The Palin Brawl

Okay ... look at the links to legit news sources and prove they're lying.

You won't even try.

You do this all the time. Yu say something really dumb and when asked for PROOF, you tuck your tail between your legs and POOF!, you're gone.

Face it. They're trailer trash and they got caught.

They may or may not be trash, I don't know. This behavior is not confined to a certain income or lifestyle. A drunken brawl with nobody pressing charges? That's not even approaching the very high-dollar party Ray Lewis threw for the Super Bowl in Atlanta (someone got shot there). Paris Hilton is a few standard deviations away from middle class but she's certainly trash (and her parties get violent too). Heck, even the Kennedys were known to party down on Martha's Vineyard.

I've read quite a few of the legitimate news links and they all point back to the same source and the Anchorage PD which only confirms that the Palin family was there. I'll be the thinking person that waits for more information.

The first place I saw this gossip was Raw Story so it would be funny if this turned into another "Sealed vs. Sealed" debacle. Some drug addict with journalist credentials made up a story about Karl Rove being indicted and claimed that Rove would be arrested within 24 hours. When a full day had passed without an arrest, one of the other sycophants said that it was standard that 24 hours means "24 business hours." Then some other idiot with journalism credentials claimed with authority that it means 3 business days. This all fell apart and the Raw Story had to issue an apology. In it they claimed that the drug-addled former employee "got ahead of the news cycle." That's a great euphemism for "he made it up."

So while I don't deny the likelihood of this event happening, so far the evidence that Sarah Palin was there is pretty thin. The owner of the property has not corroborated the story. No charges have been filed. Nobody was arrested. One anti-Palin blogger and one other person who got fired by a friend of the Palin family are the only sources.
$arah Barracuda needs to come out & clear the air tomorrow. I'd like to see Todd's nose as proof as to whether there was a snowbilly throw down
$arah Barracuda needs to come out & clear the air tomorrow. I'd like to see Todd's nose as proof as to whether there was a snowbilly throw down

The are laying low waiting to see who also comes out who was at the "party" Remember these are real nasty people who like to threaten
And here's background on the loon that "reported" this story, serial Palin harasser Amanda Coyne:

Conspiracy reporter and self-proclaimed Sarah Palin hater Amanda Coyne recently cried foul after being banned by Team Sarah only to be unbanned by Team Sarah. This on top of the heals of an article written by her on March 13, scratch that, ‘just reporting’ an opinion piece on a story which was at least 6 months old, and unfairly linked to Sarah Palin.

Miss Coyne, to no ones surprise, also has a website dedicated to smearing Governor Palin, for profit!

Coyne holds both a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Masters of Fine Arts in ‘creative writing’ from the University of Iowa, her home state. Amanda Coyne is married to Tony Hopfinger and editor at the Anchorage Daily News and is a friend of Andrew Halcro. Halcro ran against Sarah Palin for governor, and lost, and seems to have an axe to grind against Governor Palin as well. Tony Hopfinger is her husband, co-conspirator and editor at Anchorage Daily News.

To start, Coyne is no reporter. Nor is she a journalist. She is a politically-biased freelance writer who teaches writing at Alaska Pacific University and is a contributing blogger at Huffington Post. Just go to the Alaska Dispatch and you will witness Coyne’s writings and opinions at work. With a “Palin Watch” tab on which conveniently transfers the website into a personal political platform, the website promotes Coyne and her husband’s political agenda and revels in its liberal bias with endless attempts in smearing Gov. Palin.

If you follow her writings, it does not take long to observe that Amanda Coyne’s is out to destroy Sarah Palin at every chance. Anything anti-Palin is fair game. She describes her writing as ‘alternative journalism’ and her willingness to serve as Alaska’s number one pathetic hack never stretches the imagination as she recruits college interns to help her make money smearing Governor Palin.

Coyne was the first biographer hired for a Palin biography project. Whether she was ‘fired’ or walked away is a little murky but she claims that Palin was “not as substantial as I thought” stating “I simply can’t have my name on what, so far, is turning out to be a puff piece without substance.”

Funny. Coyne would never pass the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics Exam. Nor could she fulfill the duty of a real journalist whose means is to seek the truth and provide fair and comprehensive accounts of events and issues. But that doesn’t seem to matter to Miss Coyne.​
$arah Barracuda needs to come out & clear the air tomorrow. I'd like to see Todd's nose as proof as to whether there was a snowbilly throw down

The are laying low waiting to see who also comes out who was at the "party" Remember these are real nasty people who like to threaten

Palin Family Brawl Witness Gets Fired for Talking to Good Morning America

The lurid, stereotypical tale of Sarah Palin and her family entering into an alcohol-fueled melee at a snowmobile party is starting to pick up in the mainstream media, with Good Morning America devoting an entire segment to the story this morning. In doing so, they talked to Eric Thompson, an eyewitness who attended the party at the invitation of his boss.

Sarah Palin Family Brawl Witness Gets Fired VIDEO Mediaite

The palins are real common white trash , which doesn't say much of her supporters
The are laying low waiting to see who also comes out who was at the "party" Remember these are real nasty people who like to threaten

They are private citizens and, according to some people here, trailer trash. What can they threaten? If these are just a bunch of hillbillies what's there to fear?

This is quite entertaining for me, leftists being leftists. I hope there's video of this incident, that will be equally as entertaining.
And here's background on the loon that "reported" this story, serial Palin harasser Amanda Coyne:

Conspiracy reporter and self-proclaimed Sarah Palin hater Amanda Coyne recently cried foul after being banned by Team Sarah only to be unbanned by Team Sarah. This on top of the heals of an article written by her on March 13, scratch that, ‘just reporting’ an opinion piece on a story which was at least 6 months old, and unfairly linked to Sarah Palin.

Miss Coyne, to no ones surprise, also has a website dedicated to smearing Governor Palin, for profit!

Coyne holds both a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Masters of Fine Arts in ‘creative writing’ from the University of Iowa, her home state. Amanda Coyne is married to Tony Hopfinger and editor at the Anchorage Daily News and is a friend of Andrew Halcro. Halcro ran against Sarah Palin for governor, and lost, and seems to have an axe to grind against Governor Palin as well. Tony Hopfinger is her husband, co-conspirator and editor at Anchorage Daily News.

To start, Coyne is no reporter. Nor is she a journalist. She is a politically-biased freelance writer who teaches writing at Alaska Pacific University and is a contributing blogger at Huffington Post. Just go to the Alaska Dispatch and you will witness Coyne’s writings and opinions at work. With a “Palin Watch” tab on which conveniently transfers the website into a personal political platform, the website promotes Coyne and her husband’s political agenda and revels in its liberal bias with endless attempts in smearing Gov. Palin.

If you follow her writings, it does not take long to observe that Amanda Coyne’s is out to destroy Sarah Palin at every chance. Anything anti-Palin is fair game. She describes her writing as ‘alternative journalism’ and her willingness to serve as Alaska’s number one pathetic hack never stretches the imagination as she recruits college interns to help her make money smearing Governor Palin.

Coyne was the first biographer hired for a Palin biography project. Whether she was ‘fired’ or walked away is a little murky but she claims that Palin was “not as substantial as I thought” stating “I simply can’t have my name on what, so far, is turning out to be a puff piece without substance.”

Funny. Coyne would never pass the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics Exam. Nor could she fulfill the duty of a real journalist whose means is to seek the truth and provide fair and comprehensive accounts of events and issues. But that doesn’t seem to matter to Miss Coyne.​

Eye witnesses at the party mean nothing? amazing what rightwingers will do to defend the alcohol fueled white trash hillbillies
Palin Family Brawl Witness Gets Fired for Talking to Good Morning America

The lurid, stereotypical tale of Sarah Palin and her family entering into an alcohol-fueled melee at a snowmobile party is starting to pick up in the mainstream media, with Good Morning America devoting an entire segment to the story this morning. In doing so, they talked to Eric Thompson, an eyewitness who attended the party at the invitation of his boss.

Sarah Palin Family Brawl Witness Gets Fired VIDEO Mediaite

The palins are real common white trash , which doesn't say much of her supporters

Is there any corroboration to the fact that he was fired after this incident?

I have a friend in Anchorage and he says that Eric Thompson wasn't shy about his anti-Palin views. This fact alone doesn't discredit his statements, but with so many people around why are the only sources hardcore Sarah haters?

Why does everyone else fear trailer trash?
And here's background on the loon that "reported" this story, serial Palin harasser Amanda Coyne:

Conspiracy reporter and self-proclaimed Sarah Palin hater Amanda Coyne recently cried foul after being banned by Team Sarah only to be unbanned by Team Sarah. This on top of the heals of an article written by her on March 13, scratch that, ‘just reporting’ an opinion piece on a story which was at least 6 months old, and unfairly linked to Sarah Palin.

Miss Coyne, to no ones surprise, also has a website dedicated to smearing Governor Palin, for profit!

Coyne holds both a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Masters of Fine Arts in ‘creative writing’ from the University of Iowa, her home state. Amanda Coyne is married to Tony Hopfinger and editor at the Anchorage Daily News and is a friend of Andrew Halcro. Halcro ran against Sarah Palin for governor, and lost, and seems to have an axe to grind against Governor Palin as well. Tony Hopfinger is her husband, co-conspirator and editor at Anchorage Daily News.

To start, Coyne is no reporter. Nor is she a journalist. She is a politically-biased freelance writer who teaches writing at Alaska Pacific University and is a contributing blogger at Huffington Post. Just go to the Alaska Dispatch and you will witness Coyne’s writings and opinions at work. With a “Palin Watch” tab on which conveniently transfers the website into a personal political platform, the website promotes Coyne and her husband’s political agenda and revels in its liberal bias with endless attempts in smearing Gov. Palin.

If you follow her writings, it does not take long to observe that Amanda Coyne’s is out to destroy Sarah Palin at every chance. Anything anti-Palin is fair game. She describes her writing as ‘alternative journalism’ and her willingness to serve as Alaska’s number one pathetic hack never stretches the imagination as she recruits college interns to help her make money smearing Governor Palin.

Coyne was the first biographer hired for a Palin biography project. Whether she was ‘fired’ or walked away is a little murky but she claims that Palin was “not as substantial as I thought” stating “I simply can’t have my name on what, so far, is turning out to be a puff piece without substance.”

Funny. Coyne would never pass the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics Exam. Nor could she fulfill the duty of a real journalist whose means is to seek the truth and provide fair and comprehensive accounts of events and issues. But that doesn’t seem to matter to Miss Coyne.​

Eye witnesses at the party mean nothing? amazing what rightwingers will do to defend the alcohol fueled white trash hillbillies

So far there is only one eyewitness, Eric Thompson. Do you have any others?
Sure, it's not like you little Goebbels would outright lie to slander and libel those you hate.

I mean, a BLOGGER claims it happened, good enough for demagogues.

BTW, a blogger says they say Barack Obama sucking the cocks of hobos in a DC Greyhound station.

Both stories have the same level of credibility.
lots of witnesses, the owner of the house says it's true...

but your'e right. completely the same thing as what you're talking about.

As she holds no public office, this isn't big news. Nor surprising. Remember her comment about why she married? "Just LOOK at HIM"! Superficial is too deep for SP.

But to think that she just might have been VP? Or worse, still, many conservatives wanted her to run for President.......YIKES!:eek:
Sure, it's not like you little Goebbels would outright lie to slander and libel those you hate.

I mean, a BLOGGER claims it happened, good enough for demagogues.

BTW, a blogger says they say Barack Obama sucking the cocks of hobos in a DC Greyhound station.

Both stories have the same level of credibility.
lots of witnesses, the owner of the house says it's true...

but your'e right. completely the same thing as what you're talking about.

As she holds no public office, this isn't big news. Nor surprising. Remember her comment about why she married? "Just LOOK at HIM"! Superficial is too deep for SP.

But to think that she just might have been VP? Or worse, still, many conservatives wanted her to run for President.......YIKES!:eek:

Yikes? OK, I know that there exist people who only feel good when others are suffering, but sheesh, why would you prefer that we all suffer under Obama rather than prosper under Palin? Doesn't make any sense to me.
And here's background on the loon that "reported" this story, serial Palin harasser Amanda Coyne:

Conspiracy reporter and self-proclaimed Sarah Palin hater Amanda Coyne recently cried foul after being banned by Team Sarah only to be unbanned by Team Sarah. This on top of the heals of an article written by her on March 13, scratch that, ‘just reporting’ an opinion piece on a story which was at least 6 months old, and unfairly linked to Sarah Palin.

Miss Coyne, to no ones surprise, also has a website dedicated to smearing Governor Palin, for profit!

Coyne holds both a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Masters of Fine Arts in ‘creative writing’ from the University of Iowa, her home state. Amanda Coyne is married to Tony Hopfinger and editor at the Anchorage Daily News and is a friend of Andrew Halcro. Halcro ran against Sarah Palin for governor, and lost, and seems to have an axe to grind against Governor Palin as well. Tony Hopfinger is her husband, co-conspirator and editor at Anchorage Daily News.

To start, Coyne is no reporter. Nor is she a journalist. She is a politically-biased freelance writer who teaches writing at Alaska Pacific University and is a contributing blogger at Huffington Post. Just go to the Alaska Dispatch and you will witness Coyne’s writings and opinions at work. With a “Palin Watch” tab on which conveniently transfers the website into a personal political platform, the website promotes Coyne and her husband’s political agenda and revels in its liberal bias with endless attempts in smearing Gov. Palin.

If you follow her writings, it does not take long to observe that Amanda Coyne’s is out to destroy Sarah Palin at every chance. Anything anti-Palin is fair game. She describes her writing as ‘alternative journalism’ and her willingness to serve as Alaska’s number one pathetic hack never stretches the imagination as she recruits college interns to help her make money smearing Governor Palin.

Coyne was the first biographer hired for a Palin biography project. Whether she was ‘fired’ or walked away is a little murky but she claims that Palin was “not as substantial as I thought” stating “I simply can’t have my name on what, so far, is turning out to be a puff piece without substance.”

Funny. Coyne would never pass the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics Exam. Nor could she fulfill the duty of a real journalist whose means is to seek the truth and provide fair and comprehensive accounts of events and issues. But that doesn’t seem to matter to Miss Coyne.​

Eye witnesses at the party mean nothing? amazing what rightwingers will do to defend the alcohol fueled white trash hillbillies

So far there is only one eyewitness, Eric Thompson. Do you have any others?

According to New York's Daily News: "The owner of the house, Chris Olds, got involved and claimed he was struck by Bristol Palin several times."
Sarah Palin family involved in big Alaska party brawl
Sure, it's not like you little Goebbels would outright lie to slander and libel those you hate.

I mean, a BLOGGER claims it happened, good enough for demagogues.

BTW, a blogger says they say Barack Obama sucking the cocks of hobos in a DC Greyhound station.

Both stories have the same level of credibility.
lots of witnesses, the owner of the house says it's true...

but your'e right. completely the same thing as what you're talking about.

As she holds no public office, this isn't big news. Nor surprising. Remember her comment about why she married? "Just LOOK at HIM"! Superficial is too deep for SP.

But to think that she just might have been VP? Or worse, still, many conservatives wanted her to run for President.......YIKES!:eek:

Yikes? OK, I know that there exist people who only feel good when others are suffering, but sheesh, why would you prefer that we all suffer under Obama rather than prosper under Palin? Doesn't make any sense to me.

I'm sorry you are suffering.....but making comments like "prosper under Palin" just makes you sound as loony as those that wanted her to be President.
Sure, it's not like you little Goebbels would outright lie to slander and libel those you hate.

I mean, a BLOGGER claims it happened, good enough for demagogues.

BTW, a blogger says they say Barack Obama sucking the cocks of hobos in a DC Greyhound station.

Both stories have the same level of credibility.
lots of witnesses, the owner of the house says it's true...

but your'e right. completely the same thing as what you're talking about.

As she holds no public office, this isn't big news. Nor surprising. Remember her comment about why she married? "Just LOOK at HIM"! Superficial is too deep for SP.

But to think that she just might have been VP? Or worse, still, many conservatives wanted her to run for President.......YIKES!:eek:

Yikes? OK, I know that there exist people who only feel good when others are suffering, but sheesh, why would you prefer that we all suffer under Obama rather than prosper under Palin? Doesn't make any sense to me.

I'm sorry you are suffering.....but making comments like "prosper under Palin" just makes you sound as loony as those that wanted her to be President.

I'm pretty sure that a successful Governor would make a better President than a Constitutional law lecturer who consistently violates the Constitution.
Sure, it's not like you little Goebbels would outright lie to slander and libel those you hate.

I mean, a BLOGGER claims it happened, good enough for demagogues.

BTW, a blogger says they say Barack Obama sucking the cocks of hobos in a DC Greyhound station.

Both stories have the same level of credibility.
lots of witnesses, the owner of the house says it's true...

but your'e right. completely the same thing as what you're talking about.

As she holds no public office, this isn't big news. Nor surprising. Remember her comment about why she married? "Just LOOK at HIM"! Superficial is too deep for SP.

But to think that she just might have been VP? Or worse, still, many conservatives wanted her to run for President.......YIKES!:eek:

Yikes? OK, I know that there exist people who only feel good when others are suffering, but sheesh, why would you prefer that we all suffer under Obama rather than prosper under Palin? Doesn't make any sense to me.

I'm sorry you are suffering.....but making comments like "prosper under Palin" just makes you sound as loony as those that wanted her to be President.

I'm pretty sure that a successful Governor would make a better President than a Constitutional law lecturer who consistently violates the Constitution.

You mean a quitter who couldn't be bothered to finish her term because she was more interested in running around town making money conning conservatives into thinking she would run for President.....Gotcha!
According to New York's Daily News: "The owner of the house, Chris Olds, got involved and claimed he was struck by Bristol Palin several times."
Sarah Palin family involved in big Alaska party brawl

And yet he makes no mention of Sarah.

That's really the crux if this story. Nobody cares if Sarah wasn't there since she's the story. Do your own investigation and see if your results differ from mine. I don't doubt that this happened, except that I read it from Raw Story first and they "get ahead of the news cycle" quite a bit.

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