The Parade Of Shame -- Palin's Corporate Sponsors

If you would not have an issue with Madeline, which you have and everyone knows through your trashy behavior in every thread she participates in, you would not have given me an negative reputation for that post I wrote.

How much is Mad paying this walking dildo to follow her around with his lips Superglued to her ass?

Just ask her for a date and stop bothering the rest of us with your juvenile crush, loser.

Ekrem is effusive with his praise, Cecilie, but that's only because I am one of a handful of USMB'ers who will stand up against Muslim-bashing and Islamophobia. It is not sexual; he knows my age perfectly well, as does anyone who glances at my profile.

Kindly lay off him unless you are willing to also tag those who follow behind me just to insult me.

Gosh, I'm just about as interested in your defense of your butt-licker as I am in his licking of your butt. And I'm just about as likely to accept your orders to silence myself as Sarah Palin is. I guess you're just going to have to deal with the fact that some women have left your plantation and aren't going back. Too bad. Go whine to NOW and see if they'd like to revoke my license to have ovaries.

Just so we're clear on how much your little order means, this is me "laying off" Ekrem: he's a worthless, ass-kissing little putz who is revolting everyone with the way he slavishly sniffs around your skirts, and you two should take your little romance somewhere where the rest of us don't have to have our time wasted by it.

Would you like to give me another order and see how well it works out?
The nerve of some women to go against the far extremist radical left wing agenda. They need to be squashed.

Sick fuckers.:cuckoo:
My conduct is "perfectly legal and moral" as well. I have not engaged in any crime, much less blackmail, and I have called for no government action, ergo, there is no risk of censorship. I find Palin to represent virtually all that is wrong with this country and I expect her to be a candidate in my party's presidential primary so I oppose her.
I especially oppose her appearance on a nature show which is a thinly-disguised informercial.

You can keep on whining, Cecilie, or you can do what I did and take some action apart from posting on USMB. I dun care, especially, but I see no value in believing we are impotent to help create the change we want.

Im sorry, but the Republican party does'nt need your kind of politics.

If you truly hate her this much...

i.e. \/ \/ \/


This is a sick representation of her, and I am disappointed.

There is no way she is the devil that pic depicts!

Hell... I dont even hate Obama that much :eek:

I hate what she stands for, The Infidel. Sexual repression, recriminalizing abortion, glorifying stupidity, worshipping Big Business, blaming the poor for their suffering, pointless divisiveness, avoiding personal responsibility, banging on the Bible, racism, Islamophobia, etc.

I look at Palin and see the Jimmy Swaggert of the 21st Century, except Swaggart never wanted to be POTUS.

Yeah, we don't need any of that sexual repression, so Sarah Palin should just shut her stupid little mouth and get her ass back in the kitchen where she belongs. :eusa_hand:

Hey, Mad. I have an idea. Why don't you fight repression by bullying people into silence in the public square? It's always fun to watch you fascists defend your right to be the only ones abusing and oppressing people.

Personally, I view sex ed in public schools as 100% a Public Health issue, period. Values are the province of the parents; hard data on how people get pregnant or sick is the school's.

BTW, Palin was/is a candidate for national office who opposes "explicit" sex ed and supports no sex ed or, if there must be some, "abstinence only". This is a program she would carry to the White House -- stamping out sex ed in American public schools. Imagine the misery that would cause if she succeeded.

Getting a sense of why I find her dangerous yet, Immie?

:cuckoo: No.

Teaching about the morals of sex is up to the parents. It shouldn't be taught in the schools at all.

Schools should teach math, science, reading, and writing, not pushing left wing agendas.

Abstinence works every time it's tried. Condom's don't.
Thing is... I am not a huge Sarah fan, but God... the hatred for her on the left makes me second guess myself. She obviously has something going for her.
If they hate her that much, I need to rethink my feeling about her.

I find her to be rather one note and tedious, and lack any desire whatsoever to watch her program. It's really easy to avoid her if one wishes.

Maddy doesn't grok that this hyper-focus on Palin actually feed her public persona and popularity.

You just don't get it, Boe. It's not about whether or not Mad can avoid her and whatever she has to say. Her fingers are so firmly stuck in her ears that she'll never hear anything but the voices in her head, praising her for being such a champion for "women's rights" . . . and for forcing all women to accept those "rights" in silence whether they want them or not.

The problem Mad has her frillies all in a ruffle over is that OTHER PEOPLE might hear what Sarah Palin has to say, and then they might start getting stupid notions about how THEY are allowed to disagree with Mad and the official wisdom from on high. Worse, if Sarah Palin remains in the limelight, other women might start getting the notion that they're allowed to think for themselves and succeed in American politics without having their noses planted firmly up NOW's ass.

If we start letting women wander away from the philosophical cotton fields, who else might start thinking for themselves? Where will it all end?
My email to Palin's sponsors:

Dear (Insert applicable name)

I am aware that your product, xxxx, is currently being targeted by individuals opposed to your purchase of legitimate advertising space during the TLC show "Sarah Palin's Alaska". I am writing to let you know that, while there may be individuals who seek to silence their political opponents by resorting to such silly tactics, the majority of ordinary Americans do not.

I hope that your company chooses to ignore this intellectually challenged, albeit vocal, minority and continues to advertise wherever best suits your target market.

Thank you,

I do, boedicca. Anyone, with any POV, is as free to use the data I have posted as I am. I think activism of almost any type is good for the nation....feel free to agitate as you see fit.
So, tell us Madeline. How is Palin's show negatively affecting YOU?

Didn't you get that from her previous posts? Palin is out there, arrogantly espousing opinions that Mad and other leftists have VERY CLEARLY told her are not acceptable, and PEOPLE CAN ACTUALLY HEAR THEM. Worse, she has the nerve to think she has a right to run for President, despite refusing to knuckle under to the beliefs that feminists have decreed are required for anyone bearing a vagina. It's like she has the idea that women are allowed to think for themselves - in public, no less - or something.

This post borders on the trollish, Cecilie. You can do better, and apparently choose not to.
I have to tell Madeline that I had no clue about her political leanings...some things she made sense and some things she didn't...I respected her for that...Now I have lost ALL respect for her...she is pulling the ultimate liberal BS...I don't like something, therefore I will get my group together and make sure the people that DO like it, don't have that opportunity...Sounds like that jack wagon, Rockefeller...f'ing liberals...stay out of my enjoyment and I will stay out of your tree hugging, baby killing, U.S. hating TV...Please go back to hole you crawled out of Madeline.
How much is Mad paying this walking dildo to follow her around with his lips Superglued to her ass?

Just ask her for a date and stop bothering the rest of us with your juvenile crush, loser.

Ekrem is effusive with his praise, Cecilie, but that's only because I am one of a handful of USMB'ers who will stand up against Muslim-bashing and Islamophobia. It is not sexual; he knows my age perfectly well, as does anyone who glances at my profile.

Kindly lay off him unless you are willing to also tag those who follow behind me just to insult me.

Gosh, I'm just about as interested in your defense of your butt-licker as I am in his licking of your butt. And I'm just about as likely to accept your orders to silence myself as Sarah Palin is. I guess you're just going to have to deal with the fact that some women have left your plantation and aren't going back. Too bad. Go whine to NOW and see if they'd like to revoke my license to have ovaries.

Just so we're clear on how much your little order means, this is me "laying off" Ekrem: he's a worthless, ass-kissing little putz who is revolting everyone with the way he slavishly sniffs around your skirts, and you two should take your little romance somewhere where the rest of us don't have to have our time wasted by it.

Would you like to give me another order and see how well it works out?

Ekrem kisses Maddie's ass because she kisses the ass of Islam. I don't. I treat Muslims the same way I treat blacks, and hispanics.... and white people.... As individuals. Shocking!
Cecilie wrote:

Yeah, we don't need any of that sexual repression, so Sarah Palin should just shut her stupid little mouth and get her ass back in the kitchen where she belongs.

Hey, Mad. I have an idea. Why don't you fight repression by bullying people into silence in the public square? It's always fun to watch you fascists defend your right to be the only ones abusing and oppressing people.


I dun give a flying monkey fuck where Palin goes, as long as she gets out of politics. If you disagree with me, fine...but calling me a hypocrite because I am supposedly under some duty to treat that cow with kid gloves because we are both female demeans all women.

She's mixing it up with the big dogs and if she can't hunt, she should stay on the porch.
I have to tell Madeline that I had no clue about her political leanings...some things she made sense and some things she didn't...I respected her for that...Now I have lost ALL respect for her...she is pulling the ultimate liberal BS...I don't like something, therefore I will get my group together and make sure the people that DO like it, don't have that opportunity...Sounds like that jack wagon, Rockefeller...f'ing liberals...stay out of my enjoyment and I will stay out of your tree hugging, baby killing, U.S. hating TV...Please go back to hole you crawled out of Madeline.

Glew, I am, of course, just despondent that you might no longer like me as I only fell over your nick yesterday for the first time and simply cannot bear to lose our budding friendship. *Sarcastic tone*

Get a fucking grip -- USMB ain't a popularity contest (at least for me). It's a forum for the free exchange of ideas.

If you disapprove of my boycott, then take action of your own. You have the very same data I used to have an impact and are just as able to work the phones and the email functions as I am. I am under no obligation to hold my tongue or spend my money merely because I have political objectives that you dun approve of.

That is kinda sorta how democracy works.
Lets see...

Went shopping this week...

Bought a bag full of Gillette razors,Degree deoderant and Dove soap. The wounded warriors program says thank you BTW..

Sunchips...stocked up...check
T Mobile...check

I'm sure it won't take me much longer to make it throught your entire list of no no's...:tongue:
Lets see...

Went shopping this week...

Bought a bag full of Gillette razors,Degree deoderant and Dove soap. The wounded warriors program says thank you BTW..

Sunchips...stocked up...check
T Mobile...check

I'm sure it won't take me much longer to make it throught your entire list of no no's...:tongue:

Shadow, are you suffering the delusion that S. C. Johnson Co. et al. will notice what you bought at the Family Dollar and infer you approve of their sponsorship of Palin's show? Politcal Action 101...first you threaten (or offer support) by directly contacting the company.

THEN you "vote with your dollars".
That is kinda sorta how democracy works

Then I'm sure you won't mind if we examine Slick Willie Stainmaker's Foundation Donor's List?

Well, looky here.........Saudi Arabia at the top of the list

Wasn't that where all the 9/11 hijacker's were from?

Speaking of a PARADE OF SHAME!!

Well, I dun happen to agree that a corporate sponsor of a political infomercial like Palin's show on TLC is exactly the same as a campaign contribution -- though they sure are close, I'll agree.

As for Clinton, hated him, voted against him, despise his wife almost as much as Palin, and BTW, what would you have me do? Boycott Saudi Arabia?

Okay, no travel to Saudi Arabia for me.....I am all persuaded here.
Lets see...

Went shopping this week...

Bought a bag full of Gillette razors,Degree deoderant and Dove soap. The wounded warriors program says thank you BTW..

Sunchips...stocked up...check
T Mobile...check

I'm sure it won't take me much longer to make it throught your entire list of no no's...:tongue:

Shadow, are you suffering the delusion that S. C. Johnson Co. et al. will notice what you bought at the Family Dollar and infer you approve of their sponsorship of Palin's show? Politcal Action 101...first you threaten (or offer support) by directly contacting the company.

THEN you "vote with your dollars".

Wrong. That is how you do things.

I am not a joiner. If you tell me I "should not" do buy products from sponsers you want to punish (because you are a wacko)...I will do the opposite.

See...I was going to buy all that stuff anyway...just made sure to pick the brands you said not to...and I bought them all from WALMART too.

But,hey, I now may even write them a letter telling them I used their products to support a good cause because of some looney toons faux drama filled boycott. :eusa_shhh::lol::lol:
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I have to tell Madeline that I had no clue about her political leanings...some things she made sense and some things she didn't...I respected her for that...Now I have lost ALL respect for her...she is pulling the ultimate liberal BS...I don't like something, therefore I will get my group together and make sure the people that DO like it, don't have that opportunity...Sounds like that jack wagon, Rockefeller...f'ing liberals...stay out of my enjoyment and I will stay out of your tree hugging, baby killing, U.S. hating TV...Please go back to hole you crawled out of Madeline.

Glew, I am, of course, just despondent that you might no longer like me as I only fell over your nick yesterday for the first time and simply cannot bear to lose our budding friendship. *Sarcastic tone*

Get a fucking grip -- USMB ain't a popularity contest (at least for me). It's a forum for the free exchange of ideas.

If you disapprove of my boycott, then take action of your own. You have the very same data I used to have an impact and are just as able to work the phones and the email functions as I am. I am under no obligation to hold my tongue or spend my money merely because I have political objectives that you dun approve of.

That is kinda sorta how democracy works.

Didn't say I liked you...said I "respected" you...I'm new here and still trying to figure everyone out...I don't care who likes me either...but I will do what I can to get respect...Which to me means saying what I mean and meaning what I obviously don't do that because your actions are designed to "silence" the people you disagree with...I say let all lib whackos talk...their ignorant view of reality is only more obvious when they open their mouth. Olberman and that dude, Maddow, are part of the reason you hippies got your ass handed to you a couple weeks back :)
For the very last time, I am NOT trying to shut Palin up. I am trying to remove the financial support TLC needs to air her show.

Not being on TLC =/= a loss of Palin's right to free speech, just her access to the airwaves to whinge on about them. She's free to buttonhole the shopper next to her at Walmarts all she likes and if she does, I could care less.

See, now?
For the very last time, I am NOT trying to shut Palin up. I am trying to remove the financial support TLC needs to air her show.

Not being on TLC =/= a loss of Palin's right to free speech, just her access to the airwaves to whinge on about them. She's free to buttonhole the shopper next to her at Walmarts all she likes and if she does, I could care less.

See, now?
"I am trying to remove the financial support TLC needs to air her show"


Like TLC or their sponsors gives a shit what this old lunatic thinks.

What a fuckin' nutty old broad!:cuckoo:
Lets see...

Went shopping this week...

Bought a bag full of Gillette razors,Degree deoderant and Dove soap. The wounded warriors program says thank you BTW..

Sunchips...stocked up...check
T Mobile...check

I'm sure it won't take me much longer to make it throught your entire list of no no's...:tongue:

Shadow, are you suffering the delusion that S. C. Johnson Co. et al. will notice what you bought at the Family Dollar and infer you approve of their sponsorship of Palin's show? Politcal Action 101...first you threaten (or offer support) by directly contacting the company.

THEN you "vote with your dollars".

Wrong. That is how you do things.

I am not a joiner. If you tell me I "should not" do buy products from sponsers you want to punish (because you are a wacko)...I will do the opposite.

See...I was going to buy all that stuff anyway...just made sure to pick the brands you said not to...and I bought them all from WALMART too.

But,hey, I now may even write them a letter telling them I used their products to support a good cause because of some looney toons faux drama filled boycott. :eusa_shhh::lol::lol:

And that Shadow, is free speech in a democracy. Have at it.

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