The painful truth about restraint -Israeli hold down- George Floyd


VIP Member
Dec 1, 2020
The knee on neck restraint is designed specifically to keep a subject's head under control so they can't bite and spit, spread disease or thrash about causing severe facial injury that heavily complicates arrest procedures and post-arrest legal Fallout

The old "Israeli hold down" has been used for millennia but was popularized after American and international officers learned the technique from Israeli Special Forces and police training materials

In fact the Minneapolis Police even visited Israel where they were trained on the technique

The fact is there is no safe way to restrain an individual for any length of time

Individuals are highly variable as fragile Health and or intoxication/overdose can lead to a bad outcome when someone is restrained

In fact animal science has long understood the phenomena of capture myopathy where a perfectly healthy animal dies from a restraint technique even though it was not abused in any way... simply restrained

The simple fact is there is no safe way to restrain someone and when restraint is entered into it must be accepted that there is no guarantee the individual being restrained will not have a bad outcome

A character like George Floyd would have died if he was restrained with a knee on his ass

If we ban the standard Israeli hold down because a couple drug addicts OD'd and had a bad outcome from that position we will eventually reach the point where it's illegal to restrain someone at all

Someone who has taken a lethal dose of of drugs could die running up a flight of stairs so are we going to ban Pursuit as well?

When someone takes a lethal dose of drugs and resist the police their life is simply a roll of the dice and no one can guarantee their safety under any circumstances... once we take away the standard Israeli hold down we will make police much more liable because subjects will be able to thrash about causing severe facial injury to themselves and this will cause a Litany of severe consequences for both law enforcement and the general community

The notion that an arresting officer should get off someone the moment they go limp is also ridiculous and will lead to numerous officer fatalities because 95% of people who go limp are faking and waiting for their opportunity to violently attack the arresting officer

I believe that the wholesale attack on government law enforcement is motivated largely by actors who want to see the American government atrophy and be replaced by private organizations

There are a lot of private for-profit corporations that would like to run critical Human Services for profit and will take a lot of legal liability off the government because they will be able to fire a few people and simply Rebrand their Police Department over and over

There's also the phenomena of crowdfunding where a fallacious narrative can generate billions of dollars for a criminal and their family even though they were 100% at fault and proved so at trial because the money is already safely in the bank long before the 1st juror is seated

as we slowly take away government law enforcement's ability to protect us life will become more and more difficult, dangerous and unpredictable for the citizens.

Private for-profit corporations like Blackwater mercenaries will be able to swoop in and take over the management of law enforcement departments all over the nation and potentially the world because they will offer a make-believe better system and people in their desperation to find a safe way to deal with dangerous criminals will be putty in their hands

Ultimately the United States will atrophy like the Roman Empire and become part of History...

when the history book is written
I wouldn't be surprised if they talk about the George Floyd situation as one of the Lynch pins of America's ultimate demise
The knee on neck restraint is designed specifically to keep a subject's head under control so they can't bite and spit, spread disease or thrash about causing severe facial injury that heavily complicates arrest procedures and post-arrest legal Fallout

The old "Israeli hold down" has been used for millennia but was popularized after American and international officers learned the technique from Israeli Special Forces and police training materials

In fact the Minneapolis Police even visited Israel where they were trained on the technique

The fact is there is no safe way to restrain an individual for any length of time

Individuals are highly variable as fragile Health and or intoxication/overdose can lead to a bad outcome when someone is restrained

In fact animal science has long understood the phenomena of capture myopathy where a perfectly healthy animal dies from a restraint technique even though it was not abused in any way... simply restrained

The simple fact is there is no safe way to restrain someone and when restraint is entered into it must be accepted that there is no guarantee the individual being restrained will not have a bad outcome

A character like George Floyd would have died if he was restrained with a knee on his ass

If we ban the standard Israeli hold down because a couple drug addicts OD'd and had a bad outcome from that position we will eventually reach the point where it's illegal to restrain someone at all

Someone who has taken a lethal dose of of drugs could die running up a flight of stairs so are we going to ban Pursuit as well?

When someone takes a lethal dose of drugs and resist the police their life is simply a roll of the dice and no one can guarantee their safety under any circumstances... once we take away the standard Israeli hold down we will make police much more liable because subjects will be able to thrash about causing severe facial injury to themselves and this will cause a Litany of severe consequences for both law enforcement and the general community

The notion that an arresting officer should get off someone the moment they go limp is also ridiculous and will lead to numerous officer fatalities because 95% of people who go limp are faking and waiting for their opportunity to violently attack the arresting officer

I believe that the wholesale attack on government law enforcement is motivated largely by actors who want to see the American government atrophy and be replaced by private organizations

There are a lot of private for-profit corporations that would like to run critical Human Services for profit and will take a lot of legal liability off the government because they will be able to fire a few people and simply Rebrand their Police Department over and over

There's also the phenomena of crowdfunding where a fallacious narrative can generate billions of dollars for a criminal and their family even though they were 100% at fault and proved so at trial because the money is already safely in the bank long before the 1st juror is seated

as we slowly take away government law enforcement's ability to protect us life will become more and more difficult, dangerous and unpredictable for the citizens.

Private for-profit corporations like Blackwater mercenaries will be able to swoop in and take over the management of law enforcement departments all over the nation and potentially the world because they will offer a make-believe better system and people in their desperation to find a safe way to deal with dangerous criminals will be putty in their hands

Ultimately the United States will atrophy like the Roman Empire and become part of History...

when the history book is written
I wouldn't be surprised if they talk about the George Floyd situation as one of the Lynch pins of America's ultimate demise

if you want to fight with better not be on hard drugs that have weakened your body horribly
Still trying to figure out why any of you think Chauvin is worth defending. He killed someone while in custody while wearing the uniform of a public servant. Flush the worthless piece of shit and hope his replacement does not further degrade the public trust in law enforcement.
The knee on neck restraint is designed specifically to keep a subject's head under control so they can't bite and spit, spread disease or thrash about causing severe facial injury that heavily complicates arrest procedures and post-arrest legal Fallout

The old "Israeli hold down" has been used for millennia but was popularized after American and international officers learned the technique from Israeli Special Forces and police training materials

In fact the Minneapolis Police even visited Israel where they were trained on the technique

The fact is there is no safe way to restrain an individual for any length of time

Individuals are highly variable as fragile Health and or intoxication/overdose can lead to a bad outcome when someone is restrained

In fact animal science has long understood the phenomena of capture myopathy where a perfectly healthy animal dies from a restraint technique even though it was not abused in any way... simply restrained

The simple fact is there is no safe way to restrain someone and when restraint is entered into it must be accepted that there is no guarantee the individual being restrained will not have a bad outcome

A character like George Floyd would have died if he was restrained with a knee on his ass

If we ban the standard Israeli hold down because a couple drug addicts OD'd and had a bad outcome from that position we will eventually reach the point where it's illegal to restrain someone at all

Someone who has taken a lethal dose of of drugs could die running up a flight of stairs so are we going to ban Pursuit as well?

When someone takes a lethal dose of drugs and resist the police their life is simply a roll of the dice and no one can guarantee their safety under any circumstances... once we take away the standard Israeli hold down we will make police much more liable because subjects will be able to thrash about causing severe facial injury to themselves and this will cause a Litany of severe consequences for both law enforcement and the general community

The notion that an arresting officer should get off someone the moment they go limp is also ridiculous and will lead to numerous officer fatalities because 95% of people who go limp are faking and waiting for their opportunity to violently attack the arresting officer

I believe that the wholesale attack on government law enforcement is motivated largely by actors who want to see the American government atrophy and be replaced by private organizations

There are a lot of private for-profit corporations that would like to run critical Human Services for profit and will take a lot of legal liability off the government because they will be able to fire a few people and simply Rebrand their Police Department over and over

There's also the phenomena of crowdfunding where a fallacious narrative can generate billions of dollars for a criminal and their family even though they were 100% at fault and proved so at trial because the money is already safely in the bank long before the 1st juror is seated

as we slowly take away government law enforcement's ability to protect us life will become more and more difficult, dangerous and unpredictable for the citizens.

Private for-profit corporations like Blackwater mercenaries will be able to swoop in and take over the management of law enforcement departments all over the nation and potentially the world because they will offer a make-believe better system and people in their desperation to find a safe way to deal with dangerous criminals will be putty in their hands

Ultimately the United States will atrophy like the Roman Empire and become part of History...

when the history book is written
I wouldn't be surprised if they talk about the George Floyd situation as one of the Lynch pins of America's ultimate demise

Makes sense.
Still trying to figure out why any of you think Chauvin is worth defending. He killed someone while in custody while wearing the uniform of a public servant. Flush the worthless piece of shit and hope his replacement does not further degrade the public trust in law enforcement.
1. he was not trying to kill him
--unlike Floyd who CHOSE to rob a pregnant woman, etc, cops are CALLED/ordered to go to where these jackass criminals are
2. you people are so fked up!!!!!!!!!!! most people do not want rogue cops out there killing people for no reason ON PURPOSE..white or black [ even though when a criminal is dead, that's GOOD for the community ]
= we are saying it wasn't MURDER!! /etc -RACE was not involved/etc
--all explained in my thread on the myth of police brutality

..brutality is the ex-footballer MURDERING white CHILDREN
brutality is the BLACK man beating 2 whites to death with a BAT
etc etc
You don't have to sit on someone's neck to restrain them.
yes you do
you people are so PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris and James Bond all in one-----you would do everything PERFECT!!
STFU--you are NOT perfect----you would shit in your pants if you had to deal with these jackass criminals that resist and ATTACK cops
The Floyd case is fraught with a ton of grey areas. That's why we have involuntary manslaughter charges!
Any guilty verdict beyond this in this case would be a miscarriage of Justice.
Jewish restraint hold lol

Jews or Nazis. It had to be one or the other to blame. :laughing0301:

Still trying to figure out why any of you think Chauvin is worth defending. He killed someone while in custody while wearing the uniform of a public servant. Flush the worthless piece of shit and hope his replacement does not further degrade the public trust in law enforcement.
He is defended because law breakers arent pretty and law enforcement can be really ugly
Don’t want that, don’t be a criminal. Try and see the world thru lawful eyes rather than weepy, excuse laden ones.!
You don't have to sit on someone's neck to restrain them.
yes you do

No, you don't. It seems like more/better training would save police officers a lot of headaches and legal troubles later on. Of course, that's easier said than done.
hahahhahahahhah--you people--I've been over this many times--AND you don't get what I just posted:
1.these are dynamic situations between humans--the humans [ criminals ] that are very IRRATIONAL/dumb/violent
you can't train for EVERY situation
--it's like combat, you can train 24/7 and still you can't be ready for the REAL situation [ this is not TV or the movies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ]
2. pilots are trained very well, paid well,they are very intelligent, etc--yet they kill HUNDREDS of innocent people sometimes
etc etc--all explained before in my thread
Still trying to figure out why any of you think Chauvin is worth defending. He killed someone while in custody while wearing the uniform of a public servant. Flush the worthless piece of shit and hope his replacement does not further degrade the public trust in law enforcement.
1. he was not trying to kill him
--unlike Floyd who CHOSE to rob a pregnant woman, etc, cops are CALLED/ordered to go to where these jackass criminals are
2. you people are so fked up!!!!!!!!!!! most people do not want rogue cops out there killing people for no reason ON PURPOSE..white or black [ even though when a criminal is dead, that's GOOD for the community ]
= we are saying it wasn't MURDER!! /etc -RACE was not involved/etc
--all explained in my thread on the myth of police brutality

..brutality is the ex-footballer MURDERING white CHILDREN
brutality is the BLACK man beating 2 whites to death with a BAT
etc etc
I wonder how long you would last with some cop's knee on your neck? As shitty as you are I would still blame the cop for choking the life out of you.
Still trying to figure out why any of you think Chauvin is worth defending. He killed someone while in custody while wearing the uniform of a public servant. Flush the worthless piece of shit and hope his replacement does not further degrade the public trust in law enforcement.
1. he was not trying to kill him
--unlike Floyd who CHOSE to rob a pregnant woman, etc, cops are CALLED/ordered to go to where these jackass criminals are
2. you people are so fked up!!!!!!!!!!! most people do not want rogue cops out there killing people for no reason ON PURPOSE..white or black [ even though when a criminal is dead, that's GOOD for the community ]
= we are saying it wasn't MURDER!! /etc -RACE was not involved/etc
--all explained in my thread on the myth of police brutality

..brutality is the ex-footballer MURDERING white CHILDREN
brutality is the BLACK man beating 2 whites to death with a BAT
etc etc
I wonder how long you would last with some cop's knee on your neck? As shitty as you are I would still blame the cop for choking the life out of you.
See thinkers keep themselves out of jackpots. The “how would you feel” has an Easy answer. Don’t be a violent criminal. You emotional libs need to quit projecting yourself into the criminal.
Still trying to figure out why any of you think Chauvin is worth defending. He killed someone while in custody while wearing the uniform of a public servant. Flush the worthless piece of shit and hope his replacement does not further degrade the public trust in law enforcement.
1. he was not trying to kill him
--unlike Floyd who CHOSE to rob a pregnant woman, etc, cops are CALLED/ordered to go to where these jackass criminals are
2. you people are so fked up!!!!!!!!!!! most people do not want rogue cops out there killing people for no reason ON PURPOSE..white or black [ even though when a criminal is dead, that's GOOD for the community ]
= we are saying it wasn't MURDER!! /etc -RACE was not involved/etc
--all explained in my thread on the myth of police brutality

..brutality is the ex-footballer MURDERING white CHILDREN
brutality is the BLACK man beating 2 whites to death with a BAT
etc etc
I wonder how long you would last with some cop's knee on your neck? As shitty as you are I would still blame the cop for choking the life out of you.
1. I'm not stupid enough to get in that situation!!!!!!!!!!!
2. blame the cop for protecting the community????!!! = IDIOCY--
.that's why the black culture is self destructive and their communities are shitholes = love crimianls - hate law-order
3. plain and simple--he was trying to restrain a jackass/irrational/VIOLENT criminal

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