The PC Police should apologize....

You're fanning the flames of division by posting realize that. Will you apologize? No? Interesting.

The PC Police have utilized intimidation and control and Identity Politics to isolate generations of American Blacks from society for purely political gain.
Wow...sure have been isolated. I have no idea who
LeBron James
Colin Powell
Michael Jackson
Aretha Franklin
Condi Rice
Susan Rice
Ray Rice
Glenn Rice

are. they are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo isolated.

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown.

You're fanning the flames of division by posting realize that. Will you apologize? No? Interesting.

The PC Police have utilized intimidation and control and Identity Politics to isolate generations of American Blacks from society for purely political gain.
Wow...sure have been isolated. I have no idea who
LeBron James
Colin Powell
Michael Jackson
Aretha Franklin
Condi Rice
Susan Rice
Ray Rice
Glenn Rice

are. they are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo isolated.

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown.

Wow, you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about.

Not a clue.

Holy crap.

Never mind.



You're fanning the flames of division by posting realize that. Will you apologize? No? Interesting.

The PC Police have utilized intimidation and control and Identity Politics to isolate generations of American Blacks from society for purely political gain.
Wow...sure have been isolated. I have no idea who
LeBron James
Colin Powell
Michael Jackson
Aretha Franklin
Condi Rice
Susan Rice
Ray Rice
Glenn Rice

are. they are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo isolated.

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown.

Wow, you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about.

Not a clue.

Holy crap.

Never mind.



You said blacks were isolated. I pointed out how they are not. Sorry.

You're fanning the flames of division by posting realize that. Will you apologize? No? Interesting.

The PC Police have utilized intimidation and control and Identity Politics to isolate generations of American Blacks from society for purely political gain.
Wow...sure have been isolated. I have no idea who
LeBron James
Colin Powell
Michael Jackson
Aretha Franklin
Condi Rice
Susan Rice
Ray Rice
Glenn Rice

are. they are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo isolated.

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown.

Wow, you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about.

Not a clue.

Holy crap.

Never mind.



You said blacks were isolated. I pointed out how they are not. Sorry.

You bet, absolutely.

You know who LeBron James is, so my comment about American Blacks being isolated is absolutely crazy.


You're fanning the flames of division by posting realize that. Will you apologize? No? Interesting.

The PC Police have utilized intimidation and control and Identity Politics to isolate generations of American Blacks from society for purely political gain.
Wow...sure have been isolated. I have no idea who
LeBron James
Colin Powell
Michael Jackson
Aretha Franklin
Condi Rice
Susan Rice
Ray Rice
Glenn Rice

are. they are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo isolated.

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown.

Wow, you have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about.

Not a clue.

Holy crap.

Never mind.



You said blacks were isolated. I pointed out how they are not. Sorry.

You bet, absolutely.

You know who LeBron James is, so my comment about American Blacks being isolated is absolutely crazy.



Your point is absolutely crazy.

Again, I recall a time when black cabinet secretaries were an anomaly. Today they are not.
Again, I recall a time when black quarterbacks were an anomaly. Today they are not.
Again, I recall a time when black newsmen, chiefs of police, or head coaches were an anomaly. Today they are not.

The amount of "isolation" seems to be how little attention is being paid to the problems in the black community. If that was the point you were desperately and futilely reaching for, you're welcome. I made it for you.

One thing is pretty clear however, the problems in the black community are best (and in most cases can only be) solved by blacks. Pretending that I understand the racism, the foregone conclusions that come along with stereotypes, and the deck being stacked against me at most every turn is silly.
One thing is pretty clear however, the problems in the black community are best (and in most cases can only be) solved by blacks. Pretending that I understand the racism, the foregone conclusions that come along with stereotypes, and the deck being stacked against me at most every turn is silly.
Black mathematicians, scientists and academics in anything but liberal arts are anomalies still.
HE PUT EVERYONE ON THE STAND WHAT IS IT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND? Why do you think everyone in the world is too stupid to weed out fact from fiction except you?

Except you don't put people on the stand that your investigation shows to be have been lying. that's the problem here. OR at least you challenge them.

Clearly, McCollough wanted to avoid a trial, and he didn't want to take the responsiblity for doing it. So his solution was to pollute the proceedings as much as possible.
like what?.....if the person just goes right back to stealing because a slap on the wrist does not hurt and knows thats what he is going to get.....what should be done Joe?....maybe knowing you are going to that prison for a few years might be the incentive one needs not to steal........

Maybe we need to ask the Germans and the Brits how they manage to have less crime than we do while only locking up 68,000 or 78,000 people.

But clearly, what we are doing, sending people to prison for life because they stole a slice of pizza, that's just nucking futz.
They'll take the credit for any victories, and they'll avoid the blame for any tragedies.

Yes, they should take credit for changes in policy.

They aren't responsible for what one suicidal guy does on his way out.

I'd still like to know where this guy go t a gun from.

Criminals will always find a way to get a gun. Always. And that will never change. Ever.

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.


Except in Europe where Criminals find it very hard to get and hold on to a gun. While there is some gun violence it is so low that Police in UK and Ireland aren't even armed. And there is no real call for them to be armed either. So you presumption is dead wrong.

Any way here is your argument back in another way...

"Criminals will always find a way to Murder. Always. And that will never change. Ever.

When Murders are outlawed, only outlaws will Murder. "

Do we feel stupid now?
The PC Police have utilized intimidation and control and Identity Politics to isolate generations of American Blacks from society for purely political gain.

I posted a link to an article.

Will you apologize? No? Interesting.

Is it your argument that black folks wouldn't notice racism if the PC Police weren't pointing it out?

What isolates blacks is racism, not political correctness.
WHO should take responsibility Mac? You are trying to manufacture an issue here.

The first responsibility goes to the shooter, as always. You then look at events that may have provided the shooter with his "excuse", his perceived motivation, the environment in which they exist. He provided that motivation when, on his Instagram account, he wrote "I'm putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours, let's take 2 of theirs."

Some are choosing to pretend that this has nothing to do with the racial tensions surrounding recent events (an example of which would be the crowd shouting "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now"), and that those who leverage Political Correctness have nothing to do with the racial tensions.

It's my opinion that those people are lying.


I don't support the protesters who called for dead cops. But who is fanning the flames? There is no excuse for what Fox News did to try to pin that NYC march on the peaceful march Al Sharpton led in Washington DC.

If you need to assign secondary blame, it falls squarely on Fox News...

Fox & Friends Airs Misleading Footage To Suggest Al Sharpton Led Protesters Calling For "Dead Cops"
Fox's Clayton Morris: Al Sharpton Is "Calling To Kill Cops"


Fox & Friends Sunday repeatedly spliced footage of Al Sharpton speaking at a Washington, D.C. "Justice for All" march with footage from a separate event in New York City where some in the crowd chanted for "dead cops" to claim Sharpton is "calling to kill cops."

The December 14 edition of Fox & Friends Sunday opened with video from a December 13 march in New York City where some protesters chanted, "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now." Co-host Anna Kooiman set up the footage by saying, "Thousands march with Al Sharpton against the police," and later promised "more from Sharpton's 'March for Justice.'"

But the footage of protesters chanting anti-police slogans was not from Sharpton's December 13 march, which The Washington Post described as a "peaceful civil rights march led by families of the slain and organized by the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network."

In a later segment flagged by liberal news site Raw Story, Fox sandwiched -- without explanation -- a clip of the "dead cops" chant in between two clips of Sharpton speaking at the "Justice for All" rally, conflating the two events.

Although an on-screen graphic identified the "dead cop" chant as coming from the New York City protest, co-host Tucker Carlson strongly implied that all the footage shown was from Sharpton's event, stating, "Huh. So the first clip you heard people are saying, 'We want the cops dead.' And the second you heard Al Sharpton say 'We're not against the police.'"

Fox's ongoing circus act surely adds to the animosity. But this is not the same as what is happening on the other side of this issue. Unfair accusations of racism do, too, especially when it's crammed in the face of everyone and anyone who is trying to have a "conversation about race". Street protests will always add an element of danger, and there are plenty on the Left who will say essentially anything. Then these same people are defended by the Left.

The two are not the same. Fox babbles. The PC Police act, intimidate, punish.


Fox is the one adding fuel to the fire. Accusations of racism have some basis. And I blame St. Louis Prosecutor Robert McCulloch for manipulating and abusing the Grand Jury process in the Brown shooting. If Wilson had stood trial and then found innocent, it would have been more acceptable.

The prosecutor, who is a democrat, went out of his way to ensure impartiality. You just don't like what Brown's peers decided and would rather have a nation dividing trial which would have ended the same way only 2 years later and a whole pile of money. And if they did have a trial and found him innocent you still would not find it acceptable, in my opinion.

The prosecutor went out of his way to show partiality that made sure Wilson didn't stand trial. This was a travesty of 'justice'. The SOLE role of a Grand Jury is to decide 'just cause' to elevate a case to trial.

The fact that some witnesses said Brown had his hands in the air when he was shot is just cause.

Most 'targets' (Wilson) of a Grand Jury investigation aren't even aware they are under investigation. And targets don't get to testify for hours UNCHALLENGED by cross examination.

It boggles the mind just how warped the right wing mind is...
The first responsibility goes to the shooter, as always. You then look at events that may have provided the shooter with his "excuse", his perceived motivation, the environment in which they exist. He provided that motivation when, on his Instagram account, he wrote "I'm putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours, let's take 2 of theirs."

Some are choosing to pretend that this has nothing to do with the racial tensions surrounding recent events (an example of which would be the crowd shouting "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now"), and that those who leverage Political Correctness have nothing to do with the racial tensions.

It's my opinion that those people are lying.


I don't support the protesters who called for dead cops. But who is fanning the flames? There is no excuse for what Fox News did to try to pin that NYC march on the peaceful march Al Sharpton led in Washington DC.

If you need to assign secondary blame, it falls squarely on Fox News...

Fox & Friends Airs Misleading Footage To Suggest Al Sharpton Led Protesters Calling For "Dead Cops"
Fox's Clayton Morris: Al Sharpton Is "Calling To Kill Cops"


Fox & Friends Sunday repeatedly spliced footage of Al Sharpton speaking at a Washington, D.C. "Justice for All" march with footage from a separate event in New York City where some in the crowd chanted for "dead cops" to claim Sharpton is "calling to kill cops."

The December 14 edition of Fox & Friends Sunday opened with video from a December 13 march in New York City where some protesters chanted, "What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now." Co-host Anna Kooiman set up the footage by saying, "Thousands march with Al Sharpton against the police," and later promised "more from Sharpton's 'March for Justice.'"

But the footage of protesters chanting anti-police slogans was not from Sharpton's December 13 march, which The Washington Post described as a "peaceful civil rights march led by families of the slain and organized by the Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network."

In a later segment flagged by liberal news site Raw Story, Fox sandwiched -- without explanation -- a clip of the "dead cops" chant in between two clips of Sharpton speaking at the "Justice for All" rally, conflating the two events.

Although an on-screen graphic identified the "dead cop" chant as coming from the New York City protest, co-host Tucker Carlson strongly implied that all the footage shown was from Sharpton's event, stating, "Huh. So the first clip you heard people are saying, 'We want the cops dead.' And the second you heard Al Sharpton say 'We're not against the police.'"

Fox's ongoing circus act surely adds to the animosity. But this is not the same as what is happening on the other side of this issue. Unfair accusations of racism do, too, especially when it's crammed in the face of everyone and anyone who is trying to have a "conversation about race". Street protests will always add an element of danger, and there are plenty on the Left who will say essentially anything. Then these same people are defended by the Left.

The two are not the same. Fox babbles. The PC Police act, intimidate, punish.


Fox is the one adding fuel to the fire. Accusations of racism have some basis. And I blame St. Louis Prosecutor Robert McCulloch for manipulating and abusing the Grand Jury process in the Brown shooting. If Wilson had stood trial and then found innocent, it would have been more acceptable.

The prosecutor, who is a democrat, went out of his way to ensure impartiality. You just don't like what Brown's peers decided and would rather have a nation dividing trial which would have ended the same way only 2 years later and a whole pile of money. And if they did have a trial and found him innocent you still would not find it acceptable, in my opinion.

The prosecutor went out of his way to show partiality that made sure Wilson didn't stand trial. This was a travesty of 'justice'. The SOLE role of a Grand Jury is to decide 'just cause' to elevate a case to trial.

The fact that some witnesses said Brown had his hands in the air when he was shot is just cause.

Most 'targets' (Wilson) of a Grand Jury investigation aren't even aware they are under investigation. And targets don't get to testify for hours UNCHALLENGED by cross examination.

It boggles the mind just how warped the right wing mind is...
The Brown "witnesses" admitted they told false information. Some admitted they weren't even there, at the time of the shooting. You're a dumbass.

That march was nothing more than a drop in bucket. The PC Police have been dividing Americans, isolating Black Americans and fanning the flames of racial tension for political advantage for generations now. They have made a bad situation far worse, and they will never admit it.


You have taken this same line of thinking before. It is absurd. So what you are calling for is SILENCE!!!!

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