The PC Police should apologize....

to the families of the two dead NY cops. You fan the flames, you are responsible for the consequences.
I don't believe you care about the cops or their families. You're just taking an opportunity to flame those you disagree with. People jump to bashing others too quickly for it to be anything else. It's pure opportunism and really pretty disgusting, IMO.
That march was nothing more than a drop in bucket. The PC Police have been dividing Americans, isolating Black Americans and fanning the flames of racial tension for political advantage for generations now. They have made a bad situation far worse, and they will never admit it.

yeah, why don't those black people just enjoy that nice watermelon instead of complaining about 400 years of racism.
More information on the guy that Mac has tried to infantilize by calling him a "sick kid".

According to the NYPD, before the shootings, 28-year-old Ismaaiyl Brinsley told passersby "watch what I'm going to do."

Brinsley had 15 prior arrests in Georgia for various offenses including assault, shoplifting, grand larceny and gun possession. He also has four arrests in Ohio for robbery and misdemeanor threat. He served two years in prison in Georgia for criminal possession of a weapons and also had stints in local jails.

His family members say he had undisguised mental problems, and his estranged mother said he had a troubled childhood, was violent and that she feared him.

Brinsley was born in New York and has prior arrests in Brooklyn also, officials said....

Early Saturday, NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton said, Brinsley went to the home of a former girlfriend in the Baltimore area and shot and wounded her. Police there said they noticed Brinsley posting to the woman's Instagram account about a threat to New York officers. Baltimore-area officials sent a warning to New York City police, who received it around the time of the shooting, Bratton said.

Yup, clearly it was the Evil Mind Control Powers of the PC Police.

You can only use that argument if you're defending a rightwinger who kills cops, or anyone else.
[QUOTE="Mac1958, post: 10388620, member: 34298" to the families of the two dead NY cops. You fan the flames, you are responsible for the consequences.
I don't believe you care about the cops or their families. You're just taking an opportunity to flame those you disagree with. People jump to bashing others too quickly for it to be anything else. It's pure opportunism and really pretty disgusting, IMO.[/QUOTE]

I think the PC Police have victimized American Blacks for the second time in this nation's history.

That's some pretty fucked up, serious shit.

If you don't want to believe that, I don't care.

That march was nothing more than a drop in bucket. The PC Police have been dividing Americans, isolating Black Americans and fanning the flames of racial tension for political advantage for generations now. They have made a bad situation far worse, and they will never admit it.

yeah, why don't those black people just enjoy that nice watermelon instead of complaining about 400 years of racism.

Only Joe can get that from my defense of American Blacks.

Great stuff.

So Joe has no idea what PC is.

I think that's three hardcore left wing partisan ideologues here who make that claim.

Funny stuff.

I know what you claim it is. It's just silly.

People should be outraged about what happened to MIke Brown. They should be outraged about what happened to Eric Garner. They should be outraged that the system did not bring these men justice.

This isn't political correctness, this is right.

Crazy people will use legitimate concerns as an excuse for violence all the time. Just because the Unabomber was an asshole, doesn't mean we shouldn't be concerned about the environment.

It will fascinating to see if Joe's attempt to divert this into a gun issue will be the approach the rest of the PC Police take.

I'll check out MSNBC today, that will be another good indicator.

Better than using the death of two cops to make a point politically.

When I point out the deaths of thousands of young American military in Bush's hideous wars, am I using those deaths?

Did you think you "had" me there?

Wanna try again?

You're diverting.


And you get accused of helping the enemy when you do so. Do you accept your responsibility for that?
Right after you apologize to me for accusing me of advocating for policemen to be killed.

In which post did I accusing you of advocating for policemen to be killed?


Don't play stupid.

Oh wait, you're genuinely stupid.

No answer to that one, huh?

Garsh, what a shock.


Since I've already quoted it, answer me this.

How many times would I have to remind you of it before you'd concede that you did it?


Because I didn't say that.


I'll make it easier for you:
The PC Police should apologize.... Page 10 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You accuse me of pushing something, and owning something.

1. tell me what I pushed, and prove I did.

2. tell me what I own, and prove I do.

It will fascinating to see if Joe's attempt to divert this into a gun issue will be the approach the rest of the PC Police take.

I'll check out MSNBC today, that will be another good indicator.

Better than using the death of two cops to make a point politically.

When I point out the deaths of thousands of young American military in Bush's hideous wars, am I using those deaths?

Did you think you "had" me there?

Wanna try again?

You're diverting.


And you get accused of helping the enemy when you do so. Do you accept your responsibility for that?

If I actually, literally played a part in helping the enemy, I guess I would have to accept responsibility for it, yeah.

The PC Police actively and aggressively and proudly do what they do.

In which post did I accusing you of advocating for policemen to be killed?


Don't play stupid.

Oh wait, you're genuinely stupid.

No answer to that one, huh?

Garsh, what a shock.


Since I've already quoted it, answer me this.

How many times would I have to remind you of it before you'd concede that you did it?


Because I didn't say that.


I'll make it easier for you:
The PC Police should apologize.... Page 10 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You accuse me of pushing something, and owning something.

1. tell me what I pushed, and prove I did.

2. tell me what I own, and prove I do.

Political Correctness. Identity Politics.

If you don't like my opinion, too bad.

Don't play stupid.

Oh wait, you're genuinely stupid.

No answer to that one, huh?

Garsh, what a shock.


Since I've already quoted it, answer me this.

How many times would I have to remind you of it before you'd concede that you did it?


Because I didn't say that.


I'll make it easier for you:
The PC Police should apologize.... Page 10 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You accuse me of pushing something, and owning something.

1. tell me what I pushed, and prove I did.

2. tell me what I own, and prove I do.

Political Correctness. Identity Politics.

If you don't like my opinion, too bad.


That's it? You're an asshole. You're a phoney fucking rightwing nut who thinks he gains some sort of cred by pretending to be a fair and balanced independent.

You are the worst of both worlds.

But at least I shut you up.
No answer to that one, huh?

Garsh, what a shock.


Since I've already quoted it, answer me this.

How many times would I have to remind you of it before you'd concede that you did it?


Because I didn't say that.


I'll make it easier for you:
The PC Police should apologize.... Page 10 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You accuse me of pushing something, and owning something.

1. tell me what I pushed, and prove I did.

2. tell me what I own, and prove I do.

Political Correctness. Identity Politics.

If you don't like my opinion, too bad.


That's it? You're an asshole. You're a phoney fucking rightwing nut who thinks he gains some sort of cred by pretending to be a fair and balanced independent.

You are the worst of both worlds.

But at least I shut you up.

You're all angry with me again.

How sad for you.


It will fascinating to see if Joe's attempt to divert this into a gun issue will be the approach the rest of the PC Police take.

I'll check out MSNBC today, that will be another good indicator.

Better than using the death of two cops to make a point politically.

When I point out the deaths of thousands of young American military in Bush's hideous wars, am I using those deaths?

Did you think you "had" me there?

Wanna try again?

You're diverting.


And you get accused of helping the enemy when you do so. Do you accept your responsibility for that?

If I actually, literally played a part in helping the enemy, I guess I would have to accept responsibility for it, yeah.

The PC Police actively and aggressively and proudly do what they do.


Name names, please. What USMB members are also members of the PC Police? Can you name names, for once? Who are yiu accusing of pushing buttons?
The PC Police cram race into every last goddamn conversation, they scream "racist" at every last goddamn opportunity, they turn lawbreakers into national heroes, they support and defend race pimps from coast to coast, they paint cops with a broad brush.

Then, when one of their perceived constituents executes a couple of cops, they wash their hands of the whole thing. It's someone else's fault.

Despicable, but predictable.

Gee, Mac, can you try to be less of a Drama Queen?

What happened to Eric Garner was an outrage. Even conservatives said so.

Just like a lot of liberals said what happened at Waco was an outrage.

And liberals are no more responsible for Brinsley than conservatives were responsible for McVeigh.

As I've said, I wouldn't expect people like you to admit to any responsibility.


What's Joe's responsibility? Be specific.

See post 365.

And no, I'm not expecting you to admit anything.


Post #365 is pretty much the last nail in this coffin.
The PC Police cram race into every last goddamn conversation, they scream "racist" at every last goddamn opportunity, they turn lawbreakers into national heroes, they support and defend race pimps from coast to coast, they paint cops with a broad brush.

Then, when one of their perceived constituents executes a couple of cops, they wash their hands of the whole thing. It's someone else's fault.

Despicable, but predictable.

Gee, Mac, can you try to be less of a Drama Queen?

What happened to Eric Garner was an outrage. Even conservatives said so.

Just like a lot of liberals said what happened at Waco was an outrage.

And liberals are no more responsible for Brinsley than conservatives were responsible for McVeigh.

As I've said, I wouldn't expect people like you to admit to any responsibility.


What's Joe's responsibility? Be specific.

See post 365.

And no, I'm not expecting you to admit anything.


Post #365 is pretty much the last nail in this coffin.

One might think so, but these people are committed to what they're doing.


Joe if the guy was busted for this 50 or so times....he should have been doing jail many times should someone be busted for the same thing before you do some time?...

i don't know, I think the only people who should be doing time are people who actually hurt other people. Not the taggers, not the onesy-sellers, not the turnstyle jumpers.

Have you watched that film? These cops didn't like he was giving them some lip and they were going to teach him a lesson. That's bad enough in itself. The fact he died makes it a lot worse.

None of which has anything to do with a career criminal capping off his useless life with a pair of cop murders.
What about the tax cheats? They don't hurt anybody. Should we all stop paying our "fair share" of taxes?

Excellent point. Don't expect Job to have a valid rebuttal.
Joe if the guy was busted for this 50 or so times....he should have been doing jail many times should someone be busted for the same thing before you do some time?...

i don't know, I think the only people who should be doing time are people who actually hurt other people. Not the taggers, not the onesy-sellers, not the turnstyle jumpers.

Have you watched that film? These cops didn't like he was giving them some lip and they were going to teach him a lesson. That's bad enough in itself. The fact he died makes it a lot worse.

None of which has anything to do with a career criminal capping off his useless life with a pair of cop murders.
I think the only people who should be doing time are people who actually hurt other people.
so a shoplifter should not do time no matter how many times he steals as long as no one is hurt?...just let him go and wave your finger at him?...

Looks like they're going to try to divert this thread into a gun issue.

They will not take responsibility.

Not gonna let that happen.


WHO should take responsibility Mac? You are trying to manufacture an issue here.

The first responsibility goes to the shooter, as always. You then look at events that may have provided the shooter with his "excuse", his perceived motivation, the environment in which they exist. He provided that motivation when, on his Instagram account, he wrote "I'm putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours, let's take 2 of theirs."

Some are choosing to pretend that this has nothing to do with the racial tensions surrounding recent events (an example of which would be the crowd shouting "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now"), and that those who leverage Political Correctness have nothing to do with the racial tensions.

It's my opinion that those people are lying.


I thought about this today and I think I will disagree with the PC police have blood on their hands. I think it starts at the top, Obama, Holder, Sharpton, Deblazeo (sp) all the race baiting liberals who would rather support a criminal because he is black over the police that risk their lives to save theirs. Then they have the outright gall to accuse everyone else of racism. THEY are the ones with blood on their hands. THEY lead a march that was chanting about dead cops. THEY heard it and THEY said NOTHING.
No, your a Looney ass liberal that doesn't know shit. You wrote how you would've loved to been looking at the bundy's down the barrel of your gun. Breaking one of the biggest no, no rules. Unless you're gonna shoot.

People who point guns at law enforcement deserve to be shot.

What if the police do actually act stupidly? Like when they shot an unarmed Koresch and killed another walking down the hall behind him? Or that they killed a man returning home from work, I assume unarmed? what about that and nothing ever happens to the ATF for inciting such a situation. You can't blame the Davidians the ATF brought it to them, and in my opinion, fired first. Probably killing the dogs but they did fire first. There was video of the opening moments of the attack, I saw them that day. Never have seen them again.

Let's see if we can figure out exactly who it was trying to instigate a violent incident with federal authorities on BLM land.

Can the answer be no one? I will spare you another strawman picture.

Let me ask you this, why was the BLM out there in force? What were they going to accomplish?

A better question would be: why where there armed assholes pointing guns at federal law enforcement and getting away with it? Why aren't they all in prison right now? That's where they should be.

Please provide picture of this happening, or else the strawman is coming back.

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