"The Party of Trump"??


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I love the following opinion:

...This president is not the leader of the GOP. He shows no interest in the job, is not good at it, and has no feel for the party structure, what makes it tick.

The essay goes on to duscuss how, unlike previous president, President Trump is not the titular head of the GOP. He, in fact, attacks GOP leaders on a regular basis. So, what is he the leader of? The Party of Populism? Of Nationalism? Of Isolationism? Or all of them?

President Trump's isolation from the party whose nomination he wrested from insiders and scions is just part of a larger trend in American society and politics. The widening divisions within and between parties are symptoms of our fractured republic, of the unbundling, disaggregation, and dissociation of our communal lives. Mounting political violence, too, is a consequence of the polarization that estranges Americans from one another and turns every disagreement into an apocalyptic battle royal. Trump, McConnell, Pelosi, and Sanders are pulling the mystic chords of memory in four different directions. And they won't quit doing so. Until the chords snap.

Full essay @ The Party of Trump
Only a dumb ass would want to be head of the dumb ass R party.
If the GOP wants to every win again, it matters not whether Trump leads, they need to fucking follow.
Only a dumb ass would want to be head of the dumb ass R party.
I think most registered Rs agree that it's a dumb ass party. They just don't have any other options. The GOP is the party of at-least-we're-not-them. Or the party of DNC-lite.

I would consistently and religiously vote L if that party didn't consistently nominate loony fruitcakes to every political race.
What about the "party of Hillary"? Does it even exist except as a rag tag band of obstructionists? What about the democrat party's other candidate? Did we forget that a big Sanders (Hillary?) fan tried to assassinate every member of a republican baseball team barely two months ago and possibly received information, while he was camped in his van for a month, on the exact times of baseball practice and what targets he could expect. The FBI dropped the investigation (surprise surprise) before House Majority Whip Steve Scalise even got out of the hospital. When ranking democrats refused to disclose their e-mails to James Hodgkinson the media apparently was relieved.
Only a dumb ass would want to be head of the dumb ass R party.
I've been calling them dumb asses for years.

Finally...we agree on something.
Yes, but you think the Ds are great.

I have long thought both parties suck and are very much alike. Both parties should be abolished. They are criminal enterprises akin to the Mafia.
Senator Graham is fighting back; Trump's biggest threats are in his current party.
Senator Graham is fighting back; Trump's biggest threats are in his current party.
They are likely working hand-in-hand with the D party and the Bolsheviks in the media.
Nonsense, I may disagree with Graham on many issues, but he is intelligent and for the USA.

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