The Parade Of Shame -- Palin's Corporate Sponsors

My email to Palin's sponsors:

Dear (Insert applicable name)

I am aware that your product, xxxx, is currently being targeted by individuals opposed to your purchase of legitimate advertising space during the TLC show "Sarah Palin's Alaska". I am writing to let you know that, while there may be individuals who seek to silence their political opponents by resorting to such silly tactics, the majority of ordinary Americans do not.

I hope that your company chooses to ignore this intellectually challenged, albeit vocal, minority and continues to advertise wherever best suits your target market.

Thank you,



Dear Wal Mart,

Thank you for supporting free speech by targeting a demographic that may wish to shop at your store. I hadn't thought about making a special trip out your way, but decided to try today after I heard about a boycott planned due to your marketing efforts on TLC that happened to also include advertising during Sara Palin's show.

I found your store to be inviting and a positive change over what I had noticed a few years ago. I'll be back.

Cecilie wrote:

Yeah, we don't need any of that sexual repression, so Sarah Palin should just shut her stupid little mouth and get her ass back in the kitchen where she belongs.

Hey, Mad. I have an idea. Why don't you fight repression by bullying people into silence in the public square? It's always fun to watch you fascists defend your right to be the only ones abusing and oppressing people.


I dun give a flying monkey fuck where Palin goes, as long as she gets out of politics. If you disagree with me, fine...but calling me a hypocrite because I am supposedly under some duty to treat that cow with kid gloves because we are both female demeans all women.

She's mixing it up with the big dogs and if she can't hunt, she should stay on the porch.

Seems to me that calling a woman a "cow" (except in a lighthearted way during breast-feeding) demeans women.

Way to prove your point.
For the very last time, I am NOT trying to shut Palin up. I am trying to remove the financial support TLC needs to air her show.

Really Madeline? The only reason to have a show is finacial support...Take that away and the show dosen't exist...In the liberal multi-verse, everyone has a show supported by forced taxation...NPR...PBS...God forbid a producer sees a market for a person and wants to make money on that brand...Perhaps I should right a "how to" book just for liberals titled "Turning the Channel for Dummies" It might help?
Shadow, are you suffering the delusion that S. C. Johnson Co. et al. will notice what you bought at the Family Dollar and infer you approve of their sponsorship of Palin's show? Politcal Action 101...first you threaten (or offer support) by directly contacting the company.

THEN you "vote with your dollars".

Wrong. That is how you do things.

I am not a joiner. If you tell me I "should not" do buy products from sponsers you want to punish (because you are a wacko)...I will do the opposite.

See...I was going to buy all that stuff anyway...just made sure to pick the brands you said not to...and I bought them all from WALMART too.

But,hey, I now may even write them a letter telling them I used their products to support a good cause because of some looney toons faux drama filled boycott. :eusa_shhh::lol::lol:

And that Shadow, is free speech in a democracy. Have at it.

Yes,Grandma...thanks...but I never needed your "permission" to exercise my rights...nor does Sarah Palin or TLC. :cuckoo:
For the very last time, I am NOT trying to shut Palin up. I am trying to remove the financial support TLC needs to air her show.

Really Madeline? The only reason to have a show is finacial support...Take that away and the show dosen't exist...In the liberal multi-verse, everyone has a show supported by forced taxation...NPR...PBS...God forbid a producer sees a market for a person and wants to make money on that brand...Perhaps I should right a "how to" book just for liberals titled "Turning the Channel for Dummies" It might help?

Is this your coy way of asking me why I object to this show, glew?

* Because it is an infomercial for Palin's POTUS run in 2012.

* Because it is a show about nature, and Palin is an opponent of the environment and of endangered species.

Is that clear now? Turning the channel is what I do when a show bores me, not when it presents a direct attack on the nation I hope to be living in in 2012. In that case, I make every LEGAL effort to frustrate the goals of the show's star/politican, just as I would do if I were protesting live at a speech given by Palin in my town.
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For the very last time, I am NOT trying to shut Palin up. I am trying to remove the financial support TLC needs to air her show.

Really Madeline? The only reason to have a show is finacial support...Take that away and the show dosen't exist...In the liberal multi-verse, everyone has a show supported by forced taxation...NPR...PBS...God forbid a producer sees a market for a person and wants to make money on that brand...Perhaps I should right a "how to" book just for liberals titled "Turning the Channel for Dummies" It might help?

Is this your coy way of asking me why I object to this show, glew?

* Because it is an infomercial for Palin's POTUS run in 2012.

* Because it is a show about nature, and Palin is an opponent of the environment and of endangered species.

Is that clear now? Turning the channel is what I do when a show bores me, not when it presents a direct attack on the nation I hope to be living in in 2012. In that case, I make every LEGAL effort to frustrate the goals of the show's star/politican, just as I would do if I were protesting live at a speech given by Palin in my town.
Well, seeing as though it looks like the show is getting a second season, you'll no doubt be blowing an aneurysm straight out your friggin' ear when the announcement is made, and will be 6 feet under by '12......So, C-YA!
* Because it is a show about nature, and Palin is an opponent of the environment and of endangered species.

Really...drilling in an area that is .001% of the land mass of the whole state makes her a threat to the environment? The pipeline, that you enviro-whackos opposed, actually increased big game populations because of the warmth it provided during the globally warm -20 degree winters. I have hopes for other candidates in 2012, but silencing any candidate is wrong. Have you written your letter to the sponsors of Dancing with the Stars yet?

P.s. Tell your friends to turn the f**king channel if you don't like miserable, self loathing libs :)
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* Because it is a show about nature, and Palin is an opponent of the environment and of endangered species.

Really...drilling in an area that is .001% of the land mass of the whole state makes her a threat to the environment? The pipeline, that you enviro-whackos opposed, actually increased big game populations because of the warmth it provided during the globally warm -20 degree winters. I have hopes for other candidates in 2012, but silencing any candidate is wrong. Have you written your letter to the sponsors of Dancing with the Stars yet?

P.s. Tell your friends to turn the f**king channel if you don't like miserable, self loathing libs :)

Sarah Palin is not on DWTS, glew. I dun give a rat's ass if tea baggers are fluffing Bristol's's meaningless to me.

We can debate Palin's record on the environment or you can just rest comfy in the fixed belief that no reasonable person can hold a POV about this woman that is different from yours.

Lemme know...I'll be around.
For the very last time, I am NOT trying to shut Palin up. I am trying to remove the financial support TLC needs to air her show.

Not being on TLC =/= a loss of Palin's right to free speech, just her access to the airwaves to whinge on about them. She's free to buttonhole the shopper next to her at Walmarts all she likes and if she does, I could care less.

See, now?


You, being a facist, is a danger to this country.
For the very last time, I am NOT trying to shut Palin up. I am trying to remove the financial support TLC needs to air her show.

Really Madeline? The only reason to have a show is finacial support...Take that away and the show dosen't exist...In the liberal multi-verse, everyone has a show supported by forced taxation...NPR...PBS...God forbid a producer sees a market for a person and wants to make money on that brand...Perhaps I should right a "how to" book just for liberals titled "Turning the Channel for Dummies" It might help?

Is this your coy way of asking me why I object to this show, glew?

* Because it is an infomercial for Palin's POTUS run in 2012.

* Because it is a show about nature, and Palin is an opponent of the environment and of endangered species.

Is that clear now? Turning the channel is what I do when a show bores me, not when it presents a direct attack on the nation I hope to be living in in 2012. In that case, I make every LEGAL effort to frustrate the goals of the show's star/politican, just as I would do if I were protesting live at a speech given by Palin in my town.

Just to be clear. You would have no problem of us attacking you as a wife and a mother, right?
* Because it is an infomercial for Palin's POTUS run in 2012.

I didn't complain and ask for a boycott of NBC, CBS, CNN, or MSNBC when Barry had his 4 year infomercial...I didn't or don't see ANY conservative groups calling for boycotts to "punish" the people that support psychotics like Olbernann and Mathews. If you see it, please let me know...My impression is that there is a silent boycott...also known as people "turning the channel"
Shadow, are you suffering the delusion that S. C. Johnson Co. et al. will notice what you bought at the Family Dollar and infer you approve of their sponsorship of Palin's show? Politcal Action 101...first you threaten (or offer support) by directly contacting the company.

THEN you "vote with your dollars".

Wrong. That is how you do things.

I am not a joiner. If you tell me I "should not" do buy products from sponsers you want to punish (because you are a wacko)...I will do the opposite.

See...I was going to buy all that stuff anyway...just made sure to pick the brands you said not to...and I bought them all from WALMART too.

But,hey, I now may even write them a letter telling them I used their products to support a good cause because of some looney toons faux drama filled boycott. :eusa_shhh::lol::lol:

And that Shadow, is free speech in a democracy. Have at it.

We live in a republic you onerous toad.
That's nice asterism, except that Walmarts does not advertise on Palin's show (so far).

Here's the list again with the contact data you need:

Go for it. I'd wish you luck if we agreed, but I completely approve of your willingness to take action.

It seems you get the irony.

SEN Condemns EDF, Walmart, Fox News, Glenn Beck, Discovery TLC Palin Choice, Launches Boycott | Sustainability Education Network

I already boycott Walmarts, asterism, but not because of Palin. I have never heard of this group -- why are their actions relevant? Because they also object to Palin?
Wrong. That is how you do things.

I am not a joiner. If you tell me I "should not" do buy products from sponsers you want to punish (because you are a wacko)...I will do the opposite.

See...I was going to buy all that stuff anyway...just made sure to pick the brands you said not to...and I bought them all from WALMART too.

But,hey, I now may even write them a letter telling them I used their products to support a good cause because of some looney toons faux drama filled boycott. :eusa_shhh::lol::lol:

And that Shadow, is free speech in a democracy. Have at it.

We live in a republic you onerous toad.

Have a lovely Thanksgiving, Mr. Fitnah.
Cecilie wrote:

Yeah, we don't need any of that sexual repression, so Sarah Palin should just shut her stupid little mouth and get her ass back in the kitchen where she belongs.

Hey, Mad. I have an idea. Why don't you fight repression by bullying people into silence in the public square? It's always fun to watch you fascists defend your right to be the only ones abusing and oppressing people.


I dun give a flying monkey fuck where Palin goes, as long as she gets out of politics. ....
That is another of your steaming piles of horseshit. You went on for days about Palin's choice to have unprotected sex (with her husband, no less) at the age of 40 and choosing to give birth to a Down Syndrome baby and daring to continue to work.

You are a pathological liar.

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