The PC Police should apologize....

The PC Police cram race into every last goddamn conversation, they scream "racist" at every last goddamn opportunity, they turn lawbreakers into national heroes, they support and defend race pimps from coast to coast, they paint cops with a broad brush.

Then, when one of their perceived constituents executes a couple of cops, they wash their hands of the whole thing. It's someone else's fault.

Despicable, but predictable.

Gee, Mac, can you try to be less of a Drama Queen?

What happened to Eric Garner was an outrage. Even conservatives said so.

Just like a lot of liberals said what happened at Waco was an outrage.

And liberals are no more responsible for Brinsley than conservatives were responsible for McVeigh.

As I've said, I wouldn't expect people like you to admit to any responsibility.


What's Joe's responsibility? Be specific.
so although many news industries reported on in, and no one has been able to point out an audio fabrication, you're goig with "conspiracy" on it.


When it first came to light....I looked for CNN or HLN or even CBS, NBC, ABC....or BBC. Saw only one NBC affiliate with any coverage. I saw Breitbart, CNS, FOX, Gateway Pundit, and the. Blaze with full coverage.

Where are the close up videos? Why is there only one video feed of a major news event with that audio? Who led the chant? What is that persons name? How many people chanted dead cops and for how long?

Let's have some details.
Are you suggesting the left wing media buried the close ups? Luckily, some guy with a cell phone was able to smuggle his amateur video past the media guardians or we wouldn't know about this at all.

Nope. I'm suggesting that someone filmed from hundreds of feet away and dubbed the words "Dead Cops" in the video that the RW echo chamber fell in love with. And....real news organizations asked for...but did not get...further evidence of the chant. Thus....they didn't run the story.

Get it?
Yeah, I get it. You're saying that your accusations don't need proof because the lack of more proof is proof that it is false. Good call.

Nope. I'm simply saying that I don't buy the video. Never did. I am willing to admit I am wrong......but someone has to do some proving first. Is there another video of this chant?
Yes there are many, but they were burned in a big left wing bonfire. Luckily, this one was smuggled to safety.
Fox's ongoing circus act surely adds to the animosity. But this is not the same as what is happening on the other side of this issue. Unfair accusations of racism do, too, especially when it's crammed in the face of everyone and anyone who is trying to have a "conversation about race". Street protests will always add an element of danger, and there are plenty on the Left who will say essentially anything. Then these same people are defended by the Left.

The two are not the same. Fox babbles. The PC Police act, intimidate, punish.

Well, usually when the right wants to have a "conversation about race", it's usually because they want to hear about how race isn't really a problem in this country when it clearly is.
As I've said, I wouldn't expect people like you to admit to any responsibility.

No, I didn't tell a career criminal to go out and kill anyone.

Straw Man #34,653,677 from Joe.

No, you didn't tell a career criminal to go out and kill anyone.

What you DID do, and CONTINUE to do, and WILL continue to do, is gleefully contribute to the isolation of American Blacks by weaponizing Political Correctness and Identity Politics for political gain. You have aggressively contributed to an environment in which sick kids like this can latch on to your propaganda and justify the murder of cops, by pounding and pounding and pounding away at your stereotypes.

You have condemned millions of American Black families to a second round of mass victimization in this country's history.

Point the finger all you want, just don't look in the mirror.

The PC Police cram race into every last goddamn conversation, they scream "racist" at every last goddamn opportunity, they turn lawbreakers into national heroes, they support and defend race pimps from coast to coast, they paint cops with a broad brush.

Then, when one of their perceived constituents executes a couple of cops, they wash their hands of the whole thing. It's someone else's fault.

Despicable, but predictable.

Gee, Mac, can you try to be less of a Drama Queen?

What happened to Eric Garner was an outrage. Even conservatives said so.

Just like a lot of liberals said what happened at Waco was an outrage.

And liberals are no more responsible for Brinsley than conservatives were responsible for McVeigh.

As I've said, I wouldn't expect people like you to admit to any responsibility.


What's Joe's responsibility? Be specific.

See post 365.

And no, I'm not expecting you to admit anything.

Joe if the guy was busted for this 50 or so times....he should have been doing jail many times should someone be busted for the same thing before you do some time?...

i don't know, I think the only people who should be doing time are people who actually hurt other people. Not the taggers, not the onesy-sellers, not the turnstyle jumpers.

Have you watched that film? These cops didn't like he was giving them some lip and they were going to teach him a lesson. That's bad enough in itself. The fact he died makes it a lot worse.

None of which has anything to do with a career criminal capping off his useless life with a pair of cop murders.
Joe if the guy was busted for this 50 or so times....he should have been doing jail many times should someone be busted for the same thing before you do some time?...

i don't know, I think the only people who should be doing time are people who actually hurt other people. Not the taggers, not the onesy-sellers, not the turnstyle jumpers.

Have you watched that film? These cops didn't like he was giving them some lip and they were going to teach him a lesson. That's bad enough in itself. The fact he died makes it a lot worse.

None of which has anything to do with a career criminal capping off his useless life with a pair of cop murders.
What about the tax cheats? They don't hurt anybody. Should we all stop paying our "fair share" of taxes?
The PC Police cram race into every last goddamn conversation, they scream "racist" at every last goddamn opportunity, they turn lawbreakers into national heroes, they support and defend race pimps from coast to coast, they paint cops with a broad brush.

Then, when one of their perceived constituents executes a couple of cops, they wash their hands of the whole thing. It's someone else's fault.

Despicable, but predictable.

Gee, Mac, can you try to be less of a Drama Queen?

What happened to Eric Garner was an outrage. Even conservatives said so.

Just like a lot of liberals said what happened at Waco was an outrage.

And liberals are no more responsible for Brinsley than conservatives were responsible for McVeigh.

As I've said, I wouldn't expect people like you to admit to any responsibility.


What's Joe's responsibility? Be specific.

See post 365.

And no, I'm not expecting you to admit anything.


Right after you apologize to me for accusing me of advocating for policemen to be killed.
Straw Man #34,653,677 from Joe.

No, you didn't tell a career criminal to go out and kill anyone.

What you DID do, and CONTINUE to do, and WILL continue to do, is gleefully contribute to the isolation of American Blacks by weaponizing Political Correctness and Identity Politics for political gain. You have aggressively contributed to an environment in which sick kids like this can latch on to your propaganda and justify the murder of cops, by pounding and pounding and pounding away at your stereotypes.

You have condemned millions of American Black families to a second round of mass victimization in this country's history.

Point the finger all you want, just don't look in the mirror.

He wasn't a "sick kid". He was a 28 year old man who had been arrested 15 times in Georgia, 4 times in Ohio and a couple times in New York. He didn't kill cops for "political correctness", whatever that is. (I think it means Mac can't say things he wants to say without getting dirty looks.)
The PC Police cram race into every last goddamn conversation, they scream "racist" at every last goddamn opportunity, they turn lawbreakers into national heroes, they support and defend race pimps from coast to coast, they paint cops with a broad brush.

Then, when one of their perceived constituents executes a couple of cops, they wash their hands of the whole thing. It's someone else's fault.

Despicable, but predictable.

Gee, Mac, can you try to be less of a Drama Queen?

What happened to Eric Garner was an outrage. Even conservatives said so.

Just like a lot of liberals said what happened at Waco was an outrage.

And liberals are no more responsible for Brinsley than conservatives were responsible for McVeigh.

As I've said, I wouldn't expect people like you to admit to any responsibility.


What's Joe's responsibility? Be specific.

See post 365.

And no, I'm not expecting you to admit anything.


Right after you apologize to me for accusing me of advocating for policemen to be killed.

In which post did I accusing you of advocating for policemen to be killed?

Gee, Mac, can you try to be less of a Drama Queen?

What happened to Eric Garner was an outrage. Even conservatives said so.

Just like a lot of liberals said what happened at Waco was an outrage.

And liberals are no more responsible for Brinsley than conservatives were responsible for McVeigh.

As I've said, I wouldn't expect people like you to admit to any responsibility.


What's Joe's responsibility? Be specific.

See post 365.

And no, I'm not expecting you to admit anything.


Right after you apologize to me for accusing me of advocating for policemen to be killed.

In which post did I accusing you of advocating for policemen to be killed?


Don't play stupid.

Oh wait, you're genuinely stupid.

Of course they are acting upset after the fact. Where were they and what were they saying when the anger of violent mobs was reaching a fever pitch? They were still crying fowl and accusing cops of murdering blacks for no reason other than they were black. They knew people were whipped into a frenzy already, partly thanks to Sharpton and the race baiters, yet they failed to use the many opportunities to calm people. There was no effort by the radical left to ease tensions.

If the left thought it was okay to blame rhetoric for Gabbi Gifford's shooting, why aren't they saying the same thing now? The media cried rhetoric and vitriol over and over after the Arizona shootings, but now act like the angry preaching from Sharpton played no part in riling the mobs even further.

It's completely hypocritical not to call their own out after the way they went after Palin and the right in the past. Either rhetoric matters or it doesn't.

Obama, Sharpton and others fed the anger of the rioters in Ferguson and NYC. Now they act innocent, as if they never expected anyone to actually make good on the death threats. Are they that stupid or are they hoping that Americans have short term memories?
As I've said, I wouldn't expect people like you to admit to any responsibility.


What's Joe's responsibility? Be specific.

See post 365.

And no, I'm not expecting you to admit anything.


Right after you apologize to me for accusing me of advocating for policemen to be killed.

In which post did I accusing you of advocating for policemen to be killed?


Don't play stupid.

Oh wait, you're genuinely stupid.

No answer to that one, huh?

Garsh, what a shock.

What's Joe's responsibility? Be specific.

See post 365.

And no, I'm not expecting you to admit anything.


Right after you apologize to me for accusing me of advocating for policemen to be killed.

In which post did I accusing you of advocating for policemen to be killed?


Don't play stupid.

Oh wait, you're genuinely stupid.

No answer to that one, huh?

Garsh, what a shock.


Since I've already quoted it, answer me this.

How many times would I have to remind you of it before you'd concede that you did it?
More information on the guy that Mac has tried to infantilize by calling him a "sick kid".

According to the NYPD, before the shootings, 28-year-old Ismaaiyl Brinsley told passersby "watch what I'm going to do."

Brinsley had 15 prior arrests in Georgia for various offenses including assault, shoplifting, grand larceny and gun possession. He also has four arrests in Ohio for robbery and misdemeanor threat. He served two years in prison in Georgia for criminal possession of a weapons and also had stints in local jails.

His family members say he had undisguised mental problems, and his estranged mother said he had a troubled childhood, was violent and that she feared him.

Brinsley was born in New York and has prior arrests in Brooklyn also, officials said....

Early Saturday, NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton said, Brinsley went to the home of a former girlfriend in the Baltimore area and shot and wounded her. Police there said they noticed Brinsley posting to the woman's Instagram account about a threat to New York officers. Baltimore-area officials sent a warning to New York City police, who received it around the time of the shooting, Bratton said.

Yup, clearly it was the Evil Mind Control Powers of the PC Police.
Straw Man #34,653,677 from Joe.

No, you didn't tell a career criminal to go out and kill anyone.

What you DID do, and CONTINUE to do, and WILL continue to do, is gleefully contribute to the isolation of American Blacks by weaponizing Political Correctness and Identity Politics for political gain. You have aggressively contributed to an environment in which sick kids like this can latch on to your propaganda and justify the murder of cops, by pounding and pounding and pounding away at your stereotypes.

You have condemned millions of American Black families to a second round of mass victimization in this country's history.

Point the finger all you want, just don't look in the mirror.

He wasn't a "sick kid". He was a 28 year old man who had been arrested 15 times in Georgia, 4 times in Ohio and a couple times in New York. He didn't kill cops for "political correctness", whatever that is. (I think it means Mac can't say things he wants to say without getting dirty looks.)

So Joe has no idea what PC is.

I think that's three hardcore left wing partisan ideologues here who make that claim.

Funny stuff.

Gee, Mac, can you try to be less of a Drama Queen?

What happened to Eric Garner was an outrage. Even conservatives said so.

Just like a lot of liberals said what happened at Waco was an outrage.

And liberals are no more responsible for Brinsley than conservatives were responsible for McVeigh.

As I've said, I wouldn't expect people like you to admit to any responsibility.


What's Joe's responsibility? Be specific.

See post 365.

And no, I'm not expecting you to admit anything.


Right after you apologize to me for accusing me of advocating for policemen to be killed.

In which post did I accusing you of advocating for policemen to be killed?


Let's look at this another way.

Are you now conceding that your broadbrush attempts to demonize all liberals was a farce?
See post 365.

And no, I'm not expecting you to admit anything.


Right after you apologize to me for accusing me of advocating for policemen to be killed.

In which post did I accusing you of advocating for policemen to be killed?


Don't play stupid.

Oh wait, you're genuinely stupid.

No answer to that one, huh?

Garsh, what a shock.


Since I've already quoted it, answer me this.

How many times would I have to remind you of it before you'd concede that you did it?


Because I didn't say that.

As I've said, I wouldn't expect people like you to admit to any responsibility.


What's Joe's responsibility? Be specific.

See post 365.

And no, I'm not expecting you to admit anything.


Right after you apologize to me for accusing me of advocating for policemen to be killed.

In which post did I accusing you of advocating for policemen to be killed?


Let's look at this another way.

Are you now conceding that your broadbrush attempts to demonize all liberals was a farce?

Sadly, you're mistaken. Again.

The PC Police are hardcore left wing partisan ideologues.

Plenty of liberals don't behave this way.

Wanna try again?


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