The PC Police should apologize....


Wow, the diversion is intense on this one.


The stupidity of your OP has already been addressed.

You push it, you own it.

Tough shit.


Can you cite the posts I ever advocated shooting cops as revenge? Or, as an alternative,

can you go fuck yourself?

Yes, now we go to the straw man argument.

Always a good sign.

You're angry with me.

How sad for you.


Officer Carbineer is just busting you for not being PC. Just doing his job. Good thing he can't put you into a choke hold.

Wow, the diversion is intense on this one.


The stupidity of your OP has already been addressed.

You push it, you own it.

Tough shit.


Can you cite the posts I ever advocated shooting cops as revenge? Or, as an alternative,

can you go fuck yourself?

Yes, now we go to the straw man argument.

Always a good sign.

You're angry with me.

How sad for you.


Officer Carbineer is just busting you for not being PC. Just doing his job. Good thing he can't put you into a choke hold.

Anything to divert from this murder.

He didn't do as the cop asked, so they used force. Maybe it was a little much, but if garner just did as they asked he would be alive today.

NO, he died. It was more than a little much.
NO, he died because he was a huge, sloppy, out of shape, morbidly obese, smoking, walking heart attack of a fat man that decided to resist arrest and fight it out with the law. Any normal person would have had no problem.

Your B.S. doesn't hold any water here, just as it usually never does.

Wow, the diversion is intense on this one.


The stupidity of your OP has already been addressed.

You push it, you own it.

Tough shit.


Can you cite the posts I ever advocated shooting cops as revenge? Or, as an alternative,

can you go fuck yourself?

Yes, now we go to the straw man argument.

Always a good sign.

You're angry with me.

How sad for you.


Officer Carbineer is just busting you for not being PC. Just doing his job. Good thing he can't put you into a choke hold.
Is not being PC illegal?
He ignored United nations sanctions, you're still chanting BUSH lied bullshit? Lol those are like so 2004 bullshit talking points.

He had been ignoring UN Sanctions for a decade. We didn't go to war over that. We went to war because he supposedly had weapons.

Bush lied. People died.
WMD's have been found, proven, and it's an established fact. Even ISIS found stores of WMD's on their march through Iraq.

Do you ever talk anything other than BULL SHIT?

Wow, the diversion is intense on this one.


The stupidity of your OP has already been addressed.

You push it, you own it.

Tough shit.


Can you cite the posts I ever advocated shooting cops as revenge? Or, as an alternative,

can you go fuck yourself?

Yes, now we go to the straw man argument.

Always a good sign.

You're angry with me.

How sad for you.


What's the strawman? You directly, personally, accused me of 'owning' this.

Prove that.
Holy mother of GOD progtards are some LYING, STUPID sons a bitches.

No wonder I hardly ever come here anymore.

Wow, the diversion is intense on this one.


The stupidity of your OP has already been addressed.

You push it, you own it.

Tough shit.


Can you cite the posts I ever advocated shooting cops as revenge? Or, as an alternative,

can you go fuck yourself?

Yes, now we go to the straw man argument.

Always a good sign.

You're angry with me.

How sad for you.


What's the strawman? You directly, personally, accused me of 'owning' this.

Prove that.

You push and defend PC.

This tragedy is the predictable result of that tactic.

So you divert.

The stupidity of your OP has already been addressed.

You push it, you own it.

Tough shit.


Can you cite the posts I ever advocated shooting cops as revenge? Or, as an alternative,

can you go fuck yourself?

Yes, now we go to the straw man argument.

Always a good sign.

You're angry with me.

How sad for you.


Officer Carbineer is just busting you for not being PC. Just doing his job. Good thing he can't put you into a choke hold.
Is not being PC illegal?

Absolutely, good thing Officer Carbineer is on the job.
Actually, the one responsible for these horrific murders is the one who pulled the trigger. Blaming the news media for this is as bad as blaming violent video games or rock music.
The rightwing propaganda machine did every bit as much 'fanning'.

If the cops had been shot while preventing some redneck rancher from illegal use of federal land these same right wing assholes would be happier than shit.

Two cops were killed in Las Vegas by two Bundy sympathizers.

I think at the time the author of this thread attacked the RWnuts for inciting that...oh, wait...

...that's a joke.
The rightwing propaganda machine did every bit as much 'fanning'.

If the cops had been shot while preventing some redneck rancher from illegal use of federal land these same right wing assholes would be happier than shit.

The rightwing propaganda machine did every bit as much 'fanning'.

If the cops had been shot while preventing some redneck rancher from illegal use of federal land these same right wing assholes would be happier than shit.
Those weren't COPS, dumbass, those were armed BLM agents.

Why is the BLM armed, and why did it take an ARMY of them to deal with ONE RANCHER?

Go fuck yourself, door knob.
Maybe if the author of this thread would point out the posters he's accusing of this incitement, and make arguments as to why they are guilty,

then we could figure out what the fuck his point is.

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