The Palestinians don't want peace, they want capitulation


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
Been a while since I stepped foot in the I/P forum, I've read the three strikes policy. So be nice.

With that out of the way...

Palestine is not interested in peace, just the capitulation of the Israelis. As Trump gets ready to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, Mahmoud Abbas warns that this would "undermine any chance of restarting the peace talks." Well, let me tell you something, that concern is hollow. He doesn't care. Abbas' is no more interested in peace talks than North Korea is in stopping its nuclear weapons program.

Oh the irony.
Yawn, the zionists don't want peace and never have. They want a Jewish state and pretend that it is they who speak for the Jewish people which is patently ridiculous.

This capital/embassy drama further illustrates my point as it is designed to incite the entire Muslim world.

Israel is the Jewish state.

Israel is the zionist state and the greatest danger to the Jewish people. As I have asked before, find me a well respected rabbi (or any rabbi) prior to zionism who even discussed using force to take land.
Been a while since I stepped foot in the I/P forum, I've read the three strikes policy. So be nice.

With that out of the way...

Palestine is not interested in peace, just the capitulation of the Israelis. As Trump gets ready to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, Mahmoud Abbas warns that this would "undermine any chance of restarting the peace talks." Well, let me tell you something, that concern is hollow. He doesn't care. Abbas' is no more interested in peace talks than North Korea is in stopping its nuclear weapons program.

Oh the irony.
Both Israelis and Palestinians want capitulation. It’s a symptom of religious madness.
Been a while since I stepped foot in the I/P forum, I've read the three strikes policy. So be nice.

With that out of the way...

Palestine is not interested in peace, just the capitulation of the Israelis. As Trump gets ready to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, Mahmoud Abbas warns that this would "undermine any chance of restarting the peace talks." Well, let me tell you something, that concern is hollow. He doesn't care. Abbas' is no more interested in peace talks than North Korea is in stopping its nuclear weapons program.

Oh the irony.
Both Israelis and Palestinians want capitulation. It’s a symptom of religious madness.

Israel wants to be left alone, Palestine wants them driven into the sea. One side is driven solely by religious zealotry, the other isn't. You can guess which ones I'm referring to.
Been a while since I stepped foot in the I/P forum, I've read the three strikes policy. So be nice.

With that out of the way...

Palestine is not interested in peace, just the capitulation of the Israelis. As Trump gets ready to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, Mahmoud Abbas warns that this would "undermine any chance of restarting the peace talks." Well, let me tell you something, that concern is hollow. He doesn't care. Abbas' is no more interested in peace talks than North Korea is in stopping its nuclear weapons program.

Oh the irony.
Both Israelis and Palestinians want capitulation. It’s a symptom of religious madness.

Israel wants to be left alone, Palestine wants them driven into the sea. One side is driven solely by religious zealotry, the other isn't. You can guess which ones I'm referring to.

Both sides are driven by religious zealotry. Just the other day, a daughter of a holocaust survivor was denied cotizenship in Israel because she couldn’t prove her father was Jewish instead of Christian.

Religious madness. They need to be left alone to hash it out, and the U.S. needs to stop sending both sides money.
Both sides are driven by religious zealotry. Just the other day, a daughter of a holocaust survivor was denied cotizenship in Israel because she couldn’t prove her father was Jewish instead of Christian.

Religious madness. They need to be left alone to hash it out, and the U.S. needs to stop sending both sides money.
I truly resent them calling their theocracy a democracy, really poor taste.
Both sides are driven by religious zealotry. Just the other day, a daughter of a holocaust survivor was denied cotizenship in Israel because she couldn’t prove her father was Jewish instead of Christian.

Religious madness. They need to be left alone to hash it out, and the U.S. needs to stop sending both sides money.
I truly resent them calling their theocracy a democracy, really poor taste.
Honestly, I wouldn’t care what they called it if the U.S. hadn’t somehow bamboozled itself into taking part in that religious nonsense.
Yawn, the zionists don't want peace and never have. They want a Jewish state and pretend that it is they who speak for the Jewish people which is patently ridiculous.

This capital/embassy drama further illustrates my point as it is designed to incite the entire Muslim world.

Yep. This nicely sums up the entire conflict:

The Jewish people want a Jewish State. THE HORROR! A Jewish State is incompatible with peace because it will incite the entire Muslim world for a Jewish State to exist. I wonder why they aren't freaking out about Catalonia?
The horror is where the zionists want their state. Herzl wanted Kenya in a large unpopulated area. Actually unpopulated, not the land without a people crapola. While the zionists would have had as much right to that land as Palestine, it still would have been the more prudent choice.
I know, right?! Wanting your state on your own historical homeland! The Horror! The Nerve!
I know, right?! Wanting your state on your own historical homeland! The Horror! The Nerve!
As explained multiple times, the zionists do not speak for the Jewish people. As proof, you might show me even one time in history, prior to zionism where any of our well respected rabbis even suggested taking land by force.

I have asked you and others this several times. Only the crickets have answered and I know why.
I know, right?! Wanting your state on your own historical homeland! The Horror! The Nerve!
You better hope the Christians don't ever want to make a state on their own historical homeland

My friend, have you not heard of the Crusades?
Yeah. The pinnacle of religious madness.
Then you'll know that it was an attempt by Christians to make a state on their own historical homelands.

Anyhow, you're trying to impugn religion here, I on the other hand am speaking of Trump's decision to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, in recognition of the latter being the capitol of Israel, whilst noting the irony of the Palestinian president's concern for peace knowing full well that's not what he wants.

If you want to preach on the ills of religion, please make your way to the religion forum...
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Then you'll know that it was an attempt by Christians to make a state on their own historical homelands.

Yeah and they were defeated by Muslims. And Muslims took a whole bunch of land elsewhere while Christians were fighting for a tiny strip of barren desert wasteland.

I don't care who controls that irrelevant strip of nonsense. I want the U.S. to pull out of there, and I want the Middle East's oil to lose value as fast as possible.

Moving the capital and embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? That's the U.S. involving itself even more than it is already in a giant pile of shit.

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