The PC Police should apologize....

Rank speculation, since you have no idea what would have happened with a white suspect.

Besides, the wheezy old geezer died in the ambulance, not from the non-chokehold.

That's kind of like saying the gunshot victim died in the ambulance.

But there's no question that whites get different treatment than minorities. THis from RIGHT WING Reason Magazine. (i.e. not part of Mac's dreaded PC Police.)

Between January 2004 and June 2012, the NYPD conducted over 4.4 million Terry stops.

In 52% of the 4.4 million stops, the person stopped was black, in 31% the person was Hispanic, and in 10% the person was white.

In 2010, New York City’s resident population was roughly 23% black, 29% Hispanic, and 33% white.

Weapons were seized in 1.0% of the stops of blacks, 1.1% of the stops of Hispanics, and 1.4% of the stops of whites.

Between 2004 and 2009, the percentage of stops where the officer failed to state a specific suspected crime rose from 1% to 36%.

so let's review. Blacks were subjected to Stop and Frisk twice as often as their percentage of the population, while whites were only stopped for 1/3 of their population, statistically.

See this is where you twist things that really happened. YES, the prosecutor stated that some of the witnesses did in fact lie. He does not deny it. So why did he let them on the stand? Because he didn't want to weed out anyone who said they witnessed the shooting, thus being impartial. So folks that think like you and lie like democrats went before a Grand Jury and LIED. My guess is that you are right they lied but they didn't lie in support of the police but just the opposite. The Prosecutor tried to be as fair as possible but folks like you don't like the outcome so you pretend to know what it should have been without even knowing the truth. Not that you are ignorant it is just that you know so much that isn't so.

Guy, Mike Brown is dead. The burden should be on Wilson to prove it was justified.

And you don't get to that burden by a mentally ill woman who claimed that she just happened to be walking in this neighborhood that day so she'd stop using the N-word so much. The FBI thought she was a liar and unstable, McCollough put her on the stand, anyway.
I understand you concern about the prosecutor telling the truth him being a democrat and all. So right off the bat i will agree that he probably did lie if statistics prove anything.

But, do you have anything to use to prove to me of yet another lying democrat?

his party affiliation is irrelevent. He should have recused himself from this case because his father was a police officer killed in the line of duty.
The prosecutor, who is a democrat, went out of his way to ensure impartiality. You just don't like what Brown's peers decided and would rather have a nation dividing trial which would have ended the same way only 2 years later and a whole pile of money. And if they did have a trial and found him innocent you still would not find it acceptable, in my opinion.

First, impartiality is not his job. His job is to make sure that the victim gets justice.

Second- the prosecutor put on witnesses like Witness #40 who outright lied.

There was a whole lot of lying going on and the Grand Jury decided there was not enough evidence of guilt to take it to trial. You may not agree but that is our system.
Our system is also about unfettered debate in the context of a free and democratic society – separate and apart from our judicial system; and the debate surrounding this issue cannot take place without the participation of white conservatives, white conservative who refuse to enter into good faith discourse because they perceive the issue as 'case closed' due to no indictment.

For African-Americans the issue is not the merits of the judicial process but the refusal of white conservatives to give fair hearing to their concerns, concerns about the conduct of law enforcement in minority communities, and why violence and death seem the only options when conflicts arise.
Rank speculation, since you have no idea what would have happened with a white suspect.

Besides, the wheezy old geezer died in the ambulance, not from the non-chokehold.

That's kind of like saying the gunshot victim died in the ambulance.

But there's no question that whites get different treatment than minorities. THis from RIGHT WING Reason Magazine. (i.e. not part of Mac's dreaded PC Police.)

Between January 2004 and June 2012, the NYPD conducted over 4.4 million Terry stops.

In 52% of the 4.4 million stops, the person stopped was black, in 31% the person was Hispanic, and in 10% the person was white.

In 2010, New York City’s resident population was roughly 23% black, 29% Hispanic, and 33% white.

Weapons were seized in 1.0% of the stops of blacks, 1.1% of the stops of Hispanics, and 1.4% of the stops of whites.

Between 2004 and 2009, the percentage of stops where the officer failed to state a specific suspected crime rose from 1% to 36%.

so let's review. Blacks were subjected to Stop and Frisk twice as often as their percentage of the population, while whites were only stopped for 1/3 of their population, statistically.

A chest hold is a gunshot wound? This is why you have trouble understanding why the grand jury refused to indict.

As far as your driving statistics, all they prove is that black people could use some driving lessons.
At great peril to himself, since he had no idea if they would indict or not, and his testimony could have been used against him.

Considering the fix was in, he was about in as much danger as the lady who gets sawed in half at a magic show.
Evidently he was in no fix at all, since all he had to do was tell the truth. Like the other 8 black eyewitnesses who supported his story, and all the evidence at the scene.
A chest hold is a gunshot wound? This is why you have trouble understanding why the grand jury refused to indict.

As far as your driving statistics, all they prove is that black people could use some driving lessons.

Actually, a CHOKE hold is illegal, it's been banned since the 1990's. That's why they SHOULD have indicted.

Also, these were stop and frisk, not traffic stops. DWB is bad enough, but WWB?
Evidently he was in no fix at all, since all he had to do was tell the truth. Like the other 8 black eyewitnesses who supported his story, and all the evidence at the scene.

Well, he couldn't even meet that low standard, Wilson lied his ass off. Lied about what his knowledge of the store robbery was, lied about how far Brown was when he shot him fatally.
A chest hold is a gunshot wound? This is why you have trouble understanding why the grand jury refused to indict.

As far as your driving statistics, all they prove is that black people could use some driving lessons.

Actually, a CHOKE hold is illegal, it's been banned since the 1990's. That's why they SHOULD have indicted.

Also, these were stop and frisk, not traffic stops. DWB is bad enough, but WWB?
A chokehold is not illegal. It's silly to discuss something with anyone who doesn't know the facts.

More whites were stopped overall than blacks.
Evidently he was in no fix at all, since all he had to do was tell the truth. Like the other 8 black eyewitnesses who supported his story, and all the evidence at the scene.

Well, he couldn't even meet that low standard, Wilson lied his ass off. Lied about what his knowledge of the store robbery was, lied about how far Brown was when he shot him fatally.
OK, let's go with your theory. Was it a conspiracy, then?
I don't support the protesters who called for dead cops. But who is fanning the flames? There is no excuse for what Fox News did to try to pin that NYC march on the peaceful march Al Sharpton led in Washington DC.

If you need to assign secondary blame, it falls squarely on Fox News...

Fox & Friends Airs Misleading Footage To Suggest Al Sharpton Led Protesters Calling For "Dead Cops"
Fox's Clayton Morris: Al Sharpton Is "Calling To Kill Cops"


Fox & Friends Sunday repeatedly spliced footage of Al Sharpton speaking at a Washington, D.C. "Justice for All" march with footage from a separate event in New York City where some in the crowd chanted for "dead cops" to claim Sharpton is "calling to kill cops."

The December 14 edition of Fox & Friends Sunday opened with video from a December 13 march in New York City where some protesters chanted, "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now." Co-host Anna Kooiman set up the footage by saying, "Thousands march with Al Sharpton against the police," and later promised "more from Sharpton's 'March for Justice.'"

But the footage of protesters chanting anti-police slogans was not from Sharpton's December 13 march, which The Washington Post described as a "peaceful civil rights march led by families of the slain and organized by the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network."

In a later segment flagged by liberal news site Raw Story, Fox sandwiched -- without explanation -- a clip of the "dead cops" chant in between two clips of Sharpton speaking at the "Justice for All" rally, conflating the two events.

Although an on-screen graphic identified the "dead cop" chant as coming from the New York City protest, co-host Tucker Carlson strongly implied that all the footage shown was from Sharpton's event, stating, "Huh. So the first clip you heard people are saying, 'We want the cops dead.' And the second you heard Al Sharpton say 'We're not against the police.'"

Fox's ongoing circus act surely adds to the animosity. But this is not the same as what is happening on the other side of this issue. Unfair accusations of racism do, too, especially when it's crammed in the face of everyone and anyone who is trying to have a "conversation about race". Street protests will always add an element of danger, and there are plenty on the Left who will say essentially anything. Then these same people are defended by the Left.

The two are not the same. Fox babbles. The PC Police act, intimidate, punish.


Fox is the one adding fuel to the fire. Accusations of racism have some basis. And I blame St. Louis Prosecutor Robert McCulloch for manipulating and abusing the Grand Jury process in the Brown shooting. If Wilson had stood trial and then found innocent, it would have been more acceptable.
In Brown or Gardner, the two cases that are constantly referenced as proof of racism, neither has been shown to be true. The protestors and leaders all want to dismiss the actual factual events and make it an issue about everything else BUT the facts. Because the facts just don't support the protests. So let's make it a dialogue about institutional racism instead. And let's target the enforcers of this farce of a stage play, the police.

Racism is difficult to 'prove'. But the race of victims of police profiling, shootings and abuse makes a strong case that race in a major factor.
Race is a legal description (among others) in the detaining of a suspect. That's why a cop might get a call to look for a "black male, 6'4", 300lbs, wearing a red bandana, jeans, and red t-shirt." All perfectly legal.

Trying to take a cop's gun, then charging at him, not so much.

You are taking testimony that was never cross examined as gospel. The problem with you folks on the right is you are not even capable of contemplating that important issue.

"The Grand Jury says", is all you folks are capable of. The fact that the process was a travesty of justice makes that testimony useless.

Looks like they're going to try to divert this thread into a gun issue.

They will not take responsibility.

Not gonna let that happen.


WHO should take responsibility Mac? You are trying to manufacture an issue here.

The first responsibility goes to the shooter, as always. You then look at events that may have provided the shooter with his "excuse", his perceived motivation, the environment in which they exist. He provided that motivation when, on his Instagram account, he wrote "I'm putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours, let's take 2 of theirs."

Some are choosing to pretend that this has nothing to do with the racial tensions surrounding recent events (an example of which would be the crowd shouting "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now"), and that those who leverage Political Correctness have nothing to do with the racial tensions.

It's my opinion that those people are lying.


I thought about this today and I think I will disagree with the PC police have blood on their hands. I think it starts at the top, Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Deblazeo (sp) all the race baiting liberals who would rather support a criminal because he is black over the police that risk their lives to save theirs. Then they have the outright gall to accuse everyone else of racism. THEY are the ones with blood on their hands. THEY lead a march that was chanting about dead cops. THEY heard it and THEY said NOTHING.

It doesn't need to be either/or. The "leaders" you describe have all chosen their sides from the top down, and the PC Police cause their damage from the ground up. That is the very combination, the very environment, that has put us here.

de Blasio's situation may be the most concerning. A mayor, of New York no less, has to have at least a civil relationship with the police force, but right now they look at him as the enemy. I don't know how that wound gets healed. de Blasio has to keep his base happy.

It doesn't need to be either/or. The "leaders" you describe have all chosen their sides from the top down, and the PC Police cause their damage from the ground up. That is the very combination, the very environment, that has put us here.

de Blasio's situation may be the most concerning. A mayor, of New York no less, has to have at least a civil relationship with the police force, but right now they look at him as the enemy. I don't know how that wound gets healed. de Blasio has to keep his base happy.

Oh, I don't know. HOw about the police do their damned jobs and follow their own policies and not choke people to death. I mean, i know, that's like a crazy idea.

Then they could move on to not harrassing people for jaywalking and selling untaxed cigarettes.

come on, guy, I know you want to blame the PC Police, but the problem is, folks in New York are tired of living under the fascism that Rudy 'Noun-Verb-9/11" Guliani left them with.
Just LOOK at what the PC police have done to us! We can't even joke around anymore! They shut down the conversation!!!!

My Asian-American daughter and I had a great time watching this skit. Do we have to turn in our badges?
"The Grand Jury says", is all you folks are capable of. The fact that the process was a travesty of justice makes that testimony useless.

It seems to me that of all the problems and issues we face, revising the Grand Jury system would be relatively easy. The potential conflicts of interest when a DA is considering the prosecution of a cop or other public servant are pretty freaking clear.

An obvious fix would be to have a different set of rules for public servants, some kind of independent panel that would run the Grand Jury process. Perhaps the panel could have both public servants and civilians. It shouldn't be that damn tough.


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