The Party of Tolerance: Truth vs. Fantasy

Question for TamponKotex - which party supports equality for all RIGHT NOW? Not in 1963. Now.
Search the term "Southern Strategy" and then say that Republicans aren't racist.

Southern Democrat became Southern Republican around 1968, so when you claim to be "the party of Lincoln", you're lying. If Abraham Lincoln were to see the GOP Teabagger party in the 21st century, he'd shoot himself from immense shame.

Southern Democrats went back to being Southern Democrats after Nixon. Hence Carter. Care to try that again?

Carter opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964? The voting rights act of 1965? Can you prove that?
The democrat party makes a big issue about tolerance for jihad extremism but apparently they have little or no tolerance for the traditions and beliefs of Christians.

I'd love just one liberal to explain to me how they can embrace hard core muslim extremists like the Iranian government who hang gays with regularity.

But hell's bells Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty expresses his opinion that he doesn't understand how anyone could prefer an asshole to a vagina and the progressives lose their freaking minds.


How many liberals can you name who support the persecution of gays in Iran?
Search the term "Southern Strategy" and then say that Republicans aren't racist.

Southern Democrat became Southern Republican around 1968, so when you claim to be "the party of Lincoln", you're lying. If Abraham Lincoln were to see the GOP Teabagger party in the 21st century, he'd shoot himself from immense shame.

Southern Democrats went back to being Southern Democrats after Nixon. Hence Carter. Care to try that again?

Carter opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964? The voting rights act of 1965? Can you prove that?

Carter is just an example of the type of leaders that Democrats produce.

He had this image of being a nice guy, but he was really an asshole who felt that the help needed to be seen, not heard.
Conservatives spend so much time pretending to be what they're not it's no wonder they can't ever remember who they really are in the first place.

Actually, you on the left spend so much time hating everything these caricatures that you've invented that you've forgotten what they really are.

Seems to me the pretenders are the folks you repeatedly vote for. Obama tried to sound like Reagan during the SOTU address.

You folks forget who was responsible for freeing the slaves and who do you think championed civil rights. You also forget who stood in the way of both. Democrats.

Democrats decided in 2012 they would assign racial or sexist connotations to everything Mitt Romney said. Thus surfaced the binders scandal.

So the Tea Party is full of terrorists/racists but Iran is our friends? Your lives are full of utter fantasies. You are totally out of touch with reality, and you drag everyone around you into this upside down world. You need this mess because without it you'd have to face the fact that the people you vote for can't do anything right. They screw everything up so bad that it seems like they're doing it on purpose. Then they dream up ways to blame it all on Bush, or the Tea Party, or a video, or whomever is the current strawman. But this is simply the product of people who vote with emotion rather than logic.

The GOP has plenty of lousy leaders, but they don't even come close to the screwups in the Democrat party. Not by half. When we discover that our guy sucks ass we get rid of him. You instead embrace him or her and make up excuses for them. This is why the Democrat Party is such a disaster these days. Your party has taken corruption to 3rd world levels. This is the transformation Obama promised and not for the better.

I thought he sounded more Clintonesque.

Obama is no Reagan!

Which party is more tolerant? Who is the least tolerant?

I keep saying and I will say it again because I am pretty sure it isn't just me:

I don't like boxes. Both sides are tolerant and both sides are least tolerant. It all isn't just black and white. Lots of gray. I am gray.

The democrat party makes a big issue about tolerance for jihad extremism but apparently they have little or no tolerance for the traditions and beliefs of Christians.

I'd love just one liberal to explain to me how they can embrace hard core muslim extremists like the Iranian government who hang gays with regularity.

But hell's bells Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty expresses his opinion that he doesn't understand how anyone could prefer an asshole to a vagina and the progressives lose their freaking minds.


Simply because the notion of liberals embracing hard core Muslim extremist is hyperbolic nonsense.
I'll take this onslaught of trolling by liberals as an admission of defeat. There is no way you can profess to be the party of tolerance when you react with utter hostility to members of your own party who hold different views than yours. By your own responses you have made my argument even stronger.

Taking a victory lap in an empty stadium I see.

[ame=]CAKE - The Distance - YouTube[/ame]
Who was it said "Republicans don't belong here"? Wanna give that a go? And while I'm at it, are you saying states shouldn't have any rights? Oh, and I oppose succession. I favor preservation of the union. Oh, and guess which party gave birth to the KKK? Who tried to filibuster the Civil Rights Act?


These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again - Lyndon Johnson

Civil Rights act 1964 Only 61 percent of Democrats supported that bill, versus 80 percent of Republicans.

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Written by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen - 94 percent of Senate Republicans voted in favor of the bill versus 73 percent of Democrats. The final vote on the House version - only one Senate Republican voted against it compared to seventeen Democrats.

The Civil right act was passed with a coalition of Northern Democrat and Northern Republican. It truly was a North v South issue.
There is a big difference between bloggers and talking heads calling people names and actual legislation being passed by political parties

Show us some GOP sponsored legislation that improves tolerance for minorities, women, gays, handicapped.....
There is a big difference between bloggers and talking heads calling people names and actual legislation being passed by political parties

Show us some GOP sponsored legislation that improves tolerance for minorities, women, gays, handicapped.....

The Bill Of Rights.

BTW, tolerance is just another word for favouritism to a liberal.

The correct term is equality, not tolerance. Liberals are extremely intolerant of those in the opposition.
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