The party of small government strikes again

Then you end your intent to leave with it. How about eating it while in the store?

Eating it before you pay for it is the same as stealing it unless you are in a sit down restaurant
If the business lets you do that, then you (finally) have a point. But every place I've seen that limits sales to card transaction requires payment up front. That's how they get around the "legal tender" law.

I suppose restaurants would be the exception, you eat your food before you pay for it. So, for those the "legal tender" thing might work.
I suppose restaurants would be the exception, you eat your food before you pay for it. So, for those the "legal tender" thing might work.
Yep. I actually talked to the manager of the food mall I was discussing earlier. As long as they ask for payment up front, it's not a debt and Marty's nonsense has no bearing.
they charge a dime more because they can,
They charge a dime more because they are charged a fee by the bank.
Cash is messy and slows down transaction.
So what.
Cash has to be accounted for each shift/end of day and then stored and then transported to a bank, all of which require time and wages to accomplish.
Are you trying to say that those card transactions don't require anymore attention after the purchase? What about the deadbeats that overdraft or the stolen cards that are misused. Once again you are grasping at non sequiturs. Enjoy Panama. LMAO
Feel free to link to me doing that, I will be happy to wait while you look....but you wont, you will just puss out like you always do

All one has to do is read any thread you participate in, it's not that hard. You attack anyone that you perceive to be on the 'right', and you defend anyone on the 'left' that they are debating with, every time.

While you're at it, why don't you tell us what politician that has any amount of power to make change advocates for small government. List exactly who this thread is targeted at?
So. back to this law....why are these places exempt from the law....other than they tend to have more money and donate more to the politicians making the laws....

accountants, architects, attorneys, engineers, financial advisers, insurance agents, interior designers, software developers, management and other consultants

The legislation (Senate Bill 106/House Bill 35) would require most businesses to accept cash payments and prohibit them from charging a fee or placing conditions on accepting cash. They’d have to accept cash for “any transaction involving the purchase of any tangible good or any service.”

It would apply to any business operating at a fixed physical location, from a vehicle or other mobile space, or from temporary physical premises.

And it would cover transactions in which the customer is physically present at the place of business. It would not apply to sales that are not conducted in person, including phone, mail and online transactions.

The party of small government and more freedom is again attempting to tell business how they must operate and taking away their freedom to operate in their own best interest. And they are doing so with the help of the Dems who at least do not pretend to support either of those things.
Cards are not payments. The business is extending credit to their customers as a card is a promise to pay the legal tender. Big government is when they legislate that you MUST have a credit or debit card in order to pay a bill. The legal tender in this country is the green back--not Master Card, VISA or some fly-by-night bank's debit card.
I think it is ok for a private business to refuse service for any damn reason they wish. Anti-discrimination laws should apply only to the Govt and protected classes is a violation of the Equal Protection Clause

It is Classic Libertarian, not liberal.
^ Classic modern Boomer shitlib oozing w/WP.

"I got mine, fuck everybody else."

Be sure to flash your cash in Panama. :)
Go to a different damn business?

There is a doughnut places close to me that makes me take cash out of my bank if I want their product, why is it ok for them to discriminate agastin me?
The only thing worse than a hyper-privileged limo shitlib Boomer?

A trolling hyper-privileged limo shitlib Boomer.

But yeah, cash needs to be accepted.

Good on Florida.
No they don't. They represent your creditworthyness.

a debit card has nothing to do with my credit.

using apple pay tied to my bank account has nothing to do with my credit.
I think you're beating a dead horse here. I haven't heard a Republican talk about small government in ages.
Every time a conservative brings up how bloated and wasteful Government is in this country they're immediately attacked by Democrats and the Main Stream Media with the charge that they hate old people, school children, unions and democracy! They don't talk about Government because you on the left have made that topic a "third rail" item that nobody DARES to address!
Cards are not payments. The business is extending credit to their customers as a card is a promise to pay the legal tender. Big government is when they legislate that you MUST have a credit or debit card in order to pay a bill. The legal tender in this country is the green back--not Master Card, VISA or some fly-by-night bank's debit card.

Why are these business exempt from being forced to take cash?

accountants, architects, attorneys, engineers, financial advisers, insurance agents, interior designers, software developers, management and other consultants
^ Thinks it's okay to discriminate against the poor, elderly, POC and others; CLASSIC shitroach.
I don't think it's "ok". But government shouldn't be forcing people to serve others against their will.
So, you have no examples, just as I said you would not.

That was far too easy

Like I said, any thread you participate in, it's not that hard.

Tell us, who was your thread directed at?? I see you refuse to answer that question, wonder why?

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