The party of small government strikes again

I bought the cashier's check with cash

How very inconvenient. Where did you get the cash to buy the cashiers check?

Carrying $50K+ in my pocket would be stupid.

Indeed it would. Much better idea to just have a simple piece of plastic.

Not a chance, Gigi. I don't live in a crime ridden area. You have more of a chance of having your debit card hacked than I have of having some lowlife rob me---if he survived the attempt.

There is no portion of America that is 100% crime free.
far more muggings than hackings.

also, is it safe to assume you never fly anywhere?
I think far more people have been hacked than have been mugged. Link to anything that lends substantiation to your statement. I realize you are attempting to play gotcha with the credit card argument with this bit about flying. My response is that I did not say that I don't use a credit card. I use it when I want and I am not forced to use it. I can purchase airfare with cash. Considering I have to submit to REAL ID laws and TSA, it is moot how I pay for my fare. All of which is irrelevant to anything in your OP. Next.
I think I far more people have been hacked than have been mugged. Link to anything that lends substantiation to your statement. I realize you are attempting to play gotcha with the credit card argument with this bit about flying. My response is that I did not say that I don't use a credit card. I use it when I want and I am not forced to use it. I can purchase airfare with cash. Considering I have to submit to REAL ID laws and TSA, it is moot how I pay for my fare. All of which is irrelevant to anything in your OP. Next.

The OP is about forcing businesses to take a certain type of payment instead of letting them decide what is best for their business.

The sort of thing that people on the right used to frown upon, now they defend it to their dying breath.

But it is good to know you are not a total Luddite
The OP is about forcing businesses to take a certain type of payment
Last post. Your continuous nonsense is getting tedious. The government has determined a fiat currency for the country. It is the US dollar. It is the ONLY payment that is legislated to serve that purpose. Credit cards and debit cards are loans made by the business. They are not payments until the equivalent fiat currency has been received by the business. You can howl at the moon with your nonsense until the cows come home. This is the fact of the matter.
The OP is about forcing businesses to take a certain type of payment instead of letting them decide what is best for their business.

The sort of thing that people on the right used to frown upon, now they defend it to their dying breath.

But it is good to know you are not a total Luddite
more word salad,,

they are telling them they have to take the same money that every other company has taken for over 200 yrs,,, and that the people arent forced to get a bank account/vredit card to buy food,,
Internal consistency of views...

I think it should be legal for the baker to say "no, I wont bake that cake"

I think it should be legal for the florist to say "no, I wont bring flowers to that wedding'

I think it should be legal to say "no, we do not take cash"

I think it should be legal to say "no, I don't take cards"
Last post. Your continuous nonsense is getting tedious. The government has determined a fiat currency for the country. It is the US dollar. It is the ONLY payment that is legislated to serve that purpose. Credit cards and debit cards are loans made by the business. They are not payments until the equivalent fiat currency has been received by the business. You can howl at the moon with your nonsense until the cows come home. This is the fact of the matter.
he knows he wants a bigger government that forces everyone to work through a government controlled financial institution so the government can control everyones money,,
Internal consistency of views...

I think it should be legal for the baker to say "no, I wont bake that cake"

I think it should be legal for the florist to say "no, I wont bring flowers to that wedding'

I think it should be legal to say "no, we do not take cash"

I think it should be legal to say "no, I don't take cards"
of course youre going to play this stupid game to back up your big government ideals,,
50,000 cases of ID theft

267,988 robberies nationwide in 2019

More lies.
1.1 million reports to the FTC in 2022 were for identity theft.¹
more word salad,,

they are telling them they have to take the same money that every other company has taken for over 200 yrs,,, and that the people arent forced to get a bank account/vredit card to buy food,,

they are taking the same money, they are just limiting the form in which they take it. My digital money is just as real as your paper money
they are taking the same money, they are just limiting the form in which they take it. My digital money is just as real as your paper money
then they should take the paper money,,

but sure lets go with your big government option and force everyone into having a bank account controlled by the government,,

you really need to quit while youre ahead,,
then they should take the paper money,,

but sure lets go with your big government option and force everyone into having a bank account controlled by the government,,

how about we go with the option where the private business makes its own rules for the types of payments it takes.

But no, you cannot have that, you have to have the Govt involved while I am trying to keep them out of it

you really need to quit while youre ahead,,

I am always ahead of you.
Last edited:
More lies.
1.1 million reports to the FTC in 2022 were for identity theft.¹

identity theft is any hacking of any database with personal data in it. that does not mean 100,000 people in the breech had their IDs stolen or were ripped off.

I have been notified a half a dozen times my data might have been taken in a breach, never once have I had a dime stolen from me.
how about we go with the option where the private business makes its own rules for the types of payments it takes.

But now, you cannot have that, you have to have the Govt involved while I am trying to keep them out of it

I am always a head of you.
the idea that a private business can make its own rules left a long time ago,,,

of course you want to play word games and off topic comparisons to make your case since its failing so bad,,,

trying playing the long thought and tell me where this ends if every company refuses to take cash?? that would force people into having a credit/debit card when they dont want one just to buy something,,

you may be OK with that but theres a lot of us that arent OK with it,,
the idea that a private business can make its own rules left a long time ago,,,

thanks to people like you.

trying playing the long thought and tell me where this ends if every company refuses to take cash??

since right now it is about less than 1% that does so, I am not really going to play your silly slippery slope games.

If people do not like being told they cannot use cash they will go to a different business and the one that does not take cash will suffer and go out of business.
identity theft is any hacking of any database with personal data in it. that does not mean 100,000 people in the breech had their IDs stolen or were ripped off.

I have been notified a half a dozen times my data might have been taken in a breach, never once have I had a dime stolen from me.
why do you think the world revolves around you and what youve experienced and nothing else matters???

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