The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

It was the grabbing of the gun and the punching that was the felony NOT the CHARGING around the truck part

When the first shot was fired both men were blocked from being visible to the camera. That means you can’t see AA grabbing the gun BEFORE it was fired.

So you are lying when you say you can see it.

Therefore because we can’t see it we can take TM’s account of the first shot. It’s very straight forward. TM shot AA before AA couLd carry out an attack.
Ok. I am going to make this simple. I am going to ask questions based on Georgia Law. And I want you to answer them. Answer them based on Georgia Law. The laws they are charged with violating

1) Were the McMichaels justified under Georgia Law to attempt a Citizens Arrest?

2) Were the McMichaels justified under Georgia Law to arm themselves before setting off in pursuit?

3) For the charge of Felony Murder to be appropriate the McMichaels and Roddy Bryan must be engaged in a qualifying Felony at the time of the death. What Qualifying Felony was used to justify the charge?
Ok. Grounds for Self Defense. A man tries to kidnap a woman. She kicks at him. He shoots her dead. Self Defense? Would the mans actions be considered self defense? Do not think about anything but the action of the shooting is what you are saying.
This is a great example of the kind of mentality I'm dealing with...

Trying to equate a well-known local criminal who runs the better part of a football field directly at two men with guns and then violently attacks them with a act of violence to a rape victim is the epitome of hilarious

Anyone trying to kidnap a woman while threatening her with a gun is clearly motivated very differently as compared to an adult male trying to stop another adult male they suspect of having committed a crime

the woman is unarmed and has a realistic and understandable fear that she's going to be Harmed

arberry had no reason to believe he was going to be shot because the people trying to protect their neighborhood had several chances to shoot him prior to his attack and clearly did not... if he has pulled out at legal firearm and shot them in their initial encounter I would support it but after running from them for a considerable amount of time and then turning to attack shows that he clearly was not afraid and decided to ignore a chance to escape in order to attack

the woman in your rape equation was completely unarmed and being threatened with a gun while no one pointed a gun at your criminal hero and as soon as he grabbed the barrel of Travis's firearm he became armed himself and us a deadly threat to the man who was standing his ground holding a shotgun in the low ready position

Chasing someone while in the possession of a firearm and standing your ground in the middle of the street while in the possession of a firearm it's not felony assault

a man with a gun grabbing an unarmed woman most definitely is

It is felony Aggravated Assault by law in Georgia. It is attempted False Imprisonment by Georgia law. A felony.

From the moment that the McMichaels set off in pursuit they were breaking the law. From the moment the armed up they were breaking the law. Both actions are Felonies.

The fact that they were committing Felonies just like my examples above means that it is NOT self defense. For it to be self defense you have to start out minding your own damned business.

What if the woman in my scenario above was a drug dealing prostitute? Does that mean the man is now able to claim self defense? What if the security guard was living under a false identity as an illegal alien? Does the bank robber get to claim self defense?

Georgia Courts have said the criminal history does not matter. What matters is the situation that occurred. As I said before. Arbury could have been al Capone. It would not matter by Georgia law. The McMichaels had no legal authority to set off in pursuit and try to stop Arbury. None. So from that point. They were the ones committing crimes.
his prior criminal history really has you unhinged as is expected...must have been a shock to learn he wasent a simple jogger afterall

whoever commited a violent act or threatened someones life 1st is the criminal aggressor in any situation so being a prostitute or an illegal alien is a fiat argument

Travis and Gramps never threatened Arberrys life by trying to interview him

just because they had guns is NOT PROOF they threatened him in any way

View attachment 434047this man is NOT CORNERED or being ASSAULTED

he is CHARGING 2 men who HAD BEEN following him and VIOLENTLY attacked them as they stood their ground

*just like travon

Um. No.

As I and the lawyers I quoted have said. For the purposes of Citizens Arrest previous criminal history does not matter. Under Georgia Law the only thing that matters is if you saw the suspect commit a crime that you have the authority to act upon. They did not. They did not see him commit a crime. And they were not empowered or authorized to enforce.

See the BAR of Georgia page again.
So if I see a stranger running out of the front of my neighbor's house covered in blood and then he flees in a panic when I confront him I'm not allowed to chase him by Georgia law?

You can do whatever you want. However if you find yourself wearing handcuffs, you can console yourself with the idea that you were trying to do the right thing. That is what is great about being an American. You are free to do what you want. However because we are not an anarchy we face consequences for our actions.

What if this man covered in blood is a paramedic visiting your neighbor on his off time. A horrible accident has happened and he is sprinting towards his car to get a First Responder Kit to save her life. You set out and arrest him thinking it is a murder. Well it is. And you are the murderer by preventing him from acting to save her life.

You don’t know what is happening. You don’t know what the situation is. If in fact it was a murder then you being alive to testify what you saw is vital to justice. But if you chase him and he kills you too what then?

Georgia Law is very restrictive about Citizens Arrest. We don’t want a lot of people beating the snot out of another and covered with I thought I was doing the right thing. That is why it is a bet your life move. If you are wrong. If you do not have justification to make the arrest. You are going to jail and then Prison. Because you detained someone without legal authority.

Keep coming up with asinine scenarios. Keep bemoaning how the law which has been on the books for decades is unfair.

Or. Here is another idea. If you want to arrest people. Become a cop. Probably impossible in your case. But you can try. I say impossible because you won’t learn. And that means you will refuse to listen to those who know what they are talking about.

Through this entire thread you have rejected factual information. You deride the words of actual experts. You hang your hat on this old English nonsense and embrace YouTube vids from people not in Georgia and unfamiliar with Georgia Law. And when you have it pointed out that your basement experts are wrong you get mad about it.

You get mad at me and others for refusing to agree with you. And that is just pathetically childish. Want to change the laws in Georgia? Ok. Here is what you do. Move here. Run for office. Get elected. Convince your fellow elected officials that the law needs to be changed to allow random posse’s of well meaning imbeciles charging around in pick up trucks chasing imaginary villains.

Or you could adapt to the way we handle things in Georgia. Mind your own damned business. Let the cops arrest people. And if someone does break into your house. Get a lawyer before talking to the cops. Because you are stupid enough to talk your way right into the electric chair.
If the man who was running out of my neighbor's front door covered in blood was a paramedic he wouldn't flee in a panic when I confronted him.... he would calmly but urgently explain the scenario without trying to throat punch me and that's all arberry had to do to survive his encounter with the McMichaels

having lived in multiple 3rd world countries I have gained an appreciation for English common law that most Americans will never dream

You people come off as a tiny handful of privileged limp wristed sissies Who hide under your bed and Peck away at the dials of your phone whenever you're afraid but the history of America has made Provisions for those of us who are real men and will stand up and protect our neighborhood running headlong into Danger in a selfless Act to keep our life liberty and property safe from crime

You people are sniveling weakling cowards and interpret the law to that world ethos... you want all men to be weakling cowards and forced by the hand of the law to behave in that way so that your personal weakness and sniveling cowardness doesn't stand out so much in comparison to the real men among you.

If you saw a man beating woman in the middle of the street you would tuck your tiny testicles between your butt cheeks run around the corner and urinate on yourself while you frantically tried to find the 911 button on your panic dial... I would run directly over there, grab him in a headlock and thrown to the ground with a mighty thump... then I would place my knee on the back of his neck while I wrenched his arm behind his back and hold him face down until the police arrived and carted him off to jail where he belongs

one of us is a real man the other one is a sniveling coward who wants the power of the law to neuter the real man so his tiny testicles don't feel so itty bitty anymore

But none of that happened.

They just saw a black guy running. That's it. No blood, nothing.

And the very suggestion that you're a "real man" is laughable. You'd have to explain away that vagina of yours...

Im not worried about what he says. I read a philosophy book that influenced me deeply. The Buddha said that there were three people in all of us. The person others saw us as. The person we saw ourselves as. And that which we truly were. The Buddha said the goal was to combine the three into one. People saw us as we saw ourselves. And we saw ourselves as we truly are.

I realized that The Buddha was enlightened. But he was wrong. My place in the universe could not be determined by someone else’s opinion. I could not imagine giving them that kind of power over me.

What is telling is his reaction. He detests soldiers. Claiming they have no courage. Yet he has never done it so it is the voice of at most an ASVAB reject. Someone who tried and flunked.

He detests anyone with knowledge. Like Pol Pot he would execute anyone who has read a book.

He is going to tell us what a “Real Man” would do. But he won’t actually do it himself. He won’t walk into the recruiters office and sign his life away. He won’t study and try to get in. He won’t put it on the line day in and out. He does not actually risk anything but a sprained finger pounding a keyboard.

He lies about his experience. He lies about what he said. He lies constantly.

Maybe he is too dumb. Maybe he is too fat. Maybe he is just too scared. Maybe his fear is what drives his self loathing to make him lash out at anyone who knows more than he does. Obviously he has issues.

Honestly. I am glad he never joined the Military. The troops have enough problems without a nut like him making everything harder.

He is like those little mutant dogs. You know the ones. They are vicious and snarling all the time. I honestly think that those little dogs are a great analogy for him. All snarling and barking and threats and completely unable to back it up.

He does not know what bad really is. He doesn’t know what dangerous really is. And I honestly hope he never finds out. Because not only will he die. But probably others will die from his wanton stupidity.
take a deep breath and try to focus on the mentally retarded career criminal who attacked a couple guys trying to take him into custody for the police

Dude, you're the only mentally retarded guy in this thread, not Arbury...
Travis McMichael didn't run anywhere... he took about three steps towards the front of

why did TM leave from his position beside the truck between the opened driver side door and the rear tire and run toward the passenger side front end of the truck and have both feet completely across the double yellow line and shoot AA on the wrist before AA attacked as he told police.

It was not a three step attack by TM - it had to be at least ten to run around to be in front of the truck out of camera view when the first shot was fired.
If you've been reduced to counting steps trying to place the assault blame on Travis I think it's time to pack it in

Walking towards someone while holding a shotgun is not felony assault however grabbing that gun and punching that person in the face most definitely is

Travis didn't even step in front him or grab his shirt... arberries direction of travel was completely clear



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Ok. I am going to make this simple. I am going to ask questions based on Georgia Law. And I want you to answer them. Answer them based on Georgia Law. The laws they are charged with violating

1) Were the McMichaels justified under Georgia Law to attempt a Citizens Arrest?

2) Were the McMichaels justified under Georgia Law to arm themselves before setting off in pursuit?

3) For the charge of Felony Murder to be appropriate the McMichaels and Roddy Bryan must be engaged in a qualifying Felony at the time of the death. What Qualifying Felony was used to justify the charge?
Beats me

you can twist an interpretation anyway you need to by the way most of these laws are written but if you're trying to convince me that someone with over two decades of local law enforcement was dumb enough to commit a felony while he's on the phone with police that's a pretty hard sale lol

It was very clear to me that this is nothing more than a show trial because the way the responding officers reacted in the video

They all saw the cell phone video of a well-known local Thief trying to grab a gun while violently attacking a man who is standing his ground

There was no problem at all with the McMichaels defense until tabloid TV got hold of this
Ok. Grounds for Self Defense. A man tries to kidnap a woman. She kicks at him. He shoots her dead. Self Defense? Would the mans actions be considered self defense? Do not think about anything but the action of the shooting is what you are saying.
This is a great example of the kind of mentality I'm dealing with...

Trying to equate a well-known local criminal who runs the better part of a football field directly at two men with guns and then violently attacks them with a act of violence to a rape victim is the epitome of hilarious

Anyone trying to kidnap a woman while threatening her with a gun is clearly motivated very differently as compared to an adult male trying to stop another adult male they suspect of having committed a crime

the woman is unarmed and has a realistic and understandable fear that she's going to be Harmed

arberry had no reason to believe he was going to be shot because the people trying to protect their neighborhood had several chances to shoot him prior to his attack and clearly did not... if he has pulled out at legal firearm and shot them in their initial encounter I would support it but after running from them for a considerable amount of time and then turning to attack shows that he clearly was not afraid and decided to ignore a chance to escape in order to attack

the woman in your rape equation was completely unarmed and being threatened with a gun while no one pointed a gun at your criminal hero and as soon as he grabbed the barrel of Travis's firearm he became armed himself and us a deadly threat to the man who was standing his ground holding a shotgun in the low ready position

Chasing someone while in the possession of a firearm and standing your ground in the middle of the street while in the possession of a firearm it's not felony assault

a man with a gun grabbing an unarmed woman most definitely is

It is felony Aggravated Assault by law in Georgia. It is attempted False Imprisonment by Georgia law. A felony.

From the moment that the McMichaels set off in pursuit they were breaking the law. From the moment the armed up they were breaking the law. Both actions are Felonies.

The fact that they were committing Felonies just like my examples above means that it is NOT self defense. For it to be self defense you have to start out minding your own damned business.

What if the woman in my scenario above was a drug dealing prostitute? Does that mean the man is now able to claim self defense? What if the security guard was living under a false identity as an illegal alien? Does the bank robber get to claim self defense?

Georgia Courts have said the criminal history does not matter. What matters is the situation that occurred. As I said before. Arbury could have been al Capone. It would not matter by Georgia law. The McMichaels had no legal authority to set off in pursuit and try to stop Arbury. None. So from that point. They were the ones committing crimes.
his prior criminal history really has you unhinged as is expected...must have been a shock to learn he wasent a simple jogger afterall

whoever commited a violent act or threatened someones life 1st is the criminal aggressor in any situation so being a prostitute or an illegal alien is a fiat argument

Travis and Gramps never threatened Arberrys life by trying to interview him

just because they had guns is NOT PROOF they threatened him in any way

View attachment 434047this man is NOT CORNERED or being ASSAULTED

he is CHARGING 2 men who HAD BEEN following him and VIOLENTLY attacked them as they stood their ground

*just like travon

Um. No.

As I and the lawyers I quoted have said. For the purposes of Citizens Arrest previous criminal history does not matter. Under Georgia Law the only thing that matters is if you saw the suspect commit a crime that you have the authority to act upon. They did not. They did not see him commit a crime. And they were not empowered or authorized to enforce.

See the BAR of Georgia page again.
So if I see a stranger running out of the front of my neighbor's house covered in blood and then he flees in a panic when I confront him I'm not allowed to chase him by Georgia law?

You can do whatever you want. However if you find yourself wearing handcuffs, you can console yourself with the idea that you were trying to do the right thing. That is what is great about being an American. You are free to do what you want. However because we are not an anarchy we face consequences for our actions.

What if this man covered in blood is a paramedic visiting your neighbor on his off time. A horrible accident has happened and he is sprinting towards his car to get a First Responder Kit to save her life. You set out and arrest him thinking it is a murder. Well it is. And you are the murderer by preventing him from acting to save her life.

You don’t know what is happening. You don’t know what the situation is. If in fact it was a murder then you being alive to testify what you saw is vital to justice. But if you chase him and he kills you too what then?

Georgia Law is very restrictive about Citizens Arrest. We don’t want a lot of people beating the snot out of another and covered with I thought I was doing the right thing. That is why it is a bet your life move. If you are wrong. If you do not have justification to make the arrest. You are going to jail and then Prison. Because you detained someone without legal authority.

Keep coming up with asinine scenarios. Keep bemoaning how the law which has been on the books for decades is unfair.

Or. Here is another idea. If you want to arrest people. Become a cop. Probably impossible in your case. But you can try. I say impossible because you won’t learn. And that means you will refuse to listen to those who know what they are talking about.

Through this entire thread you have rejected factual information. You deride the words of actual experts. You hang your hat on this old English nonsense and embrace YouTube vids from people not in Georgia and unfamiliar with Georgia Law. And when you have it pointed out that your basement experts are wrong you get mad about it.

You get mad at me and others for refusing to agree with you. And that is just pathetically childish. Want to change the laws in Georgia? Ok. Here is what you do. Move here. Run for office. Get elected. Convince your fellow elected officials that the law needs to be changed to allow random posse’s of well meaning imbeciles charging around in pick up trucks chasing imaginary villains.

Or you could adapt to the way we handle things in Georgia. Mind your own damned business. Let the cops arrest people. And if someone does break into your house. Get a lawyer before talking to the cops. Because you are stupid enough to talk your way right into the electric chair.
If the man who was running out of my neighbor's front door covered in blood was a paramedic he wouldn't flee in a panic when I confronted him.... he would calmly but urgently explain the scenario without trying to throat punch me and that's all arberry had to do to survive his encounter with the McMichaels

having lived in multiple 3rd world countries I have gained an appreciation for English common law that most Americans will never dream

You people come off as a tiny handful of privileged limp wristed sissies Who hide under your bed and Peck away at the dials of your phone whenever you're afraid but the history of America has made Provisions for those of us who are real men and will stand up and protect our neighborhood running headlong into Danger in a selfless Act to keep our life liberty and property safe from crime

You people are sniveling weakling cowards and interpret the law to that world ethos... you want all men to be weakling cowards and forced by the hand of the law to behave in that way so that your personal weakness and sniveling cowardness doesn't stand out so much in comparison to the real men among you.

If you saw a man beating woman in the middle of the street you would tuck your tiny testicles between your butt cheeks run around the corner and urinate on yourself while you frantically tried to find the 911 button on your panic dial... I would run directly over there, grab him in a headlock and thrown to the ground with a mighty thump... then I would place my knee on the back of his neck while I wrenched his arm behind his back and hold him face down until the police arrived and carted him off to jail where he belongs

one of us is a real man the other one is a sniveling coward who wants the power of the law to neuter the real man so his tiny testicles don't feel so itty bitty anymore

But none of that happened.

They just saw a black guy running. That's it. No blood, nothing.

And the very suggestion that you're a "real man" is laughable. You'd have to explain away that vagina of yours...

Im not worried about what he says. I read a philosophy book that influenced me deeply. The Buddha said that there were three people in all of us. The person others saw us as. The person we saw ourselves as. And that which we truly were. The Buddha said the goal was to combine the three into one. People saw us as we saw ourselves. And we saw ourselves as we truly are.

I realized that The Buddha was enlightened. But he was wrong. My place in the universe could not be determined by someone else’s opinion. I could not imagine giving them that kind of power over me.

What is telling is his reaction. He detests soldiers. Claiming they have no courage. Yet he has never done it so it is the voice of at most an ASVAB reject. Someone who tried and flunked.

He detests anyone with knowledge. Like Pol Pot he would execute anyone who has read a book.

He is going to tell us what a “Real Man” would do. But he won’t actually do it himself. He won’t walk into the recruiters office and sign his life away. He won’t study and try to get in. He won’t put it on the line day in and out. He does not actually risk anything but a sprained finger pounding a keyboard.

He lies about his experience. He lies about what he said. He lies constantly.

Maybe he is too dumb. Maybe he is too fat. Maybe he is just too scared. Maybe his fear is what drives his self loathing to make him lash out at anyone who knows more than he does. Obviously he has issues.

Honestly. I am glad he never joined the Military. The troops have enough problems without a nut like him making everything harder.

He is like those little mutant dogs. You know the ones. They are vicious and snarling all the time. I honestly think that those little dogs are a great analogy for him. All snarling and barking and threats and completely unable to back it up.

He does not know what bad really is. He doesn’t know what dangerous really is. And I honestly hope he never finds out. Because not only will he die. But probably others will die from his wanton stupidity.
take a deep breath and try to focus on the mentally retarded career criminal who attacked a couple guys trying to take him into custody for the police

Dude, you're the only mentally retarded guy in this thread, not Arbury...
arbery has documented mental deficiencies causing aggressive behavior... even his mom has had to call the cops on him
Ok. Grounds for Self Defense. A man tries to kidnap a woman. She kicks at him. He shoots her dead. Self Defense? Would the mans actions be considered self defense? Do not think about anything but the action of the shooting is what you are saying.
This is a great example of the kind of mentality I'm dealing with...

Trying to equate a well-known local criminal who runs the better part of a football field directly at two men with guns and then violently attacks them with a act of violence to a rape victim is the epitome of hilarious

Anyone trying to kidnap a woman while threatening her with a gun is clearly motivated very differently as compared to an adult male trying to stop another adult male they suspect of having committed a crime

the woman is unarmed and has a realistic and understandable fear that she's going to be Harmed

arberry had no reason to believe he was going to be shot because the people trying to protect their neighborhood had several chances to shoot him prior to his attack and clearly did not... if he has pulled out at legal firearm and shot them in their initial encounter I would support it but after running from them for a considerable amount of time and then turning to attack shows that he clearly was not afraid and decided to ignore a chance to escape in order to attack

the woman in your rape equation was completely unarmed and being threatened with a gun while no one pointed a gun at your criminal hero and as soon as he grabbed the barrel of Travis's firearm he became armed himself and us a deadly threat to the man who was standing his ground holding a shotgun in the low ready position

Chasing someone while in the possession of a firearm and standing your ground in the middle of the street while in the possession of a firearm it's not felony assault

a man with a gun grabbing an unarmed woman most definitely is

It is felony Aggravated Assault by law in Georgia. It is attempted False Imprisonment by Georgia law. A felony.

From the moment that the McMichaels set off in pursuit they were breaking the law. From the moment the armed up they were breaking the law. Both actions are Felonies.

The fact that they were committing Felonies just like my examples above means that it is NOT self defense. For it to be self defense you have to start out minding your own damned business.

What if the woman in my scenario above was a drug dealing prostitute? Does that mean the man is now able to claim self defense? What if the security guard was living under a false identity as an illegal alien? Does the bank robber get to claim self defense?

Georgia Courts have said the criminal history does not matter. What matters is the situation that occurred. As I said before. Arbury could have been al Capone. It would not matter by Georgia law. The McMichaels had no legal authority to set off in pursuit and try to stop Arbury. None. So from that point. They were the ones committing crimes.
his prior criminal history really has you unhinged as is expected...must have been a shock to learn he wasent a simple jogger afterall

whoever commited a violent act or threatened someones life 1st is the criminal aggressor in any situation so being a prostitute or an illegal alien is a fiat argument

Travis and Gramps never threatened Arberrys life by trying to interview him

just because they had guns is NOT PROOF they threatened him in any way

View attachment 434047this man is NOT CORNERED or being ASSAULTED

he is CHARGING 2 men who HAD BEEN following him and VIOLENTLY attacked them as they stood their ground

*just like travon

Um. No.

As I and the lawyers I quoted have said. For the purposes of Citizens Arrest previous criminal history does not matter. Under Georgia Law the only thing that matters is if you saw the suspect commit a crime that you have the authority to act upon. They did not. They did not see him commit a crime. And they were not empowered or authorized to enforce.

See the BAR of Georgia page again.
So if I see a stranger running out of the front of my neighbor's house covered in blood and then he flees in a panic when I confront him I'm not allowed to chase him by Georgia law?

You can do whatever you want. However if you find yourself wearing handcuffs, you can console yourself with the idea that you were trying to do the right thing. That is what is great about being an American. You are free to do what you want. However because we are not an anarchy we face consequences for our actions.

What if this man covered in blood is a paramedic visiting your neighbor on his off time. A horrible accident has happened and he is sprinting towards his car to get a First Responder Kit to save her life. You set out and arrest him thinking it is a murder. Well it is. And you are the murderer by preventing him from acting to save her life.

You don’t know what is happening. You don’t know what the situation is. If in fact it was a murder then you being alive to testify what you saw is vital to justice. But if you chase him and he kills you too what then?

Georgia Law is very restrictive about Citizens Arrest. We don’t want a lot of people beating the snot out of another and covered with I thought I was doing the right thing. That is why it is a bet your life move. If you are wrong. If you do not have justification to make the arrest. You are going to jail and then Prison. Because you detained someone without legal authority.

Keep coming up with asinine scenarios. Keep bemoaning how the law which has been on the books for decades is unfair.

Or. Here is another idea. If you want to arrest people. Become a cop. Probably impossible in your case. But you can try. I say impossible because you won’t learn. And that means you will refuse to listen to those who know what they are talking about.

Through this entire thread you have rejected factual information. You deride the words of actual experts. You hang your hat on this old English nonsense and embrace YouTube vids from people not in Georgia and unfamiliar with Georgia Law. And when you have it pointed out that your basement experts are wrong you get mad about it.

You get mad at me and others for refusing to agree with you. And that is just pathetically childish. Want to change the laws in Georgia? Ok. Here is what you do. Move here. Run for office. Get elected. Convince your fellow elected officials that the law needs to be changed to allow random posse’s of well meaning imbeciles charging around in pick up trucks chasing imaginary villains.

Or you could adapt to the way we handle things in Georgia. Mind your own damned business. Let the cops arrest people. And if someone does break into your house. Get a lawyer before talking to the cops. Because you are stupid enough to talk your way right into the electric chair.
If the man who was running out of my neighbor's front door covered in blood was a paramedic he wouldn't flee in a panic when I confronted him.... he would calmly but urgently explain the scenario without trying to throat punch me and that's all arberry had to do to survive his encounter with the McMichaels

having lived in multiple 3rd world countries I have gained an appreciation for English common law that most Americans will never dream

You people come off as a tiny handful of privileged limp wristed sissies Who hide under your bed and Peck away at the dials of your phone whenever you're afraid but the history of America has made Provisions for those of us who are real men and will stand up and protect our neighborhood running headlong into Danger in a selfless Act to keep our life liberty and property safe from crime

You people are sniveling weakling cowards and interpret the law to that world ethos... you want all men to be weakling cowards and forced by the hand of the law to behave in that way so that your personal weakness and sniveling cowardness doesn't stand out so much in comparison to the real men among you.

If you saw a man beating woman in the middle of the street you would tuck your tiny testicles between your butt cheeks run around the corner and urinate on yourself while you frantically tried to find the 911 button on your panic dial... I would run directly over there, grab him in a headlock and thrown to the ground with a mighty thump... then I would place my knee on the back of his neck while I wrenched his arm behind his back and hold him face down until the police arrived and carted him off to jail where he belongs

one of us is a real man the other one is a sniveling coward who wants the power of the law to neuter the real man so his tiny testicles don't feel so itty bitty anymore

But none of that happened.

They just saw a black guy running. That's it. No blood, nothing.

And the very suggestion that you're a "real man" is laughable. You'd have to explain away that vagina of yours...

Im not worried about what he says. I read a philosophy book that influenced me deeply. The Buddha said that there were three people in all of us. The person others saw us as. The person we saw ourselves as. And that which we truly were. The Buddha said the goal was to combine the three into one. People saw us as we saw ourselves. And we saw ourselves as we truly are.

I realized that The Buddha was enlightened. But he was wrong. My place in the universe could not be determined by someone else’s opinion. I could not imagine giving them that kind of power over me.

What is telling is his reaction. He detests soldiers. Claiming they have no courage. Yet he has never done it so it is the voice of at most an ASVAB reject. Someone who tried and flunked.

He detests anyone with knowledge. Like Pol Pot he would execute anyone who has read a book.

He is going to tell us what a “Real Man” would do. But he won’t actually do it himself. He won’t walk into the recruiters office and sign his life away. He won’t study and try to get in. He won’t put it on the line day in and out. He does not actually risk anything but a sprained finger pounding a keyboard.

He lies about his experience. He lies about what he said. He lies constantly.

Maybe he is too dumb. Maybe he is too fat. Maybe he is just too scared. Maybe his fear is what drives his self loathing to make him lash out at anyone who knows more than he does. Obviously he has issues.

Honestly. I am glad he never joined the Military. The troops have enough problems without a nut like him making everything harder.

He is like those little mutant dogs. You know the ones. They are vicious and snarling all the time. I honestly think that those little dogs are a great analogy for him. All snarling and barking and threats and completely unable to back it up.

He does not know what bad really is. He doesn’t know what dangerous really is. And I honestly hope he never finds out. Because not only will he die. But probably others will die from his wanton stupidity.
take a deep breath and try to focus on the mentally retarded career criminal who attacked a couple guys trying to take him into custody for the police

Dude, you're the only mentally retarded guy in this thread, not Arbury...
arbery has documented mental deficiencies causing aggressive behavior... even his mom has had to call the cops on him

No, I'm not talking about "mental deficiencies"

I mean you've gone full retard.

You shouldn't ever go full retard...
There was no problem at all with the McMichaels defense until tabloid TV got hold of this

So because a wrong isn't exposed it's not wrong?

That's pretty fucked up. But, then again, you are retarded.

There was no problem with the defense because there was no way to question it. The only thing police had to go on was the word of the two Pudge 1 and Pudge 2. If that dipshit Roddy hadn't felt compelled to shoot video of it, Pudge 1 and Pudge 2 would be free men today.

But that doesn't mean what they did wasn't wrong...
Ok. I am going to make this simple. I am going to ask questions based on Georgia Law. And I want you to answer them. Answer them based on Georgia Law. The laws they are charged with violating

1) Were the McMichaels justified under Georgia Law to attempt a Citizens Arrest?

2) Were the McMichaels justified under Georgia Law to arm themselves before setting off in pursuit?

3) For the charge of Felony Murder to be appropriate the McMichaels and Roddy Bryan must be engaged in a qualifying Felony at the time of the death. What Qualifying Felony was used to justify the charge?
Beats me

you can twist an interpretation anyway you need to by the way most of these laws are written but if you're trying to convince me that someone with over two decades of local law enforcement was dumb enough to commit a felony while he's on the phone with police that's a pretty hard sale lol

It was very clear to me that this is nothing more than a show trial because the way the responding officers reacted in the video

They all saw the cell phone video of a well-known local Thief trying to grab a gun while violently attacking a man who is standing his ground

There was no problem at all with the McMichaels defense until tabloid TV got hold of this

You aren’t answering the questions. Why?
Ok. I am going to make this simple. I am going to ask questions based on Georgia Law. And I want you to answer them. Answer them based on Georgia Law. The laws they are charged with violating

1) Were the McMichaels justified under Georgia Law to attempt a Citizens Arrest?

2) Were the McMichaels justified under Georgia Law to arm themselves before setting off in pursuit?

3) For the charge of Felony Murder to be appropriate the McMichaels and Roddy Bryan must be engaged in a qualifying Felony at the time of the death. What Qualifying Felony was used to justify the charge?
Beats me

you can twist an interpretation anyway you need to by the way most of these laws are written but if you're trying to convince me that someone with over two decades of local law enforcement was dumb enough to commit a felony while he's on the phone with police that's a pretty hard sale lol

It was very clear to me that this is nothing more than a show trial because the way the responding officers reacted in the video

They all saw the cell phone video of a well-known local Thief trying to grab a gun while violently attacking a man who is standing his ground

There was no problem at all with the McMichaels defense until tabloid TV got hold of this

You aren’t answering the questions. Why?

He's afraid to.

Answering those questions will force him to not only admit that Travis and Greg McMichael acted unlawfully, but also that he's been stupidly arguing this issue from a position of absolute ignorance for the last month or so...
Walking towards someone while holding a shotgun is not felony assault

but shooting someone because they looked like they might attack is..

TM told police that is what he did.

AA was already shot when you could see him grabbing the gun. He had every right to try and get the weapon from his attacker after being shot.

There was no problem at all with the McMichaels defense until tabloid TV got hold of this

So because a wrong isn't exposed it's not wrong?

That's pretty fucked up. But, then again, you are retarded.

There was no problem with the defense because there was no way to question it. The only thing police had to go on was the word of the two Pudge 1 and Pudge 2. If that dipshit Roddy hadn't felt compelled to shoot video of it, Pudge 1 and Pudge 2 would be free men today.

But that doesn't mean what they did wasn't wrong...
The police had the word of three men ( two of them professionally trained law enforcement agents) several 911 calls and a video that all proved that this was a perfectly reasonable self-defense shooting on day one

Tabloid TV concocted all the racial and Corruption narratives to enrage Americans into clicking on their ads
If you've been reduced to counting steps

Counting steps because you are a liar who has counted three steps for TM to get from standing at the middle of his truck on the driver side, around the open door, run across the double yellow line, get completely out of sight of the video camera, and fire the first shot and wound AA on the wrist.

cant be done in three steps - you are a liar.
Walking towards someone while holding a shotgun is not felony assault

but shooting someone because they looked like they might attack is..

TM told police that is what he did.

AA was already shot when you could see him grabbing the gun. He had every right to try and get the weapon from his attacker after being shot.

he got shot as he charged and reached for the barrel of the gun

Travis McMichael had a lot of opportunities to shoot him before he attacked...

why wait until he was so close?

If he wanted to kill an innocent black jogger he would have shot him at distance with a high-powered rifle
Walking towards someone while holding a shotgun is not felony assault

but shooting someone because they looked like they might attack is..

TM told police that is what he did.

AA was already shot when you could see him grabbing the gun. He had every right to try and get the weapon from his attacker after being shot.

Arbery was shot as he reached for the barrel of the gun

Just like the mentally deranged freak who first attacked young Kyle Rittenhouse

You see when you close distance and then attack a man who is standing his ground or fleeing with a gun it's perfectly reasonable for him to shoot you as you try to disarm him

forcibly disarming someone who isn't threatening your life unlawfully is felony assault and at no time did the mcMichaels threaten the crook on the video
The police had the word of three men ( two of them professionally trained law enforcement agents) several 911 calls and a video that all proved that this was a perfectly reasonable self-defense shooting on day one

First off, Travis McMichael wasn't a "professionally trained law enforcement agent". He was a snipe in the Coast guard; a machinery tech. His law enforcement training was limited to conducting boardings of civilian vessels at sea, and he wouldn't never have been point (the guy in charge) on any of them given his rank. As someone who has actually been "point", I can assure you, there's almost nothing that a civilian boarding has in common with making a citizen's arrest in Georgia.

Oh, wait, you said they weren't trying to do that.

Second, Gregory McMichael was so "well trained" that he was suspended several times for allowing his training to lapse, so much, in fact, that it was a factor in his decision to retire. That's not "professional" by any measure...

Tabloid TV concocted all the racial and Corruption narratives to enrage Americans into clicking on their ads

"Roddy" heard Travis utter a racial slur after the incident, which could easily suggest that this was, at least in part, a racially motivated killing. No one coaxed those words out of him. No one threatened him with anything if he didn't make such an accusation. He offered that up on his own.

So, if you're panties are in a bunch because you perceive a racial narrative to all of this, blame your hero Roddy, not the media...
forcibly disarming someone who isn't threatening your life unlawfully is felony assault and at no time did the mcMichaels threaten the crook on the video

If that were even remotely true, Travis and Gregory McMichael would be free men today.

But, since the prosecutors in Georgia know more about Georgia law than some retard on the internet, they're in jail, where they will likely both remain for a very, very long time...
he got shot as he charged and reached for the barrel of the gun
You are a liar. No one can see what was going on when the first shot was fired. I choose to take TM words as the best testimony available. He fired before there was an attack. So quit lying.
he got shot as he charged and reached for the barrel of the gun
You are a liar. No one can see what was going on when the first shot was fired. I choose to take TM words as the best testimony available. He fired before there was an attack. So quit lying.

You don't understand!

Despite what Travis McMichael says, the Guerilla knows more than McMichael!!! Don't you understand??


Ok. I am going to make this simple. I am going to ask questions based on Georgia Law. And I want you to answer them. Answer them based on Georgia Law. The laws they are charged with violating

1) Were the McMichaels justified under Georgia Law to attempt a Citizens Arrest?

To help you out I’ll answer the questions. Answer one. No. Under Georgia Law the Citizen effecting the arrest must have knowledge of a crime having been committed in his presence. Citizens are not authorized to arrest based on a warrant or other information. Any arrest made outside of these strict standards as defined by the courts in Georgia would qualify as False Imprisonment. False Imprisonment is a Felony.

2) Were the McMichaels justified under Georgia Law to arm themselves before setting off in pursuit?

No. Possession of a firearm during the commission of a Felony is another felony. Even if you were in possession of a Concealed Weapons Permit, the permit is only valid if you are not committing a Felony.

3) For the charge of Felony Murder to be appropriate the McMichaels and Roddy Bryan must be engaged in a qualifying Felony at the time of the death. What Qualifying Felony was used to justify the charge?

Aggravated Assault and False Imprisonment. Both charges would qualify as the foundation for Felony Murder. Since you are fond of Old English Law. Felony Murder is drawn from the Old English. Normally Murder would require intent. You set out intending to kill someone. Premeditation in other words. However. The Old English Law allowed a charge of murder if you were engaged in a crime when the death occurred.

Let’s say you were stealing a woman’s car and she fell and hit her head. She died from the impact to her noggin. Car Jacking is a Felony. So the death while you did not intend to kill would be Felony Murder. She died as a result of your criminal behavior.

In Georgia we don’t have degrees of Murder. It is just Murder. No First second or third. Just Murder.

So once Arbury died in context with their actions under the law they were doomed.
Ok. I am going to make this simple. I am going to ask questions based on Georgia Law. And I want you to answer them. Answer them based on Georgia Law. The laws they are charged with violating

1) Were the McMichaels justified under Georgia Law to attempt a Citizens Arrest?

To help you out I’ll answer the questions. Answer one. No. Under Georgia Law the Citizen effecting the arrest must have knowledge of a crime having been committed in his presence. Citizens are not authorized to arrest based on a warrant or other information. Any arrest made outside of these strict standards as defined by the courts in Georgia would qualify as False Imprisonment. False Imprisonment is a Felony.

2) Were the McMichaels justified under Georgia Law to arm themselves before setting off in pursuit?

No. Possession of a firearm during the commission of a Felony is another felony. Even if you were in possession of a Concealed Weapons Permit, the permit is only valid if you are not committing a Felony.

3) For the charge of Felony Murder to be appropriate the McMichaels and Roddy Bryan must be engaged in a qualifying Felony at the time of the death. What Qualifying Felony was used to justify the charge?

Aggravated Assault and False Imprisonment. Both charges would qualify as the foundation for Felony Murder. Since you are fond of Old English Law. Felony Murder is drawn from the Old English. Normally Murder would require intent. You set out intending to kill someone. Premeditation in other words. However. The Old English Law allowed a charge of murder if you were engaged in a crime when the death occurred.

Let’s say you were stealing a woman’s car and she fell and hit her head. She died from the impact to her noggin. Car Jacking is a Felony. So the death while you did not intend to kill would be Felony Murder. She died as a result of your criminal behavior.

In Georgia we don’t have degrees of Murder. It is just Murder. No First second or third. Just Murder.

So once Arbury died in context with their actions under the law they were doomed.
To help you out I’ll answer the questions. Answer one. No. Under Georgia Law the Citizen effecting the arrest must have knowledge of a crime having been committed in his presence

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