The party of small government strikes again

Tell us, who was your thread directed at?? I see you refuse to answer that question, wonder why?

I missed it.

This thread was directed at the group that claims to support small government and more freedom. These are the kinds of laws we expect from the Dems as they never make much claims, but in this thread every Repub/MAGA/Rightwinger is supporting the new law, right along with the Dems.
not ok to, but should not be illegal either.
I get it now.

You're the guy that finally gets eaten by the shark, or slashed by the serial killer, and the crowd goes nuts. :)

Or maybe you're this Clarence guy; he seems more your speed:

But yeah, decent people look forward to other states following FL's lead.

Oh then DEFINITELY flash it; be even MORE obnoxious than usual. :)

I can live being labeled as obnoxious for not being a mindless PC drone that loves big government butting into our lives in every manner possible.
I get it now.

You're the guy that finally gets eaten by the shark, or slashed by the serial killer, and the crowd goes nuts. :)

Or maybe you're this Clarence guy; he seems more your speed:

If that makes you happy, then I am happy for you.

But yeah, decent people look forward to other states following FL's lead.

Yep, cannot let freedom and liberty get in the way of your god the Govt controlling our lives.
I missed it.

This thread was directed at the group that claims to support small government and more freedom. These are the kinds of laws we expect from the Dems as they never make much claims, but in this thread every Repub/MAGA/Rightwinger is supporting the new law, right along with the Dems.

What group is that?

You also do realize that this is solely your opinion of one small thing YOU think the government shouldn't be involved in? And therefore, since it is your OPINION, it doesn't make it fact that someone who supports smaller government would necessarily be against this particular legislation. You construct your own little strawman based on your very narrow opinion and then try to fight it, it's quite amusing. They are not claims of 'no government', and 'small government' to one person may mean the government being involved in different aspects than what YOU think they should be involved in. The government ensuring that the one thing that should be legal tender for goods and services, cold hard cash, is the one thing always accepted, is not 'big' government, it's the government doing its job.
If the business lets you do that, then you (finally) have a point. But every place I've seen that limits sales to card transaction requires payment up front. That's how they get around the "legal tender" law.

They get around the legal tender law when using cards because a card is a promise of legal tender.
Then you owe them the debt when you take possession, or show the intent on purchasing.

I owe nothing for the cart full of groceries till I get to the check out, and even then I can change my mind and go "no thanks" and walk away.
I dont know the reasoning behind the bill

And if Golfing Gator knows he aint saying

You’d think a fence sitter who claims to be non partisan would at least consider both sides
Golfing gator and non partisan in the same sentence.... now that's funny .... he is a Biden ass licker for sure and known hate Trumper. Anti American fool.
I dont know the reasoning behind the bill

And if Golfing Gator knows he aint saying

You’d think a fence sitter who claims to be non partisan would at least consider both sides

There is a link attached to my OP that explains it all. Find you a 4th grader to read it to you if it is to complicated.

But in summary they are taking away the freedom of a business to make its own business decisions for the "good of the masses"
My point was that Golfing Gator Gator is a hypocrite himself because he only presented one side of the story
Like I said, I don't care about GG's ideological credentials. I'm interested in the principles and arguments involved. And you guys are borrowing a lot from statist Democrats. It's particularly frustrating for libertarians because, traditionally, Republicans have maintained a pretense in that direction. Goldwater, Reagan, etc ... used to champion limited government and free trade. The puritan/authoritarian wing of the GOP was always there, but now that they're all in on populism, they've pretty much taken over the party. And Republicans are purging the party of libertarianism, in favor of what amounts to old-school, liberal big government. That's the point of this thread.
There is a link attached to my OP that explains it all. Find you a 4th grader to read it to you if it is to complicated.

But in summary they are taking away the freedom of a business to make its own business decisions for the "good of the masses"
Ok, I concede that I was wrong

There is a more balanced explanation buried in the link that I missed

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