The party of small government strikes again

Then you could have just walked out with them if no debt is owed on them.

That would be stealing. They are not yours while you are in the store until such time as you pay for them.

The legislation (Senate Bill 106/House Bill 35) would require most businesses to accept cash payments and prohibit them from charging a fee or placing conditions on accepting cash. They’d have to accept cash for “any transaction involving the purchase of any tangible good or any service.”

It would apply to any business operating at a fixed physical location, from a vehicle or other mobile space, or from temporary physical premises.

And it would cover transactions in which the customer is physically present at the place of business. It would not apply to sales that are not conducted in person, including phone, mail and online transactions.

The party of small government and more freedom is again attempting to tell business how they must operate and taking away their freedom to operate in their own best interest. And they are doing so with the help of the Dems who at least do not pretend to support either of those things.
Read a federal note sometime; they all say, "this note is legal tender for all debts public and private". Legally a business can't refuse to take cash without violating federal law.
That would be stealing. They are not yours while you are in the store until such time as you pay for them.

And until you pay them you owe them a debt, or debit if you want to go all accounting on this thread.

Which is then removed when you pay the person, and in this country and most others cash is legal tender for all debts/debits public and private.
Read a federal note sometime; they all say, "this note is legal tender for all debts public and private". Legally a business can't refuse to take cash without violating federal law.

Unless you are given your product before you pay for it, there is no debt, either public or private.

Your argument works in a sit down restaurant, but not a fast food joint.

Also, this law exempts accountants, architects, attorneys, engineers, financial advisers, insurance agents, interior designers, software developers, management and other consultants. If your statement is true, these places could not be legally exempted.
the point is the debt doesn't happen only when you try to pay it, it exists when you want to take ownership of the item or service.
So, like before you leave your house to drive to the store? Curioser and curioser.
the point is the debt doesn't happen only when you try to pay it, it exists when you want to take ownership of the item or service.

you are wrong, what you 'want" to do is irrelevant. It is when you actually do it that matters. When I am walking around Best Buy I want to take ownership of the 98 inch TV. But that does not mean I owe them a debt just because of that want
you are wrong, what you 'want" to do is irrelevant. It is when you actually do it that matters. When I am walking around Best Buy I want to take ownership of the 98 inch TV. But that does not mean I owe them a debt just because of that want

Actually want to, not "thinking about it"
For which they charge you. So no expense to the business. Cash on the other hand requires dedicated employee time to deal with each day as well as an increased chance of theft.

Totally untrue, except in very few cases like gas stations, where there is a price for cash and another for credit. In all other cases, the cash and credit price are the same.

How can you live here and not know this?
you are wrong, what you 'want" to do is irrelevant. It is when you actually do it that matters. When I am walking around Best Buy I want to take ownership of the 98 inch TV. But that does not mean I owe them a debt just because of that want
He's just trying to derail the thread with this nonsense. Move on.

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