The party of small government together not being married.

So, nothing is off limits because it is "natural"?
Is that what you would go with? My standard would be consent, which only requires the agreement of the parties involved rather than what some third party finds to be an off-putting fetish.
Is that what you would go with? My standard would be consent, which only requires the agreement of the parties involved rather than what some third party finds to be an off-putting fetish.

as long as both parties are adults I could agree with this
Let's face a reality here. NONE of us are present when these things happen. Therefore, we ALL rely on someone ELSE to tell us what happened, and those people ALSO are not present when things happen, so they rely on someone else. Therefore, it comes down to whether or not we can trust the talking heads and voices to tell us the truth about what happened, and that they're telling the whole truth, not just the pieces that happen to further their narrative.

Given the reality that "journalism" in America today is less about recording what happened and more about furthering a left-wing agenda, I don't have a lot of trust in the talking heads. If you think there is not big money in lying to the left wing, I have a rainbow farting unicorn in my backyard I'll sell you, cheap.

Even more than money, there is power,
There is control.
It is very advantageous to lead the cancel culture rather than trail it.
Who is an adult? What society agree's on? Why do we get to decide who an adult is?

Society has always determined what constitutes an adult.

If not society, then whom?

Or should there be no legal distinction between a 4 year old and a 40 year old?
Where is that happening, Fool????? N0WHERE!!!!

Republicans are really good at protecting children and women from drag queens and trannies, who aren't a danger to them at all, while refusing to protect them from mass shooters, gun violence, or dying from pregnancy complications.
You apparently haven't been paying much attention. Not too surprising.
I generally agree but adulthood is more subjective than objective. Consent is more about whether or not you have the ability to make informed decisions.
Which is why we object to children deciding they want to be the other gender and adults going along with it.

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