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The Patriot Act

Why do I need arguments when I can state facts? There actually are people who have been denied boarding because their names matched people on the no-fly list. And no one checks anything more than name and nationality.

You will all be pleased to know that my parents are on the no-fly list. Which doesn't affect them, since neither can fly due to medical reasons.
Gabriella84 said:
Why do I need arguments when I can state facts? There actually are people who have been denied boarding because their names matched people on the no-fly list. And no one checks anything more than name and nationality.

You will all be pleased to know that my parents are on the no-fly list. Which doesn't affect them, since neither can fly due to medical reasons.

Does being on a no-fly list affect other modes of travel for them?

How does on get off a no-fly list if you're innocent?
Gabriella84 said:
Why do I need arguments when I can state facts? There actually are people who have been denied boarding because their names matched people on the no-fly list. And no one checks anything more than name and nationality.

You will all be pleased to know that my parents are on the no-fly list. Which doesn't affect them, since neither can fly due to medical reasons.

So when you gonna state some facts?

Your parents are on the no fly because they are enemies of the constitution from Vietnam.
I have stated how the Patriot Act reduces individuals freedoms. Big Brother is watching you.

Your parents are on the no fly because they are enemies of the constitution from Vietnam.

WTF? How does one become an "enemy of the constitution?" The constitution of the United States does not have enemies.
My parents are on the "no-fly list" because they have FBI files dating back to their arrests for protesting the Viet Nam war. Which, 35 years later, still classifies them as evil liberal hippy scum.
My sister and I, however, are not on the "no-fly list." Which I think is humorous, since I am probably a greater threat to security than my dad is. Then again, I have so far managed to avoid being arrested at protests and demonstrations. Though I almost happened when I was in NYC for the Bush Coronation.
Gabriella84 said:
Why do I need arguments when I can state facts? There actually are people who have been denied boarding because their names matched people on the no-fly list. And no one checks anything more than name and nationality.

You will all be pleased to know that my parents are on the no-fly list. Which doesn't affect them, since neither can fly due to medical reasons.

Do they (your parents) know the reason they are on the no-fly list?

I now that if I was, regardless if I flew or not, I want to know why it is on there.

---And-----again----as you say, your parents don't fly so it doesn't affect them.

GotZoom said:
She isn't logged on the board right now. Perhaps she is at the pharmacy as we speak.

Maybe she was at the library returning her copy of the "Communist Manifesto" fearing it has been flagged by the government.
Big Blue Machin said:
You know what would be funny? Going into the US with a car full of Communist literature. The looks on the border peoples faces!

Why do you say that? The communist party is a legal and recognized party in the USA. They wouldn't notice it unless the commie babes were nude with children. Your ignorance and assumptions are humerous.
freeandfun1 said:

Why do you say that? The communist party is a legal and recognized party in the USA. They wouldn't notice it unless the commie babes were nude with children. Your ignorance and assumptions are humerous.

He's 17......he has a lot to learn.
How has the Patriot Act affected our lives? How does it have the potential to drastically change your way of life?

If the terrorists hate your freedoms so much, why is the government slowly taking them away? Does Al-qaeda have the resources to do this?

Section 802 of the Patriot Act states that the new defenition of terrorism is an act that is dangerous to human life or a violation of any state or federal law. An act may be considered terrorism if it appears to "influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion."

Section 122 allows for "surveillance without a court order."

Section 501 expands the definition of an "enemy combatant" to any American citizen who may have violated section 802.

A lot of the provisions of the act are going to be selectively enforced, as they already have, to create fear in the hearts of those who are paying attention. I am reminded of the Gestapo, as this was how they operated due to their small numbers of enforcers in Nazi Germany. A toy store owner was recently visited by Homeland security for selling a knock off of a rubix cube. Dr. Kenneth C. Tennant was arrested by Homeland security for "complaining too much" and making too many calls to the Department of Veterans Affairs office in Des Moines.

Homeland security, with the Patriot Act as their tool are going after not just terrorists, but criminals. They now fight terrorism, and crime. There is a huge possibility of abuse with the Patriot act. Many of the provisions are very broad in their descriptions, this is very dangerous.

The police state is cracking down with more than just this act. There has been a huge ammount of very concerning news coming out lately concerning your liberties and freedoms. Your future as a free individual is in danger, your childrens future is in danger.

Here are just a few of the recent headlines...

US shoots ahead in stun gun design


Janitors Trained To Wipe Out Terrorism


Roanoke emergency officials participate in mock terror drill (watch this video and listen as the rioters are refered to as "rebels." who is the enemy?)


'Digital birth ID' stirs privacy debate


Security cameras proliferate in Manhattan


We are on a dangerous path towards full blown tyranny. Get past the false left and right paradigm, and wake up. This is not for your security, it is for your enslavement, not for the protection of America but rather its destruction, and finally for systematic control of your entire lives.
StoptheMadness1 said:
How has the Patriot Act affected our lives? How does it have the potential to drastically change your way of life?

If the terrorists hate your freedoms so much, why is the government slowly taking them away? Does Al-qaeda have the resources to do this?
so what freedoms have you lost?
Section 122 allows for "surveillance without a court order."
are you doing something you need to be surveilled for?

A lot of the provisions of the act are going to be selectively enforced, as they already have, to create fear in the hearts of those who are paying attention. I am reminded of the Gestapo, as this was how they operated due to their small numbers of enforcers in Nazi Germany. A toy store owner was recently visited by Homeland security for selling a knock off of a rubix cube. Dr. Kenneth C. Tennant was arrested by Homeland security for "complaining too much" and making too many calls to the Department of Veterans Affairs office in Des Moines.
blah blah blah
Homeland security, with the Patriot Act as their tool are going after not just terrorists, but criminals. They now fight terrorism, and crime. There is a huge possibility of abuse with the Patriot act. Many of the provisions are very broad in their descriptions, this is very dangerous.
The police state is cracking down with more than just this act. There has been a huge ammount of very concerning news coming out lately concerning your liberties and freedoms. Your future as a free individual is in danger, your childrens future is in danger.
crime is somthing that needs to be dealt with too.
Here are just a few of the recent headlines...

US shoots ahead in stun gun design


yeah its better to keep using the older ones that kills once in a while.

Janitors Trained To Wipe Out Terrorism

it shuold be everyones job to watch for terrorism, not just the police

Roanoke emergency officials participate in mock terror drill (watch this video and listen as the rioters are refered to as "rebels." who is the enemy?) http://www.wdbj7.com/Global/story.asp?S=3692855&nav=S6aKd3Bc
and this is oppsed to sitting around with your thmub up your ass when something real happens and you dont know what to do.

there are also bennies to this one. one i seen was id theft is going to go down. so we weigh the option of distressing a few to a sigh of relief for your id not being stolen

well these are in public. and as far as i know here in my chair in Iowa, i dont think there is a reasonable expectation of privacy in a public place. when they start [utting them in your house then they will have a right to complain.

We are on a dangerous path towards full blown tyranny. Get past the false left and right paradigm, and wake up. This is not for your security, it is for your enslavement, not for the protection of America but rather its destruction, and finally for systematic control of your entire lives.
i think you have a hole in your tinfoil. better run to the store and get more.
StoptheMadness1 said:
How has the Patriot Act affected our lives? How does it have the potential to drastically change your way of life?

If the terrorists hate your freedoms so much, why is the government slowly taking them away? Does Al-qaeda have the resources to do this?

Section 802 of the Patriot Act states that the new defenition of terrorism is an act that is dangerous to human life or a violation of any state or federal law. An act may be considered terrorism if it appears to "influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion."

Section 122 allows for "surveillance without a court order."

Section 501 expands the definition of an "enemy combatant" to any American citizen who may have violated section 802.

A lot of the provisions of the act are going to be selectively enforced, as they already have, to create fear in the hearts of those who are paying attention. I am reminded of the Gestapo, as this was how they operated due to their small numbers of enforcers in Nazi Germany. A toy store owner was recently visited by Homeland security for selling a knock off of a rubix cube. Dr. Kenneth C. Tennant was arrested by Homeland security for "complaining too much" and making too many calls to the Department of Veterans Affairs office in Des Moines.

Homeland security, with the Patriot Act as their tool are going after not just terrorists, but criminals. They now fight terrorism, and crime. There is a huge possibility of abuse with the Patriot act. Many of the provisions are very broad in their descriptions, this is very dangerous.

The police state is cracking down with more than just this act. There has been a huge ammount of very concerning news coming out lately concerning your liberties and freedoms. Your future as a free individual is in danger, your childrens future is in danger.

Here are just a few of the recent headlines...

US shoots ahead in stun gun design


Janitors Trained To Wipe Out Terrorism


Roanoke emergency officials participate in mock terror drill (watch this video and listen as the rioters are refered to as "rebels." who is the enemy?)


'Digital birth ID' stirs privacy debate


Security cameras proliferate in Manhattan


We are on a dangerous path towards full blown tyranny. Get past the false left and right paradigm, and wake up. This is not for your security, it is for your enslavement, not for the protection of America but rather its destruction, and finally for systematic control of your entire lives.

Europe Toughens Up
How do you say "Patriot Act" in Italian and German?

Monday, August 15, 2005 12:01 a.m. EDT

In 1998, two significant events occurred in the life of Muslim cleric Abu Qatada: He was convicted in absentia for involvement in bombings in Jordan, and he was granted political asylum in Britain. Two years later, another terror conviction for the so-called "spiritual ambassador of al Qaeda to Europe" came in Jordan--at the same time that British authorities were reviewing his petition for permanent residence. The Brits finally arrested Mr. Qatada in 2002 under new anti-terror legislation passed after 9/11. But he was released last March when a court struck down the law.

On Thursday, police detained Mr. Qatada again and arranged to deport him to Jordan. This about-face is perhaps the most concrete example yet that Prime Minister Tony Blair is serious about changing "the rules of the game" in dealing with extremists following the July 7 bombings in London and a failed attack two weeks later.

Mr. Blair is once again playing a leading role in the war on terror and, unlike in the Iraq war, most of Europe appears ready to follow this time. From Spain, which suffered the March 11, 2004, train bombings in Madrid, to less likely targets such as Sweden, the Continent finally is waking up to the universal and very real threat that terror poses. France, for all its objections to the Iraq war, already has some of Europe's toughest anti-terror laws.

Worries of an imminent attack are particularly acute in Italy. A recent poll by the daily Corriere della Sera found that more than 80% of Italians believe that terrorists could strike within months. Since the London attacks, Rome has granted to the military search powers that previously were reserved for police. It has broadened law enforcement's scope by doubling, to 24 hours, the amount of time suspects can be detained and by making telephone and Internet records more accessible to investigators, among other measures. Police will spend more time carrying out raids against terror suspects--authorities made 200-plus raids in one week shortly after July 7--and will keep closer tabs on suspicious mosques.
Italians who think their vulnerability is the result of their participation in the Iraq war should look no further than Germany, which opposed the war yet feels compelled to step up its security. Interior Minister Otto Schily has been outspoken about his belief that Islamic terrorists are at war not just with the U.S. and its allies in Iraq but with Western society in general. Mr. Schily has called for increased search and detention powers in cases involving terror suspects who are known to be a threat but who haven't yet committed a crime.

Throughout Europe, there has been good cooperation between national intelligence and law enforcement agencies, and the European Union has pledged to seek ways of strengthening this cooperation. Yet Germany and other nations are finding that they still struggle to coordinate the work of various police forces within their own borders. Solving this problem could be the most important step in improving Continent-wide security.

Of course, the old-time religion of appeasement hasn't completely disappeared. Mr. Schily's proposals have been compared to Nazi-era tactics by leading members of the Green Party, a minority partner in Gerhard Schröder's coalition government. Some German officials have--in all seriousness--floated the idea of a new Muslim public holiday as a way of mitigating the terror threat.

Even in Britain, controversy envelops the efforts to deal with further threats. Mr. Qatada's fellow detainees reportedly include one suspected of helping to plan terror attacks abroad and another who received training in the use of explosives at an al Qaeda camp in Afghanistan. But the chief worry of some Blair critics is that the detainees might be deported to a country where they could face torture. How that can supersede the government's duty to protect its citizens can only be clear to the likes of British journalist Yvonne Ridley, who, as reported in this newspaper last week, compared Mr. Blair to Pol Pot for trying "to eliminate free speech."
Absolutist interpretation of free-speech rights, with no injunction against "shouting fire in a crowded theater," has protected extremists such as Mr. Qatada and Omar Bakri Mohammed, who recently fled Britain after two decades of preaching hatred and violence. Allowing Muslims to practice their religion freely is the act of a free society. But looking the other way while radical clerics praise suicide bombers in Israel and America and encourage their acolytes to attack their neighbors is an abdication of governmental responsibility.

Some observers have predicted Britain's new anti-terror laws will clash with human-rights laws, and Mr. Blair has pledged to change the human-rights laws if necessary. Other European nations would do well to review whether their laws could be tweaked to close loopholes that terrorists have learned to exploit. That these measures are finally being discussed is a sign that Europe is finally giving serious thought to the balance between freedom and security.

The Patriot Act is about as un-American as it gets. Anything that compromises the law of the land goes against what our nation was founded on. I like my Constitution just the way it is. Or was. Half of Congress didn't even read this thing before they voted on it. How insane is that!

Already without it, we have more people locked up than any country in the world today. We are already a prison state. We are a land of the used to be free.

loinboy said:
The Patriot Act is about as un-American as it gets. Anything that compromises the law of the land goes against what our nation was founded on. I like my Constitution just the way it is. Or was. Half of Congress didn't even read this thing before they voted on it. How insane is that!

Already without it, we have more people locked up than any country in the world today. We are already a prison state. We are a land of the used to be free.


Honey, go bother the folks at DU.
loinboy The Patriot Act is about as un-American as it gets. Anything that compromises the law of the land goes against what our nation was founded on. I like my Constitution just the way it is. Or was. Half of Congress didn't even read this thing before they voted on it. How insane is that!

Already without it, we have more people locked up than any country in the world today. We are already a prison state. We are a land of the used to be free.

Rantboy calm down and give some specifics and proof to what you allege.
Section 802 of the Patriot Act states that the new defenition of terrorism is an act that is dangerous to human life or a violation of any state or federal law. An act may be considered terrorism if it appears to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion.

Sky diving, importing contriband fruits, smoking weed, and filibustering supreme court candidates, all now considered terrorism. :rotflmao:

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