the palestinians are without honor thus without freedom

For me the issue is the brilliance of the archaeologists who are now finding so many clues to our past.

Our past collectively. I am enthralled on a day to day basis.

I hope politics can really be put aside one day and we embrace what they find. I'm doing a war woop out here continually.

Awesome, just awesome what they are finding.


Quote: Originally Posted by HotDogg
You douchers think that because you were somewhere 3000 years ago that you can come back and forcebly take the land back and that no one should be mad. Ok. Nutbars. Check.

Don't they have schools in poor neighborhoods for you to open a history book?

Jews have lived in Israel CONTINUOUSLY for the past 3000 years. Jews are the ONLY People to have established a nation in Israel for 3 millenia.

You are really dumb even for a mental defective.

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Writer Charles Krauthammer...
Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store.

Nobel Prize-Winning Winston Churchill for Historical Literature...
It is manifestly right that the Jews should have a national centre and a National Home...And where else could that be but in this land of Palestine, with which for more than 3,000 years they have been intimately and profoundly associated?

Eminent Historian Sir Martin Gilbert...
1000 AD: Jews take part in the defence of Haifa against the Crusades

1099:AD: Jews take part in thedefence of Jerusalem against the Crusaders

1211: Several Rabbis from France and England settle in Israel

1267: Maimonides arrives and establishes a synagogue in Israel. During the next 500 years, Jerusalem is reinstated as a centre of Jewish learning.

In 1500, there were an estimated 10,000 Jews living in the Safed region

1563: Establishment of a Hebrew printing press, the first printing press on the Asian Continent

By 1880 the Jews formed the majority of the population Jerusalem

Jewish villages in Israel 1855--1914...

Zikhron Yacov
Mikveh Israel
Rishon le-Zion
Ben Shemen
Kfar Uriya
Nes Ziona
Beer Yaakov
Nahalat Yehuda
Mahane Yehuda
Ein Ganim
Petah Tikvah
Kfar Sava
Kfar Mahal
Gan Shmuel
Givat Ada
Bat Shelomo
Beit Gan
Kfar Tova
Kfar Hittim
Bnei Yehuda
Mishmar Hayarden
Ayelet Hashashar
Ein Zeitim

One of my two fave moments. Someone trying to tell me Hamas was secular organization hehehehehe and someone else trying to tell me Jews had no right to the Temple Mount.


Somedays life is just so funny.
You douchers think that because you were somewhere 3000 years ago that you can come back and forcebly take the land back and that no one should be mad. Ok. Nutbars. Check.

So basically the Palestinians claim that they were there first is also rubbish than, right?:doubt:

Doesn't matter who was there first, it's the people who were there when all crap hit the fan after WWII and they got their land taken and sent to camps.

You are saying it doesn't matter who was there first, but it matters who was there in the 1940's?:cuckoo:
I traveled the middle east for 10 years and the Palestinians are universally despised by all the Arab countries. The problem is that the hate the Jews more and are hoping that the two factions will wipe each other out. Saudi Arabia and Jordon have 80% of the Palestinian population live in those two countries and they will not raise a hand to help them.
So basically the Palestinians claim that they were there first is also rubbish than, right?:doubt:

Doesn't matter who was there first, it's the people who were there when all crap hit the fan after WWII and they got their land taken and sent to camps.

You are saying it doesn't matter who was there first, but it matters who was there in the 1940's?:cuckoo:

Those who were citizens of the area when the state of Palestine was created in 1922 and those who became citizens after that time are the legal citizens of Palestine.
Doesn't matter who was there first, it's the people who were there when all crap hit the fan after WWII and they got their land taken and sent to camps.

You are saying it doesn't matter who was there first, but it matters who was there in the 1940's?:cuckoo:

Those who were citizens of the area when the state of Palestine was created in 1922 and those who became citizens after that time are the legal citizens of Palestine.

"Palestine" was invented by Europeans. The correct historical geographic name of the land is Israel, where Jews have lived and ruled for 3000 years.

Can you provide archaeological evidence of any Palestiniain civilization in Israel? No, I didn't think so.

Harvard Semitic Museum: The Houses of Ancient Israel
In archaeological terms The Houses of Ancient Israel: Domestic, Royal, Divine focuses on the Iron Age (1200-586 B.C.E.). Iron I (1200-1000 B.C.E.) represents the premonarchical period. Iron II (1000-586 B.C.E.) was the time of kings. Uniting the tribal coalitions of Israel and Judah in the tenth century B.C.E., David and Solomon ruled over an expanding realm. After Solomon's death (c. 930 B.C.E.) Israel and Judah separated into two kingdoms.

Israel was led at times by strong kings, Omri and Ahab in the ninth century B.C.E. and Jereboam II in the eighth. The Houses of Ancient Israel § Semitic Museum
I traveled the middle east for 10 years and the Palestinians are universally despised by all the Arab countries. The problem is that the hate the Jews more and are hoping that the two factions will wipe each other out. Saudi Arabia and Jordon have 80% of the Palestinian population live in those two countries and they will not raise a hand to help them.

Wall Street Journal: "The Arab World's Dirty Secret".
As Israelis and Palestinians prepare to visit Washington next week to begin direct peace talks, it's worth recalling what refugees the Palestinians are—in Arab countries.

Last week, Lebanon's parliament amended a clause in a 1946 law that had been used to bar the 400,000 Palestinians living in the country from taking any but the most menial jobs. "I was born in Lebanon and I have never known Palestine," the AP quoted one 45-year-old Palestinian who works as a cab driver. "We want to live like Lebanese. We are human beings and we need civil rights."

The dirty little secret of the Arab world is that it has consistently treated Palestinians living in its midst with contempt and often violence. In 1970, Jordan expelled thousands of Palestinian militants after Yasser Arafat attempted a coup against King Hussein. In 1991, Kuwait expelled some 400,000 Palestinians working in the country as punishment for Arafat's support for Saddam Hussein in the first Gulf War.

For six decades, Palestinians have been forced by Arab governments to live in often squalid conditions so that they could serve as propaganda tools against Israel, even as millions of refugees elsewhere have been repatriated and absorbed by their host countries. This month's vote still falls short of giving Palestinian Lebanese the rights they deserve, including citizenship. But it's a reminder of the cynicism of so much Arab pro-Palestinian propaganda, and the credulity of those who fall for it.


Here at BMFI, we do not believe the Arab-Israeli conflict is a war over land or religion, but it is a clash of ideas. Israel, as a Western liberal democracy, extends equal rights to all of its citizens, regardless of religion or race. Muslims have more rights in Israel than in any other country in the Middle East.

While Egypt guns down Sudanese refugees fleeing the murderous oppression of their government, Israel gives them home and shelter; while Lebanon denies Palestinian refugees access to healthcare, Israel provides emergency treatment for the residents of the West Bank and Gaza strip; while Syria keeps the Palestinians in refugee camps and sporadically slaughters them, Israel offered full citizenship to all its Palestinians after the Arab states attempted to destroy Israel and slaughter its Holocaust survivors in 1948.

British Muslims for Israel

Maybe, that's why Pallies want to be Israelis...

Washington Post: Why Palestinians Want To Be Israelis
One of the givens of the Middle East peace process is that Palestinians are eager to be free of rule by Israel and to live in a state of their own. That's why a new poll of the Arabs of East Jerusalem is striking: It shows that more of those people actually would prefer to be citizens of Israel than of a Palestinian state.

The awkward fact is that the 270,000 Arabs who live in East Jerusalem may not be very enthusiastic about joining Palestine. The survey, which was designed and supervised by former State Department Middle East researcher David Pollock, found that only 30 percent said they would prefer to be citizens of Palestine in a two-state solution, while 35 percent said they would choose Israeli citizenship. (The rest said they didn't know or refused to answer.) Forty percent said they would consider moving to another neighborhood in order to become a citizen of Israel rather than Palestine, and 54 percent said that if their neighborhood were assigned to Israel, they would not move to Palestine.

The reasons for these attitudes are pretty understandable, even healthy. Arabs say they prefer Israel's jobs, schools, health care and welfare benefits to those of a Palestinian state -- and their nationalism is not strong enough for them to set aside these advantages in order to live in an Arab country.

PostPartisan - Why Palestinians want to be Israeli citizens
While many Americans may believe that US policies are designed to address American needs, America’s new Ambassador to Israel explains that this is far from the case.

In a recent speech before the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI), Ambassador Daniel Shapiro clarified what drives US policies: "The test of every policy the Administration develops in the Middle East is whether it is consistent with the goal of ensuring Israel’s future as a secure, Jewish, democratic state. That is a commitment that runs as a common thread through our entire government."
While many Americans may believe that US policies are designed to address American needs, America’s new Ambassador to Israel explains that this is far from the case.

In a recent speech before the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI), Ambassador Daniel Shapiro clarified what drives US policies: "The test of every policy the Administration develops in the Middle East is whether it is consistent with the goal of ensuring Israel’s future as a secure, Jewish, democratic state. That is a commitment that runs as a common thread through our entire government."

Er, it's American foreign policy to support democracies around the world. You're so stupid, it's not even funny, but, we still laugh :lol:

When might your bankrupt socialist shithole spain become a democracy, like America and Israel, twat?:clap2:
Can you look into that in-between blowing touristas?

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton...
On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I am delighted to send best wishes to the people of Israel on your 63rd National Day this May 10 – a young nation, but a rich history that holds deep meaning for so many. Your achievements are a testament to your hardworking citizens, innovative economy, and commitment to democratic institutions. Israel has been a beacon of hope and freedom for so many around the world.

Sixty-three years ago the United States was the first country to recognize Israel's independence, and that spirit of kinship continues to guide us today. Our two countries are united by a deep, unshakable friendship and bond. We are bound together by our shared values and history pursuing freedom, equality and democracy. And this relationship is deepening every day. Whether it’s our security partnerships or the expanding economic and trade collaborations – our work together is securing a brighter future for all our people.

As you celebrate your independence, the Middle East is experiencing rapid change. This is a moment of uncertainty, but also of opportunity. The security of Israel is - and will remain - a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy, and we will continue to strive for a comprehensive peace between Israel and all of its neighbors.
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Er, it's American foreign policy to support democracies around the world.

Actually, the reality is that the US supports all sides of the fences: communists, dictatorships, democracies and theocracies, they're not that picky whom they deal with.
Er, it's American foreign policy to support democracies around the world.

Actually, the reality is that the US supports all sides of the fences: communists, dictatorships, democracies and theocracies, they're not that picky whom they deal with.

Pay attention, stupid little boy. It's US foreign policy to support democracies like Israel.

If you make it to junior high school, you will learn.

Now, go to the sandbox.
Er, it's American foreign policy to support democracies around the world.

Actually, the reality is that the US supports all sides of the fences: communists, dictatorships, democracies and theocracies, they're not that picky whom they deal with.

It's US foreign policy to support democracies like Israel.

So I guess the US never supported the shah of iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, East Germany, Poland...
Actually, the reality is that the US supports all sides of the fences: communists, dictatorships, democracies and theocracies, they're not that picky whom they deal with.

It's US foreign policy to support democracies like Israel.

So I guess the US never supported the shah of iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, East Germany, Poland...

I guess you're a naive twit. I guessed correctly. :clap2:
I don't recall reading of either Ghandi or Mandela ever picking up a firearm or even a single stone, yet they each had a much more profound impact on the world than any religion could ever hope.

Why does something so simple as living have to be contorted by so much dying?

The only impact Islam wants on the world is complete domination. No education, no literacy, no productivity, no scientific research, no industrial development. Mahomet was an ignorant pedophile and mass murderer and his cult, today, is comprised of the same ignorant followers as 1400 years ago.
In historic times all Western Asia (see below), with the exception of the peninsula of Asia Minor, was Semitic. From the philological point of view the Semitic peoples are divided into four chief Babylonian-Assyrian Semites (East Semites), Chanaanitic Semites, (West Semites), Aramaic Semites (North Semites), and Arabian Semites (South Semites). The last-named group is divided into North and South Arabians, of which last the Abyssinians are a branch


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