The PC Police should apologize....

Maybe if the author of this thread would point out the posters he's accusing of this incitement, and make arguments as to why they are guilty,

then we could figure out what the fuck his point is.
I understand what the author of the thread is saying, why don't you?


I don't understand why he accused ME of being responsible for this.
Because you're a race hustling pimp.

For that response, the OP should thank you for making him only the 2nd dumbest fuck in this thread.
That would be true of anyone on any thread you're on.
The rightwing propaganda machine did every bit as much 'fanning'.

If the cops had been shot while preventing some redneck rancher from illegal use of federal land these same right wing assholes would be happier than shit.
Those weren't COPS, dumbass, those were armed BLM agents.

Why is the BLM armed, and why did it take an ARMY of them to deal with ONE RANCHER?

Go fuck yourself, door knob.

Wrong stupid fuck. How do you imagine those "agents" differ from any other sworn peace officer? Do you think some stupid fucking piece of shit like you should make that determination? And what part of being an "agent" gives anyone the right to point guns at them?
WRONG, fuck for brains. Just because some government agency has illegally armed themselves and created an army does NOT MAKE THEM COPS. Who the FUCK gave the BLM permissions to create an ARMY?

Show me... you bubble headed moron.

You don't get to define what constitutes an army or a police force.
Go whak off at your obama poster.

Anyone who points a gun at a police officer should be matter what their political persuasion might be.
Then you should also understand that anyone that tries to TAKE a cops gun and beat the shit out of him should ALSO be shot.

Next... moron.
Obviously.....stupid fuck.
Welcome to HYPOCRITVILLE, jerk off. Enjoy yourself now that you've been exposed.

I wish I had been at the Bundy ranch pussy stand off. I would have enjoyed setting up nearby and looking back at these fuckers down the barrel of a rifle.
Your such a dumbass, is this your gun?
There was an article a few days ago on the BBC about how crime has gone down in the last 20 years but more people are buying guns and more people think the threat of crime is worse than it used to be 20 years ago.

This is a right wing policy, they aim to be "tough on crime" and they can't be tough on crime without crime, so they sort of pretend the crime is there, make it look like it's much worse then they can be tough on it.
The asshole responsible for killing these two cops is the asshole who killed these two cops.
As for his motivation, we have no further to look than his own words. He did it because he was encouraged to do so by his fellow "protestors." His fellow protestors were encouraged by their elected and appointed officials. The leaders of the country. They used an incident that never happened (hands up, don't shoot) to "start a dialogue" which is no dialogue at all, but a sermon about white racism and it's prevalence in society, embodied in the police. And now we've come full circle.
The rightwing propaganda machine did every bit as much 'fanning'.

If the cops had been shot while preventing some redneck rancher from illegal use of federal land these same right wing assholes would be happier than shit.
Those weren't COPS, dumbass, those were armed BLM agents.

Why is the BLM armed, and why did it take an ARMY of them to deal with ONE RANCHER?

Go fuck yourself, door knob.

Wrong stupid fuck. How do you imagine those "agents" differ from any other sworn peace officer? Do you think some stupid fucking piece of shit like you should make that determination? And what part of being an "agent" gives anyone the right to point guns at them?
WRONG, fuck for brains. Just because some government agency has illegally armed themselves and created an army does NOT MAKE THEM COPS. Who the FUCK gave the BLM permissions to create an ARMY?

Show me... you bubble headed moron.

The BLM is a federal law enforcement agency.

Shouldn't they be allowed to be at least as armed as Bundy's thugs were?
Anyone who points a gun at a police officer should be matter what their political persuasion might be.
Then you should also understand that anyone that tries to TAKE a cops gun and beat the shit out of him should ALSO be shot.

Next... moron.
Obviously.....stupid fuck.
Welcome to HYPOCRITVILLE, jerk off. Enjoy yourself now that you've been exposed.

I wish I had been at the Bundy ranch pussy stand off. I would have enjoyed setting up nearby and looking back at these fuckers down the barrel of a rifle.
Your such a dumbass, is this your gun?View attachment 35199

I've forgotten more than you ever knew about firearms.
They'll take the credit for any victories, and they'll avoid the blame for any tragedies.

Yes, they should take credit for changes in policy.

They aren't responsible for what one suicidal guy does on his way out.

I'd still like to know where this guy go t a gun from.

Criminals will always find a way to get a gun. Always. And that will never change. Ever.

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

If these cops were carrying they would still be alive. Is that not the argument?
I think the argument is more that if Sharpton, Holder, Obama & others like them had kept their mouths shut these cops would likely still be alive.
Then you should also understand that anyone that tries to TAKE a cops gun and beat the shit out of him should ALSO be shot.

Next... moron.
Obviously.....stupid fuck.
Welcome to HYPOCRITVILLE, jerk off. Enjoy yourself now that you've been exposed.

I wish I had been at the Bundy ranch pussy stand off. I would have enjoyed setting up nearby and looking back at these fuckers down the barrel of a rifle.
Your such a dumbass, is this your gun?View attachment 35199

I've forgotten more than you ever knew about firearms.
Lol, all you know is not to piss yourself when it goes bang.

... to the families of the two dead NY cops.

You fan the flames, you are responsible for the consequences.

Insanity is insanity. Are you trying to link Political Correctness to criminal insanity?

What a clumsy, highly inappropriate and intellectually lazy thing to do.

I would say you should be ashamed, but shame is little more. Than an affront to your pride. I have yet to see anything from you that I would be proud of. You should rethink this after you develop the skills necessary for thinking.
The rightwing propaganda machine did every bit as much 'fanning'.

If the cops had been shot while preventing some redneck rancher from illegal use of federal land these same right wing assholes would be happier than shit.
Those weren't COPS, dumbass, those were armed BLM agents.

Why is the BLM armed, and why did it take an ARMY of them to deal with ONE RANCHER?

Go fuck yourself, door knob.

Wrong stupid fuck. How do you imagine those "agents" differ from any other sworn peace officer? Do you think some stupid fucking piece of shit like you should make that determination? And what part of being an "agent" gives anyone the right to point guns at them?
WRONG, fuck for brains. Just because some government agency has illegally armed themselves and created an army does NOT MAKE THEM COPS. Who the FUCK gave the BLM permissions to create an ARMY?

Show me... you bubble headed moron.

The BLM is a federal law enforcement agency.

Shouldn't they be allowed to be at least as armed as Bundy's thugs were?

The federal law enforcement agents showed great restraint. I wonder what would have happened if those so called patriots had been black? They would have all either been arrested or shot.
They'll take the credit for any victories, and they'll avoid the blame for any tragedies.

Yes, they should take credit for changes in policy.

They aren't responsible for what one suicidal guy does on his way out.

I'd still like to know where this guy go t a gun from.

Criminals will always find a way to get a gun. Always. And that will never change. Ever.

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

If these cops were carrying they would still be alive. Is that not the argument?
I think the argument is more that if Sharpton, Holder, Obama & others like them had kept their mouths shut these cops would likely still be alive.

Really? Which one of them advocated killing cops?
Obviously.....stupid fuck.
Welcome to HYPOCRITVILLE, jerk off. Enjoy yourself now that you've been exposed.

I wish I had been at the Bundy ranch pussy stand off. I would have enjoyed setting up nearby and looking back at these fuckers down the barrel of a rifle.
Your such a dumbass, is this your gun?View attachment 35199

I've forgotten more than you ever knew about firearms.
Lol, all you know is not to piss yourself when it goes bang.

The difference between us is that I am a genuine Second Amendment rights advocate while you are a miserable little piece of dog shit.

So what you're telling everyone, is that you can not point to the NRA advocating the murder of government officials. Thanks. Now STFU, Job. You worthless liberal scumbag.

Wayne LaPierre's infamous 'jackbooted thugs' letter came out a month before Tim McVeigh blew up the OK City federal building.

Hmmmm, funny wording then:

Following is the letter of resignation sent last week by former President George Bush to the National Rifle Association: May 3, 1995

Dear Mr. Washington,

I was outraged when, even in the wake of the Oklahoma City tragedy, Mr. Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of N.R.A., defended his attack on federal agents as "jack-booted thugs." To attack Secret Service agents or A.T.F. people or any government law enforcement people as "wearing Nazi bucket helmets and black storm trooper uniforms" wanting to "attack law abiding citizens" is a vicious slander on good people.

Al Whicher, who served on my [ United States Secret Service ] detail when I was Vice President and President, was killed in Oklahoma City. He was no Nazi. He was a kind man, a loving parent, a man dedicated to serving his country -- and serve it well he did.

(BTW officer, April precedes May.)

The PC Police cram race into every last goddamn conversation, they scream "racist" at every last goddamn opportunity, they turn lawbreakers into national heroes, they support and defend race pimps from coast to coast, they paint cops with a broad brush.

Then, when one of their perceived constituents executes a couple of cops, they wash their hands of the whole thing. It's someone else's fault.

Despicable, but predictable.


... to the families of the two dead NY cops.

You fan the flames, you are responsible for the consequences.

Insanity is insanity. Are you trying to link Political Correctness to criminal insanity?

What a clumsy, highly inappropriate and intellectually lazy thing to do.

I would say you should be ashamed, but shame is little more. Than an affront to your pride. I have yet to see anything from you that I would be proud of. You should rethink this after you develop the skills necessary for thinking.

So you're one of those whose spin is "this is just an isolated incident by a crazy person".

Ok, got it. I'm keeping track of the deflections.


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