The Paul Ryan Tap-Dancing Revue - LIVE!!

Mr. Shaman

Senior Member
May 4, 2010
Paul Ryan Meets the Press


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Here is what is sad: At some point in 2012, the Republican Party looked at Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and thought to themselves "YES this is what American voters WANT!!!"

If thats how they view wonder they lost.
Here is what is sad: At some point in 2012, the Republican Party looked at Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and thought to themselves "YES this is what American voters WANT!!!"

If thats how they view wonder they lost.


The republican party should have looked at Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and thought to themselves, "The majority of people will never vote for someone that tells them they will get help finding a job."
Here is what is sad: At some point in 2012, the Republican Party looked at Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and thought to themselves "YES this is what American voters WANT!!!"

If thats how they view wonder they lost.


The republican party should have looked at Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and thought to themselves, "The majority of people will never vote for someone that tells them they will get help finding a job."
Instead....Republicans had assumed THEIR name, on the check, would make the big difference.

[ame=]Rachel Maddow Exposes Republican Hypocrisy For What It Is......BS.flv - YouTube[/ame]​
Here is what is sad: At some point in 2012, the Republican Party looked at Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and thought to themselves "YES this is what American voters WANT!!!"

If thats how they view wonder they lost.


The republican party should have looked at Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and thought to themselves, "The majority of people will never vote for someone that tells them they will get help finding a job."

But the message never got delivered that way. Instead, it sounded like:

"We're gonna slash government services, like medicare, medicad, social security, education, police, fire, roads..........and just TRUST your boss and us, we are gonna make trickle down economics work. Yep. We'll enable your boss to pay you more. Trust us."

Thats how the message sounded.

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