The Palin Brawl

When did this "supposedly" take place?

how can they be at a snowmobile gathering when it's the middle of the summer?
It doesn't matter. If Track or whatever the son/brother's name is decides to get in a fight with everyone who ever got banged or blown by his sisters or mom it's going to be happening a lot.
His qualifications were that he was a US citizen over the age of 35.
Above that, the American people considered him to be a better option than what Republicans were offering

Why can't you guys get over it?

I'm over it, y'all are the ones keeping Palin in the news.
The Palin's keep themselves in the news. Any former governor, VP candidate, TV reality personality, or celebrity of any kind who would show up at a neighbors party and get involved in a drunken bloody brawl would be in the news. The Palin's just happen to do a lot of comical stupid stuff.
His qualifications were that he was a US citizen over the age of 35.
Above that, the American people considered him to be a better option than what Republicans were offering

Why can't you guys get over it?

I'm over it, y'all are the ones keeping Palin in the news.

She seems to be doing a pretty good job of it herself
they have nothing else. gotta hate on someone

it's a sad thing to watch
Nobody forces Sarah Palin to crudely insult people with her low class trash speech and aggressive attacks on Americans that disagree with her. It's wonderful to watch American's dish back some of what she serves. And it's funny to watch too. Supporters like you whining is just a bonus.
they have nothing else. gotta hate on someone

it's a sad thing to watch
Nobody forces Sarah Palin to crudely insult people with her low class trash speech and aggressive attacks on Americans that disagree with her. It's wonderful to watch American's dish back some of what she serves. And it's funny to watch too. Supporters like you whining is just a bonus.
It's not so much trashing her as holding up a mirror
Sure, it's not like you little Goebbels would outright lie to slander and libel those you hate.

I mean, a BLOGGER claims it happened, good enough for demagogues.

BTW, a blogger says they say Barack Obama sucking the cocks of hobos in a DC Greyhound station.

Both stories have the same level of credibility.
lots of witnesses, the owner of the house says it's true...

but your'e right. completely the same thing as what you're talking about.

As she holds no public office, this isn't big news. Nor surprising. Remember her comment about why she married? "Just LOOK at HIM"! Superficial is too deep for SP.

But to think that she just might have been VP? Or worse, still, many conservatives wanted her to run for President.......YIKES!:eek:

what we are dealing with is a subculture of less then intelligent people who are are primarily fundamentalist christian and uneducated bitter white yahoos who think opinion is fact, Those are who her biggest fans and supporters are , They see her as one of them. Even her own party sees her as an embarrasment
And that is what all our Sarah supporters miss . Palin is an embarrassment to most republicans seeking higher office. They want nothing to do with her

This incident is one of the reasons why

Yes instead of her going back to Alaska after the defeat, then finishing out the term as GOV then maybe running for congress and learning more, she went home quit and acts like a 15 year old white trash kid
oh I see people are fabricating videos now :uhoh3::rofl::tinfoil:

Al the time, Batshit.

And let's face it, you demagogues are known for creating false evidence to slander those you hate.

{Also referred to as "memogate," Rathergate is the scandal surrounding the 60 Minutes II story aired on CBS in 2004 about George W. Bush's National Guard service. Memos providing the basis for many of the claims in the report were supposedly created in 1973 and found in the files of the late Lieutenant Colonel Jerry B. Killian. Bloggers and blog readers investigated the suspicious looking documents which were made available to the public on the CBS website and found them to almost certainly be poor forgeries created on a modern era word processor. Four CBS employees lost their jobs over the report. Dan Rather famously defended the report, claiming the memos might be "fake, but accurate" and later went into early retirement.}

Rathergate - MediaMythBusters

Hey, you're frauds and liars, which is important for you duty as a demagogue, Herr Goebbels.

Any wonder why you people are laughed at and Mocked

Eyewitness comes forward on ‘Palin brawl’

A person who was there and gives his name

"Eric Thompson was having fun with friends and his wife at a party in South Anchorage on Saturday night. Thompson, who is 56 years old, was the designated driver for the evening, so he wasn’t drinking. But that was okay with him. He was among friends. It was a birthday party for twins Matt and Marc McKenna, who own McKenna Bros Paving, for whom he works as a project supervisor. Marc is an Iron Dog snow machine racer. Other snow machine racers were said to have been there also.

The party was at Korey Klingenmeyer’s house, who is the office manger at McKenna Bros. According to Thompson, Klingenmeyer is a very large, muscular guy, “super easy going, and super friendly.”

Most of the party was outside. A live band was playing. People were dancing. Thompson noticed two girls wearing sunglasses walking with an unusual amount of confidence around the yard. He only noticed them because of the sunglasses. That was odd, because it was at night. His wife told him it was Bristol and Willow Palin. “Does she think she’s Marilyn Monroe?” he said to his wife about Bristol.

Todd and Sarah were there also. Todd races in the Iron Dog. According to another witness, Palin wore platform high-tops with the American flag emblazoned on them. Track Palin was there and so was Bristol’s son, Tripp.

They had all pulled up earlier in the evening in a stretch Hummer limo. It was also Todd’s 50thbirthday.

He, along with the McKenna brothers and Klingenmeyer’s son, who was also celebrating a birthday, were brought in front of the band. Everyone sang Happy Birthday.

It wasn’t long after that things started going horribly wrong, according to Thompson and a handful of others interviewed for this story. Screams erupted. Profanities spewed. Fists flew. The Anchorage Police Department was called. The APD released a statement on Thursday, confirming that multiple people were involved in the fight. “However, at the time of the incident, none of the involved parties wanted to press charges and no arrests were made. However, the case is still an active investigation and is being reviewed by APD and the Municipal Prosecutors Office. Alcohol was believed to have been a factor in the incident. Some of the Palin family members were in attendance at the party,” the statement said.

As I had reported a few days ago, multiple accounts say that it started when Track confronted Willow’s former boyfriend, Conner Cleary, who was there with his father Steve and his mother Melissa. Thompson didn’t see this part, but other witnesses, who didn’t want to be named, say that Conner and Track fought on the front yard. Steve tried to break it up. Todd jumped into the mix and began to choke Steve.

After that ended, Conner, Steve, and Melissa Cleary huddled together close to Thompson, who spotted Bristol and Willow from a distance, walking straight towards them with purpose.

“They were on a b-line, coming straight at Melissa,” Thompson said.

The owner of the house, Klingenmeyer, was trying to head them off at the pass. He approached them and told them to leave. Bristol, according to Thompson and other witnesses, planted her feet, “stood straight up, brought her arm back and cold-cocked him right in the face,” Thompson said."

Eyewitness comes forward on 8216 Palin brawl 8217 Amanda Coyne

My goodness!

I hadn't thought liberals fear of a new presidential run would last this long. They surely are much more afraid than anyone might have imagined! Afraid that, in 2016, a woman capable of putting up a fight would replace their girly apologist!
My goodness!

I hadn't thought liberals fear of a new presidential run would last this long. They surely are much more afraid than anyone might have imagined! Afraid that, in 2016, a woman capable of putting up a fight would replace their girly apologist!

Not to worry tomorrow you get to thump our bible and speak in tongues like sista' Sahara
We have no fear that Sarah is going to run. There is not enough money in it.
Sarah could not get elected dog catcher

Her political career is over but she is milking the political troll routine for as much as she can get

Odd choice of spokeswoman by conservatives

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