fired.

two shots later the aggravated assault had a murder charge tacked on.

The video shows exactly how guilty they are.

But it was TM!s stupid reaction to put the shotgun directly in the path of a black man who was jogging on a public street that will send his father and a neighbor to prison for a very long time.
why didn't they just shoot him on their first encounter then?
The McMichaels were experienced hunters... why try to talk to a man if you're out for murder?

So you admit that they were hunting him.

Why go hunting if you don't intend to kill what you're hunting?

They were chasing him for over 5 minutes before they lost him and took up the position at the End of the Street and then Arberry comes running directly at them

How did they know where to stop their truck?

Oh, and that's another thing: Earlier you said you were looking at some overhead views of the area where he was killed, and you said it wasn't very developed. I asked you to post the image you were lookoing at, and you've not done so. Why not? Is it because you're afraid to paint yourself into a corner with someone who's actually been there and knows exactly how built up it is?

they had numerous chances to shoot him yet didn't

Yeah,. that'll be a perfect defense. I hope his lawyers use that...

Travis had a clear shot at a man running directly at him in this photo
why would he wait for Arberry to run up and start punching him in the face if he wanted to murder a black jogger??

That would be a question for the pudgy redneck, not me.

You seem to think that asking these questions magically proves you right, and they don't...

Your feeble mind has been unhinged by Propaganda and you're now lost deeply in The Ether that Oprah and lebron created

That's hardly an insult when it comes from the dipshit who can't answer simple questions and changes his argument from day to day...

they wanted you to believe that this was an innocent young black jogger who was ambushed by a couple of white Vigilantes who targeted him for the color of his skin

First, I didn't know Oprah had opined on the issue until I read that in this thread. Second, I couldn't give a flying fuck what Lebron James says about anything.

Third, Roddy heard Travis McMichael use a racial slur after McMichael murdered Arbury. That, alone, is probably more than sufficient to make this a hate crime. If that's the case, I've got $20 bucks that says Travis gets the death penalty and Gregory spends the rest of his pathetic little life in prison.

But now we know through evidence that they recognized him personally as a wanted man and gave Chase identical to the far far more liberal state of California in the scenario with Richard Ramirez

This has been explained to you countless times, and you choose to remain ignorant (or is it stupid?) regarding it.

Richard Ramirez had been identified by the police and, as such, was a wanted man. The police in the Arbury case never identified Arbury, nor did they ever announce his status as a wanted man.

The police were about to stop Arberry as well as they were on their way and he was a wanted man...

No, he was not a wanted man.

Are you autistic? Seriously. You keep saying the same old, tired things despite the fact that reality is very, very different.

You have a right to your own opinion in this case. You do not, however, have a right to your own facts...

if he had tried to punch one of them while grabbing at his gun he would have had been shot by them also just like that dumbass Criminal Michael Brown

Well, see, that wouldn't have happened. As Arbury wasn't armed, the police would've used non-lethal means to subdue him. They would do that because they're law enforcement professionals. The McMichael twins were not. If they were, they would've used non-lethal means...

but I suppose you or one of the limp wristed sissy liberal squealing hands up don't shoot and we know how that turned out don't we LOL

Here's the difference between you and me, little boy. I carry a gun every single day; sometimes two. In the last 30 years I have drawn my gun twice to defend myself and my loved ones. I was forced to fire it in one of those instances. But here's the thing, dipshit: As soon as I drew my weapon, I knew there was a fair chance that I would be arrested, even though there was no question that it was a righteous shoot. I was questioned for a couple of hours at the sheriff's office before the lead detective informed my attorney that I wouldn't be charged.

I was thanked for my cooperation, my gun was returned to me, and I left.

So do yourself a favor and check your adolescent attitude. You're nothing but a little punk bitch whose balls haven't dropped yet, probably still living with and sponging off mom and dad, and who has exactly zero experience with anything of importance in the real world.

I love watching the expressions on faces of ignorant pieces of shit like you when you finally realize that you were wrong all along...
didn't read any of that shit LOL

but in skimming through I found multiple mistakes

By the way people don't know if a suspect is armed or not when they being chasing them that's why it's so critical to be armed yourself just in case

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