The PC Police should apologize....

The difference between us is that I am a genuine Second Amendment rights advocate while you are a miserable little piece of dog shit.
No, your a Looney ass liberal that doesn't know shit. You wrote how you would've loved to been looking at the bundy's down the barrel of your gun. Breaking one of the biggest no, no rules. Unless you're gonna shoot.

People who point guns at law enforcement deserve to be shot.

What if the police do actually act stupidly? Like when they shot an unarmed Koresch and killed another walking down the hall behind him? Or that they killed a man returning home from work, I assume unarmed? what about that and nothing ever happens to the ATF for inciting such a situation. You can't blame the Davidians the ATF brought it to them, and in my opinion, fired first. Probably killing the dogs but they did fire first. There was video of the opening moments of the attack, I saw them that day. Never have seen them again.

Let's see if we can figure out exactly who it was trying to instigate a violent incident with federal authorities on BLM land.

Can the answer be no one? I will spare you another strawman picture.

Let me ask you this, why was the BLM out there in force? What were they going to accomplish?

A better question would be: why where there armed assholes pointing guns at federal law enforcement and getting away with it? Why aren't they all in prison right now? That's where they should be.

Looks like they're going to try to divert this thread into a gun issue.

They will not take responsibility.

Not gonna let that happen.


WHO should take responsibility Mac? You are trying to manufacture an issue here.

The first responsibility goes to the shooter, as always. You then look at events that may have provided the shooter with his "excuse", his perceived motivation, the environment in which they exist. He provided that motivation when, on his Instagram account, he wrote "I'm putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours, let's take 2 of theirs."

Some are choosing to pretend that this has nothing to do with the racial tensions surrounding recent events (an example of which would be the crowd shouting "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now"), and that those who leverage Political Correctness have nothing to do with the racial tensions.

It's my opinion that those people are lying.


Hinckley shot Reagan after being incited by a movie.

Perhaps the 1st amendment needs tightening?


The PC Police need to find another hobby.

They've caused enough damage.

WRONG, fuck for brains. Just because some government agency has illegally armed themselves and created an army does NOT MAKE THEM COPS. Who the FUCK gave the BLM permissions to create an ARMY?

Show me... you bubble headed moron.

The BLM is a federal law enforcement agency.

Shouldn't they be allowed to be at least as armed as Bundy's thugs were?

I see no reason for them to be armed. They are after all enforcing land use not coke sales. In my opinion, when the government gets in trouble it is because they use force before using their head. They wanted a confrontation at Waco and got more then they bargined for. If they would have just arrested the Davidians at the local WalMart none of those events would have happened.

Of course you don't see any reason for BLM officers to be armed. Why would they want to be armed when they confront illegal hunters or other criminal activity on BLM land?

Has there been a lot of shooting in their line of work? I do believe the game commission regulate hunting.

Having a gun does not ensure you won't be shot. Especially if a person knows you have the gun.

I think having to confront white thugs like this justifies being armed:


Lucky for him he isn't black.
If DiBlasio has not ended stop and frisk this wouldn't have happened.
how in this situation would this have helped?....did they see the guy coming up?....
Blood is on the hands of every liberal. The blood from the support of riots and defending law breaking thugs. Oh, the dumb asses blaming this on gun control. I'll bet you the criminal didn't get the gun legally, so no added gun control would've stopped him from getting the gun. When you get in bed with thugs, this will happen. Stop supporting thugs.

But, but but - its RWs who want guns to be easily availble to every criminal, terrorist, illegal and mental case in the country.

Its RW nutters who put the guns in the hands of "thugs".
Luddy i can assure you that even if those "nutters" wanted gun control the criminal element will still get guns.....

Looks like they're going to try to divert this thread into a gun issue.

They will not take responsibility.

Not gonna let that happen.


WHO should take responsibility Mac? You are trying to manufacture an issue here.

The first responsibility goes to the shooter, as always. You then look at events that may have provided the shooter with his "excuse", his perceived motivation, the environment in which they exist. He provided that motivation when, on his Instagram account, he wrote "I'm putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours, let's take 2 of theirs."

Some are choosing to pretend that this has nothing to do with the racial tensions surrounding recent events (an example of which would be the crowd shouting "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now"), and that those who leverage Political Correctness have nothing to do with the racial tensions.

It's my opinion that those people are lying.


I don't support the protesters who called for dead cops. But who is fanning the flames? There is no excuse for what Fox News did to try to pin that NYC march on the peaceful march Al Sharpton led in Washington DC.

If you need to assign secondary blame, it falls squarely on Fox News...

Fox & Friends Airs Misleading Footage To Suggest Al Sharpton Led Protesters Calling For "Dead Cops"
Fox's Clayton Morris: Al Sharpton Is "Calling To Kill Cops"


Fox & Friends Sunday repeatedly spliced footage of Al Sharpton speaking at a Washington, D.C. "Justice for All" march with footage from a separate event in New York City where some in the crowd chanted for "dead cops" to claim Sharpton is "calling to kill cops."

The December 14 edition of Fox & Friends Sunday opened with video from a December 13 march in New York City where some protesters chanted, "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now." Co-host Anna Kooiman set up the footage by saying, "Thousands march with Al Sharpton against the police," and later promised "more from Sharpton's 'March for Justice.'"

But the footage of protesters chanting anti-police slogans was not from Sharpton's December 13 march, which The Washington Post described as a "peaceful civil rights march led by families of the slain and organized by the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network."

In a later segment flagged by liberal news site Raw Story, Fox sandwiched -- without explanation -- a clip of the "dead cops" chant in between two clips of Sharpton speaking at the "Justice for All" rally, conflating the two events.

Although an on-screen graphic identified the "dead cop" chant as coming from the New York City protest, co-host Tucker Carlson strongly implied that all the footage shown was from Sharpton's event, stating, "Huh. So the first clip you heard people are saying, 'We want the cops dead.' And the second you heard Al Sharpton say 'We're not against the police.'"
didn't the perp make statements about getting even?

Did he? What does that have to do with the fact he shot his girlfriend before he drove to New York to shoot these cops.

Probably knew he was going to jail, wanted to go out in a blaze of glory.
that brings up this question for me.....why go to NY?...why did he not take out 2 Baltimore Cops?...

Looks like they're going to try to divert this thread into a gun issue.

They will not take responsibility.

Not gonna let that happen.


WHO should take responsibility Mac? You are trying to manufacture an issue here.

The first responsibility goes to the shooter, as always. You then look at events that may have provided the shooter with his "excuse", his perceived motivation, the environment in which they exist. He provided that motivation when, on his Instagram account, he wrote "I'm putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours, let's take 2 of theirs."

Some are choosing to pretend that this has nothing to do with the racial tensions surrounding recent events (an example of which would be the crowd shouting "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now"), and that those who leverage Political Correctness have nothing to do with the racial tensions.

It's my opinion that those people are lying.


I don't support the protesters who called for dead cops. But who is fanning the flames? There is no excuse for what Fox News did to try to pin that NYC march on the peaceful march Al Sharpton led in Washington DC.

If you need to assign secondary blame, it falls squarely on Fox News...

Fox & Friends Airs Misleading Footage To Suggest Al Sharpton Led Protesters Calling For "Dead Cops"
Fox's Clayton Morris: Al Sharpton Is "Calling To Kill Cops"


Fox & Friends Sunday repeatedly spliced footage of Al Sharpton speaking at a Washington, D.C. "Justice for All" march with footage from a separate event in New York City where some in the crowd chanted for "dead cops" to claim Sharpton is "calling to kill cops."

The December 14 edition of Fox & Friends Sunday opened with video from a December 13 march in New York City where some protesters chanted, "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now." Co-host Anna Kooiman set up the footage by saying, "Thousands march with Al Sharpton against the police," and later promised "more from Sharpton's 'March for Justice.'"

But the footage of protesters chanting anti-police slogans was not from Sharpton's December 13 march, which The Washington Post described as a "peaceful civil rights march led by families of the slain and organized by the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network."

In a later segment flagged by liberal news site Raw Story, Fox sandwiched -- without explanation -- a clip of the "dead cops" chant in between two clips of Sharpton speaking at the "Justice for All" rally, conflating the two events.

Although an on-screen graphic identified the "dead cop" chant as coming from the New York City protest, co-host Tucker Carlson strongly implied that all the footage shown was from Sharpton's event, stating, "Huh. So the first clip you heard people are saying, 'We want the cops dead.' And the second you heard Al Sharpton say 'We're not against the police.'"
Are you saying Ismaaiyl Brinsley was influenced by watching Fox News? He should be shot just for that.

Looks like they're going to try to divert this thread into a gun issue.

They will not take responsibility.

Not gonna let that happen.


WHO should take responsibility Mac? You are trying to manufacture an issue here.

The first responsibility goes to the shooter, as always. You then look at events that may have provided the shooter with his "excuse", his perceived motivation, the environment in which they exist. He provided that motivation when, on his Instagram account, he wrote "I'm putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours, let's take 2 of theirs."

Some are choosing to pretend that this has nothing to do with the racial tensions surrounding recent events (an example of which would be the crowd shouting "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now"), and that those who leverage Political Correctness have nothing to do with the racial tensions.

It's my opinion that those people are lying.


I don't support the protesters who called for dead cops. But who is fanning the flames? There is no excuse for what Fox News did to try to pin that NYC march on the peaceful march Al Sharpton led in Washington DC.

If you need to assign secondary blame, it falls squarely on Fox News...

Fox & Friends Airs Misleading Footage To Suggest Al Sharpton Led Protesters Calling For "Dead Cops"
Fox's Clayton Morris: Al Sharpton Is "Calling To Kill Cops"


Fox & Friends Sunday repeatedly spliced footage of Al Sharpton speaking at a Washington, D.C. "Justice for All" march with footage from a separate event in New York City where some in the crowd chanted for "dead cops" to claim Sharpton is "calling to kill cops."

The December 14 edition of Fox & Friends Sunday opened with video from a December 13 march in New York City where some protesters chanted, "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now." Co-host Anna Kooiman set up the footage by saying, "Thousands march with Al Sharpton against the police," and later promised "more from Sharpton's 'March for Justice.'"

But the footage of protesters chanting anti-police slogans was not from Sharpton's December 13 march, which The Washington Post described as a "peaceful civil rights march led by families of the slain and organized by the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network."

In a later segment flagged by liberal news site Raw Story, Fox sandwiched -- without explanation -- a clip of the "dead cops" chant in between two clips of Sharpton speaking at the "Justice for All" rally, conflating the two events.

Although an on-screen graphic identified the "dead cop" chant as coming from the New York City protest, co-host Tucker Carlson strongly implied that all the footage shown was from Sharpton's event, stating, "Huh. So the first clip you heard people are saying, 'We want the cops dead.' And the second you heard Al Sharpton say 'We're not against the police.'"

Fox's ongoing circus act surely adds to the animosity. But this is not the same as what is happening on the other side of this issue. Unfair accusations of racism do, too, especially when it's crammed in the face of everyone and anyone who is trying to have a "conversation about race". Street protests will always add an element of danger, and there are plenty on the Left who will say essentially anything. Then these same people are defended by the Left.

The two are not the same. Fox babbles. The PC Police act, intimidate, punish.

I think he smoked too many illegal cigarettes.

The sad thing is that they were even arresting him for selling cigarettes. How much of an impact did his sales have on NYC?

The cigarettes weren't the point. The point was that you had this crazy philosophy of busting people for petty crimes would have an effect on major crimes.

So after being busted for this 50 or so times, Garner kind of lost his shit.

Joe if the guy was busted for this 50 or so times....he should have been doing jail many times should someone be busted for the same thing before you do some time?...
There is an element of all this that I haven't seen reported on any news channel, and I watch lots of them, including the major networks, Telemundo, Univision, BBC, Fox (!), CNN, MSNBC, some local stations...maybe more. But I have yet to see any black person disagree with the basic premise that white cops are murdering innocent black men. Many, maybe even most, black people know better than anyone how much they need the police. Their neighborhoods are where all the open criminals are operating. Yet the news, and even the leaders, are pronouncing this as some righteous, unified effort to make people aware of racial profiling.

Both sides are being portrayed as us vs them, but I tend to think there are many more of us than are being reported.

Looks like they're going to try to divert this thread into a gun issue.

They will not take responsibility.

Not gonna let that happen.


WHO should take responsibility Mac? You are trying to manufacture an issue here.

The first responsibility goes to the shooter, as always. You then look at events that may have provided the shooter with his "excuse", his perceived motivation, the environment in which they exist. He provided that motivation when, on his Instagram account, he wrote "I'm putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours, let's take 2 of theirs."

Some are choosing to pretend that this has nothing to do with the racial tensions surrounding recent events (an example of which would be the crowd shouting "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now"), and that those who leverage Political Correctness have nothing to do with the racial tensions.

It's my opinion that those people are lying.


I don't support the protesters who called for dead cops. But who is fanning the flames? There is no excuse for what Fox News did to try to pin that NYC march on the peaceful march Al Sharpton led in Washington DC.

If you need to assign secondary blame, it falls squarely on Fox News...

Fox & Friends Airs Misleading Footage To Suggest Al Sharpton Led Protesters Calling For "Dead Cops"
Fox's Clayton Morris: Al Sharpton Is "Calling To Kill Cops"


Fox & Friends Sunday repeatedly spliced footage of Al Sharpton speaking at a Washington, D.C. "Justice for All" march with footage from a separate event in New York City where some in the crowd chanted for "dead cops" to claim Sharpton is "calling to kill cops."

The December 14 edition of Fox & Friends Sunday opened with video from a December 13 march in New York City where some protesters chanted, "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now." Co-host Anna Kooiman set up the footage by saying, "Thousands march with Al Sharpton against the police," and later promised "more from Sharpton's 'March for Justice.'"

But the footage of protesters chanting anti-police slogans was not from Sharpton's December 13 march, which The Washington Post described as a "peaceful civil rights march led by families of the slain and organized by the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network."

In a later segment flagged by liberal news site Raw Story, Fox sandwiched -- without explanation -- a clip of the "dead cops" chant in between two clips of Sharpton speaking at the "Justice for All" rally, conflating the two events.

Although an on-screen graphic identified the "dead cop" chant as coming from the New York City protest, co-host Tucker Carlson strongly implied that all the footage shown was from Sharpton's event, stating, "Huh. So the first clip you heard people are saying, 'We want the cops dead.' And the second you heard Al Sharpton say 'We're not against the police.'"

Fox's ongoing circus act surely adds to the animosity. But this is not the same as what is happening on the other side of this issue. Unfair accusations of racism do, too, especially when it's crammed in the face of everyone and anyone who is trying to have a "conversation about race". Street protests will always add an element of danger, and there are plenty on the Left who will say essentially anything. Then these same people are defended by the Left.

The two are not the same. Fox babbles. The PC Police act, intimidate, punish.


Fox is the one adding fuel to the fire. Accusations of racism have some basis. And I blame St. Louis Prosecutor Robert McCulloch for manipulating and abusing the Grand Jury process in the Brown shooting. If Wilson had stood trial and then found innocent, it would have been more acceptable.

Looks like they're going to try to divert this thread into a gun issue.

They will not take responsibility.

Not gonna let that happen.


WHO should take responsibility Mac? You are trying to manufacture an issue here.

The first responsibility goes to the shooter, as always. You then look at events that may have provided the shooter with his "excuse", his perceived motivation, the environment in which they exist. He provided that motivation when, on his Instagram account, he wrote "I'm putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours, let's take 2 of theirs."

Some are choosing to pretend that this has nothing to do with the racial tensions surrounding recent events (an example of which would be the crowd shouting "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now"), and that those who leverage Political Correctness have nothing to do with the racial tensions.

It's my opinion that those people are lying.


I don't support the protesters who called for dead cops. But who is fanning the flames? There is no excuse for what Fox News did to try to pin that NYC march on the peaceful march Al Sharpton led in Washington DC.

If you need to assign secondary blame, it falls squarely on Fox News...

Fox & Friends Airs Misleading Footage To Suggest Al Sharpton Led Protesters Calling For "Dead Cops"
Fox's Clayton Morris: Al Sharpton Is "Calling To Kill Cops"


Fox & Friends Sunday repeatedly spliced footage of Al Sharpton speaking at a Washington, D.C. "Justice for All" march with footage from a separate event in New York City where some in the crowd chanted for "dead cops" to claim Sharpton is "calling to kill cops."

The December 14 edition of Fox & Friends Sunday opened with video from a December 13 march in New York City where some protesters chanted, "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now." Co-host Anna Kooiman set up the footage by saying, "Thousands march with Al Sharpton against the police," and later promised "more from Sharpton's 'March for Justice.'"

But the footage of protesters chanting anti-police slogans was not from Sharpton's December 13 march, which The Washington Post described as a "peaceful civil rights march led by families of the slain and organized by the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network."

In a later segment flagged by liberal news site Raw Story, Fox sandwiched -- without explanation -- a clip of the "dead cops" chant in between two clips of Sharpton speaking at the "Justice for All" rally, conflating the two events.

Although an on-screen graphic identified the "dead cop" chant as coming from the New York City protest, co-host Tucker Carlson strongly implied that all the footage shown was from Sharpton's event, stating, "Huh. So the first clip you heard people are saying, 'We want the cops dead.' And the second you heard Al Sharpton say 'We're not against the police.'"

Fox's ongoing circus act surely adds to the animosity. But this is not the same as what is happening on the other side of this issue. Unfair accusations of racism do, too, especially when it's crammed in the face of everyone and anyone who is trying to have a "conversation about race". Street protests will always add an element of danger, and there are plenty on the Left who will say essentially anything. Then these same people are defended by the Left.

The two are not the same. Fox babbles. The PC Police act, intimidate, punish.


Fox is the one adding fuel to the fire. Accusations of racism have some basis. And I blame St. Louis Prosecutor Robert McCulloch for manipulating and abusing the Grand Jury process in the Brown shooting. If Wilson had stood trial and then found innocent, it would have been more acceptable.
In Brown or Gardner, the two cases that are constantly referenced as proof of racism, neither has been shown to be true. The protestors and leaders all want to dismiss the actual factual events and make it an issue about everything else BUT the facts. Because the facts just don't support the protests. So let's make it a dialogue about institutional racism instead. And let's target the enforcers of this farce of a stage play, the police.

Looks like they're going to try to divert this thread into a gun issue.

They will not take responsibility.

Not gonna let that happen.


WHO should take responsibility Mac? You are trying to manufacture an issue here.

The first responsibility goes to the shooter, as always. You then look at events that may have provided the shooter with his "excuse", his perceived motivation, the environment in which they exist. He provided that motivation when, on his Instagram account, he wrote "I'm putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours, let's take 2 of theirs."

Some are choosing to pretend that this has nothing to do with the racial tensions surrounding recent events (an example of which would be the crowd shouting "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now"), and that those who leverage Political Correctness have nothing to do with the racial tensions.

It's my opinion that those people are lying.


I don't support the protesters who called for dead cops. But who is fanning the flames? There is no excuse for what Fox News did to try to pin that NYC march on the peaceful march Al Sharpton led in Washington DC.

If you need to assign secondary blame, it falls squarely on Fox News...

Fox & Friends Airs Misleading Footage To Suggest Al Sharpton Led Protesters Calling For "Dead Cops"
Fox's Clayton Morris: Al Sharpton Is "Calling To Kill Cops"


Fox & Friends Sunday repeatedly spliced footage of Al Sharpton speaking at a Washington, D.C. "Justice for All" march with footage from a separate event in New York City where some in the crowd chanted for "dead cops" to claim Sharpton is "calling to kill cops."

The December 14 edition of Fox & Friends Sunday opened with video from a December 13 march in New York City where some protesters chanted, "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now." Co-host Anna Kooiman set up the footage by saying, "Thousands march with Al Sharpton against the police," and later promised "more from Sharpton's 'March for Justice.'"

But the footage of protesters chanting anti-police slogans was not from Sharpton's December 13 march, which The Washington Post described as a "peaceful civil rights march led by families of the slain and organized by the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network."

In a later segment flagged by liberal news site Raw Story, Fox sandwiched -- without explanation -- a clip of the "dead cops" chant in between two clips of Sharpton speaking at the "Justice for All" rally, conflating the two events.

Although an on-screen graphic identified the "dead cop" chant as coming from the New York City protest, co-host Tucker Carlson strongly implied that all the footage shown was from Sharpton's event, stating, "Huh. So the first clip you heard people are saying, 'We want the cops dead.' And the second you heard Al Sharpton say 'We're not against the police.'"

Fox's ongoing circus act surely adds to the animosity. But this is not the same as what is happening on the other side of this issue. Unfair accusations of racism do, too, especially when it's crammed in the face of everyone and anyone who is trying to have a "conversation about race". Street protests will always add an element of danger, and there are plenty on the Left who will say essentially anything. Then these same people are defended by the Left.

The two are not the same. Fox babbles. The PC Police act, intimidate, punish.


Fox is the one adding fuel to the fire. Accusations of racism have some basis. And I blame St. Louis Prosecutor Robert McCulloch for manipulating and abusing the Grand Jury process in the Brown shooting. If Wilson had stood trial and then found innocent, it would have been more acceptable.

I think we have to take a hard look at the Grand Jury process, maybe just as it pertains to accused public servants.

That seems like a conflict of interest to me.


Looks like they're going to try to divert this thread into a gun issue.

They will not take responsibility.

Not gonna let that happen.


WHO should take responsibility Mac? You are trying to manufacture an issue here.

The first responsibility goes to the shooter, as always. You then look at events that may have provided the shooter with his "excuse", his perceived motivation, the environment in which they exist. He provided that motivation when, on his Instagram account, he wrote "I'm putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours, let's take 2 of theirs."

Some are choosing to pretend that this has nothing to do with the racial tensions surrounding recent events (an example of which would be the crowd shouting "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now"), and that those who leverage Political Correctness have nothing to do with the racial tensions.

It's my opinion that those people are lying.


Hinckley shot Reagan after being incited by a movie.

Perhaps the 1st amendment needs tightening?


The PC Police need to find another hobby.

They've caused enough damage.


You've gone off your rocker. Seriously.
WHO should take responsibility Mac? You are trying to manufacture an issue here.

The first responsibility goes to the shooter, as always. You then look at events that may have provided the shooter with his "excuse", his perceived motivation, the environment in which they exist. He provided that motivation when, on his Instagram account, he wrote "I'm putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours, let's take 2 of theirs."

Some are choosing to pretend that this has nothing to do with the racial tensions surrounding recent events (an example of which would be the crowd shouting "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now"), and that those who leverage Political Correctness have nothing to do with the racial tensions.

It's my opinion that those people are lying.


I don't support the protesters who called for dead cops. But who is fanning the flames? There is no excuse for what Fox News did to try to pin that NYC march on the peaceful march Al Sharpton led in Washington DC.

If you need to assign secondary blame, it falls squarely on Fox News...

Fox & Friends Airs Misleading Footage To Suggest Al Sharpton Led Protesters Calling For "Dead Cops"
Fox's Clayton Morris: Al Sharpton Is "Calling To Kill Cops"


Fox & Friends Sunday repeatedly spliced footage of Al Sharpton speaking at a Washington, D.C. "Justice for All" march with footage from a separate event in New York City where some in the crowd chanted for "dead cops" to claim Sharpton is "calling to kill cops."

The December 14 edition of Fox & Friends Sunday opened with video from a December 13 march in New York City where some protesters chanted, "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now." Co-host Anna Kooiman set up the footage by saying, "Thousands march with Al Sharpton against the police," and later promised "more from Sharpton's 'March for Justice.'"

But the footage of protesters chanting anti-police slogans was not from Sharpton's December 13 march, which The Washington Post described as a "peaceful civil rights march led by families of the slain and organized by the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network."

In a later segment flagged by liberal news site Raw Story, Fox sandwiched -- without explanation -- a clip of the "dead cops" chant in between two clips of Sharpton speaking at the "Justice for All" rally, conflating the two events.

Although an on-screen graphic identified the "dead cop" chant as coming from the New York City protest, co-host Tucker Carlson strongly implied that all the footage shown was from Sharpton's event, stating, "Huh. So the first clip you heard people are saying, 'We want the cops dead.' And the second you heard Al Sharpton say 'We're not against the police.'"

Fox's ongoing circus act surely adds to the animosity. But this is not the same as what is happening on the other side of this issue. Unfair accusations of racism do, too, especially when it's crammed in the face of everyone and anyone who is trying to have a "conversation about race". Street protests will always add an element of danger, and there are plenty on the Left who will say essentially anything. Then these same people are defended by the Left.

The two are not the same. Fox babbles. The PC Police act, intimidate, punish.


Fox is the one adding fuel to the fire. Accusations of racism have some basis. And I blame St. Louis Prosecutor Robert McCulloch for manipulating and abusing the Grand Jury process in the Brown shooting. If Wilson had stood trial and then found innocent, it would have been more acceptable.

I think we have to take a hard look at the Grand Jury process, maybe just as it pertains to accused public servants.

That seems like a conflict of interest to me.


I fully agree. These prosecutors and DA's work hand and hand with police on every other case. There should be a special prosecutor when the target is a police officer.
WHO should take responsibility Mac? You are trying to manufacture an issue here.

The first responsibility goes to the shooter, as always. You then look at events that may have provided the shooter with his "excuse", his perceived motivation, the environment in which they exist. He provided that motivation when, on his Instagram account, he wrote "I'm putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours, let's take 2 of theirs."

Some are choosing to pretend that this has nothing to do with the racial tensions surrounding recent events (an example of which would be the crowd shouting "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now"), and that those who leverage Political Correctness have nothing to do with the racial tensions.

It's my opinion that those people are lying.


I don't support the protesters who called for dead cops. But who is fanning the flames? There is no excuse for what Fox News did to try to pin that NYC march on the peaceful march Al Sharpton led in Washington DC.

If you need to assign secondary blame, it falls squarely on Fox News...

Fox & Friends Airs Misleading Footage To Suggest Al Sharpton Led Protesters Calling For "Dead Cops"
Fox's Clayton Morris: Al Sharpton Is "Calling To Kill Cops"


Fox & Friends Sunday repeatedly spliced footage of Al Sharpton speaking at a Washington, D.C. "Justice for All" march with footage from a separate event in New York City where some in the crowd chanted for "dead cops" to claim Sharpton is "calling to kill cops."

The December 14 edition of Fox & Friends Sunday opened with video from a December 13 march in New York City where some protesters chanted, "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now." Co-host Anna Kooiman set up the footage by saying, "Thousands march with Al Sharpton against the police," and later promised "more from Sharpton's 'March for Justice.'"

But the footage of protesters chanting anti-police slogans was not from Sharpton's December 13 march, which The Washington Post described as a "peaceful civil rights march led by families of the slain and organized by the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network."

In a later segment flagged by liberal news site Raw Story, Fox sandwiched -- without explanation -- a clip of the "dead cops" chant in between two clips of Sharpton speaking at the "Justice for All" rally, conflating the two events.

Although an on-screen graphic identified the "dead cop" chant as coming from the New York City protest, co-host Tucker Carlson strongly implied that all the footage shown was from Sharpton's event, stating, "Huh. So the first clip you heard people are saying, 'We want the cops dead.' And the second you heard Al Sharpton say 'We're not against the police.'"

Fox's ongoing circus act surely adds to the animosity. But this is not the same as what is happening on the other side of this issue. Unfair accusations of racism do, too, especially when it's crammed in the face of everyone and anyone who is trying to have a "conversation about race". Street protests will always add an element of danger, and there are plenty on the Left who will say essentially anything. Then these same people are defended by the Left.

The two are not the same. Fox babbles. The PC Police act, intimidate, punish.


Fox is the one adding fuel to the fire. Accusations of racism have some basis. And I blame St. Louis Prosecutor Robert McCulloch for manipulating and abusing the Grand Jury process in the Brown shooting. If Wilson had stood trial and then found innocent, it would have been more acceptable.
In Brown or Gardner, the two cases that are constantly referenced as proof of racism, neither has been shown to be true. The protestors and leaders all want to dismiss the actual factual events and make it an issue about everything else BUT the facts. Because the facts just don't support the protests. So let's make it a dialogue about institutional racism instead. And let's target the enforcers of this farce of a stage play, the police.

Racism is difficult to 'prove'. But the race of victims of police profiling, shootings and abuse makes a strong case that race in a major factor.
Prove that anyone chanted that.

you would argue that water isn't wet

Post a credible source with video of protesters saying that, please.

Sigh, so easy:

I think they're chanting:

"What do we want?"

"Lamb chops"

"When do we want them?"


Something like that.

It was lunch time.



Nope. That isn't going to cut it. I want to see a persons face and lips saying those words. I want to see who we are talking about.

It's been a week since this supposedly happened. Where are the established reports?

... to the families of the two dead NY cops.

You fan the flames, you are responsible for the consequences.


The individuals doing the shootings are responsible, but no doubt found encouragement from the many signs calling for death to crackers and cops.

Remember the Gabbi Gifford shooting? The left immediately started blaming hateful rhetoric and even pointed fingers at Sarah Palin for having a target on a map showing Arizona as a state to try and win over.

The left said the opposition to leftist policies led to the shooting. Of course, it had nothing to do with it and was about a crazy guy with a weird obsession with Gabbi.

Now we have race baiters openly supporting some vile rioters calling for the death of cops and whities. Now we have police killings and the left remains silent.

Another cop was shot and killed in Florida. Does anyone here believe that the hateful rhetoric and calling for deaths of cops played a role? Has the vile language of the race baiters emboldened some cold-blooded killers? These people who did the shooting are the worst kind of criminals because they are capable of murdering to begin with. And the narrative that cops are evil racists only encouraged the animals to target police.

Florida authorities say 1 police officer shot and killed - Yahoo News

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