The party of small government strikes again

The legislation (Senate Bill 106/House Bill 35) would require most businesses to accept cash payments and prohibit them from charging a fee or placing conditions on accepting cash. They’d have to accept cash for “any transaction involving the purchase of any tangible good or any service.”

It would apply to any business operating at a fixed physical location, from a vehicle or other mobile space, or from temporary physical premises.

And it would cover transactions in which the customer is physically present at the place of business. It would not apply to sales that are not conducted in person, including phone, mail and online transactions.

The party of small government and more freedom is again attempting to tell business how they must operate and taking away their freedom to operate in their own best interest. And they are doing so with the help of the Dems who at least do not pretend to support either of those things.
Many poor people don’t have cards to pay with. Once again Republicans are looking out for the little guy and Gator is butthurt.
Like I said, I don't care about GG's ideological credentials. I'm interested in the principles and arguments involved. And you guys are borrowing a lot from statist Democrats. It's particularly frustrating for libertarians because, traditionally, Republicans have maintained a pretense in that direction. Goldwater, Reagan, etc ... used to champion limited government and free trade. The puritan/authoritarian wing of the GOP was always there, but now that they're all in on populism, they've pretty much taken over the party. And Republicans are purging the party of libertarianism, in favor of what amounts to old-school, liberal big government. That's the point of this thread.
I agree that the political landscape has changed and repubs are much less predictable than they used to be

Sometimes thats ok but often its not to my liking either

I could point out that a cashless economy is advantageous to big government libs who want more control over us

But you seem bound and determined to bash republicans no matter what
Ok, I concede that I was wrong

There is a more balanced explanation buried in the link that I missed

The Govt always has a sweet sounding way of explaining why they are taking away your rights. They are always doing it for your own good
I agree that the political landscape has changed and repubs are much less predictable than they used to be

Sometimes thats ok but often its not to my liking either

I could point out that a cashless economy is advantageous to big government libs who want more control over us
Absolutely agree. Which is why I avoid businesses that won't take cash. But I think government dictating on the matter is even worse. If they have power require cash payments, they also have the power to require that everyone use CDBC (Central Bank Digital Currency). That's coming down the pike.
But you seem bound and determined to bash republicans no matter what
Only when I think they're wrong. Admittedly, it happens a lot lately.
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There is a link attached to my OP that explains it all. Find you a 4th grader to read it to you if it is to complicated.

But in summary they are taking away the freedom of a business to make its own business decisions for the "good of the masses"

They're stating that businesses should accept cash, legal tender, for transactions, hardly taking anyone's 'freedom' away. :rolleyes: It's solely your opinion that such legislation is not in the purview of the government and represents 'big government overreach', many do not agree with that 'opinion'. If there's one thing that should be accepted everywhere as legal tender for goods and services, it should be cold, hard cash, that is the job of government.
What if there isn’t the same type store close? What if their prices are higher?

Why do you hate poor people?
What if they're gay poor people who want to get married and there's only one baker withing 10,000 miles and they can't get the baker to make them a wedding cake with a depiction of them humping each other?

Injustices abound.
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The Govt always has a sweet sounding way of explaining why they are taking away your rights. They are always doing it for your own good

Isn't you who makes fun of people who make absurd notions about 'the people' being controlled by the big, bad government? I believe it is, but only when it's someone on the 'right' doing so, you're always quick to pipe in about how they're exaggerating and making a big deal over nothing, yet here you are doing the same thing.
What if there isn’t the same type store close? What if their prices are higher?

Why do you hate poor people?

Shit happens.

Did you support the baker in CO saying "no" to the gay wedding?
They're stating that businesses should accept cash, legal tender, for transactions, hardly taking anyone's 'freedom' away

They are taking away the freedom of the business to make the best business decision for them.
They are taking away the freedom of the business to make the best business decision for them.

Try addressing my entire post, it's the purview of government to ensure that US currency, legal and acceptable tender for all goods and services is accepted everywhere. Period. This legislation has nothing to do with 'freedom' for businesses, nor the scale of government, your opinion is baseless.
Funny how you are quick to shit on poor people because of your feeble attempt to score some political points on a message board, Vermin.

Did you support the baker in CO saying "no" to the gay wedding?
Why are these business exempt from being forced to take cash?
They aren't. If someone chose to pay them in cash--they would have to take it. There is no law that FORCES anyone to pay in other than the coin of the realm. I don't have to have a credit card, debit card or checking account. They are for the customers' convenience.
Try addressing my entire post, it's the purview of government to ensure that US currency, legal and acceptable tender for all goods and services is accepted everywhere

Yes, I know that is your opinion. We do not share it.

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