The Parade Of Shame -- Palin's Corporate Sponsors

Cecilie wrote:

Yeah, we don't need any of that sexual repression, so Sarah Palin should just shut her stupid little mouth and get her ass back in the kitchen where she belongs.

Hey, Mad. I have an idea. Why don't you fight repression by bullying people into silence in the public square? It's always fun to watch you fascists defend your right to be the only ones abusing and oppressing people.


I dun give a flying monkey fuck where Palin goes, as long as she gets out of politics. ....
That is another of your steaming piles of horseshit. You went on for days about Palin's choice to have unprotected sex (with her husband, no less) at the age of 40 and choosing to give birth to a Down Syndrome baby and daring to continue to work.

You are a pathological liar.

A couple of decades ago even though I was in a really tough situation, I chose not to abort. My darling's name is Danielle. Every day she lights up my life. And I am blessed.

I have a grandchild now as well. Praise the Lord on this. It's blessing on blessing.

I will not judge other women who are terrorized or manipulated into their decisions.

One day we must all have a true discussion on this. But if we keep smacking each other upside the head over really truly hollow shit, we will never get any where.

One time just one freaking time I would love to have a discussion with rational women about abortion or birth control in this day and age.
I dun give a flying monkey fuck where Palin goes, as long as she gets out of politics. ....
That is another of your steaming piles of horseshit. You went on for days about Palin's choice to have unprotected sex (with her husband, no less) at the age of 40 and choosing to give birth to a Down Syndrome baby and daring to continue to work.

You are a pathological liar.

A couple of decades ago even though I was in a really tough situation, I chose not to abort. My darling's name is Danielle. Every day she lights up my life. And I am blessed.

I have a grandchild now as well. Praise the Lord on this. It's blessing on blessing.

I will not judge other women who are terrorized or manipulated into their decisions.

One day we must all have a true discussion on this. But if we keep smacking each other upside the head over really truly hollow shit, we will never get any where.

One time just one freaking time I would love to have a discussion with rational women about abortion or birth control in this day and age.

I have been wondering where you went to, miss. Please do up a post about Palin and wolves?

Thankies, and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
That's nice asterism, except that Walmarts does not advertise on Palin's show (so far).

Here's the list again with the contact data you need:

Go for it. I'd wish you luck if we agreed, but I completely approve of your willingness to take action.

It seems you get the irony.

SEN Condemns EDF, Walmart, Fox News, Glenn Beck, Discovery TLC Palin Choice, Launches Boycott | Sustainability Education Network

I already boycott Walmarts, asterism, but not because of Palin. I have never heard of this group -- why are their actions relevant? Because they also object to Palin?

Because they send out mass emails (one of which was forwarded to me) calling for a boycott of Wal Mart due to their TLC advertising, which as you have already noted isn't part of your list.

The companies you are targeting thank you for the free marketing. Keep up the good work.
I dun have a bone to pick with Crayola, etc. asterism. All fine companies, as far as I know...I just do not want them to pay for Palin's show.
Holy moly, I knew Maddie had it in bad for Palin.

But this take the Friggen prize.

All over a show ABOUT ALASKA.

she don't want those SPONSORES PAYING for it...good gawd.:lol::cuckoo:
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I dun have a bone to pick with Crayola, etc. asterism. All fine companies, as far as I know...I just do not want them to pay for Palin's show.

And therein lays Maddie's problem.... she's doesn't actually understand how tv advertising works. They pay for advertising space, they don't pay for the show. Idiot.
"Free speech is not meant for conservatives." -- modern American liberals.

just ask the dixie chicks...

Their sexist music sucked even before Natalie Mains opened her mouth. From the day, "Good-bye Earl" started promoting murder, I refused to listen to their music, (note: I did not call for a boycott... except within my own home) I would turn the radio off when a song of theirs came on.

There are few musicians or groups that I am glad are no longer making music, but of those few, The Dixie Witches top the list.

So, tell us Madeline. How is Palin's show negatively affecting YOU?

Didn't you get that from her previous posts? Palin is out there, arrogantly espousing opinions that Mad and other leftists have VERY CLEARLY told her are not acceptable, and PEOPLE CAN ACTUALLY HEAR THEM. Worse, she has the nerve to think she has a right to run for President, despite refusing to knuckle under to the beliefs that feminists have decreed are required for anyone bearing a vagina. It's like she has the idea that women are allowed to think for themselves - in public, no less - or something.

This post borders on the trollish, Cecilie. You can do better, and apparently choose not to.

Well, honey, I'll take my "trollish" posts over your trollish boycott any day of the week. At least all I'm doing is telling you directly how repulsive and offensive I find your words and behavior. I'm not actually trying to deprive you of your right to be repulsive and offensive.

By the way, weren't you the one who proudly announced in another thread that YOU don't go around, trying to shame women into behaving a certain way and espousing certain viewpoints? And yet here you are, having it on with me.

Like I keep saying, Mad, you're the worst sort of hypocrite. Thank God women like Sarah Palin and me have figured out that we don't have to kowtow to the fascist bulldogs in skirts of the feminist movement.
Cecilie wrote:

Yeah, we don't need any of that sexual repression, so Sarah Palin should just shut her stupid little mouth and get her ass back in the kitchen where she belongs.

Hey, Mad. I have an idea. Why don't you fight repression by bullying people into silence in the public square? It's always fun to watch you fascists defend your right to be the only ones abusing and oppressing people.


I dun give a flying monkey fuck where Palin goes, as long as she gets out of politics. If you disagree with me, fine...but calling me a hypocrite because I am supposedly under some duty to treat that cow with kid gloves because we are both female demeans all women.

She's mixing it up with the big dogs and if she can't hunt, she should stay on the porch.

Yeah, it's "treating her with kid gloves" to expect you to extend her the same courtesy you and other feminists whine and snivel for (I'd say demand, but there's too much victim mentality there for any of you to have that much backbone): to allow her to believe in opposition to you if she so chooses.

Listen to yourself, you hypocritical fascist: You don't say, "I don't give a flying monkey fuck where she goes, I just disagree with her". No, no. You insist that she GET OUT OF POLITICS. By God, that bitch holds positions that you don't like, and you intend to force her to sit down and shut up. Meanwhile, you whimper and kvetch at me merely for daring to tell you you're a miserable, jackbooted hypocrite. God only knows what you'd do if I took a page out of your book and started threatening the board moderators if they didn't ban you and pull all your posts from their site, which would be the USMB equivalent of what you're trying to do to Sarah Palin. We'd probably have to put your whinging ass on suicide watch.

THAT is why I say you're a hypocrite. And you are.
That is kinda sorta how democracy works

Then I'm sure you won't mind if we examine Slick Willie Stainmaker's Foundation Donor's List?

Well, looky here.........Saudi Arabia at the top of the list

Wasn't that where all the 9/11 hijacker's were from?

Speaking of a PARADE OF SHAME!!

That doesn't matter, though, because he's on the correct, officially-approved side of the abortion issue. It's only people like Sarah Palin, who have defied the feminist heirarchy, who have to be stomped on and silenced, because that's the only REAL shame in Mad's book.
For the very last time, I am NOT trying to shut Palin up. I am trying to remove the financial support TLC needs to air her show.

Not being on TLC =/= a loss of Palin's right to free speech, just her access to the airwaves to whinge on about them. She's free to buttonhole the shopper next to her at Walmarts all she likes and if she does, I could care less.

See, now?

Yeah, that would be trying to shut her up, you hairsplitting hypocritical dimwit. I love it. "I'm not trying to shut her up. I'm just trying to make sure no one ever hears her." Jesus H. Christ. Is that REALLY the kind of thought that goes through your head to justify your putrid opinions and behaviors?

Not being on TLC is only not a loss of her right to free speech if she isn't there because TLC freely chose not to give her a forum. If fascists like you FORCE TLC to take her forum away, which they would otherwise have given her, then that IS suppression of her freedom.

But I do love this: She's free to say anything she wants, as long as it's totally ineffective and virtually no one hears it. But goddamn it, if she actually starts reaching people with her message, then she needs to SHUT UP . . . oh, but I'm just telling her to shut up, I'm not actually trying to shut her up.

Cecilie, do you even own a dictionary? First it was misunderstanding what censorship is, then it was depriving Palin of a free speech right nobody has to be on television, and now it is hypocrisy that is not there.

I object to her message and to her. In light of this, I took and am taking action to foreclose her from public life. I will not succeed completely; the very best I could hope for is that some people take notice, and perhaps some agree with me. Nonetheless, I choose to act.

In what universe would sitting idly by whilst an evil act occurred be the right thing to do, but attempting to resist it is hypocritical?

I dun know why you can't admit you criticize me because you approve of Palin and of her message, and not because there's one damned thing wrong with my methods. It's fine by me if you wanna sleep with the Religious why must you dress this up as anything more?

BTW, dishonesty in debate is a form of hypocrisy.
Cecilie, do you even own a dictionary? First it was misunderstanding what censorship is, then it was depriving Palin of a free speech right nobody has to be on television, and now it is hypocrisy that is not there.

I object to her message and to her. In light of this, I took and am taking action to foreclose her from public life. I will not succeed completely; the very best I could hope for is that some people take notice, and perhaps some agree with me. Nonetheless, I choose to act.

In what universe would sitting idly by whilst an evil act occurred be the right thing to do, but attempting to resist it is hypocritical?

I dun know why you can't admit you criticize me because you approve of Palin and of her message, and not because there's one damned thing wrong with my methods. It's fine by me if you wanna sleep with the Religious why must you dress this up as anything more?

BTW, dishonesty in debate is a form of hypocrisy.

Oh, spare me. You want to take ME to task over objecting to those who don't agree with me, while YOU try to silence your opponents? Unlike you, I'm quite honest in saying I don't really care whether you disagree with me. That would be why, unlike you, I'm not making any effort to silence you.

But hey, if pretending that you're some poor, abused voice crying in the wilderness, beset by lying villains at every turn helps you to quiet the voices deep down that tell you I'm correct and you really are a fascistic, jackbooted hypocrite contributing to the oppression of women, go for it. Given the absolutely insane mental and verbal gymnastics you've already shared with us, I don't imagine it'll be much of a stretch for you. We all know how experienced feminists are in manufacturing victimhood.

You're still a hypocrite, though.
I am hardly alone in objecting to Palin, Cecilie. Nor am I alone in pressuring the show's sponsors to withdraw their financial support.

But you have finally admitted that you're upset because my actions have had some impact and you support Palin. That's progress....not much, but some.

Now, let's see if you can post without the childish insults, shall we? O, and you might try making a case for Palin because for the past 15 posts, all you have done is call people who oppose her names.

It's b-o-r-i-n-g.
LOL, there are OTHER idiots objecting to a show about ALASKA just because it has Sarah Palin in it...

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