The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

was not a well-known local thief or a unknown thief or any kind of thief.

Yeah, he was a regular Billy The Kid.

You think one body-cam clip of him being taken into custody makes him "well-known thief"?

You're retarded...

Arberry has a pretty good criminal history for a guy his age...

what about all the other things he did like taking a gun to school and getting so nuts that even his MOM called the COPS on him??

He acts so crazy even the cops tried to taze him after they caught him smoking weed in the park

You need to read those links I posted. You would stop offering asinine excuses if you knew that Georgia Law did not care one whit about them.

I read the law and understand it

you're deeply confused about its interpretation and highly dramatic thanks to all the fake news you've been watching

Ok. What lawyer are you quoting?

how about 2 LAWYERS?

and a cop

Ok. You wanted me to watch your videos. And Barnes is wrong. Not even eleven minutes in. And he’s wrong twice. Let’s start with open carry.

Barnes says Open Carry is allowed if you do not have a weapons carry license. It is the other way around.

In Georgia to carry openly you must have a weapons carry license. In other words, a concealed carry permit.

So Barnes is wrong on the first of the two “pertinent“ matters of law he is “familiar” with.

What about the second? The broad powers of citizens arrest?

Citizen’s Arrests
As a private citizen, you have no authority to arrest anyone with a warrant. Without a war- rant, you may arrest anyone who commits a mis- demeanor or a felony in your presence or with your immediate knowledge. A citizen’s arrest occurs when a citizen prevents a suspect from leaving a scene. Citizen’s arrest most often hap- pens in cases like shoplifting, when the store’s manager detains the suspected offender. How- ever, as the following example shows, the man- ager or employee cannot make such an arrest in every case.
In Winn Dixie Stores Inc. v. Nichols, a Winn Dixie customer complained to management that another customer stole her wallet.1 The court
held that the limited rights of merchants to de- tain or arrest a person reasonably believed to have committed a shoplifting offense do not authorize a merchant to detain or arrest indi- viduals accused by store patrons of committing crimesagainstotherpatrons.Tomakethearrest, an employee would have had to actually see the criminal act committed. Therefore, it was ruled that management had no authority to arrest the alleged criminal. The court suggested that the only person who could have made the citizen’s arrest was the robbed customer herself.
When making a citizen’s arrest, a person may not use more force than is reasonable to make the arrest. Deadly force is limited to self-defense or to instances in which such force is necessary to prevent certain felonies.
It must be stressed that the right of pri- vate citizens to make a citizen’s arrest is limited. They cannot arrest people for violating local ordinances or regulations because these viola- tions are not technically crimes as defined by state law (see chapter 15). Therefore, as a pri- vate citizen, you would not have the authority to arrest a person who is creating a disturbance by making too much noise. In addition, a pri- vate person can only make a citizen’s arrest for the purpose of bringing the suspect before a ju- dicial officer.

So why does the Georgia Bar say the exact opposite regarding Citizens Arrest?

Me thinks that Barnes is averaging out the relevant statutes from the various states and not considering the specifics of Georgia Law. Then again. Barnes is a Criminal Tax Lawyer. That is who Wesley Snipes called to avoid prison in his tax evasion case. I am not sure he would be my first choice in a murder case.

sounds like you're pretty desperate for a technicality

As I have been saying for ten pages. The laws are what defines legal. And illegal. Now You are upset because your proof is proven in error by, the laws.

Included in one part of the proof was a Precedent. In that precedent the Court ruled that a shop keeper had no damned business placing someone under citizens arrest based upon the say so if another person.

But hey. What does the Georgia BAR know about the laws of Georgia?

The technicalities you are now bemoaning sent that Winn Dixie employee to jail. It was an illegal citizens arrest and the person committing it. The best intentions in the world did not matter. The person committing it was the criminal. Period. Full stop.

It isn’t my opinion that says so. It is the Courts of Georgia that said all this long ago. Hell Winn Dixie is out of business and has been for a long time.

If I am accused of a crime in Nevada. I want a lawyer from Nevada with experience in Nevada law representing me. If I am accused of a crime in Wyoming. A lawyer from California isn’t going to be much help.

These boys live in Georgia. And they committed their crimes in Georgia. And the Georgia Courts are the ones that will apply Georgia Laws during the trial. The decades ago precedents are going to sink them.

They had no damned business doing it. And the Judge will explain the laws to the Jury. And the Jury will convict them. Because they did it in direct violation of the law. They did not just violate it technically. They blew through it by any standard you care to use. They were not even in the same time zone as legal.
was not a well-known local thief or a unknown thief or any kind of thief.

Yeah, he was a regular Billy The Kid.

You think one body-cam clip of him being taken into custody makes him "well-known thief"?

You're retarded...

Arberry has a pretty good criminal history for a guy his age...

what about all the other things he did like taking a gun to school and getting so nuts that even his MOM called the COPS on him??

He acts so crazy even the cops tried to taze him after they caught him smoking weed in the park

You need to read those links I posted. You would stop offering asinine excuses if you knew that Georgia Law did not care one whit about them.

I read the law and understand it

you're deeply confused about its interpretation and highly dramatic thanks to all the fake news you've been watching

Ok. What lawyer are you quoting?

how about 2 LAWYERS?

and a cop

Ok. You wanted me to watch your videos. And Barnes is wrong. Not even eleven minutes in. And he’s wrong twice. Let’s start with open carry.

Barnes says Open Carry is allowed if you do not have a weapons carry license. It is the other way around.

In Georgia to carry openly you must have a weapons carry license. In other words, a concealed carry permit.

So Barnes is wrong on the first of the two “pertinent“ matters of law he is “familiar” with.

What about the second? The broad powers of citizens arrest?

Citizen’s Arrests
As a private citizen, you have no authority to arrest anyone with a warrant. Without a war- rant, you may arrest anyone who commits a mis- demeanor or a felony in your presence or with your immediate knowledge. A citizen’s arrest occurs when a citizen prevents a suspect from leaving a scene. Citizen’s arrest most often hap- pens in cases like shoplifting, when the store’s manager detains the suspected offender. How- ever, as the following example shows, the man- ager or employee cannot make such an arrest in every case.
In Winn Dixie Stores Inc. v. Nichols, a Winn Dixie customer complained to management that another customer stole her wallet.1 The court
held that the limited rights of merchants to de- tain or arrest a person reasonably believed to have committed a shoplifting offense do not authorize a merchant to detain or arrest indi- viduals accused by store patrons of committing crimesagainstotherpatrons.Tomakethearrest, an employee would have had to actually see the criminal act committed. Therefore, it was ruled that management had no authority to arrest the alleged criminal. The court suggested that the only person who could have made the citizen’s arrest was the robbed customer herself.
When making a citizen’s arrest, a person may not use more force than is reasonable to make the arrest. Deadly force is limited to self-defense or to instances in which such force is necessary to prevent certain felonies.
It must be stressed that the right of pri- vate citizens to make a citizen’s arrest is limited. They cannot arrest people for violating local ordinances or regulations because these viola- tions are not technically crimes as defined by state law (see chapter 15). Therefore, as a pri- vate citizen, you would not have the authority to arrest a person who is creating a disturbance by making too much noise. In addition, a pri- vate person can only make a citizen’s arrest for the purpose of bringing the suspect before a ju- dicial officer.

So why does the Georgia Bar say the exact opposite regarding Citizens Arrest?

Me thinks that Barnes is averaging out the relevant statutes from the various states and not considering the specifics of Georgia Law. Then again. Barnes is a Criminal Tax Lawyer. That is who Wesley Snipes called to avoid prison in his tax evasion case. I am not sure he would be my first choice in a murder case.

sounds like you're pretty desperate for a technicality

As I have been saying for ten pages. The laws are what defines legal. And illegal. Now You are upset because your proof is proven in error by, the laws.

Included in one part of the proof was a Precedent. In that precedent the Court ruled that a shop keeper had no damned business placing someone under citizens arrest based upon the say so if another person.

But hey. What does the Georgia BAR know about the laws of Georgia?

The technicalities you are now bemoaning sent that Winn Dixie employee to jail. It was an illegal citizens arrest and the person committing it. The best intentions in the world did not matter. The person committing it was the criminal. Period. Full stop.

It isn’t my opinion that says so. It is the Courts of Georgia that said all this long ago. Hell Winn Dixie is out of business and has been for a long time.

If I am accused of a crime in Nevada. I want a lawyer from Nevada with experience in Nevada law representing me. If I am accused of a crime in Wyoming. A lawyer from California isn’t going to be much help.

These boys live in Georgia. And they committed their crimes in Georgia. And the Georgia Courts are the ones that will apply Georgia Laws during the trial. The decades ago precedents are going to sink them.

They had no damned business doing it. And the Judge will explain the laws to the Jury. And the Jury will convict them. Because they did it in direct violation of the law. They did not just violate it technically. They blew through it by any standard you care to use. They were not even in the same time zone as legal.

the mcmichels never commissioned a citizen's arrest

we're talkin about grounds for self-defense in the shooting

you seem terribly desperate to change the subject

what kind of mincy, cowardly condo living, Starbucks sucking, spoiled, privileged, white, sissy, freak wants to do away with the citizens ability to detain criminals and rest that power solely in the hands of the government?
was not a well-known local thief or a unknown thief or any kind of thief.

Yeah, he was a regular Billy The Kid.

You think one body-cam clip of him being taken into custody makes him "well-known thief"?

You're retarded...

Arberry has a pretty good criminal history for a guy his age...

what about all the other things he did like taking a gun to school and getting so nuts that even his MOM called the COPS on him??

He acts so crazy even the cops tried to taze him after they caught him smoking weed in the park

You need to read those links I posted. You would stop offering asinine excuses if you knew that Georgia Law did not care one whit about them.

I read the law and understand it

you're deeply confused about its interpretation and highly dramatic thanks to all the fake news you've been watching

Ok. What lawyer are you quoting?

how about 2 LAWYERS?

and a cop

Ok. You wanted me to watch your videos. And Barnes is wrong. Not even eleven minutes in. And he’s wrong twice. Let’s start with open carry.

Barnes says Open Carry is allowed if you do not have a weapons carry license. It is the other way around.

In Georgia to carry openly you must have a weapons carry license. In other words, a concealed carry permit.

So Barnes is wrong on the first of the two “pertinent“ matters of law he is “familiar” with.

What about the second? The broad powers of citizens arrest?

Citizen’s Arrests
As a private citizen, you have no authority to arrest anyone with a warrant. Without a war- rant, you may arrest anyone who commits a mis- demeanor or a felony in your presence or with your immediate knowledge. A citizen’s arrest occurs when a citizen prevents a suspect from leaving a scene. Citizen’s arrest most often hap- pens in cases like shoplifting, when the store’s manager detains the suspected offender. How- ever, as the following example shows, the man- ager or employee cannot make such an arrest in every case.
In Winn Dixie Stores Inc. v. Nichols, a Winn Dixie customer complained to management that another customer stole her wallet.1 The court
held that the limited rights of merchants to de- tain or arrest a person reasonably believed to have committed a shoplifting offense do not authorize a merchant to detain or arrest indi- viduals accused by store patrons of committing crimesagainstotherpatrons.Tomakethearrest, an employee would have had to actually see the criminal act committed. Therefore, it was ruled that management had no authority to arrest the alleged criminal. The court suggested that the only person who could have made the citizen’s arrest was the robbed customer herself.
When making a citizen’s arrest, a person may not use more force than is reasonable to make the arrest. Deadly force is limited to self-defense or to instances in which such force is necessary to prevent certain felonies.
It must be stressed that the right of pri- vate citizens to make a citizen’s arrest is limited. They cannot arrest people for violating local ordinances or regulations because these viola- tions are not technically crimes as defined by state law (see chapter 15). Therefore, as a pri- vate citizen, you would not have the authority to arrest a person who is creating a disturbance by making too much noise. In addition, a pri- vate person can only make a citizen’s arrest for the purpose of bringing the suspect before a ju- dicial officer.

So why does the Georgia Bar say the exact opposite regarding Citizens Arrest?

Me thinks that Barnes is averaging out the relevant statutes from the various states and not considering the specifics of Georgia Law. Then again. Barnes is a Criminal Tax Lawyer. That is who Wesley Snipes called to avoid prison in his tax evasion case. I am not sure he would be my first choice in a murder case.

sounds like you're pretty desperate for a technicality

As I have been saying for ten pages. The laws are what defines legal. And illegal. Now You are upset because your proof is proven in error by, the laws.

Included in one part of the proof was a Precedent. In that precedent the Court ruled that a shop keeper had no damned business placing someone under citizens arrest based upon the say so if another person.

But hey. What does the Georgia BAR know about the laws of Georgia?

The technicalities you are now bemoaning sent that Winn Dixie employee to jail. It was an illegal citizens arrest and the person committing it. The best intentions in the world did not matter. The person committing it was the criminal. Period. Full stop.

It isn’t my opinion that says so. It is the Courts of Georgia that said all this long ago. Hell Winn Dixie is out of business and has been for a long time.

If I am accused of a crime in Nevada. I want a lawyer from Nevada with experience in Nevada law representing me. If I am accused of a crime in Wyoming. A lawyer from California isn’t going to be much help.

These boys live in Georgia. And they committed their crimes in Georgia. And the Georgia Courts are the ones that will apply Georgia Laws during the trial. The decades ago precedents are going to sink them.

They had no damned business doing it. And the Judge will explain the laws to the Jury. And the Jury will convict them. Because they did it in direct violation of the law. They did not just violate it technically. They blew through it by any standard you care to use. They were not even in the same time zone as legal.

the mcmichels never commissioned a citizen's arrest

we're talkin about grounds for self-defense in the shooting

you seem terribly desperate to change the subject

what kind of mincy, cowardly condo living, Starbucks sucking, spoiled, privileged, white, sissy, freak wants to do away with the citizens ability to detain criminals and rest that power solely in the hands of the government?

You really need to take one of those adult education classes on reading comprehension.

When you try to detain someone. That is effectively the Citizens Arrest. The BAR Association link I literally just posted yesterday?

Unlike Hollywood Blockbuster Law where you have to shout Citizens Arrest. Here in real world. Well Citizens Arrest comes into play when you try and stop someone. Like. Oh. As an example. Blocking their path with your truck several times.

The problem is you don’t want to know the truth. You don’t want to know the facts. And you do not want to apply any new information to your beliefs.
Damn, just when you think the level of retardation was peggin' the meter...

the mcmichels never commissioned a citizen's arrest

Earlier you said they were doing just that...

we're talkin about grounds for self-defense in the shooting

No, we're talkin' about two pudgy rednecks chasing someone down and killing him for no reason...

you seem terribly desperate to change the subject

That's because you refuse to discuss the issue. You just want everyone to accept your view of the situation, regardless of how fucked up that view is.

Seriously, I would have a more fulfilling conversation with cabbage...

what kind of mincy, cowardly condo living, Starbucks sucking, spoiled, privileged, white, sissy, freak wants to do away with the citizens ability to detain criminals and rest that power solely in the hands of the government?

If they knew Arbury was running away from having committed a crime, you'd have a point. But they didn't. All they know is they saw a black guy running in their neighborhood.

I say we bring back public hangings for scum like the Travis McMichael...
we're talkin about grounds for self-defense in the shooting

you seem terribly desperate to change the subject

what kind of mincy, cowardly condo living, Starbucks sucking, spoiled, privileged, white, sissy, freak wants to do away with the citizens ability to detain criminals and rest that power solely in the hands of the government?

Ok. Grounds for Self Defense. A man tries to kidnap a woman. She kicks at him. He shoots her dead. Self Defense? Would the mans actions be considered self defense? Do not think about anything but the action of the shooting is what you are saying.

A guy walks into a bank. He hands a note to the cashier telling her to empty the drawer into a bag. The Security Guard sees this and pulls his gun and the guy being faster and more accurate kills the Security Guard. Self Defense right? I mean whatever happened to instigate the shooting does not matter.

That is what you are saying. Anyone who resists an armed individual deserves to die and the armed individuals get to claim self defense.

Whatever crimes they were committing that instigated the shooting does not matter. The only thing that matters is the person shooting gets to claim self defense.

What kind of a State would do this? The Conservative State of Georgia. These are laws passed by the Conservative Legislature decades ago. The decisions that defined the laws were made decades ago.

The Winn Dixie Case I mentioned was from 1992.

The Court ruled that Nobody except the victim of the crime and the police had a right to arrest the offender.

So your Good Neighbors who set off in pursuit. Unless this is one of your replies that denies the pursuit. Had no legal authority or justification to do so. This is not a new interpretation of the law. This is a precedent from 1992. It has been the law for the entire lifetime of Travis. Daddy’s entire LEO career had this as the law.

Now. About his having been a cop. Let’s say you are a Truck Driver. You have thirty years experience driving trucks. Your license expires. It is now illegal for you to drive trucks. That is the law in all fifty states by the way.

The same is true of Medicine. If you do not have a license to practice Medicine. You can not do so legally.

And the same is true of being a cop. In Georgia it is called POST. You must be POST certified. That stands for Police Officer Standardized Training. You have to pass it.

Now much like your Drivers License you have to renew it. You have to undergo training to maintain your license. Just as you have to meet the BAR requirements on various cases and such. As a Cop you have to have training every year or two. This explains any changes to the law and renews your certification.

Part of that standards is you have to be employed as a cop to be a cop. Daddy was not. But before that he had not attended the training and lost his certification to make arrests. It is part of why he retired.

Now you may have been the greatest truck driver in history. But if you do not have a valid license you are breaking the law. Even if Daddy was an investigator without peer, he was no longer a cop when he set off in pursuit. He was a private citizen and acting under the authority of such.

He had no authority. He had no right. And he committed crimes along with his son and neighbor.
was not a well-known local thief or a unknown thief or any kind of thief.

Yeah, he was a regular Billy The Kid.

You think one body-cam clip of him being taken into custody makes him "well-known thief"?

You're retarded...

Arberry has a pretty good criminal history for a guy his age...

what about all the other things he did like taking a gun to school and getting so nuts that even his MOM called the COPS on him??

He acts so crazy even the cops tried to taze him after they caught him smoking weed in the park

You need to read those links I posted. You would stop offering asinine excuses if you knew that Georgia Law did not care one whit about them.

I read the law and understand it

you're deeply confused about its interpretation and highly dramatic thanks to all the fake news you've been watching

Ok. What lawyer are you quoting?

how about 2 LAWYERS?

and a cop

Ok. You wanted me to watch your videos. And Barnes is wrong. Not even eleven minutes in. And he’s wrong twice. Let’s start with open carry.

Barnes says Open Carry is allowed if you do not have a weapons carry license. It is the other way around.

In Georgia to carry openly you must have a weapons carry license. In other words, a concealed carry permit.

So Barnes is wrong on the first of the two “pertinent“ matters of law he is “familiar” with.

What about the second? The broad powers of citizens arrest?

Citizen’s Arrests
As a private citizen, you have no authority to arrest anyone with a warrant. Without a war- rant, you may arrest anyone who commits a mis- demeanor or a felony in your presence or with your immediate knowledge. A citizen’s arrest occurs when a citizen prevents a suspect from leaving a scene. Citizen’s arrest most often hap- pens in cases like shoplifting, when the store’s manager detains the suspected offender. How- ever, as the following example shows, the man- ager or employee cannot make such an arrest in every case.
In Winn Dixie Stores Inc. v. Nichols, a Winn Dixie customer complained to management that another customer stole her wallet.1 The court
held that the limited rights of merchants to de- tain or arrest a person reasonably believed to have committed a shoplifting offense do not authorize a merchant to detain or arrest indi- viduals accused by store patrons of committing crimesagainstotherpatrons.Tomakethearrest, an employee would have had to actually see the criminal act committed. Therefore, it was ruled that management had no authority to arrest the alleged criminal. The court suggested that the only person who could have made the citizen’s arrest was the robbed customer herself.
When making a citizen’s arrest, a person may not use more force than is reasonable to make the arrest. Deadly force is limited to self-defense or to instances in which such force is necessary to prevent certain felonies.
It must be stressed that the right of pri- vate citizens to make a citizen’s arrest is limited. They cannot arrest people for violating local ordinances or regulations because these viola- tions are not technically crimes as defined by state law (see chapter 15). Therefore, as a pri- vate citizen, you would not have the authority to arrest a person who is creating a disturbance by making too much noise. In addition, a pri- vate person can only make a citizen’s arrest for the purpose of bringing the suspect before a ju- dicial officer.

So why does the Georgia Bar say the exact opposite regarding Citizens Arrest?

Me thinks that Barnes is averaging out the relevant statutes from the various states and not considering the specifics of Georgia Law. Then again. Barnes is a Criminal Tax Lawyer. That is who Wesley Snipes called to avoid prison in his tax evasion case. I am not sure he would be my first choice in a murder case.

sounds like you're pretty desperate for a technicality

As I have been saying for ten pages. The laws are what defines legal. And illegal. Now You are upset because your proof is proven in error by, the laws.

Included in one part of the proof was a Precedent. In that precedent the Court ruled that a shop keeper had no damned business placing someone under citizens arrest based upon the say so if another person.

But hey. What does the Georgia BAR know about the laws of Georgia?

The technicalities you are now bemoaning sent that Winn Dixie employee to jail. It was an illegal citizens arrest and the person committing it. The best intentions in the world did not matter. The person committing it was the criminal. Period. Full stop.

It isn’t my opinion that says so. It is the Courts of Georgia that said all this long ago. Hell Winn Dixie is out of business and has been for a long time.

If I am accused of a crime in Nevada. I want a lawyer from Nevada with experience in Nevada law representing me. If I am accused of a crime in Wyoming. A lawyer from California isn’t going to be much help.

These boys live in Georgia. And they committed their crimes in Georgia. And the Georgia Courts are the ones that will apply Georgia Laws during the trial. The decades ago precedents are going to sink them.

They had no damned business doing it. And the Judge will explain the laws to the Jury. And the Jury will convict them. Because they did it in direct violation of the law. They did not just violate it technically. They blew through it by any standard you care to use. They were not even in the same time zone as legal.

the mcmichels never commissioned a citizen's arrest

we're talkin about grounds for self-defense in the shooting

you seem terribly desperate to change the subject

what kind of mincy, cowardly condo living, Starbucks sucking, spoiled, privileged, white, sissy, freak wants to do away with the citizens ability to detain criminals and rest that power solely in the hands of the government?

You really need to take one of those adult education classes on reading comprehension.

When you try to detain someone. That is effectively the Citizens Arrest. The BAR Association link I literally just posted yesterday?

Unlike Hollywood Blockbuster Law where you have to shout Citizens Arrest. Here in real world. Well Citizens Arrest comes into play when you try and stop someone. Like. Oh. As an example. Blocking their path with your truck several times.

The problem is you don’t want to know the truth. You don’t want to know the facts. And you do not want to apply any new information to your beliefs.

Yes I covered that in detail in my OP
... all you have to do is watch and comprehend the video I posted

as I've stated ad nauseam he would have a great case if he would have not tried to throat punch anybody and had just stood his ground for the police response but instead he ran like a filthy criminal because that's what he was

You people need a new hero
Damn, just when you think the level of retardation was peggin' the meter...

the mcmichels never commissioned a citizen's arrest

Earlier you said they were doing just that...

we're talkin about grounds for self-defense in the shooting

No, we're talkin' about two pudgy rednecks chasing someone down and killing him for no reason...

you seem terribly desperate to change the subject

That's because you refuse to discuss the issue. You just want everyone to accept your view of the situation, regardless of how fucked up that view is.

Seriously, I would have a more fulfilling conversation with cabbage...

what kind of mincy, cowardly condo living, Starbucks sucking, spoiled, privileged, white, sissy, freak wants to do away with the citizens ability to detain criminals and rest that power solely in the hands of the government?

If they knew Arbury was running away from having committed a crime, you'd have a point. But they didn't. All they know is they saw a black guy running in their neighborhood.

I say we bring back public hangings for scum like the Travis McMichael...
Actually they recognized the well-known local criminal and had been on the lookout for him for a long time just like the rest of the neighborhood who was calling the police and each other in an attempt to collectively detain this well-known and wanted local criminal for law enforcement

You're afraid of firearms and likely a renter in your mom's basement so you don't have the same comprehension and respect of a watch looking out for the life liberty and property of their Collective settlement

those of us that have lived in the third world understand just how important it is for citizens to have the same Powers as the government especially as it pertains to self protection

Citizen's arrest is steeped in English common law
we're talkin about grounds for self-defense in the shooting

you seem terribly desperate to change the subject

what kind of mincy, cowardly condo living, Starbucks sucking, spoiled, privileged, white, sissy, freak wants to do away with the citizens ability to detain criminals and rest that power solely in the hands of the government?

Ok. Grounds for Self Defense. A man tries to kidnap a woman. She kicks at him. He shoots her dead. Self Defense? Would the mans actions be considered self defense? Do not think about anything but the action of the shooting is what you are saying.

A guy walks into a bank. He hands a note to the cashier telling her to empty the drawer into a bag. The Security Guard sees this and pulls his gun and the guy being faster and more accurate kills the Security Guard. Self Defense right? I mean whatever happened to instigate the shooting does not matter.

That is what you are saying. Anyone who resists an armed individual deserves to die and the armed individuals get to claim self defense.

Whatever crimes they were committing that instigated the shooting does not matter. The only thing that matters is the person shooting gets to claim self defense.

What kind of a State would do this? The Conservative State of Georgia. These are laws passed by the Conservative Legislature decades ago. The decisions that defined the laws were made decades ago.

The Winn Dixie Case I mentioned was from 1992.

The Court ruled that Nobody except the victim of the crime and the police had a right to arrest the offender.

So your Good Neighbors who set off in pursuit. Unless this is one of your replies that denies the pursuit. Had no legal authority or justification to do so. This is not a new interpretation of the law. This is a precedent from 1992. It has been the law for the entire lifetime of Travis. Daddy’s entire LEO career had this as the law.

Now. About his having been a cop. Let’s say you are a Truck Driver. You have thirty years experience driving trucks. Your license expires. It is now illegal for you to drive trucks. That is the law in all fifty states by the way.

The same is true of Medicine. If you do not have a license to practice Medicine. You can not do so legally.

And the same is true of being a cop. In Georgia it is called POST. You must be POST certified. That stands for Police Officer Standardized Training. You have to pass it.

Now much like your Drivers License you have to renew it. You have to undergo training to maintain your license. Just as you have to meet the BAR requirements on various cases and such. As a Cop you have to have training every year or two. This explains any changes to the law and renews your certification.

Part of that standards is you have to be employed as a cop to be a cop. Daddy was not. But before that he had not attended the training and lost his certification to make arrests. It is part of why he retired.

Now you may have been the greatest truck driver in history. But if you do not have a valid license you are breaking the law. Even if Daddy was an investigator without peer, he was no longer a cop when he set off in pursuit. He was a private citizen and acting under the authority of such.

He had no authority. He had no right. And he committed crimes along with his son and neighbor.
Any citizen has the right to detain any other citizen in the United States and it's a clear escalation of Force if you try to get violent to escape (why didn't he want to talk to the cops?) it goes back to English common law and it is a bit different than truck driving

Robbing a bank or forcibly kidnapping a woman is very different than trying to protect your neighborhood from a well-known local Criminal caught red handed in the commission of a burglary

Standing next to your truck while holding a shotgun in the low ready position is not felony assault but running directly at someone for the better part of a football field grabbing their firearm and trying to knock them unconscious with punches to the face most definitely is
Ok. Grounds for Self Defense. A man tries to kidnap a woman. She kicks at him. He shoots her dead. Self Defense? Would the mans actions be considered self defense? Do not think about anything but the action of the shooting is what you are saying.
This is a great example of the kind of mentality I'm dealing with...

Trying to equate a well-known local criminal who runs the better part of a football field directly at two men with guns and then violently attacks them with a act of violence to a rape victim is the epitome of hilarious

Anyone trying to kidnap a woman while threatening her with a gun is clearly motivated very differently as compared to an adult male trying to stop another adult male they suspect of having committed a crime

the woman is unarmed and has a realistic and understandable fear that she's going to be Harmed thus anyone would consider any action she committed to escape justifiable since she was being violently attacked ( nobody violently attacked arberry)

arberry had no reason to believe he was going to be shot because the people trying to protect their neighborhood had several chances to shoot him prior to his attack and clearly did not... if he has pulled out at legal firearm and shot them in their initial encounter I would support it but after running from them for a considerable amount of time and then turning to attack shows that he clearly was not afraid and decided to ignore a chance to escape in order to attack

the woman in your rape equation was completely unarmed and being threatened with a gun while no one pointed a gun at your criminal hero and as soon as he grabbed the barrel of Travis's firearm he became armed himself and thus a deadly threat to the man who was standing his ground holding a shotgun in the low ready position

Chasing someone while in the possession of a firearm and standing your ground in the middle of the street while in the possession of a firearm it's not felony assault like attacking an unarmed woman

a man with a gun grabbing an unarmed woman most definitely is

Had arberry tried to kick travis in the shin as he ran past him a shooting would not be justified but he tried to grab his gun even though he had not been the victim of a felony assault or even had a gun aimed at him...

I'm not allowed to run up to a guy and try to grab the gun out of his holster while punching him in the face because I'm scared of talking to the police
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was not a well-known local thief or a unknown thief or any kind of thief.

Yeah, he was a regular Billy The Kid.

You think one body-cam clip of him being taken into custody makes him "well-known thief"?

You're retarded...

Arberry has a pretty good criminal history for a guy his age...

what about all the other things he did like taking a gun to school and getting so nuts that even his MOM called the COPS on him??

He acts so crazy even the cops tried to taze him after they caught him smoking weed in the park

You need to read those links I posted. You would stop offering asinine excuses if you knew that Georgia Law did not care one whit about them.

I read the law and understand it

you're deeply confused about its interpretation and highly dramatic thanks to all the fake news you've been watching

Ok. What lawyer are you quoting?

how about 2 LAWYERS?

and a cop

Ok. You wanted me to watch your videos. And Barnes is wrong. Not even eleven minutes in. And he’s wrong twice. Let’s start with open carry.

Barnes says Open Carry is allowed if you do not have a weapons carry license. It is the other way around.

In Georgia to carry openly you must have a weapons carry license. In other words, a concealed carry permit.

So Barnes is wrong on the first of the two “pertinent“ matters of law he is “familiar” with.

What about the second? The broad powers of citizens arrest?

Citizen’s Arrests
As a private citizen, you have no authority to arrest anyone with a warrant. Without a war- rant, you may arrest anyone who commits a mis- demeanor or a felony in your presence or with your immediate knowledge. A citizen’s arrest occurs when a citizen prevents a suspect from leaving a scene. Citizen’s arrest most often hap- pens in cases like shoplifting, when the store’s manager detains the suspected offender. How- ever, as the following example shows, the man- ager or employee cannot make such an arrest in every case.
In Winn Dixie Stores Inc. v. Nichols, a Winn Dixie customer complained to management that another customer stole her wallet.1 The court
held that the limited rights of merchants to de- tain or arrest a person reasonably believed to have committed a shoplifting offense do not authorize a merchant to detain or arrest indi- viduals accused by store patrons of committing crimesagainstotherpatrons.Tomakethearrest, an employee would have had to actually see the criminal act committed. Therefore, it was ruled that management had no authority to arrest the alleged criminal. The court suggested that the only person who could have made the citizen’s arrest was the robbed customer herself.
When making a citizen’s arrest, a person may not use more force than is reasonable to make the arrest. Deadly force is limited to self-defense or to instances in which such force is necessary to prevent certain felonies.
It must be stressed that the right of pri- vate citizens to make a citizen’s arrest is limited. They cannot arrest people for violating local ordinances or regulations because these viola- tions are not technically crimes as defined by state law (see chapter 15). Therefore, as a pri- vate citizen, you would not have the authority to arrest a person who is creating a disturbance by making too much noise. In addition, a pri- vate person can only make a citizen’s arrest for the purpose of bringing the suspect before a ju- dicial officer.

So why does the Georgia Bar say the exact opposite regarding Citizens Arrest?

Me thinks that Barnes is averaging out the relevant statutes from the various states and not considering the specifics of Georgia Law. Then again. Barnes is a Criminal Tax Lawyer. That is who Wesley Snipes called to avoid prison in his tax evasion case. I am not sure he would be my first choice in a murder case.

sounds like you're pretty desperate for a technicality

As I have been saying for ten pages. The laws are what defines legal. And illegal. Now You are upset because your proof is proven in error by, the laws.

Included in one part of the proof was a Precedent. In that precedent the Court ruled that a shop keeper had no damned business placing someone under citizens arrest based upon the say so if another person.

But hey. What does the Georgia BAR know about the laws of Georgia?

The technicalities you are now bemoaning sent that Winn Dixie employee to jail. It was an illegal citizens arrest and the person committing it. The best intentions in the world did not matter. The person committing it was the criminal. Period. Full stop.

It isn’t my opinion that says so. It is the Courts of Georgia that said all this long ago. Hell Winn Dixie is out of business and has been for a long time.

If I am accused of a crime in Nevada. I want a lawyer from Nevada with experience in Nevada law representing me. If I am accused of a crime in Wyoming. A lawyer from California isn’t going to be much help.

These boys live in Georgia. And they committed their crimes in Georgia. And the Georgia Courts are the ones that will apply Georgia Laws during the trial. The decades ago precedents are going to sink them.

They had no damned business doing it. And the Judge will explain the laws to the Jury. And the Jury will convict them. Because they did it in direct violation of the law. They did not just violate it technically. They blew through it by any standard you care to use. They were not even in the same time zone as legal.

the mcmichels never commissioned a citizen's arrest

we're talkin about grounds for self-defense in the shooting

you seem terribly desperate to change the subject

what kind of mincy, cowardly condo living, Starbucks sucking, spoiled, privileged, white, sissy, freak wants to do away with the citizens ability to detain criminals and rest that power solely in the hands of the government?

You really need to take one of those adult education classes on reading comprehension.

When you try to detain someone. That is effectively the Citizens Arrest. The BAR Association link I literally just posted yesterday?

Unlike Hollywood Blockbuster Law where you have to shout Citizens Arrest. Here in real world. Well Citizens Arrest comes into play when you try and stop someone. Like. Oh. As an example. Blocking their path with your truck several times.

The problem is you don’t want to know the truth. You don’t want to know the facts. And you do not want to apply any new information to your beliefs.

Yes I covered that in detail in my OP
... all you have to do is watch and comprehend the video I posted

as I've stated ad nauseam he would have a great case if he would have not tried to throat punch anybody and had just stood his ground for the police response but instead he ran like a filthy criminal because that's what he was

You people need a new hero

I never said he was a hero. I have maintained ad nauseam he did not commit a crime on the day. And even if he had. The McMichaels did not have legal justification to engage in the pursuit and attempted arrest.

Now the McMichaels and Roddy are in jail. Like the criminals they are. And will go to prison. Because that is where Murderers go.
Ok. Grounds for Self Defense. A man tries to kidnap a woman. She kicks at him. He shoots her dead. Self Defense? Would the mans actions be considered self defense? Do not think about anything but the action of the shooting is what you are saying.
This is a great example of the kind of mentality I'm dealing with...

Trying to equate a well-known local criminal who runs the better part of a football field directly at two men with guns and then violently attacks them with a act of violence to a rape victim is the epitome of hilarious

Anyone trying to kidnap a woman while threatening her with a gun is clearly motivated very differently as compared to an adult male trying to stop another adult male they suspect of having committed a crime

the woman is unarmed and has a realistic and understandable fear that she's going to be Harmed

arberry had no reason to believe he was going to be shot because the people trying to protect their neighborhood had several chances to shoot him prior to his attack and clearly did not... if he has pulled out at legal firearm and shot them in their initial encounter I would support it but after running from them for a considerable amount of time and then turning to attack shows that he clearly was not afraid and decided to ignore a chance to escape in order to attack

the woman in your rape equation was completely unarmed and being threatened with a gun while no one pointed a gun at your criminal hero and as soon as he grabbed the barrel of Travis's firearm he became armed himself and us a deadly threat to the man who was standing his ground holding a shotgun in the low ready position

Chasing someone while in the possession of a firearm and standing your ground in the middle of the street while in the possession of a firearm it's not felony assault

a man with a gun grabbing an unarmed woman most definitely is

It is felony Aggravated Assault by law in Georgia. It is attempted False Imprisonment by Georgia law. A felony.

From the moment that the McMichaels set off in pursuit they were breaking the law. From the moment the armed up they were breaking the law. Both actions are Felonies.

The fact that they were committing Felonies just like my examples above means that it is NOT self defense. For it to be self defense you have to start out minding your own damned business.

What if the woman in my scenario above was a drug dealing prostitute? Does that mean the man is now able to claim self defense? What if the security guard was living under a false identity as an illegal alien? Does the bank robber get to claim self defense?

Georgia Courts have said the criminal history does not matter. What matters is the situation that occurred. As I said before. Arbury could have been al Capone. It would not matter by Georgia law. The McMichaels had no legal authority to set off in pursuit and try to stop Arbury. None. So from that point. They were the ones committing crimes.
was not a well-known local thief or a unknown thief or any kind of thief.

Yeah, he was a regular Billy The Kid.

You think one body-cam clip of him being taken into custody makes him "well-known thief"?

You're retarded...

Arberry has a pretty good criminal history for a guy his age...

what about all the other things he did like taking a gun to school and getting so nuts that even his MOM called the COPS on him??

He acts so crazy even the cops tried to taze him after they caught him smoking weed in the park

You need to read those links I posted. You would stop offering asinine excuses if you knew that Georgia Law did not care one whit about them.

I read the law and understand it

you're deeply confused about its interpretation and highly dramatic thanks to all the fake news you've been watching

Ok. What lawyer are you quoting?

how about 2 LAWYERS?

and a cop

Ok. You wanted me to watch your videos. And Barnes is wrong. Not even eleven minutes in. And he’s wrong twice. Let’s start with open carry.

Barnes says Open Carry is allowed if you do not have a weapons carry license. It is the other way around.

In Georgia to carry openly you must have a weapons carry license. In other words, a concealed carry permit.

So Barnes is wrong on the first of the two “pertinent“ matters of law he is “familiar” with.

What about the second? The broad powers of citizens arrest?

Citizen’s Arrests
As a private citizen, you have no authority to arrest anyone with a warrant. Without a war- rant, you may arrest anyone who commits a mis- demeanor or a felony in your presence or with your immediate knowledge. A citizen’s arrest occurs when a citizen prevents a suspect from leaving a scene. Citizen’s arrest most often hap- pens in cases like shoplifting, when the store’s manager detains the suspected offender. How- ever, as the following example shows, the man- ager or employee cannot make such an arrest in every case.
In Winn Dixie Stores Inc. v. Nichols, a Winn Dixie customer complained to management that another customer stole her wallet.1 The court
held that the limited rights of merchants to de- tain or arrest a person reasonably believed to have committed a shoplifting offense do not authorize a merchant to detain or arrest indi- viduals accused by store patrons of committing crimesagainstotherpatrons.Tomakethearrest, an employee would have had to actually see the criminal act committed. Therefore, it was ruled that management had no authority to arrest the alleged criminal. The court suggested that the only person who could have made the citizen’s arrest was the robbed customer herself.
When making a citizen’s arrest, a person may not use more force than is reasonable to make the arrest. Deadly force is limited to self-defense or to instances in which such force is necessary to prevent certain felonies.
It must be stressed that the right of pri- vate citizens to make a citizen’s arrest is limited. They cannot arrest people for violating local ordinances or regulations because these viola- tions are not technically crimes as defined by state law (see chapter 15). Therefore, as a pri- vate citizen, you would not have the authority to arrest a person who is creating a disturbance by making too much noise. In addition, a pri- vate person can only make a citizen’s arrest for the purpose of bringing the suspect before a ju- dicial officer.

So why does the Georgia Bar say the exact opposite regarding Citizens Arrest?

Me thinks that Barnes is averaging out the relevant statutes from the various states and not considering the specifics of Georgia Law. Then again. Barnes is a Criminal Tax Lawyer. That is who Wesley Snipes called to avoid prison in his tax evasion case. I am not sure he would be my first choice in a murder case.

sounds like you're pretty desperate for a technicality

As I have been saying for ten pages. The laws are what defines legal. And illegal. Now You are upset because your proof is proven in error by, the laws.

Included in one part of the proof was a Precedent. In that precedent the Court ruled that a shop keeper had no damned business placing someone under citizens arrest based upon the say so if another person.

But hey. What does the Georgia BAR know about the laws of Georgia?

The technicalities you are now bemoaning sent that Winn Dixie employee to jail. It was an illegal citizens arrest and the person committing it. The best intentions in the world did not matter. The person committing it was the criminal. Period. Full stop.

It isn’t my opinion that says so. It is the Courts of Georgia that said all this long ago. Hell Winn Dixie is out of business and has been for a long time.

If I am accused of a crime in Nevada. I want a lawyer from Nevada with experience in Nevada law representing me. If I am accused of a crime in Wyoming. A lawyer from California isn’t going to be much help.

These boys live in Georgia. And they committed their crimes in Georgia. And the Georgia Courts are the ones that will apply Georgia Laws during the trial. The decades ago precedents are going to sink them.

They had no damned business doing it. And the Judge will explain the laws to the Jury. And the Jury will convict them. Because they did it in direct violation of the law. They did not just violate it technically. They blew through it by any standard you care to use. They were not even in the same time zone as legal.

the mcmichels never commissioned a citizen's arrest

we're talkin about grounds for self-defense in the shooting

you seem terribly desperate to change the subject

what kind of mincy, cowardly condo living, Starbucks sucking, spoiled, privileged, white, sissy, freak wants to do away with the citizens ability to detain criminals and rest that power solely in the hands of the government?

You really need to take one of those adult education classes on reading comprehension.

When you try to detain someone. That is effectively the Citizens Arrest. The BAR Association link I literally just posted yesterday?

Unlike Hollywood Blockbuster Law where you have to shout Citizens Arrest. Here in real world. Well Citizens Arrest comes into play when you try and stop someone. Like. Oh. As an example. Blocking their path with your truck several times.

The problem is you don’t want to know the truth. You don’t want to know the facts. And you do not want to apply any new information to your beliefs.

Yes I covered that in detail in my OP
... all you have to do is watch and comprehend the video I posted

as I've stated ad nauseam he would have a great case if he would have not tried to throat punch anybody and had just stood his ground for the police response but instead he ran like a filthy criminal because that's what he was

You people need a new hero

I never said he was a hero. I have maintained ad nauseam he did not commit a crime on the day. And even if he had. The McMichaels did not have legal justification to engage in the pursuit and attempted arrest.

Now the McMichaels and Roddy are in jail. Like the criminals they are. And will go to prison. Because that is where Murderers go.

how do you feel about Larry English recruiting the neighborhood to catch him?
Ok. Grounds for Self Defense. A man tries to kidnap a woman. She kicks at him. He shoots her dead. Self Defense? Would the mans actions be considered self defense? Do not think about anything but the action of the shooting is what you are saying.
This is a great example of the kind of mentality I'm dealing with...

Trying to equate a well-known local criminal who runs the better part of a football field directly at two men with guns and then violently attacks them with a act of violence to a rape victim is the epitome of hilarious

Anyone trying to kidnap a woman while threatening her with a gun is clearly motivated very differently as compared to an adult male trying to stop another adult male they suspect of having committed a crime

the woman is unarmed and has a realistic and understandable fear that she's going to be Harmed

arberry had no reason to believe he was going to be shot because the people trying to protect their neighborhood had several chances to shoot him prior to his attack and clearly did not... if he has pulled out at legal firearm and shot them in their initial encounter I would support it but after running from them for a considerable amount of time and then turning to attack shows that he clearly was not afraid and decided to ignore a chance to escape in order to attack

the woman in your rape equation was completely unarmed and being threatened with a gun while no one pointed a gun at your criminal hero and as soon as he grabbed the barrel of Travis's firearm he became armed himself and us a deadly threat to the man who was standing his ground holding a shotgun in the low ready position

Chasing someone while in the possession of a firearm and standing your ground in the middle of the street while in the possession of a firearm it's not felony assault

a man with a gun grabbing an unarmed woman most definitely is

It is felony Aggravated Assault by law in Georgia. It is attempted False Imprisonment by Georgia law. A felony.

From the moment that the McMichaels set off in pursuit they were breaking the law. From the moment the armed up they were breaking the law. Both actions are Felonies.

The fact that they were committing Felonies just like my examples above means that it is NOT self defense. For it to be self defense you have to start out minding your own damned business.

What if the woman in my scenario above was a drug dealing prostitute? Does that mean the man is now able to claim self defense? What if the security guard was living under a false identity as an illegal alien? Does the bank robber get to claim self defense?

Georgia Courts have said the criminal history does not matter. What matters is the situation that occurred. As I said before. Arbury could have been al Capone. It would not matter by Georgia law. The McMichaels had no legal authority to set off in pursuit and try to stop Arbury. None. So from that point. They were the ones committing crimes.
his prior criminal history really has you unhinged as is expected...must have been a shock to learn he wasent a simple jogger afterall

whoever commited a violent act or threatened someones life 1st is the criminal aggressor in any situation so being a prostitute or an illegal alien is a fiat argument

Travis and Gramps never threatened Arberrys life by trying to interview him

just because they had guns is NOT PROOF they threatened him in any way

this man is NOT CORNERED or being ASSAULTED

he is CHARGING 2 men who HAD BEEN following him and VIOLENTLY attacked them as they stood their ground

*just like travon
I'm eager to see what happens in this case.

Everyone watches the video and comes to their own conclusion. In my opinion, as a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment and concealed carry permit holder, I believe the only way Travis McMichael avoids the death penalty is if he makes a deal. I believe Gregory McMichael goes to prison for a minimum of 20 years. I may be a bit off on both of those, but they're both going to spend a long time in prison.

They armed themselves, chased down someone down and killed him. And they have it on video. Those are facts. Was Arbury a thief? I dunno', sure. Let's say he was. Did Gregory and Travis McMichael actually witness him stealing anything? No, by their own admission they did not. His previous actions did not justify the actions taken by the McMichael's boys.

Oh, and to a point made by the OP, I haven't seen a single thing which says the younger McMichael was a former law enforcement professional. Frankly, the guy looks like he'd have a difficult time dressing himself...
Travis McMichael was trained by the US military in law enforcement and it's perfectly legal to arm yourself and Chase someone you suspect of committing a crime in the state of Georgia and if that person decides to violently attack you you're allowed to defend yourself as well
The rub here is that they did not chase him because they witnessed him committing a crime. They chased him because they thought he resembled a suspect in previous break ins.

they are going to prison, whether or not they were sincere in their intentions. And that will be the end of it.
had just stood his ground for the police response

The three white vigilantes did not know they were committing a felony when attempting to make a citizens arrest and detain a man for jogging on a public street.

They didn’t know they committed a felony before TM shot AA on the wrist as he tried to get past their truck. They now know it’s murder because they killed a young black jogger as their felony was in progress.
I'm eager to see what happens in this case.

Everyone watches the video and comes to their own conclusion. In my opinion, as a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment and concealed carry permit holder, I believe the only way Travis McMichael avoids the death penalty is if he makes a deal. I believe Gregory McMichael goes to prison for a minimum of 20 years. I may be a bit off on both of those, but they're both going to spend a long time in prison.

They armed themselves, chased down someone down and killed him. And they have it on video. Those are facts. Was Arbury a thief? I dunno', sure. Let's say he was. Did Gregory and Travis McMichael actually witness him stealing anything? No, by their own admission they did not. His previous actions did not justify the actions taken by the McMichael's boys.

Oh, and to a point made by the OP, I haven't seen a single thing which says the younger McMichael was a former law enforcement professional. Frankly, the guy looks like he'd have a difficult time dressing himself...
Travis McMichael was trained by the US military in law enforcement and it's perfectly legal to arm yourself and Chase someone you suspect of committing a crime in the state of Georgia and if that person decides to violently attack you you're allowed to defend yourself as well
The rub here is that they did not chase him because they witnessed him committing a crime. They chased him because they thought he resembled a suspect in previous break ins.

they are going to prison, whether or not they were sincere in their intentions. And that will be the end of it.
They chased him because they recognized him from the photos they'd seen as a wanted individual

that's the same reason they chased Richard The Night Stalker Ramirez

If you want to make it illegal for people to chase someone unless they've actually seen them commit a proper felony you do realize it's going to change the world as we know it

if I see a man running out of my neighbor's house covered in blood in a panic I wouldn't be allowed to chase him

if I saw a man running down the street holding a ladies purse while a woman screamed on the ground and pointed in his Direction I wouldn't be allowed to chase him

Citizen's arrest goes back to English common law

if you have reasonable suspicion that someone has committed a crime it should be perfectly reasonable for you to ask that person to wait for the police to arrive and if they violently attacked you in an attempt to escape it should be perfectly reasonable for you to defend yourself

if you think the arrest is illegal you should sue them in a court of law but don't try to grab their gun and punch them in the throat
Ok. Grounds for Self Defense. A man tries to kidnap a woman. She kicks at him. He shoots her dead. Self Defense? Would the mans actions be considered self defense? Do not think about anything but the action of the shooting is what you are saying.
This is a great example of the kind of mentality I'm dealing with...

Trying to equate a well-known local criminal who runs the better part of a football field directly at two men with guns and then violently attacks them with a act of violence to a rape victim is the epitome of hilarious

Anyone trying to kidnap a woman while threatening her with a gun is clearly motivated very differently as compared to an adult male trying to stop another adult male they suspect of having committed a crime

the woman is unarmed and has a realistic and understandable fear that she's going to be Harmed

arberry had no reason to believe he was going to be shot because the people trying to protect their neighborhood had several chances to shoot him prior to his attack and clearly did not... if he has pulled out at legal firearm and shot them in their initial encounter I would support it but after running from them for a considerable amount of time and then turning to attack shows that he clearly was not afraid and decided to ignore a chance to escape in order to attack

the woman in your rape equation was completely unarmed and being threatened with a gun while no one pointed a gun at your criminal hero and as soon as he grabbed the barrel of Travis's firearm he became armed himself and us a deadly threat to the man who was standing his ground holding a shotgun in the low ready position

Chasing someone while in the possession of a firearm and standing your ground in the middle of the street while in the possession of a firearm it's not felony assault

a man with a gun grabbing an unarmed woman most definitely is

It is felony Aggravated Assault by law in Georgia. It is attempted False Imprisonment by Georgia law. A felony.

From the moment that the McMichaels set off in pursuit they were breaking the law. From the moment the armed up they were breaking the law. Both actions are Felonies.

The fact that they were committing Felonies just like my examples above means that it is NOT self defense. For it to be self defense you have to start out minding your own damned business.

What if the woman in my scenario above was a drug dealing prostitute? Does that mean the man is now able to claim self defense? What if the security guard was living under a false identity as an illegal alien? Does the bank robber get to claim self defense?

Georgia Courts have said the criminal history does not matter. What matters is the situation that occurred. As I said before. Arbury could have been al Capone. It would not matter by Georgia law. The McMichaels had no legal authority to set off in pursuit and try to stop Arbury. None. So from that point. They were the ones committing crimes.
his prior criminal history really has you unhinged as is expected...must have been a shock to learn he wasent a simple jogger afterall

whoever commited a violent act or threatened someones life 1st is the criminal aggressor in any situation so being a prostitute or an illegal alien is a fiat argument

Travis and Gramps never threatened Arberrys life by trying to interview him

just because they had guns is NOT PROOF they threatened him in any way

View attachment 434047this man is NOT CORNERED or being ASSAULTED

he is CHARGING 2 men who HAD BEEN following him and VIOLENTLY attacked them as they stood their ground

*just like travon

Um. No.

As I and the lawyers I quoted have said. For the purposes of Citizens Arrest previous criminal history does not matter. Under Georgia Law the only thing that matters is if you saw the suspect commit a crime that you have the authority to act upon. They did not. They did not see him commit a crime. And they were not empowered or authorized to enforce.

See the BAR of Georgia page again.
had just stood his ground for the police response

The three white vigilantes did not know they were committing a felony when attempting to make a citizens arrest and detain a man for jogging on a public street.

They didn’t know they committed a felony before TM shot AA on the wrist as he tried to get past their truck. They now know it’s murder because they killed a young black jogger as their felony was in progress.
Did TM shoot AA because he tried to get past to their truck or because he grabbed his gun and started punching him in the face?

why didn't Travis McMichael shoot arberry while they were driving along side him yelling stop in their first encounter?

Why didn't they just shoot him while he was running directly at him in this photo
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Ok. Grounds for Self Defense. A man tries to kidnap a woman. She kicks at him. He shoots her dead. Self Defense? Would the mans actions be considered self defense? Do not think about anything but the action of the shooting is what you are saying.
This is a great example of the kind of mentality I'm dealing with...

Trying to equate a well-known local criminal who runs the better part of a football field directly at two men with guns and then violently attacks them with a act of violence to a rape victim is the epitome of hilarious

Anyone trying to kidnap a woman while threatening her with a gun is clearly motivated very differently as compared to an adult male trying to stop another adult male they suspect of having committed a crime

the woman is unarmed and has a realistic and understandable fear that she's going to be Harmed

arberry had no reason to believe he was going to be shot because the people trying to protect their neighborhood had several chances to shoot him prior to his attack and clearly did not... if he has pulled out at legal firearm and shot them in their initial encounter I would support it but after running from them for a considerable amount of time and then turning to attack shows that he clearly was not afraid and decided to ignore a chance to escape in order to attack

the woman in your rape equation was completely unarmed and being threatened with a gun while no one pointed a gun at your criminal hero and as soon as he grabbed the barrel of Travis's firearm he became armed himself and us a deadly threat to the man who was standing his ground holding a shotgun in the low ready position

Chasing someone while in the possession of a firearm and standing your ground in the middle of the street while in the possession of a firearm it's not felony assault

a man with a gun grabbing an unarmed woman most definitely is

It is felony Aggravated Assault by law in Georgia. It is attempted False Imprisonment by Georgia law. A felony.

From the moment that the McMichaels set off in pursuit they were breaking the law. From the moment the armed up they were breaking the law. Both actions are Felonies.

The fact that they were committing Felonies just like my examples above means that it is NOT self defense. For it to be self defense you have to start out minding your own damned business.

What if the woman in my scenario above was a drug dealing prostitute? Does that mean the man is now able to claim self defense? What if the security guard was living under a false identity as an illegal alien? Does the bank robber get to claim self defense?

Georgia Courts have said the criminal history does not matter. What matters is the situation that occurred. As I said before. Arbury could have been al Capone. It would not matter by Georgia law. The McMichaels had no legal authority to set off in pursuit and try to stop Arbury. None. So from that point. They were the ones committing crimes.
his prior criminal history really has you unhinged as is expected...must have been a shock to learn he wasent a simple jogger afterall

whoever commited a violent act or threatened someones life 1st is the criminal aggressor in any situation so being a prostitute or an illegal alien is a fiat argument

Travis and Gramps never threatened Arberrys life by trying to interview him

just because they had guns is NOT PROOF they threatened him in any way

View attachment 434047this man is NOT CORNERED or being ASSAULTED

he is CHARGING 2 men who HAD BEEN following him and VIOLENTLY attacked them as they stood their ground

*just like travon

Um. No.

As I and the lawyers I quoted have said. For the purposes of Citizens Arrest previous criminal history does not matter. Under Georgia Law the only thing that matters is if you saw the suspect commit a crime that you have the authority to act upon. They did not. They did not see him commit a crime. And they were not empowered or authorized to enforce.

See the BAR of Georgia page again.
So if I see a stranger running out of the front of my neighbor's house covered in blood and then he flees in a panic when I confront him I'm not allowed to chase him by Georgia law?
Travis and Gramps never threatened Arberrys life by trying to interview him

just because they had guns is NOT PROOF they threatened him in any way

this man is NOT CORNERED or being ASSAULTED

he is CHARGING 2 men who HAD BEEN following him and VIOLENTLY attacked them as they stood their ground

At least three lies in the above post.

You say “Travis and Gramps never threatened Arberrys life by trying to interview him.”

That is a lie because because TM already told police he raised his shotgun and told AA to get on the ground. It is a threat to aim a shotgun and tell someone to stop and get on the ground. WTF is wrong with you?

You post a photo while announcing it shows AA “CHARGING 2 men who HAD BEEN following him” without explaining that AA is running away from a third assailant in a pickup truck following behind him.

That is a lie because you have already admitted that you know that AA is not charging TM. He swerves to avoid TM by running around the truck in the passenger side. We know that TM did not stand his ground staying put on the driver’s side.

TM ran about 15 to 20 feet to the front of the truck to block AA escape from the blockade. There he shot AA in the wrist.

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