‘The Party of weak men and angry women.’ Didn’t The Squad kind of prove this to be true over the Ilhan Omar removal?

Tucker Carlson??? Tucker Carlson is a treasonous piece of shit who is carrying water for mass murderer, Vladimir Putin. He worships Viktor Orban and other autocrats. Why would anything this traitor said about Democrats have any validity whatsoever.

Weak men??? Donald Trump and the rest of the white supremacist crowd are a pack of cowards and bullies. The weakest kind of garbage the world has ever produced. Just like YOU.

Says the most vile, bitter, ugliest incel to ever exist. The Squad is made up of stupid harpies.
The globalists when in control will reduce the world population. And then you can go screw yourself and the evil you support.

Once again we have idiot Republicans talking about "Globalist control of the world". I feel like I talking to children watching the Saturday morning cartoon shows.

Why don't you start living in the REAL world and stop seeing global conspiracy around every corner. Ronald Reagan and Republicans pushed the globalist agenda so that American companies could profit around the world. They pushed for Third World low end manufacturing to increase profits, and an end to unions.

Now that everything Republicans did have blown up in their faces, and the economy has been trashed, you're putting the blame for all of the failed Republican policies on Democrats. Democrats didn't negotiate the free trade deals, approve the tax cuts, or start the wars that destroyed your economy. ALL of that is on the Republican Party, and their wrongheaded fiscal policies.,
The Democrats are the party of weak men and angry women--who either control them entirely OR make their lives miserable.

This is just one reason Democrats are unhappy people, on the main. Their men are weak and their women, angry.
Yep. There is validity to this. And when the gop runs a good candidate that I could actually vote for let me know. I find the Democrats kooky and the Republicans repugnant. What is one to do in this situation?
Maybe you should turn your talents to your own country....

It's the Globe and Mail - very conservative, in a good way, and the problems they're outlining are things that are on the horizon to be dealt with. We have sound governance that IS dealing with our real problems, whereas you have one party that is living in a fantasy world.

We aren't the best country in the world to live in because we have no problems. We're the best country in the world to live in because our leaders both acknowledge the problems and work on solutions.

Unlike the USA where Republicans, crash the economy, refuse to discuss immigration, and let the police run amok, and then claim the Democrats are to blame.
See, the thing that upsets you concerns me not...Because, You're in the same category....Always sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong, then running that mouth endlessly where you shouldn't...In fact, the very reality that it upsets you gives me pleasure...skank....

All that is required for evil to flourish is for people of good conscience to do nothing. Republicans are the "do nothing" party.
The Democrats were elected. They used a platform, programs and plans that people voted for. No competition was destroy and no "communist methods" were used.

Are you seriously saying that you want your elected officials committing crimes of bribery and corruption with no consequences???

The Democrats are not the party of terrorists, insurrectionists, or violent white supremacists. Trump and his party are embracing dictators and mass murderers, and promoting a dicatatorship for the USA. The Republican Party used to be the "Party of Ideas". Now they don't even have a platform.

The rest of the world isn't fooled by your right wing media. Americans fought against the NAZI's in WWII and then in 2016, they're not going to turn the country over to Republicans until they removed the Trump cancer and cauterize the wound.

DragonLady surely covers the "angry woman" faction
I don't know if I just don't tolerate it as well or what--but the level of trolling has really taken a nosedive around here. You folks aren't even TRYING anymore

My advice is to become as intolerant as you can.

We need to speak a language that they understand. They invented intolerance.

Au contraire. I enjoy it very much. But there is vast difference between consenual sex between adults, and sexually objectifying and posting rape fantasies about a woman you hate. That's really fucking sick and very creepy.

And it's something I see on this board frequently. Sex fantasies about female politicians, especially rape fantasies about Democratic women. Sick. Really fucking sick.

And what is it when your fellow cultists post supposed (photo edited) porn pictures of Melania Trump, if not "really fucking sick and very creepy"?

All that is required for evil to flourish is for people of good conscience to do nothing. Republicans are the "do nothing" party.
Stone thrower heal thy own house….

In conclusion, Dragonlady has serious problems in her own country, and ignoring that to constantly comment on US problems is not only the height of arrogance, but also the mark of a non serious person....A troll if you will...

Canada has enough to keep you busy Dragonlady, you should shift your focus....
On the free speech front in Canada

ndividuals from all walks of life are affected by attempts to curb free expression in Canada.”

The heavy-handedness of defamatory libel and its use in curbing freedom of expression is an ongoing problem, said Professors David Pritchard (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) and Lisa Taylor (Ryerson University), in a 2018 Globe and Mail article. A study they conducted found that police services used the threat of criminal libel as a punitive measure against those who would disagree with or disrespect them. And criminal libel allegations were considered just cause for police harassment, which could include the search and seizure of personal technology such as computers and cellphones. As such, even in the face of zero libel charges (or charges being withdrawn later on), the singular process of just being investigated for libel becomes a significant punishment."

Putin and Xi would approve.
Typical RW response when your positions are criticized
Claim the person who pointed it out is “trolling”

Answer honestly, do you support kicking out Omar while you elevate MTG and Boebert to prestigious committee seats?
Yes. Turnabout is fair play. If the Democrats don't want it to happen to them, they shouldn't do it.
They rejected two members who were compromised as possible witnesses
So they "rationalized" their reasons? Well, OK then. Shiff was canned because he claimed to have evidence of issues against Trump when history shows he lied, and that other dude was sleeping with a Chinese spy. Both were compromised. See how easy that is?
They rejected two members who were compromised as possible witnesses
Those two members were chosen for the reason that they were unqualified to be on the committee. McCarthy forced Pelosi's hand so he could claim the committee was not bipartisan. Even though she accepted Kev's other nominees and told him he could replace Jordan and Perry.
Those two members were chosen for the reason that they were unqualified to be on the committee. McCarthy forced Pelosi's hand so he could claim the committee was not bipartisan. Even though she accepted Kev's other nominees and told him he could replace Jordan and Perry.
Unqualified in what way? And don't give me that potential witness bullshit...They were never going to be called to testify....Dog and pony show.

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