The Party of Tolerance: Truth vs. Fantasy


Well, this is bound to set some heads ablaze. It may even cause a flame war. There might be some negs and mods involved. But hey, that's not the point of this thread. Think about it for a moment. Which party is more tolerant? Who is the least tolerant? For as long as I can remember tolerance has been an issue in America. One party in particular purports to be the champions of tolerance. It claims the other party is racist, bigoted, misogynistic and generally intolerant of opposing viewpoints.

As I am about to demonstrate, I will take apart these assumptions. One by one.
<snipped for sanity>



Don't be hard on yourself, TK. You're just misguided. I'll help you out of this mess like I always do, later when I have time to wend through your 61,000-word post. :thup:
Consider the graphics the quick Cliff's Notes.

Do you know what Cliff's Notes are, you young whippersnapper?
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Don't be hard on yourself, TK. You're just misguided. I'll help you out of this mess like I always do, later when I have time to wend through your 61,000-word post. :thup:
Consider the graphics the quick Cliff's Notes.

Do you know what Cliff's Notes are, you young whippersnapper?

Uhh, I would expect more intelligent remarks from you Pogo, especially you. But just like BD and friends, you are incapable of rising above the rest. I though you were the type who would stop at nothing to intelligently debate someone. Sigh.

Nobody really disproved my thread, just reacted with some trolling and namecalling. Should anyone (including you) decide to argue the points of my thread, go right ahead.
Yeah Pogo, what happened to your tireless search for intelligent debate? You have disappointed the OP. I think I am gonna cry. It is so sad.

Edit: And he KNOWS what cliffs notes are. You are so cruel!
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Don't be hard on yourself, TK. You're just misguided. I'll help you out of this mess like I always do, later when I have time to wend through your 61,000-word post. :thup:
Consider the graphics the quick Cliff's Notes.

Do you know what Cliff's Notes are, you young whippersnapper?

Uhh, I would expect more intelligent remarks from you Pogo, especially you. But just like BD and friends, you are incapable of rising above the rest. I though you were the type who would stop at nothing to intelligently debate someone. Sigh.

Nobody really disproved my thread, just reacted with some trolling and namecalling. Should anyone (including you) decide to argue the points of my thread, go right ahead.

I intend to. It's just that I have bidness to do and I expect to be asleep in a mere twelve hours, which doesn't leave a whole lot of time to read that War and Peace clone you posted in your OP, nomsayin'? Time management.

So I gave you the Cliff's Notes for now, which is a quick short sweet summary. The devil in the details, that comes later. So be afraid.. be very afraid...
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Don't be hard on yourself, TK. You're just misguided. I'll help you out of this mess like I always do, later when I have time to wend through your 61,000-word post. :thup:
Consider the graphics the quick Cliff's Notes.

Do you know what Cliff's Notes are, you young whippersnapper?

Uhh, I would expect more intelligent remarks from you Pogo, especially you. But just like BD and friends, you are incapable of rising above the rest. I though you were the type who would stop at nothing to intelligently debate someone. Sigh.

Nobody really disproved my thread, just reacted with some trolling and namecalling. Should anyone (including you) decide to argue the points of my thread, go right ahead.

I intend to. It's just that I have bidness to do and I expect to be asleep in a mere twelve hours, which doesn't leave a whole lot of time to read that phone book you posted in your OP, nomsayin'?

So I gave you the Cliff's Notes for now, which is a quick short sweet summary. The devil in the details, that comes later. So be afraid.. be very afraid...

Oh sure. I'm shakin' in my boots pal.
More Northern Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 than Northern Republicans percentage wise and number wise in both the house and the senate. And more Southern Democrats voted for the Civil Rights than Southern Republicans both numbers wise and percentage wise in the house and Senate. The transition of the Democrat Party to a primarily liberal party began during the Civil Rights period, thus isolating the southern conservative base they used to hold.
More Northern Democrats voted for the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 than Northern Republicans percentage wise and number wise in both the house and the senate. And more Southern Democrats voted for the Civil Rights than Southern Republicans both numbers wise and percentage wise in the house and Senate. The transition of the Democrat party to a primarily liberal party began during the Civil Rights period, thus isolating the southern conservative base they used to hold.

Your point?

Have you been hawking this thread for 15 hours? Even I found the time to sleep.

Anyhow, it doesn't matter who voted for what, Stein, the mere passage of that bill started a change in the south, which wasn't brought on by Nixon's Southern Strategy. If anything, Nixon took advantage of that emerging shift to win some some of the Southern States. It largely failed because of the fact he failed to take all but one of the states that joined and formed the initial Confederacy in March of 1861.

The Civil War was over 100 years old at this point, but it was still fresh in the minds of many southerners who were most likely born and raised to parents and grandparents who played witness to and heard stories about the Reconstruction Era. When that bill was passed, it more likely than not reignited a resentment over the South's defeat in the Civil War.
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LOL, you found time for sleep, because this thread is so important to your life haha. It demands attention.

Stop the presses, the brilliant TemplarKormac says the Southern Strategy didn't work, lol.
I'll say this. Anyone can be intolerant.

With the right we are talking about individuals and I'd like to slap people who are closed minded and don't tolerate others. However, it's not an issue throughout the party. Republicans openly disagree with others on the right and the left laughs because the party has in-fighting. Hey, libs, that is what people thinking for themselves looks like!!!

With the left, it's part of their structure.

When I hear one liberal make some stupid comment bashing an entire group, I notice I hear it repeated ad naseum by many other liberals. And they don't call each other out on it.

The left labels people and refuse to back off no matter how wrong they are. I don't like being lumped into a group, yet I am because of a single issue. I hate Obamacare because it means bigger and oppressive government, so the liberals assume I am a wealthy white racist. They look stupid, but they keep beating the same drums and making the same false accusations when anyone disagrees with their agenda.
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Conservatives spend so much time pretending to be what they're not it's no wonder they can't ever remember who they really are in the first place.

This is GOP logic.

We are 90% white.

We would like to have more women. We would also like to have more blacks, Hispanics, and minorities. We'd also like to have more LGBTs in our ranks.

For some reason, those sluts, bitches, homies, spics, wetbacks, and gooks, rag heads, turban cowboys, queers, lezbos, fudge packers, and sick twisted freaks hate us.

:eek:They're the intolerant ones; we're not.

This is GOP logic.

We are 90% white.

that sounds more like Deans logic.....
I'll say this. Anyone can be intolerant.

With the right we are talking about individuals and I'd like to slap people who are closed minded and don't tolerate others. However, it's not an issue throughout the party. Republicans openly disagree with others on the right and the left laughs because the party has in-fighting. Hey, libs, that is what people thinking for themselves looks like!!!

With the left, it's part of their structure.

When I hear one liberal make some stupid comment bashing an entire group, I notice I hear it repeated ad naseum by many other liberals. And they don't call each other out on it.

The left labels people and refuse to back off no matter how wrong they are. I don't like being lumped into a group, yet I am because of a single issue. I hate Obamacare because it means bigger and oppressive government, so the liberals assume I am a wealthy white racist. They look stupid, but they keep beating the same drums and making the same false accusations when anyone disagrees with their agenda.

This is what I was trying to get at. But some liberals here just simply refuse to admit they play into that same game of "Do as I say, Not as I do" politics.
Conservatives spend so much time pretending to be what they're not it's no wonder they can't ever remember who they really are in the first place.

This is GOP logic.

We are 90% white.

We would like to have more women. We would also like to have more blacks, Hispanics, and minorities. We'd also like to have more LGBTs in our ranks.

For some reason, those sluts, bitches, homies, spics, wetbacks, and gooks, rag heads, turban cowboys, queers, lezbos, fudge packers, and sick twisted freaks hate us.

:eek:They're the intolerant ones; we're not.

This is Democrat Logic

We are for blacks, although being majorly white ourselves.

We care about women, gays, blacks and Christians---so long as they tow the line.

For some reason those mean, hateful-terroristic-anarchistic-astro turfed-arson prone-racist-bigoted-gun loving-misogynistic-redneck-Christian Taliban Republicans all hate us. Why do they still hate us? We're more tolerant than they are. If they disagree with that then they are mean, hateful-terroristic-anarchistic-astro turfed-arson prone-racist-bigoted-gun loving-misogynistic-redneck-Christian Taliban Republicans. TOLERANCE!

Whoops, did I just blow your utopian fantasy out of the water?
We care about women, gays, blacks and Christians---so long as they tow the line.

one of the reasons i wont belong to a party....if you dont toe the line....fuck you.....i toe my own line....
The only thing you have done is abandoned your original topic, claiming that liberals are somehow "hypocrites" that infringe on religious liberties and on the rights of blacks and women, and have yet to provide proof.

You then proceeded to engage in historical revisionism, denying the success of the Southern Strategy and the movement of disaffected southern conservatives in the Democrat party to the GOP(like Jesse Helms), saying he "doesn't count".

You have won nothing. Any fair-minded person will see this. You are just long winded.

The only thing TK ever does is mis-characterize the opposition. There is a reason there are more female democrats, black democrats, and Hispanic democrats in the House and Senate...more women, blacks, and Hispanics vote democratic. By definition, they are the more inclusive party.

As for liberals versus conservatives on the "inclusive battle", you'd have ideologues on both sides but since more liberals identify with the democrats and more conservatives identify with republicans, it's self-evident who is more inclusive.

TK lost the argument about 5 pages ago but he's simply dumb enough to not realize it; plus he hasn't got anything else to do today, or tomorrow, or next week, month, year....

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