The Paragons of the Left!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
For Brutus is an honourable man;
So are they all, all honourable men--"

And, speaking of honorable men, NYC has endorsed an administration of just such 'honorable men'....the DeBlasio administration.

After all.....these folks won because they are in favor of social justice, of income equality, of fairness.
What could be more honorable?

1. "Bill de Blasio: The Mayor of Fairness... Bill de Blasio campaigned as the mayor of fairness. Now it remains to be seen what his interpretation of fairness delivers. Bill de Blasio: The Mayor of Fairness | The New York Observer

2. Then, there was his inauguration...

" Speakers blast former Mayor Bloomberg at Mayor de Blasio's inauguration ...Speaker after speaker took jabs at Bloomberg's 12-year legacy Wednesday, describing New York City as a 'community divided' and comparing it to a 'plantation.'...

Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg sits in silence as speakers at Mayor de Blasio’s inauguration ceremony tear into his record.....

[Gee...that doesn't seem very nice....I mean, why attack his predecessor...DeBlasio already won....seems like a character flaw to me!
And....the same character flaw in Obama....he wanted the job, knew the situation...but spends years moaning about, and blaming, Bush..
.....A Leftist Disorder?]

But it was the city’s new public advocate, Letitia James, who delivered the harshest attack, a fiery speech that read like a wholesale repudiation of the Bloomberg era.
“The growing gap between the haves and the have-nots undermines our city and tears at the fabric of our democracy,” James said.
She went on to describe “a gilded age of inequality” where “decrepit” housing developments stand in the shadows of multimillion-dollar condos and “stop-and-frisk abuses” “have been touted as ‘success stories’ as if crime can only be reduced by infringing on the civil liberties of people of color.”
Speakers blast former Mayor Bloomberg at Mayor de Blasio's inauguration - NY Daily News

3. 'Tish' there's a person truly concerned with the little guy....with justice, fairness....Isn't she?

"Councilwoman Letitia "Tish" James (D-Fort Greene) is suing a day laborer for causing "serious, severe and permanent [injuries] to her limbs and body" after she walked into a four-inch trailer hitch protruding from the back of his parked car. According to court documents cited in the Brooklyn Paper, James says she suffered "great physical and mental pain" when she brushed against the hitch and cut her leg in Fort Greene last July.

After parking behind the itinerant worker's car on Fulton Street between S. Portland Avenue and S. Oxford Street, James says she hurt her leg while walking between the vehicles. "It's a public safety issue," said James, who claims the incident left her with a seven-inch scar.
Councilwoman Files Suit After Walking Into Parked Car: Gothamist

4. "Councilwoman Letitia James has filed a personal injury suit against an itinerant laborer after she allegedly injured herself walking into his legally parked truck..... court documents also allege that the injuries caused James to be unable to attend to her usual occupation — though the alleged pain and suffering occurred on the eve of the councilwoman’s re-election campaign, one that she waged with her typical vigor against two primary rivals.

“Please don’t go forward with it,” he wrote to James in February. “You are famous and powerful while I’m a nobody without means who’s done you no harm.”

He also pointed out that he makes roughly one-tenth of James’s salary,
The larger irony of James’s suit, of course, is that the councilwoman, not Day, may be the person who broke traffic regulations.
Walking between two parked cars could be jaywalking." It?s a Tish-grace! Councilwoman James sues over scratch ? The Brooklyn Paper

5. "One opportunist, Public Advocate Letitia James, saw fit to rail against the “gilded age of inequality,” while being far from a model civil rights advocate herself.

James slapped 61-year-old Texas laborer David Day with a lawsuit in March 2010 for a shin scrape she sustained after illegally jaywalking into his legally parked trailer hitch in Fort Greene. Tish, then raking in $122,000 a year as a councilwoman, heartlessly ignored Day’s plea for leniency and hired a team of lawyers to gouge the struggling senior for what she claimed were “serious, severe and permanent [injuries] to her limbs and body.”
At the time, James refused medical treatment and denied this newspaper access to her medical records."
Tacky guest speakers trashed Mayor DeBlasio?s inauguration day ? Brooklyn Daily

But, least New Yorkers elected an honorable bunch......
with cuomo and deblasio, ny has sunk to new lows.

Cuomo said if you don't agree with the Left's views, you don't belong in the state.

"Mayor Bill de Blasio today defended Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has come under endless criticism from conservative pundits after telling a local radio station that “extreme conservatives, who are right-to-life, pro-assault weapon, anti-gay … have no place in the state of New York.”
De Blasio Sides With Cuomo, Says New Yorkers Reject ?Extremist Views? | Politicker

Let's remind all who the Left is:

"Liberals claim the center by placing socialism on the left and national socialism on the right, even though Lenin/Stalin and Hitler/other Nazis had much in common as they centralized power and preached hatred.

A more accurate spectrum would place totalitarians of many stripes on the left and defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom on the right. WORLD | Let's admit who we are | Marvin Olasky | July 17, 2010

"....defenders of religious, political, and economic freedom on the right."

Let's include 'defenders of free speech, and freedom of opinion.'

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