The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

You're a fucking idiot.

Seriously, you're fucking brain dead...
they lied to you

*its not your fault

Ok. Proof they were not just standing in the road. I am not sure of the source. Perhaps you can evaluate it for me.

why did Arberry attack the mcmichels??

he ran at 2 men

he ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and ATTACKED

According to your own post the “heroic” McMichaels pursued him didn’t they?

He was followed by another truck working in conjunction with the McMichaels driven by Roddy. You now turn the corner and see the first truck and now one is out of the truck blocking your route. What are you supposed to think? The guy blocking your route is armed with a shotgun. What are his intentions?

We tell women who are being attacked to fight. We tell women to fight their rapists. We tell people if they are in an active shooter situation to hide and if discovered fight. Why?

You are going to die if you do nothing. At least fighting you have a slim chance, but a chance. Doing nothing means you die with a whimper.

Now. What could possibly be your goal here? What is your motivation? It is obviously not to set the record straight. All of your assertions have been disproven. What is left? You can’t be seriously considering the law, or the facts. So what is left?

Either you are a relative of the McMichaels or Roddy. Or you are someone outraged that whites are in jail for killing a black. You are not a cop. You can’t even be a rent a cop with this level of ignorance of the law. So I don’t know what Public Safety experience you have. Perhaps you are a volunteer with some sort of Emergency Management Agency. Or a school crossing guard.

Whatever it is. It is not based in a search for truth or fact.
The McMichaels intercepted him long before the shooting and he decided to attack them after he lost them

If they wanted to murder him they would have done it before he started punching them

if they planned on "killing them a neegra" why call the police and get out of your truck?

jus roll up and blast him drive by stylie yo

if my man was being chased down how come he didn't just start hopping fences?

he ÀLREADY got confronted by them and nobody got shot

how come they didnt just blast him dive by style???

Ok. I am holding you at gunpoint. How do you know I have called the police? You have no phone.
You are a habitual criminal like the rest of your trash family and people have called the cops on you many times before.......
Actually grandpa had an open line to 911 the entire time and nobody heard any naughty words so it sounds like that's a big load of crap

So, that's your response? Just deny it happened?

Roddy, one of the conspirators, is the one who told the police Travis said it, not some random passerby...

if someone had just been in punched in the face a bunch of times by a black guy I could understand them using the word

So, now you're saying he said it?

Which is it?

arbery was absolutely a wanted man, if the police saw him walking out of that property they would have stopped him and asked him what he was doing in there as well and if he fled when confronted and then tried to punch one of them in the throat he would have got his dumbass shot just the same

Absolutely true.


If they just saw him walking down the street by the local Best Buy (there's one not too far away from where Arbury was murdered), they'd have no reason to stop him. Why? Because he wasn't wanted. There was no warrant for his arrest. There was no "BOLO". There was nothing.

When someone is "WANTED", that means there's been a warrant issued for their arrest. No suck warrant was issued for Arbury...

The police had received multiple reports from multiple individuals that a man that looked identical to him was burglarizing the neighborhood and the property so they were looking for him they just didn't know his name yet

Show me the "WANTED" poster...
Larry English was calling people in the neighborhood to catch this kid

that's why his neighbor Diego went over there with his 911 handgun

everyone in the neighborhood was looking for the criminal who was burglarizing their neighborhood because they'd all seen the videos Larry English was sharing throughout the neighborhood social media pages

if they saw him walking down the street in front of the Best Buy then pulled up and confronted him and he fled they would chase him

if he then committed an act of violence it would be reasonable for you to defend yourself

The take-home message is don't flee or attack from someone confronting you

just stand your ground and call the authorities

I've been coaching at the high school level for over two decades and I always remind my young black athletes to never flee or commits an act of violence when they're accused of wrongdoing
your criminal hero had committed the act of trespass likely burglary attempted carjacking and assault before he was finally shot by Travis McMichael who was sustaining a direct attack on his person at the time of the shooting

you're manic disjointed posting style smacks of someone that is emotionally involved and that's understandable because you're trying to defend a mentally retarded career criminal that got caught in the act

Travis McMichael is going to die for his hate crime.

Enjoy that, buttmunch...

Yes he might because Oprah and LeBron James have convinced so many people that he was a murderous Thug looking to kill an innocent black jogger while on the phone with 911 in broad daylight in the middle of the street

What's So Scary is that the people who took down Richard Ramirez would have let him run off into the sunset after they experienced a legal debacle such as what happens to the McMichaels

I sure am happy they caught that bastard before they were too scared to chase wanted criminals any longer
How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

You're a fucking idiot.

Seriously, you're fucking brain dead...
they lied to you

*its not your fault

Ok. Proof they were not just standing in the road. I am not sure of the source. Perhaps you can evaluate it for me.

why did Arberry attack the mcmichels??

he ran at 2 men

he ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and ATTACKED

According to your own post the “heroic” McMichaels pursued him didn’t they?

He was followed by another truck working in conjunction with the McMichaels driven by Roddy. You now turn the corner and see the first truck and now one is out of the truck blocking your route. What are you supposed to think? The guy blocking your route is armed with a shotgun. What are his intentions?

We tell women who are being attacked to fight. We tell women to fight their rapists. We tell people if they are in an active shooter situation to hide and if discovered fight. Why?

You are going to die if you do nothing. At least fighting you have a slim chance, but a chance. Doing nothing means you die with a whimper.

Now. What could possibly be your goal here? What is your motivation? It is obviously not to set the record straight. All of your assertions have been disproven. What is left? You can’t be seriously considering the law, or the facts. So what is left?

Either you are a relative of the McMichaels or Roddy. Or you are someone outraged that whites are in jail for killing a black. You are not a cop. You can’t even be a rent a cop with this level of ignorance of the law. So I don’t know what Public Safety experience you have. Perhaps you are a volunteer with some sort of Emergency Management Agency. Or a school crossing guard.

Whatever it is. It is not based in a search for truth or fact.
The McMichaels intercepted him long before the shooting and he decided to attack them after he lost them

If they wanted to murder him they would have done it before he started punching them

if they planned on "killing them a neegra" why call the police and get out of your truck?

jus roll up and blast him drive by stylie yo

if my man was being chased down how come he didn't just start hopping fences?

he ÀLREADY got confronted by them and nobody got shot

how come they didnt just blast him dive by style???

Ok. I am holding you at gunpoint. How do you know I have called the police? You have no phone.
You are a habitual criminal like the rest of your trash family and people have called the cops on you many times before.......
Notice they keep coming up with the fallacy that Arberry was being held at gunpoint

the fact is this kid was a career Criminal Who Came From a family full of criminals and would have attacked anybody trying to stop him including the police most likely

I'm amazed he lived this long LOL

why did Arberry run more than 30 yards at men threatening him with guns??

The murder victim was shot once before the victim attempted to take a killer’s shotgun away. That’s a fact backed up by the killer’s testimony.

You do know it’s a felony in Georgia to threaten a person with one gun or many guns, or with any type of lethal weapon for that matter. So whatever direction AA was jogging prior to his death is immaterial to the charges of murder brought against the three men that threatened him.

The aggravated assault felony began the second that AA has reason to believe he was in danger. You admit that your three white heroes committed a felony many seconds before that first shot was fired. Now you need to learn that in Georgia when someone is killed by another during a felony its automatically a murder charge.

Your heroes will have to get your fan mail in prison.
The AA was snagged committing a crime---citizens arrest is legal in every state-------which the habitual criminal would have known that the citizens were trying to arrest him...hence why he ran at them with their loaded guns---he had no fear of being shot. If they were out to shoot him, they would have already done it. Tired of AA's making CRIMINALs their heros---its stupid.
if they planned on shooting him why didn't they do it in their previous encounter... why would they take a shotgun loaded with a less lethal ammunition...

Thank you for proving that, along with everything you're fucking clueless about, you know nothing about firearms.

From the distance McMichael was standing, a blast from a 12 gauge shotgun is pretty much going to be fatal...

people who plan on murdering individuals do it with a completely different type of firearm and a completely different range

You need to stop.

Seriously, arguing your indiotic, nippleheaded points is tiresome enough, but now you've seemingly engaged on a campaign of seeing how absolutely fucking ignorant you can make yourself appear. People get murdered with shotguns. People get murdered with .357 Magnums. Interestingly, both of those weapons were in Travis McMichael's truck that day...

How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

Um, did you miss the part where, after Arbury ran past their house, they armed themselves and went after him?

The "went after him" part constitutes the "chase", dipshit.

You've pretty much demonstrated that, not only do you know very little about this case, you know nothing about guns, and you know nothing about the law. That wouldn't be a horrible thing in and of itself, except you're making the conscious decision to remain ignorant of those things because those things don't fit that narrative that you're presenting. In fact, they destroy your narrative.

You conveniently ignore the arguments against you points. You said Ramirez was the subject of a citizen's arrest, and that his arrest was pretty much the same as the citizen's arrest McMichael attempted. However, when it was pointed out that Ramirez was actually a wanted man, by virtue of a warrant for his arrest and Arbury was not, you run away like a cowardly bitch from defending your point. When you said Arbury was "wanted", that wasn't true. It was a lie.

Here are some undeniable truths which exist, regardless of your refusal to accept them:

1. Arbury was not wanted. There was no warrant issued for his arrest.

2. As far as Travis McMichael knew, there was no reason to suspect Arbury committed a crime that day.

3. The owner of the property in question has stated that nothing was stolen.
4. Thanks to "Roddy", there's video evidence of the McMichael boys chasing Arbury.

5. Thanks to "Roddy", there's video evidence of Travis McMichael exiting the pick-up and aiming a shotgun at Arbury.

6. Thanks to "Roddy", there is an eye witness who says McMichael used a racial slur towards Arbury, suggesting the motivation for the shooting was actually due to Arbury's race, and nothing else. Now, that may or may not be true, but you can bet your ignorant ass that the prosecution will present that at trial, and it's going to be damned difficult for McMichael to explain it away.

Your whole thing about how McMichael was just peacefully standing in the street, oh, and he had a shotgun with him, is utterly ridiculous. He got out of the truck and leveled his shotgun at Arbury. That was an absolute misuse of force. Or do you mean to tell me that two fat, white rednecks couldn't put a skinny black guy to the ground and hold him there?

As to the nonsense you keep spewing about a citizen's arrest, here's something for you to chew on: If you are making a citizen's arrest, you're required to inform the person what you are doing, and why. If Arbury was 30 yards away from McMichael when he got out of the truck, then fat-boy certainly had the chance to do that.

Yet he did not.

You must also tell them what offense you believe they've committed. McMichael had the opportunity to do that, too.

Yet he did not.

If you have to use force when arresting a person, you must only use reasonable force. Given that there were two people chasing him, and Arbury was unarmed, only a complete fucking idiot (say, like you) would believe that deadly force was the minimum level of force deemed to be reasonable to effect a citizen's arrest of Arbury.

Now, please, continue on with your mindless, ignorant rantings. All you're doing is further demonstrating not only how stupid and ignorant you are, but also how stupid and ignorant you wish to remain...
what would you have done if someone grabbed your gun and started punching you in the face...hand it over?

Oh, I'd probably shoot him.

And then I suspect I would be arrested and tried for murder, since I would have zero legal ground to stand on, which is exactly the case with Travis McMichael.

You need to pull your head out of your ass, son. The McMichael's escalated everything about this when they armed themselves and chased him. When they did that, they removed their ability to claim self defense.

Now, you can ask you "what if" questions until the cows come home, and it won't change the law, and it won't change the facts of this case...
they had a right to make a citizens arrest of the habitual criminals SNAGGEd breaking the law. Sorry, that so many people are so stupid and so racist that they can't understands basics like criminals have to be stopped when caught in the act by citizens otherwise criminals take over and the whole country will like Detroit or any number of chit hole cities in africa.
How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

You're a fucking idiot.

Seriously, you're fucking brain dead...
they lied to you

*its not your fault

Ok. Proof they were not just standing in the road. I am not sure of the source. Perhaps you can evaluate it for me.

why did Arberry attack the mcmichels??

he ran at 2 men

he ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and ATTACKED

According to your own post the “heroic” McMichaels pursued him didn’t they?

He was followed by another truck working in conjunction with the McMichaels driven by Roddy. You now turn the corner and see the first truck and now one is out of the truck blocking your route. What are you supposed to think? The guy blocking your route is armed with a shotgun. What are his intentions?

We tell women who are being attacked to fight. We tell women to fight their rapists. We tell people if they are in an active shooter situation to hide and if discovered fight. Why?

You are going to die if you do nothing. At least fighting you have a slim chance, but a chance. Doing nothing means you die with a whimper.

Now. What could possibly be your goal here? What is your motivation? It is obviously not to set the record straight. All of your assertions have been disproven. What is left? You can’t be seriously considering the law, or the facts. So what is left?

Either you are a relative of the McMichaels or Roddy. Or you are someone outraged that whites are in jail for killing a black. You are not a cop. You can’t even be a rent a cop with this level of ignorance of the law. So I don’t know what Public Safety experience you have. Perhaps you are a volunteer with some sort of Emergency Management Agency. Or a school crossing guard.

Whatever it is. It is not based in a search for truth or fact.

Criminal Arbary knew he was snagged trespassing and casing the house---so when the men followed him and told him to stop-it certainly was thinking OH SHIT I've been caught how dare the white cops try to stop me from being a criminal...this pretending that this guy wasn't a criminal is crazy.

Oh Lord. Twenty pages in and we have to start all over with Georgia Law. Ok. Fine.

Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no authority to pursue or even tell Arbury to stop. The only person with that authority for your supposed crimes was Larry English or his designated representative. The McMichaels were not designated. Neither were they cops at the time of the incident. Daddy was retired. Mainly because he never finished his training to maintain his certification. An analogy here. If you do not renew your Drivers License you can’t legally drive anymore.

The McMichaels had no authority to perform a Citizens Arrest. That means the attempt was a felony. Trespassing is a misdemeanor. So the McMichaels performed a felony to catch a suspected misdemeanor. If that wasn’t enough they then commit the crime of Aggravated Assault. In Georgia that is where you threaten a person with a gun or other potentially deadly weapon. It is also a Felony. So even if Arbury had stopped the McMichaels were looking at Prison for at least three years.

Now you can not claim self defense while committing crimes. Otherwise every Armed Robbery Suspect would swear it was self defense when they shot the clerk. So Travis can’t claim self defense.

So the charges are appropriate for the Vigilante Trio. And they will almost certainly be convicted and sent to Prison for twenty years, the mandatory minimum by law. Anything above that is at the discretion of the Judge.
nobody threatened him with the gun and nobody took him into custody

It's not illegal by Georgia law to speak to someone while holding your gun that's not even aimed at them and that's all that happened until your criminal hero told his Braveheart Kung Fu theater attack

if you see a man running out of your neighbor's house covered in blood you're allowed to chase him and ask him questions while holding a gun in the low ready position

just because you're the title feeble coward that would let the criminal run away doesn't mean the rest of the nation will and American law is well established in this category

Oprah and LeBron want these three men locked up so there's a very good chance that's what happens even though it would be a miscarriage of American Justice

The problem is you my friend. You are the racist. You change your story every single reply. They were in pursuit. Totally reasonable and under old English law legal to take him into citizens arrest.

Explain to me based on the Georgia BAR standard I posted when they did in fact effect an arrest.

You really are just turtled up. When they and Roddy struck him with their vehicles that was also aggravated assault. The three of them set out to catch a petty thief and ended up committing multiple felonies.

Sadly, you're spinnin' your wheels here.

Guerilla's either too stupid or too ignorant to accept anything which even slightly resembles common sense...
you guys keep suggesting that it's an act of violence to speak to somebody while holding a shotgun

clearly I'm dealing with some hardcore Street toughs here lol

Context. Context. Standing in the street with your gun will get the cops called. But let’s pretend it is OK. Shouting at someone to stop and get on the ground which Travis and Greg told the cops they did is not merely standing in the street. Idiot.
You've got to read all the YouTube comments to this video

It's rare to find an unedited piece of footage and hopefully one day we'll get to see the unedited footage of him in the house

in this video you can clearly see the neighbor confronting him and he Sprints at top speed like a thief the moment he's noticed

Mostly peaceful "jogger" LOL

except for the punching part but all the idiots in this thread said that the McMichaels were the Violent ones for trying to commit the crime of citizen's arrest

Apparently it's an act of violence to speak to someone while holding a firearm aimed at the ground

that's why his neighbor Diego went over there with his 911 handgun

I've been around guns my entire life and, for the life of me, I have no idea what the fuck a "911 handgun" is...

everyone in the neighborhood was looking for the criminal who was burglarizing their neighborhood because they'd all seen the videos Larry English was sharing throughout the neighborhood social media pages

How do you know what they'd all seen?

if they saw him walking down the street in front of the Best Buy then pulled up and confronted him and he fled they would chase him

But they wouldn't stop in the first place, dipshit. That's the point.

Or are you one of those people who think that stopping someone for no reason is okay if the person is black?

if he then committed an act of violence it would be reasonable for you to defend yourself

Again, the cops wouldn't stop him in the first place...

I've been coaching at the high school level for over two decades and I always remind my young black athletes to never flee or commits an act of violence when they're accused of wrongdoing


You're a child...
criminals have to be stopped when caught in the act

But Arbury wasn't caught in the act of committing a crime. He was caught in the act of running down the road. The reason he was running, regardless of what it was, was not known the the McMichael's...
He was caught in the act of trepassing hun--------------------and this is after he was caught on tape stealing. He had NO JOB---------and like the rest of the family welfare and criminals records.
How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

You're a fucking idiot.

Seriously, you're fucking brain dead...
they lied to you

*its not your fault

Ok. Proof they were not just standing in the road. I am not sure of the source. Perhaps you can evaluate it for me.

why did Arberry attack the mcmichels??

he ran at 2 men

he ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and ATTACKED

According to your own post the “heroic” McMichaels pursued him didn’t they?

He was followed by another truck working in conjunction with the McMichaels driven by Roddy. You now turn the corner and see the first truck and now one is out of the truck blocking your route. What are you supposed to think? The guy blocking your route is armed with a shotgun. What are his intentions?

We tell women who are being attacked to fight. We tell women to fight their rapists. We tell people if they are in an active shooter situation to hide and if discovered fight. Why?

You are going to die if you do nothing. At least fighting you have a slim chance, but a chance. Doing nothing means you die with a whimper.

Now. What could possibly be your goal here? What is your motivation? It is obviously not to set the record straight. All of your assertions have been disproven. What is left? You can’t be seriously considering the law, or the facts. So what is left?

Either you are a relative of the McMichaels or Roddy. Or you are someone outraged that whites are in jail for killing a black. You are not a cop. You can’t even be a rent a cop with this level of ignorance of the law. So I don’t know what Public Safety experience you have. Perhaps you are a volunteer with some sort of Emergency Management Agency. Or a school crossing guard.

Whatever it is. It is not based in a search for truth or fact.

Criminal Arbary knew he was snagged trespassing and casing the house---so when the men followed him and told him to stop-it certainly was thinking OH SHIT I've been caught how dare the white cops try to stop me from being a criminal...this pretending that this guy wasn't a criminal is crazy.

Oh Lord. Twenty pages in and we have to start all over with Georgia Law. Ok. Fine.

Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no authority to pursue or even tell Arbury to stop. The only person with that authority for your supposed crimes was Larry English or his designated representative. The McMichaels were not designated. Neither were they cops at the time of the incident. Daddy was retired. Mainly because he never finished his training to maintain his certification. An analogy here. If you do not renew your Drivers License you can’t legally drive anymore.

The McMichaels had no authority to perform a Citizens Arrest. That means the attempt was a felony. Trespassing is a misdemeanor. So the McMichaels performed a felony to catch a suspected misdemeanor. If that wasn’t enough they then commit the crime of Aggravated Assault. In Georgia that is where you threaten a person with a gun or other potentially deadly weapon. It is also a Felony. So even if Arbury had stopped the McMichaels were looking at Prison for at least three years.

Now you can not claim self defense while committing crimes. Otherwise every Armed Robbery Suspect would swear it was self defense when they shot the clerk. So Travis can’t claim self defense.

So the charges are appropriate for the Vigilante Trio. And they will almost certainly be convicted and sent to Prison for twenty years, the mandatory minimum by law. Anything above that is at the discretion of the Judge.
nobody threatened him with the gun and nobody took him into custody

It's not illegal by Georgia law to speak to someone while holding your gun that's not even aimed at them and that's all that happened until your criminal hero told his Braveheart Kung Fu theater attack

if you see a man running out of your neighbor's house covered in blood you're allowed to chase him and ask him questions while holding a gun in the low ready position

just because you're the title feeble coward that would let the criminal run away doesn't mean the rest of the nation will and American law is well established in this category

Oprah and LeBron want these three men locked up so there's a very good chance that's what happens even though it would be a miscarriage of American Justice

The problem is you my friend. You are the racist. You change your story every single reply. They were in pursuit. Totally reasonable and under old English law legal to take him into citizens arrest.

Explain to me based on the Georgia BAR standard I posted when they did in fact effect an arrest.

You really are just turtled up. When they and Roddy struck him with their vehicles that was also aggravated assault. The three of them set out to catch a petty thief and ended up committing multiple felonies.
your criminal hero had committed the act of trespass likely burglary attempted carjacking and assault before he was finally shot by Travis McMichael who was sustaining a direct attack on his person at the time of the shooting

you're manic disjointed posting style smacks of someone that is emotionally involved and that's understandable because you're trying to defend a mentally retarded career criminal that got caught in the act

In Georgia. I keep repeating this. Only the victim could claim trespassing. And the victim could do the citizens arrest. Bystanders could not. That was the Winn Dixie decision by the Appeals Court. Remember?

You have to catch the guy in the act. The only thing the McMichaels caught him doing was trying to avoid people committing felonies.

I know. You do not understand this. The lawyers representing the accused certainly do. And that is why they are pointing fingers at each other. It’s his fault not mine. I didn’t do it.
How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

You're a fucking idiot.

Seriously, you're fucking brain dead...
they lied to you

*its not your fault

Ok. Proof they were not just standing in the road. I am not sure of the source. Perhaps you can evaluate it for me.

why did Arberry attack the mcmichels??

he ran at 2 men

he ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and ATTACKED

According to your own post the “heroic” McMichaels pursued him didn’t they?

He was followed by another truck working in conjunction with the McMichaels driven by Roddy. You now turn the corner and see the first truck and now one is out of the truck blocking your route. What are you supposed to think? The guy blocking your route is armed with a shotgun. What are his intentions?

We tell women who are being attacked to fight. We tell women to fight their rapists. We tell people if they are in an active shooter situation to hide and if discovered fight. Why?

You are going to die if you do nothing. At least fighting you have a slim chance, but a chance. Doing nothing means you die with a whimper.

Now. What could possibly be your goal here? What is your motivation? It is obviously not to set the record straight. All of your assertions have been disproven. What is left? You can’t be seriously considering the law, or the facts. So what is left?

Either you are a relative of the McMichaels or Roddy. Or you are someone outraged that whites are in jail for killing a black. You are not a cop. You can’t even be a rent a cop with this level of ignorance of the law. So I don’t know what Public Safety experience you have. Perhaps you are a volunteer with some sort of Emergency Management Agency. Or a school crossing guard.

Whatever it is. It is not based in a search for truth or fact.

Criminal Arbary knew he was snagged trespassing and casing the house---so when the men followed him and told him to stop-it certainly was thinking OH SHIT I've been caught how dare the white cops try to stop me from being a criminal...this pretending that this guy wasn't a criminal is crazy.

Oh Lord. Twenty pages in and we have to start all over with Georgia Law. Ok. Fine.

Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no authority to pursue or even tell Arbury to stop. The only person with that authority for your supposed crimes was Larry English or his designated representative. The McMichaels were not designated. Neither were they cops at the time of the incident. Daddy was retired. Mainly because he never finished his training to maintain his certification. An analogy here. If you do not renew your Drivers License you can’t legally drive anymore.

The McMichaels had no authority to perform a Citizens Arrest. That means the attempt was a felony. Trespassing is a misdemeanor. So the McMichaels performed a felony to catch a suspected misdemeanor. If that wasn’t enough they then commit the crime of Aggravated Assault. In Georgia that is where you threaten a person with a gun or other potentially deadly weapon. It is also a Felony. So even if Arbury had stopped the McMichaels were looking at Prison for at least three years.

Now you can not claim self defense while committing crimes. Otherwise every Armed Robbery Suspect would swear it was self defense when they shot the clerk. So Travis can’t claim self defense.

So the charges are appropriate for the Vigilante Trio. And they will almost certainly be convicted and sent to Prison for twenty years, the mandatory minimum by law. Anything above that is at the discretion of the Judge.
nobody threatened him with the gun and nobody took him into custody

It's not illegal by Georgia law to speak to someone while holding your gun that's not even aimed at them and that's all that happened until your criminal hero told his Braveheart Kung Fu theater attack

if you see a man running out of your neighbor's house covered in blood you're allowed to chase him and ask him questions while holding a gun in the low ready position

just because you're the title feeble coward that would let the criminal run away doesn't mean the rest of the nation will and American law is well established in this category

Oprah and LeBron want these three men locked up so there's a very good chance that's what happens even though it would be a miscarriage of American Justice

The problem is you my friend. You are the racist. You change your story every single reply. They were in pursuit. Totally reasonable and under old English law legal to take him into citizens arrest.

Explain to me based on the Georgia BAR standard I posted when they did in fact effect an arrest.

You really are just turtled up. When they and Roddy struck him with their vehicles that was also aggravated assault. The three of them set out to catch a petty thief and ended up committing multiple felonies.

Sadly, you're spinnin' your wheels here.

Guerilla's either too stupid or too ignorant to accept anything which even slightly resembles common sense...
you guys keep suggesting that it's an act of violence to speak to somebody while holding a shotgun

clearly I'm dealing with some hardcore Street toughs here lol

Context. Context. Standing in the street with your gun will get the cops called. But let’s pretend it is OK. Shouting at someone to stop and get on the ground which Travis and Greg told the cops they did is not merely standing in the street. Idiot.
just a minute ago you were saying it's felony assault to stand in the middle of the street and yell stopped at someone while holding a shotgun pointed at the ground??

good thing he assaulted them before they could commit the crime of citizen's arrest LOL
How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

You're a fucking idiot.

Seriously, you're fucking brain dead...
they lied to you

*its not your fault

Ok. Proof they were not just standing in the road. I am not sure of the source. Perhaps you can evaluate it for me.

why did Arberry attack the mcmichels??

he ran at 2 men

he ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and ATTACKED

According to your own post the “heroic” McMichaels pursued him didn’t they?

He was followed by another truck working in conjunction with the McMichaels driven by Roddy. You now turn the corner and see the first truck and now one is out of the truck blocking your route. What are you supposed to think? The guy blocking your route is armed with a shotgun. What are his intentions?

We tell women who are being attacked to fight. We tell women to fight their rapists. We tell people if they are in an active shooter situation to hide and if discovered fight. Why?

You are going to die if you do nothing. At least fighting you have a slim chance, but a chance. Doing nothing means you die with a whimper.

Now. What could possibly be your goal here? What is your motivation? It is obviously not to set the record straight. All of your assertions have been disproven. What is left? You can’t be seriously considering the law, or the facts. So what is left?

Either you are a relative of the McMichaels or Roddy. Or you are someone outraged that whites are in jail for killing a black. You are not a cop. You can’t even be a rent a cop with this level of ignorance of the law. So I don’t know what Public Safety experience you have. Perhaps you are a volunteer with some sort of Emergency Management Agency. Or a school crossing guard.

Whatever it is. It is not based in a search for truth or fact.

Criminal Arbary knew he was snagged trespassing and casing the house---so when the men followed him and told him to stop-it certainly was thinking OH SHIT I've been caught how dare the white cops try to stop me from being a criminal...this pretending that this guy wasn't a criminal is crazy.

Oh Lord. Twenty pages in and we have to start all over with Georgia Law. Ok. Fine.

Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no authority to pursue or even tell Arbury to stop. The only person with that authority for your supposed crimes was Larry English or his designated representative. The McMichaels were not designated. Neither were they cops at the time of the incident. Daddy was retired. Mainly because he never finished his training to maintain his certification. An analogy here. If you do not renew your Drivers License you can’t legally drive anymore.

The McMichaels had no authority to perform a Citizens Arrest. That means the attempt was a felony. Trespassing is a misdemeanor. So the McMichaels performed a felony to catch a suspected misdemeanor. If that wasn’t enough they then commit the crime of Aggravated Assault. In Georgia that is where you threaten a person with a gun or other potentially deadly weapon. It is also a Felony. So even if Arbury had stopped the McMichaels were looking at Prison for at least three years.

Now you can not claim self defense while committing crimes. Otherwise every Armed Robbery Suspect would swear it was self defense when they shot the clerk. So Travis can’t claim self defense.

So the charges are appropriate for the Vigilante Trio. And they will almost certainly be convicted and sent to Prison for twenty years, the mandatory minimum by law. Anything above that is at the discretion of the Judge.
nobody threatened him with the gun and nobody took him into custody

It's not illegal by Georgia law to speak to someone while holding your gun that's not even aimed at them and that's all that happened until your criminal hero told his Braveheart Kung Fu theater attack

if you see a man running out of your neighbor's house covered in blood you're allowed to chase him and ask him questions while holding a gun in the low ready position

just because you're the title feeble coward that would let the criminal run away doesn't mean the rest of the nation will and American law is well established in this category

Oprah and LeBron want these three men locked up so there's a very good chance that's what happens even though it would be a miscarriage of American Justice

The problem is you my friend. You are the racist. You change your story every single reply. They were in pursuit. Totally reasonable and under old English law legal to take him into citizens arrest.

Explain to me based on the Georgia BAR standard I posted when they did in fact effect an arrest.

You really are just turtled up. When they and Roddy struck him with their vehicles that was also aggravated assault. The three of them set out to catch a petty thief and ended up committing multiple felonies.

Sadly, you're spinnin' your wheels here.

Guerilla's either too stupid or too ignorant to accept anything which even slightly resembles common sense...
you guys keep suggesting that it's an act of violence to speak to somebody while holding a shotgun

clearly I'm dealing with some hardcore Street toughs here lol

Context. Context. Standing in the street with your gun will get the cops called. But let’s pretend it is OK. Shouting at someone to stop and get on the ground which Travis and Greg told the cops they did is not merely standing in the street. Idiot.
just a minute ago you were saying it's felony assault to stand in the middle of the street and yell stopped at someone while holding a shotgun pointed at the ground??

good thing he assaulted them before they could commit the crime of citizen's arrest LOL

They committed that crime too. Telling him to stop and trying to stop him is the arrest. Dunce.
criminals have to be stopped when caught in the act

But Arbury wasn't caught in the act of committing a crime. He was caught in the act of running down the road. The reason he was running, regardless of what it was, was not known the the McMichael's...
He was caught in the act of trepassing hun--------------------and this is after he was caught on tape stealing. He had NO JOB---------and like the rest of the family welfare and criminals records.
Did you see the way he walked into the house but then sprinted like the devil was on his ass the moment he was caught by the neighbor

We should have got that boy on the track and field team LOL just put a used stereo at the finish line
How did they chase a guy down when they were standing in the middle of the street and he was running directly at them?

You're a fucking idiot.

Seriously, you're fucking brain dead...
they lied to you

*its not your fault

Ok. Proof they were not just standing in the road. I am not sure of the source. Perhaps you can evaluate it for me.

why did Arberry attack the mcmichels??

he ran at 2 men

he ran over 30 yards DIRECTLY at them and ATTACKED

According to your own post the “heroic” McMichaels pursued him didn’t they?

He was followed by another truck working in conjunction with the McMichaels driven by Roddy. You now turn the corner and see the first truck and now one is out of the truck blocking your route. What are you supposed to think? The guy blocking your route is armed with a shotgun. What are his intentions?

We tell women who are being attacked to fight. We tell women to fight their rapists. We tell people if they are in an active shooter situation to hide and if discovered fight. Why?

You are going to die if you do nothing. At least fighting you have a slim chance, but a chance. Doing nothing means you die with a whimper.

Now. What could possibly be your goal here? What is your motivation? It is obviously not to set the record straight. All of your assertions have been disproven. What is left? You can’t be seriously considering the law, or the facts. So what is left?

Either you are a relative of the McMichaels or Roddy. Or you are someone outraged that whites are in jail for killing a black. You are not a cop. You can’t even be a rent a cop with this level of ignorance of the law. So I don’t know what Public Safety experience you have. Perhaps you are a volunteer with some sort of Emergency Management Agency. Or a school crossing guard.

Whatever it is. It is not based in a search for truth or fact.

Criminal Arbary knew he was snagged trespassing and casing the house---so when the men followed him and told him to stop-it certainly was thinking OH SHIT I've been caught how dare the white cops try to stop me from being a criminal...this pretending that this guy wasn't a criminal is crazy.

Oh Lord. Twenty pages in and we have to start all over with Georgia Law. Ok. Fine.

Under Georgia Law the McMichaels had no authority to pursue or even tell Arbury to stop. The only person with that authority for your supposed crimes was Larry English or his designated representative. The McMichaels were not designated. Neither were they cops at the time of the incident. Daddy was retired. Mainly because he never finished his training to maintain his certification. An analogy here. If you do not renew your Drivers License you can’t legally drive anymore.

The McMichaels had no authority to perform a Citizens Arrest. That means the attempt was a felony. Trespassing is a misdemeanor. So the McMichaels performed a felony to catch a suspected misdemeanor. If that wasn’t enough they then commit the crime of Aggravated Assault. In Georgia that is where you threaten a person with a gun or other potentially deadly weapon. It is also a Felony. So even if Arbury had stopped the McMichaels were looking at Prison for at least three years.

Now you can not claim self defense while committing crimes. Otherwise every Armed Robbery Suspect would swear it was self defense when they shot the clerk. So Travis can’t claim self defense.

So the charges are appropriate for the Vigilante Trio. And they will almost certainly be convicted and sent to Prison for twenty years, the mandatory minimum by law. Anything above that is at the discretion of the Judge.
nobody threatened him with the gun and nobody took him into custody

It's not illegal by Georgia law to speak to someone while holding your gun that's not even aimed at them and that's all that happened until your criminal hero told his Braveheart Kung Fu theater attack

if you see a man running out of your neighbor's house covered in blood you're allowed to chase him and ask him questions while holding a gun in the low ready position

just because you're the title feeble coward that would let the criminal run away doesn't mean the rest of the nation will and American law is well established in this category

Oprah and LeBron want these three men locked up so there's a very good chance that's what happens even though it would be a miscarriage of American Justice

The problem is you my friend. You are the racist. You change your story every single reply. They were in pursuit. Totally reasonable and under old English law legal to take him into citizens arrest.

Explain to me based on the Georgia BAR standard I posted when they did in fact effect an arrest.

You really are just turtled up. When they and Roddy struck him with their vehicles that was also aggravated assault. The three of them set out to catch a petty thief and ended up committing multiple felonies.

Sadly, you're spinnin' your wheels here.

Guerilla's either too stupid or too ignorant to accept anything which even slightly resembles common sense...
you guys keep suggesting that it's an act of violence to speak to somebody while holding a shotgun

clearly I'm dealing with some hardcore Street toughs here lol

Context. Context. Standing in the street with your gun will get the cops called. But let’s pretend it is OK. Shouting at someone to stop and get on the ground which Travis and Greg told the cops they did is not merely standing in the street. Idiot.
just a minute ago you were saying it's felony assault to stand in the middle of the street and yell stopped at someone while holding a shotgun pointed at the ground??

good thing he assaulted them before they could commit the crime of citizen's arrest LOL

They committed that crime too. Telling him to stop and trying to stop him is the arrest. Dunce.
actually tackling him would have been an arrest but simply verbally instructing someone to stop is not a crime or even an arrest

That law is designed around not letting someone leave a store they're suspected of stealing from dumbass

trying to punch somebody in the throat while you forcibly pulled a gun away from them is a crime and that's the act that escalated and provoked the use of force the cost this mentally retarded Street criminal his life
You've got to read all the YouTube comments to this video

Why? They're absolutely meaningless in the case of Georgia vs. Travis McMichael...

It's rare to find an unedited piece of footage and hopefully one day we'll get to see the unedited footage of him in the house

So what?

Unless Travis McMichael saw Arbury in that house, he had no idea he was there; no reason to chase him...

in this video you can clearly see the neighbor confronting him and he Sprints at top speed like a thief the moment he's noticed

At what time mark does that happen? That video's 22 minutes long. I'm sure your lazy ass has that kinda' time, but I've got better things to do then watch some random video posted by a retard...

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