The PC Police should apologize....

I don't support the protesters who called for dead cops. But who is fanning the flames? There is no excuse for what Fox News did to try to pin that NYC march on the peaceful march Al Sharpton led in Washington DC.

If you need to assign secondary blame, it falls squarely on Fox News...

Fox & Friends Airs Misleading Footage To Suggest Al Sharpton Led Protesters Calling For "Dead Cops"
Fox's Clayton Morris: Al Sharpton Is "Calling To Kill Cops"


Fox & Friends Sunday repeatedly spliced footage of Al Sharpton speaking at a Washington, D.C. "Justice for All" march with footage from a separate event in New York City where some in the crowd chanted for "dead cops" to claim Sharpton is "calling to kill cops."

The December 14 edition of Fox & Friends Sunday opened with video from a December 13 march in New York City where some protesters chanted, "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now." Co-host Anna Kooiman set up the footage by saying, "Thousands march with Al Sharpton against the police," and later promised "more from Sharpton's 'March for Justice.'"

But the footage of protesters chanting anti-police slogans was not from Sharpton's December 13 march, which The Washington Post described as a "peaceful civil rights march led by families of the slain and organized by the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network."

In a later segment flagged by liberal news site Raw Story, Fox sandwiched -- without explanation -- a clip of the "dead cops" chant in between two clips of Sharpton speaking at the "Justice for All" rally, conflating the two events.

Although an on-screen graphic identified the "dead cop" chant as coming from the New York City protest, co-host Tucker Carlson strongly implied that all the footage shown was from Sharpton's event, stating, "Huh. So the first clip you heard people are saying, 'We want the cops dead.' And the second you heard Al Sharpton say 'We're not against the police.'"

Fox's ongoing circus act surely adds to the animosity. But this is not the same as what is happening on the other side of this issue. Unfair accusations of racism do, too, especially when it's crammed in the face of everyone and anyone who is trying to have a "conversation about race". Street protests will always add an element of danger, and there are plenty on the Left who will say essentially anything. Then these same people are defended by the Left.

The two are not the same. Fox babbles. The PC Police act, intimidate, punish.


Fox is the one adding fuel to the fire. Accusations of racism have some basis. And I blame St. Louis Prosecutor Robert McCulloch for manipulating and abusing the Grand Jury process in the Brown shooting. If Wilson had stood trial and then found innocent, it would have been more acceptable.

The prosecutor, who is a democrat, went out of his way to ensure impartiality. You just don't like what Brown's peers decided and would rather have a nation dividing trial which would have ended the same way only 2 years later and a whole pile of money. And if they did have a trial and found him innocent you still would not find it acceptable, in my opinion.

The prosecutor went out of his way to show partiality that made sure Wilson didn't stand trial. This was a travesty of 'justice'. The SOLE role of a Grand Jury is to decide 'just cause' to elevate a case to trial.

The fact that some witnesses said Brown had his hands in the air when he was shot is just cause.

Most 'targets' (Wilson) of a Grand Jury investigation aren't even aware they are under investigation. And targets don't get to testify for hours UNCHALLENGED by cross examination.

It boggles the mind just how warped the right wing mind is...
The Brown "witnesses" admitted they told false information. Some admitted they weren't even there, at the time of the shooting. You're a dumbass.

"The PC Police should apologize...."

In fact, it's the OP who should apologize, as to suggest that anyone else besides Ismaaiyl Brinsley is responsible for the murder of two New York City police officers is unfounded, reckless, irresponsible, and wrong.
"The PC Police should apologize...."

In fact, it's the OP who should apologize, as to suggest that anyone else besides Ismaaiyl Brinsley is responsible for the murder of two New York City police officers is unfounded, reckless, irresponsible, and wrong.
It is YOU who should apologize to the OP, for suggesting that others besides Ismaaiyl Brinsley are NOT at least partially responsible for the murder of two New York City police officers. Your comment is unfounded, reckless, irresponsible, and wrong.
Fox's ongoing circus act surely adds to the animosity. But this is not the same as what is happening on the other side of this issue. Unfair accusations of racism do, too, especially when it's crammed in the face of everyone and anyone who is trying to have a "conversation about race". Street protests will always add an element of danger, and there are plenty on the Left who will say essentially anything. Then these same people are defended by the Left.

The two are not the same. Fox babbles. The PC Police act, intimidate, punish.


Fox is the one adding fuel to the fire. Accusations of racism have some basis. And I blame St. Louis Prosecutor Robert McCulloch for manipulating and abusing the Grand Jury process in the Brown shooting. If Wilson had stood trial and then found innocent, it would have been more acceptable.

The prosecutor, who is a democrat, went out of his way to ensure impartiality. You just don't like what Brown's peers decided and would rather have a nation dividing trial which would have ended the same way only 2 years later and a whole pile of money. And if they did have a trial and found him innocent you still would not find it acceptable, in my opinion.

Many witnesses admitted lying. example > witnesses 22 and 35 both testified on behalf of Michael Brown. Both caved in under cross examnation, and admitted they lied.

Documents show many witnesses admitted to lying in Michael Brown

The prosecutor went out of his way to show partiality that made sure Wilson didn't stand trial. This was a travesty of 'justice'. The SOLE role of a Grand Jury is to decide 'just cause' to elevate a case to trial.

The fact that some witnesses said Brown had his hands in the air when he was shot is just cause.

Most 'targets' (Wilson) of a Grand Jury investigation aren't even aware they are under investigation. And targets don't get to testify for hours UNCHALLENGED by cross examination.

It boggles the mind just how warped the right wing mind is...
The Brown "witnesses" admitted they told false information. Some admitted they weren't even there, at the time of the shooting. You're a dumbass.


Many witnesses admitted lying. Examples > witnesses 22 and 35 both testified on behalf of Michael Brown. Both caved in under cross examination, and admitted they lied.

Documents show many witnesses admitted to lying in Michael Brown

And the fact that " most targets don't get to testify", and that Wilson did, is something in favor of a Wilson acquittal. Ordinarily, if targets testify, that is BAD for them, but Wilson did anyway. That's a big point in his favor. I'm guessing you don't watch Fox News too much.
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... to the families of the two dead NY cops.

You fan the flames, you are responsible for the consequences.


Fuck that shit. In this country individuals are responsible for their own actions.
Fox is the one adding fuel to the fire. Accusations of racism have some basis. And I blame St. Louis Prosecutor Robert McCulloch for manipulating and abusing the Grand Jury process in the Brown shooting. If Wilson had stood trial and then found innocent, it would have been more acceptable.

The prosecutor, who is a democrat, went out of his way to ensure impartiality. You just don't like what Brown's peers decided and would rather have a nation dividing trial which would have ended the same way only 2 years later and a whole pile of money. And if they did have a trial and found him innocent you still would not find it acceptable, in my opinion.

Many witnesses admitted lying. example > witnesses 22 and 35 both testified on behalf of Michael Brown. Both caved in under cross examnation, and admitted they lied.

Documents show many witnesses admitted to lying in Michael Brown

The prosecutor went out of his way to show partiality that made sure Wilson didn't stand trial. This was a travesty of 'justice'. The SOLE role of a Grand Jury is to decide 'just cause' to elevate a case to trial.

The fact that some witnesses said Brown had his hands in the air when he was shot is just cause.

Most 'targets' (Wilson) of a Grand Jury investigation aren't even aware they are under investigation. And targets don't get to testify for hours UNCHALLENGED by cross examination.

It boggles the mind just how warped the right wing mind is...
The Brown "witnesses" admitted they told false information. Some admitted they weren't even there, at the time of the shooting. You're a dumbass.


Many witnesses admitted lying. Examples > witnesses 22 and 35 both testified on behalf of Michael Brown. Both caved in under cross examination, and admitted they lied.

Documents show many witnesses admitted to lying in Michael Brown

And the fact that " most targets don't get to testify", and that Wilson did, is something in favor of a Wilson acquittal. Ordinarily, if targets testify, that is BAD for them, but Wilson did anyway. That's a big point in his favor. I'm guessing you don't watch Fox News too much.

You didn't mention witness come?

Or THIS...

Dorian Johnson was one witness who remained consistent. He was with Brown at the time of the shooting.

Johnson told a nearly identical "hands up" version of what happened to county and federal authorities, the grand jury and the media.

“He shot again and once my friend felt that shot, he turned around and put his hands up in the air and started to get down, but the officer continued to come with his weapon drawn and he fired several more shots," Johnson said.
The prosecutor, who is a democrat, went out of his way to ensure impartiality. You just don't like what Brown's peers decided and would rather have a nation dividing trial which would have ended the same way only 2 years later and a whole pile of money. And if they did have a trial and found him innocent you still would not find it acceptable, in my opinion.

Many witnesses admitted lying. example > witnesses 22 and 35 both testified on behalf of Michael Brown. Both caved in under cross examnation, and admitted they lied.

Documents show many witnesses admitted to lying in Michael Brown

The prosecutor went out of his way to show partiality that made sure Wilson didn't stand trial. This was a travesty of 'justice'. The SOLE role of a Grand Jury is to decide 'just cause' to elevate a case to trial.

The fact that some witnesses said Brown had his hands in the air when he was shot is just cause.

Most 'targets' (Wilson) of a Grand Jury investigation aren't even aware they are under investigation. And targets don't get to testify for hours UNCHALLENGED by cross examination.

It boggles the mind just how warped the right wing mind is...
The Brown "witnesses" admitted they told false information. Some admitted they weren't even there, at the time of the shooting. You're a dumbass.


Many witnesses admitted lying. Examples > witnesses 22 and 35 both testified on behalf of Michael Brown. Both caved in under cross examination, and admitted they lied.

Documents show many witnesses admitted to lying in Michael Brown

And the fact that " most targets don't get to testify", and that Wilson did, is something in favor of a Wilson acquittal. Ordinarily, if targets testify, that is BAD for them, but Wilson did anyway. That's a big point in his favor. I'm guessing you don't watch Fox News too much.

You didn't mention witness come?

Or THIS...

Dorian Johnson was one witness who remained consistent. He was with Brown at the time of the shooting.

Johnson told a nearly identical "hands up" version of what happened to county and federal authorities, the grand jury and the media.

“He shot again and once my friend felt that shot, he turned around and put his hands up in the air and started to get down, but the officer continued to come with his weapon drawn and he fired several more shots," Johnson said.
You have got to be kidding about Johnson. He, like Brown, has a criminal past, and has the credibility of a wart hog. As for witness 40, of course I know about her. Shirley McElroy is her name. But the internet is currently being flooded by lying propaganda garbage that slams the prosecutor, on the pretense, that he supposedly slanted the case by having her testify. Well, the anti-Wilson 'witnesses" testified too, and they later were found to be lying, as are the unscrupulous articles flooding the internet right now trying to paint McCullough as a bad prosecutor, and trying to reopen the case. Amazing, the energy these people display, just to go nowhere.

PS- the hands up "version" was debunked by the forensic evidence. Didn't you know?
The likely result of this conflict with de Blasio will be a "rule-book" job action by NYPD's PBA membership, which will dramatically reduce police attention to the Black criminal element. And once that element becomes aware that cops are looking the other way the citizens of New York City will be subjected to an epidemic of street crime they can't anticipate, including armed robbery, mugging, rape, home invasion, car theft, car-jacking, burglary, assault and battery.

I am concerned with this because two of my married daughters live in New York, one in Brooklyn and one in Queens. Their husbands are good men, but they work and cannot be home all the time.

If such a job action takes place I would strongly advise Whites (and peaceful, law-abiding Blacks) in New York to avoid placing themselves in vulnerable positions -- and to make sure they have at least one firearm in the home.
The likely result of this conflict with de Blasio will be a "rule-book" job action by NYPD's PBA membership, which will dramatically reduce police attention to the Black criminal element. And once that element becomes aware that cops are looking the other way the citizens of New York City will be subjected to an epidemic of street crime they can't anticipate, including armed robbery, mugging, rape, home invasion, car theft, car-jacking, burglary, assault and battery.

I am concerned with this because two of my married daughters live in New York, one in Brooklyn and one in Queens. Their husbands are good men, but they work and cannot be home all the time.

If such a job action takes place I would strongly advise Whites (and peaceful, law-abiding Blacks) in New York to avoid placing themselves in vulnerable positions -- and to make sure they have at least one firearm in the home.

This is one of the more concerning elements of this for me. A white cop cannot be blamed for avoiding or acting differently in certain situations if they think it's possible the PC Police will come after them.

Is responding to a call or doing what you know you should do worth destroying your career, your family's safety? Just that one split second of indecision can cost you your life, too.

That's where we are. All it takes is an accusation now. You can't blame an honest cop for looking the other way.

The Brown "witnesses" admitted they told false information. Some admitted they weren't even there, at the time of the shooting. You're a dumbass.

The only one who was clearly false was Witness #40 who claimed she was walking around that neighborhood so she would stop saying the N-word. and she was the one the Right Wing kept tauting as vindicating Officer Fife.
This is one of the more concerning elements of this for me. A white cop cannot be blamed for avoiding or acting differently in certain situations if they think it's possible the PC Police will come after them.

Is responding to a call or doing what you know you should do worth destroying your career, your family's safety? Just that one split second of indecision can cost you your life, too.

That's where we are. All it takes is an accusation now. You can't blame an honest cop for looking the other way.

Well, guy, it was a little more than an "accusation".

In the case of Wilson, you had a dead, unarmed kid and 16 witnesses who said he had his hands up. If Wilson wasn't a cop, he'd have gone to trial for that.

Same thing with Garner. you have these cops ON TAPE choking this poor man to death as he screams "I can't breathe".

And these are the cases were cops are caught pretty much red handed doing stuff they shouldn't be doing- TWENTY YEARS after Rodney King.

Now, here's the thing. We don't even keep accurate records of how often the police shoot suspects. We should. We don't.

Exactly How Often Do Police Shoot Unarmed Black Men Mother Jones

In Oakland, California, the NAACP reported that out of 45 officer-involved shootings in the city between 2004 and 2008, 37 of those shot were black. None were white. One-third of the shootings resulted in fatalities. Although weapons were not found in 40 percent of cases, the NAACP found, no officers were charged.

The New York City Police Department has reported similar trends in its firearms discharge report, which shows that more black people have been shot by NYPD officers between 2000 and 2011 than have Hispanics or whites.
The likely result of this conflict with de Blasio will be a "rule-book" job action by NYPD's PBA membership, which will dramatically reduce police attention to the Black criminal element. And once that element becomes aware that cops are looking the other way the citizens of New York City will be subjected to an epidemic of street crime they can't anticipate, including armed robbery, mugging, rape, home invasion, car theft, car-jacking, burglary, assault and battery.

I am concerned with this because two of my married daughters live in New York, one in Brooklyn and one in Queens. Their husbands are good men, but they work and cannot be home all the time.

If such a job action takes place I would strongly advise Whites (and peaceful, law-abiding Blacks) in New York to avoid placing themselves in vulnerable positions -- and to make sure they have at least one firearm in the home.

This is one of the more concerning elements of this for me. A white cop cannot be blamed for avoiding or acting differently in certain situations if they think it's possible the PC Police will come after them.

Is responding to a call or doing what you know you should do worth destroying your career, your family's safety? Just that one split second of indecision can cost you your life, too.

That's where we are. All it takes is an accusation now. You can't blame an honest cop for looking the other way.


What a load of shit. Honest cops....the white ones, the black ones and all their job without fear of the "PC Police".....whoever they are.

You act as though honest cops were never falsely accused of inappropriate actions before this summer. So stupid.

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