The party of small government together not being married.

Here we go again with the small government Republicans. Voting to keep an already not enforced law in Michigan that bans non married couples from living together.

It may be in different ways but it's crazy how both parties have this insane desire to control the people in ways that are none of their business.

Michigan Republicans Vote To Keep Law Barring Unwed Couples From Living Together
what grade schooler has a normal conversation about sexuality wirh their teacher??

if your 5th grade teacher was talking to your about sexuality…that’s not normal…you should talk to the authorities

also if your biology teacher was teaching you stats…then maybe you were in the wrong class..stats is a math class, biology is the study of living organisms
Sexuality doesn't just encompass sex you stunted morons. Children have crushes, they have boyfriends and girlfriends, they hold hands and kiss in the hallways and they deal with rejection. All of this is normal human behavior. You bigots are just trying to put gay people back in the closet.
Teachers are being attacked and vilified based on lies and bullshit.
There is no "kiddie porn" in libraries
No children's sex organs are being butchered.

Republicans are crazy and paranoid and being manipulated by right wing hate groups.
Why do you lie? A nineteen year old girl is suing because she was swayed into getting her breast cut off and puberty blockers. Now she is sterile. I hope these kids sue the democrat party out of existence, when they realize they screwed up and it was because of the groomer party.
That's not how biology works you Bingo. Maybe you should of paid better attention in grade school. There are a certain percentage of students who are going to be gay and they should be allowed to have normal discussions with their teachers like every heterosexual student is able to.
I never talked about sex with any of my teachers. I knew nothing about them. In fact if they did, they probably would've got arrested.
Sexuality doesn't just encompass sex you stunted morons. Children have crushes, they have boyfriends and girlfriends, they hold hands and kiss in the hallways and they deal with rejection. All of this is normal human behavior. You bigots are just trying to put gay people back in the closet.
haha yes sexuality is about sex…it’s literally about whom your sexually attracted to

geez man you had a messed up childhood
What do parades have to do with biology you Bingo? 😄

Did they teach you biology has a purpose in your creationism class right before they taught you humans rode dinosaurs? 😄
WTF do you think biology is? Can you explain the existence and purpose of two genders in every single plant and animal on the planet?
haha yes sexuality is about sex…it’s literally about whom your sexually attracted to

geez man you had a messed up childhood
I like how you morons pretend children aren't learning and growing into intimacy by holding hands, passing notes, kissing in the hallways.... in you're stupid cosplsay fantasies humans grow up being completely emotionless beings and then just go straight into sex. That's how human development works for the creationist crowd. 😄
Again you stunted morons, sexuality and intimacy aren't all about sex.
It wasn't the teachers responsibility, an English teacher taught English. That’s it, now you loons have an agenda to sexualize kids as young as 8. You were getting away with it till the locked downs showed what was going on. Now you're pissed off we are stopping it.
WTF do you think biology is? Can you explain the existence and purpose of two genders in every single plant and animal on the planet?
Biology is a chemical process. Its physics. It doesn't have purpose or intent. We wouldn't say the purpose of the planets is to revolve around the sun, they happen to because of the curvature of spacetime.
It wasn't the teachers responsibility, an English teacher taught English. That’s it, now you loons have an agenda to sexualize kids as young as 8. You were getting away with it till the locked downs showed what was going on. Now you're pissed off we are stopping it.
No you're not. You're just showing the younger generation what bigots you are.
Teachers should teach what they are taught, not the perverted agenda.
What exactly are they discussing that you are describing as perverted? What do you imagine that is? That's its okay to be gay? Who would have a problem with that other than bigots and bingos?
What exactly are they discussing that you are describing as perverted? What do you imagine that is? That's its okay to be gay? Who would have a problem with that other than bigots and bingos?
Teaching 8 year olds they can change their sex and California has become a sanctuary state. So underage kids can go there and transform. 8 years old is too young for non parents teaching them about sex. My gosh you loons are sick.
Teaching 8 year olds they can change their sex and California has become a sanctuary state. So underage kids can go there and transform. 8 years old is too young for non parents teaching them about sex. My gosh you loons are sick.
No one is teaching anyone that they can change their biological sex. What they are teaching is acceptance of people who's identities don't match their biological sex.
No one is teaching anyone that they can change their biological sex. What they are teaching is acceptance of people who's identities don't match their biological sex.
Why is California a sanctuary state, just for that reason. There is a nineteen year old suing because she was talked into cutting off her breast and taking puberty blockers at 16. Now she realizes she was wrong, I hope your party gets sued out of existence because of it. If Trump wins in 2024, he will get the conservative judges in that would listen to the cases.

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